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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN">
+<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Pnmnorm User Manual</TITLE></HEAD>
+Updated: 6 January 2006
+<A HREF="#index">Table Of Contents</A>
+pnmnorm - normalize the contrast in a Netbpm image
+<H2 id="synopsis">SYNOPSIS</H2>
+[<B>-bpercent=</B><I>N</I> | <B>-bvalue=</B><I>N</I>]
+[<B>-wpercent=</B><I>N</I> | <B>-wvalue=</B><I>N</I>]
+[<B>-luminosity</B> | <B>-colorvalue</B> | <B>-saturation</B>]
+<P>All options can be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
+You may use two hyphens instead of one to designate an option.  You
+may use either white space or an equals sign between an option name
+and its value.
+<H2 id="description">DESCRIPTION</H2>
+<p>This program is part of <a href="index.html">Netpbm</a>.
+<p><b>pnmnorm</b> reads a PNM image (PBM, PGM, or PPM).  It normalizes
+the contrast by forcing the brightest pixels to white, the darkest
+pixels to black, and linearly rescaling the ones in between; and
+produces the same kind of file as output.  This is pretty useless for
+a PBM image.
+<P>The program first determines a mapping of old brightness to new
+brightness.  For each possible brightness of a pixel, the program
+determines a corresponding brightness for the output image.
+<P>Then for each pixel in the image, the program computes a color which has
+the desired output brightness and puts that in the output.  With a color
+image, it is not always possible to compute such a color and retain any
+semblance of the original hue, so the brightest and dimmest pixels may only
+approximate the desired brightness.
+<p>For a PPM image, you have a choice of three different ways to
+define brightness:
+<li>color value
+In the case of saturation, &quot;brightness&quot; is pretty much a
+misnomer, but you can use the brightness analogy to see what it does.
+In the analogy, bright means saturated and dark means unsaturated.
+<P>Note that all of these are different from separately normalizing
+the individual color components.
+<p>An alternative way to spread out the brightnesses in an image is
+<b>pnmhisteq</b>.  <b>pnmhisteq</b> stretches the brightest pixels to
+white and the darkest pixels to black, but rather than linearly
+adjusting the ones in between, it adjusts them so that there are an
+equal number of pixels of each brightness throughout the range.  This
+gives you more contrast than <b>pnmnorm</b> does, but can considerably
+change the picture in exchange.
+<H2 id="options">OPTIONS</H2>
+<P>By default, the darkest 2 percent of all pixels are mapped to
+black, and the brightest 1 percent are mapped to white.  You can
+override these percentages by using the <B>-bpercent</B> and
+<B>-wpercent</B> options, or you can specify the exact pixel values to
+be mapped by using the <B>-bvalue</B> and <B>-wvalue</B> options.
+You can get appropriate numbers for the options from
+<b>ppmhist</b>.  If you just want to enhance the contrast, then
+choose values at elbows in the histogram; e.g. if value 29 represents
+3% of the image but value 30 represents 20%, choose 30 for
+<I>bvalue</I>.  If you want to brighten the image, then set
+<I>bvalue</I> to 0 and just fiddle with <I>wvalue</I>; similarly, to
+darken the image, set <I>wvalue</I> to maxval and play with
+<p>If you specify both <b>-bvalue</b> and <b>-bpercent</b>, <b>pnmnorm</b>
+uses the one that produces the least change.  The same goes for
+<b>-wvalue</b> and <b>-wpercent</b>.
+<p>If you want to maximize the change instead of minimizing it, just
+cascade two runs of <b>pnmnorm</b>, specifying values for the first
+and percentages for the second.
+<p>This is further constrained by the <b>-maxexpand</b> option.
+Sometimes, too much contrast is a bad thing.  If your intensities are
+all concentrated in the middle, <b>-bpercent=2</b> and
+<b>-wpercent=1</b> might mean that an intensity of 60 gets stretched
+up to 100 and and intensity of 40 gets stretched down to zero, for a
+range expansion of 150% (from a range of 40 to a range of 100).  That
+much stretching means two adjacent pixels that used to differ in
+intensity by 4 units now differ by 10, and that might be unsightly.
+<p>So that you can put a limit on the amount of expansion without
+having to examine the image first, there is the <b>-maxexpand</b>
+option.  It specifies the maximum expansion you will tolerate, as an
+additional per centage.  In the example above, you could say
+<b>-maxexpand=50</b> to say you want the range to expand by at most
+50%, regardless of your other options.  <b>pnmnorm</b> figures out
+what intensity to stretch to full intensity and what intensity to
+stretch to zero intensity as described above, and then raises the
+former and lowers the latter as needed to limit the expansion to the
+amount you specified.
