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1 files changed, 973 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/other/pnmcolormap.c b/other/pnmcolormap.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4776001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/other/pnmcolormap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,973 @@
+                               pnmcolormap.c
+  Create a colormap file (a PPM image containing one pixel of each of a set
+  of colors).  Base the set of colors on an input image.
+  For PGM input, do the equivalent for grayscale and produce a PGM graymap.
+  By Bryan Henderson, San Jose, CA 2001.12.17
+  Derived from ppmquant, originally by Jef Poskanzer.
+  Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
+  Copyright (C) 2001 by Bryan Henderson.
+  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+  documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
+  that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+  copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+  documentation.  This software is provided "as is" without express or
+  implied warranty.
+#include <math.h>
+#include "pam.h"
+#include "pammap.h"
+#include "shhopt.h"
+#include "mallocvar.h"
+#include "nstring.h"
+enum methodForLargest {LARGE_NORM, LARGE_LUM};
+typedef struct box* boxVector;
+struct box {
+    int ind;
+    int colors;
+    int sum;
+struct cmdlineInfo {
+    /* All the information the user supplied in the command line,
+       in a form easy for the program to use.
+    */
+    const char *inputFilespec;  /* Filespec of input file */
+    unsigned int allcolors;  /* boolean: select all colors from the input */
+    unsigned int newcolors;    
+        /* Number of colors argument; meaningless if allcolors true */
+    enum methodForLargest methodForLargest; 
+        /* -spreadintensity/-spreadluminosity options */
+    enum methodForRep methodForRep;
+        /* -center/-meancolor/-meanpixel options */
+    unsigned int sort;
+    unsigned int square;
+    unsigned int verbose;
+static void
+parseCommandLine (int argc, char ** argv,
+                  struct cmdlineInfo *cmdlineP) {
+   parse program command line described in Unix standard form by argc
+   and argv.  Return the information in the options as *cmdlineP.  
+   If command line is internally inconsistent (invalid options, etc.),
+   issue error message to stderr and abort program.
+   Note that the strings we return are stored in the storage that
+   was passed to us as the argv array.  We also trash *argv.
+    optEntry *option_def;
+        /* Instructions to optParseOptions3 on how to parse our options.
+         */
+    optStruct3 opt;
+    unsigned int option_def_index;
+    unsigned int spreadbrightness, spreadluminosity;
+    unsigned int center, meancolor, meanpixel;
+    MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(option_def, 100);
+    option_def_index = 0;   /* incremented by OPTENT3 */
+    OPTENT3(0,   "spreadbrightness", OPT_FLAG,   
+            NULL,                       &spreadbrightness, 0);
+    OPTENT3(0,   "spreadluminosity", OPT_FLAG,   
+            NULL,                       &spreadluminosity, 0);
+    OPTENT3(0,   "center",           OPT_FLAG,   
+            NULL,                       &center,           0);
+    OPTENT3(0,   "meancolor",        OPT_FLAG,   
+            NULL,                       &meancolor,        0);
+    OPTENT3(0,   "meanpixel",        OPT_FLAG,   
+            NULL,                       &meanpixel,        0);
+    OPTENT3(0, "sort",     OPT_FLAG,   NULL,                  
+            &cmdlineP->sort,       0 );
+    OPTENT3(0, "square",   OPT_FLAG,   NULL,                  
+            &cmdlineP->square,       0 );
+    OPTENT3(0, "verbose",   OPT_FLAG,   NULL,                  
+            &cmdlineP->verbose,       0 );
+    opt.opt_table = option_def;
+    opt.short_allowed = FALSE;  /* We have no short (old-fashioned) options */
+    opt.allowNegNum = FALSE;  /* We have no parms that are negative numbers */
+    optParseOptions3( &argc, argv, opt, sizeof(opt), 0 );
+        /* Uses and sets argc, argv, and some of *cmdline_p and others. */
+    if (spreadbrightness && spreadluminosity) 
+        pm_error("You cannot specify both -spreadbrightness and "
+                 "spreadluminosity.");
+    if (spreadluminosity)
+        cmdlineP->methodForLargest = LARGE_LUM;
+    else
+        cmdlineP->methodForLargest = LARGE_NORM;
+    if (center + meancolor + meanpixel > 1)
+        pm_error("You can specify only one of -center, -meancolor, and "
+                 "-meanpixel.");
+    if (meancolor)
+        cmdlineP->methodForRep = REP_AVERAGE_COLORS;
+    else if (meanpixel) 
+        cmdlineP->methodForRep = REP_AVERAGE_PIXELS;
+    else
+        cmdlineP->methodForRep = REP_CENTER_BOX;
+    if (argc-1 > 2)
+        pm_error("Program takes at most two arguments: number of colors "
+                 "and input file specification.  "
+                 "You specified %d arguments.", argc-1);
+    else {
+        if (argc-1 < 2)
+            cmdlineP->inputFilespec = "-";
+        else
+            cmdlineP->inputFilespec = argv[2];
+        if (argc-1 < 1)
+            pm_error("You must specify the number of colors in the "
+                     "output as an argument.");
+        else {
+            if (strcmp(argv[1], "all") == 0)
+                cmdlineP->allcolors = TRUE;
+            else {
+                char * tail;
+                long int const newcolors = strtol(argv[1], &tail, 10);
+                if (*tail != '\0')
+                    pm_error("The number of colors argument '%s' is not "
+                             "a number or 'all'", argv[1]);
+                else if (newcolors < 1)
+                    pm_error("The number of colors must be positive");
+                else if (newcolors == 1)
+                    pm_error("The number of colors must be greater than 1.");
+                else {
+                    cmdlineP->newcolors = newcolors;
+                    cmdlineP->allcolors = FALSE;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+typedef int qsort_comparison_fn(const void *, const void *);
+    /* A collation function to be used as argument to qsort() */
+static qsort_comparison_fn compareplane;
+static unsigned int compareplanePlane;
+    /* This is a parameter to compareplane().  We use this global variable
+       so that compareplane() can be called by qsort(), to compare two
+       tuples.  qsort() doesn't pass any arguments except the two tuples.
+    */
+static int
+compareplane(const void * const arg1, 
+             const void * const arg2) {
+    const struct tupleint * const * const comparandPP  = arg1;
+    const struct tupleint * const * const comparatorPP = arg2;
+    return (*comparandPP)->tuple[compareplanePlane] -
+        (*comparatorPP)->tuple[compareplanePlane];
+static qsort_comparison_fn sumcompare;
+static int
+sumcompare(const void * const b1, const void * const b2) {
+    return(((boxVector)b2)->sum - ((boxVector)b1)->sum);
+** Here is the fun part, the median-cut colormap generator.  This is based
+** on Paul Heckbert's paper "Color Image Quantization for Frame Buffer
+** Display", SIGGRAPH '82 Proceedings, page 297.
+static tupletable2
+newColorMap(unsigned int const newcolors,
+            unsigned int const depth) {
+    tupletable2 colormap;
+    unsigned int i;
+    struct pam pam;
+    pam.depth = depth;
+    colormap.table = pnm_alloctupletable(&pam, newcolors);
+    for (i = 0; i < newcolors; ++i) {
+        unsigned int plane;
+        for (plane = 0; plane < depth; ++plane) 
+            colormap.table[i]->tuple[plane] = 0;
+    }
+    colormap.size = newcolors;
+    return colormap;
+static boxVector
+newBoxVector(int const colors, int const sum, int const newcolors) {
+    boxVector bv;
+    MALLOCARRAY(bv, newcolors);
+    if (bv == NULL)
+        pm_error("out of memory allocating box vector table");
+    /* Set up the initial box. */
+    bv[0].ind = 0;
+    bv[0].colors = colors;
+    bv[0].sum = sum;
+    return bv;
+static void
+findBoxBoundaries(tupletable2  const colorfreqtable,
+                  unsigned int const depth,
+                  unsigned int const boxStart,
+                  unsigned int const boxSize,
+                  sample             minval[],
+                  sample             maxval[]) {
+  Go through the box finding the minimum and maximum of each
+  component - the boundaries of the box.