+<p>When <b>pnmnorm</b> limits the expansion due to <b>-maxexpand</b>,
+it tells you about it with a message like this:
+    limiting expansion of 150% to 50%
+<p>In any case, <b>pnmnorm</b> tells you exactly what expansion it's
+doing, like this:
+    remapping 25..75 to 0..100
+<p>Before Netpbm 10.26 (December 2004), it was not valid to specify both
+<b>-bvalue</b> and <b>-bpercent</b> or <b>-wvalue</b> and <b>-wpercent</b>.
+<p><b>-maxexpand</b> was new in Netpbm 10.32 (February 2006).
+<P>The <B>-keephues</B> option says to keep each pixel the same hue as
+it is in the input; just adjust its brightness.  You normally want this;
+the only reason it is not the default behavior is backward compatibility
+with a design mistake.
+<p>By default, <B>pnmnorm</B> normalizes contrast in each component
+independently (except that the meaning of the <B>-wpercent</B> and
+<B>-bpercent</B> options are based on the overall brightnesses of the
+colors, not each component taken separately).  So if you have a color
+which is intensely red but dimly green, <B>pnmnorm</B> would make the
+red more intense and the green less intense, so you end up with a
+different hue than you started with.
+<P>If you specify <B>-keephues</B>, <B>pnmnorm</B> would likely leave
+this pixel alone, since its overall brightness is medium.
+<P><B>-keephues</B> can cause clipping, because a certain color may be
+below a target intensity while one of its components is saturated.
+Where that's the case, <B>pnmnorm</B> uses the maximum representable
+intensity for the saturated component and the pixel ends up with less
+overall intensity, and a different hue, than it is supposed to have.
+<P>This option is meaningless on grayscale images.
+<p>When you <em>don't</em> specify <b>-keephues</b>, the
+<b>-luminosity</b>, <b>-colorvalue</b>, and <b>-saturation</b> options
+affect the transfer function (which is the same for all three RGB
+components), but are meaningless when it comes to applying the
+transfer function (since it is applied to each individual RGB
+<P>Before Netpbm 9.25 (March 2002), there was no <B>-keephues</B> option.
+<p><b>-luminosity</b>, <b>-colorvalue</b>, and <b>-saturation</b> determine
+what property of the pixels <b>pnmnorm</b> normalizes.  I.e., what kind of
+brightness.  You cannot specify more than one of these.
+<P>The <B>-luminosity</B> option says to use the luminosity (i.e. the
+&quot;Y&quot; in the YUV or YCbCr color space) as the pixel's brightness.  The
+luminosity is a measure of how bright a human eye would find the color,
+taking into account the fact that the human eye is more sensitive to some
+RGB components than others.
+<p>This option is default.
+<P>This option is meaningless on grayscale images.
+<P>Before Netpbm 10.28 (August 2005), there was no <B>-luminosity</B> option,
+but its meaning was still the default.
+<P>Before Netpbm 10.28 (August 2005), there was no <B>-colorvalue</B> option.
+<P>The <B>-colorvalue</B> option says to use the color value (i.e. the
+&quot;V&quot; in the HSV color space) as the pixel's brightness.  The
+color value is the gamma-adjusted intensity of the most intense RGB
+<P>This option is meaningless on grayscale images.
+<P>Before Netpbm 10.28 (August 2005), there was no <B>-colorvalue</B> option.
+<p>The <b>-saturation</b> option says to use the saturation (i.e. the
+&quot;S&quot; in the HSV color space) as the pixel's brightness.  The
+saturation is the ratio of the intensity of the most intense RGB
+component to the difference between the intensities of the most and least
+intense RGB component (all intensities gamma-adjusted).
+<p>In this case, &quot;brightness&quot; is more of a metaphor than anything.
+&quot;bright&quot; means saturated and &quot;dark&quot; means unsaturated.
+<p>This option is meaningless on grayscale images.
+<P>Before Netpbm 10.28 (August 2005), there was no <B>-colorvalue</B> option.
+<H2 id="seealso">SEE ALSO</H2>
+<B><A HREF="pnmhisteq.html">pnmhisteq</A></B>,
+<B><A HREF="ppmhist.html">ppmhist</A></B>,
+<B><A HREF="pgmhist.html">pgmhist</A></B>,
+<B><A HREF="pnmgamma.html">pnmgamma</A></B>,
+<B><A HREF="ppmbrighten.html">ppmbrighten</A></B>,
+<B><A HREF="ppmdim.html">ppmdim</A></B>,
+<B><A HREF="pnm.html">pnm</A></B>
+<A NAME="index">&nbsp;</A>
+<H2>Table Of Contents</H2>