+    unsigned int plane;
+    unsigned int i;
+    for (plane = 0; plane < depth; ++plane) {
+        minval[plane] = colorfreqtable.table[boxStart]->tuple[plane];
+        maxval[plane] = minval[plane];
+    }
+    for (i = 1; i < boxSize; ++i) {
+        unsigned int plane;
+        for (plane = 0; plane < depth; ++plane) {
+            sample const v = colorfreqtable.table[boxStart + i]->tuple[plane];
+            if (v < minval[plane]) minval[plane] = v;
+            if (v > maxval[plane]) maxval[plane] = v;
+        } 
+    }
+static unsigned int
+largestByNorm(sample minval[], sample maxval[], unsigned int const depth) {
+    unsigned int largestDimension;
+    unsigned int plane;
+    sample largestSpreadSoFar = 0;  
+    largestDimension = 0;
+    for (plane = 0; plane < depth; ++plane) {
+        sample const spread = maxval[plane]-minval[plane];
+        if (spread > largestSpreadSoFar) {
+            largestDimension = plane;
+            largestSpreadSoFar = spread;
+        }
+    }
+    return largestDimension;
+static unsigned int 
+largestByLuminosity(sample minval[], sample maxval[], 
+                    unsigned int const depth) {
+   This subroutine presumes that the tuple type is either 
+   BLACKANDWHITE, GRAYSCALE, or RGB (which implies pamP->depth is 1 or 3).
+   To save time, we don't actually check it.
+    unsigned int retval;
+    if (depth == 1)
+        retval = 0;
+    else {
+        /* An RGB tuple */
+        unsigned int largestDimension;
+        unsigned int plane;
+        double largestSpreadSoFar;
+        largestSpreadSoFar = 0.0;
+        for (plane = 0; plane < 3; ++plane) {
+            double const spread = 
+                pnm_lumin_factor[plane] * (maxval[plane]-minval[plane]);
+            if (spread > largestSpreadSoFar) {
+                largestDimension = plane;
+                largestSpreadSoFar = spread;
+            }
+        }
+        retval = largestDimension;
+    }
+    return retval;
+static void
+centerBox(int          const boxStart,
+          int          const boxSize,
+          tupletable2  const colorfreqtable, 
+          unsigned int const depth,
+          tuple        const newTuple) {
+    unsigned int plane;
+    for (plane = 0; plane < depth; ++plane) {
+        int minval, maxval;
+        unsigned int i;
+        minval = maxval = colorfreqtable.table[boxStart]->tuple[plane];
+        for (i = 1; i < boxSize; ++i) {
+            int const v = colorfreqtable.table[boxStart + i]->tuple[plane];
+            minval = MIN( minval, v);
+            maxval = MAX( maxval, v);
+        }
+        newTuple[plane] = (minval + maxval) / 2;
+    }
+static void
+averageColors(int          const boxStart,
+              int          const boxSize,
+              tupletable2  const colorfreqtable, 
+              unsigned int const depth,
+              tuple        const newTuple) {
+    unsigned int plane;
+    for (plane = 0; plane < depth; ++plane) {
+        sample sum;
+        int i;
+        sum = 0;
+        for (i = 0; i < boxSize; ++i) 
+            sum += colorfreqtable.table[boxStart+i]->tuple[plane];
+        newTuple[plane] = sum / boxSize;
+    }
+static void
+averagePixels(int          const boxStart,
+              int          const boxSize,
+              tupletable2  const colorfreqtable, 
+              unsigned int const depth,
+              tuple        const newTuple) {
+    unsigned int n;
+        /* Number of tuples represented by the box */
+    unsigned int plane;
+    unsigned int i;
+    /* Count the tuples in question */
+    n = 0;  /* initial value */
+    for (i = 0; i < boxSize; ++i)
+        n += colorfreqtable.table[boxStart + i]->value;
+    for (plane = 0; plane < depth; ++plane) {
+        sample sum;
+        int i;
+        sum = 0;
+        for (i = 0; i < boxSize; ++i) 
+            sum += colorfreqtable.table[boxStart+i]->tuple[plane]
+                * colorfreqtable.table[boxStart+i]->value;
+        newTuple[plane] = sum / n;
+    }
+static tupletable2
+colormapFromBv(unsigned int      const newcolors,
+               boxVector         const bv, 
+               unsigned int      const boxes,
+               tupletable2       const colorfreqtable, 
+               unsigned int      const depth,
+               enum methodForRep const methodForRep) {
+    /*
+    ** Ok, we've got enough boxes.  Now choose a representative color for
+    ** each box.  There are a number of possible ways to make this choice.
+    ** One would be to choose the center of the box; this ignores any structure
+    ** within the boxes.  Another method would be to average all the colors in
+    ** the box - this is the method specified in Heckbert's paper.  A third
+    ** method is to average all the pixels in the box. 
+    */
+    tupletable2 colormap;
+    unsigned int bi;
+    colormap = newColorMap(newcolors, depth);
+    for (bi = 0; bi < boxes; ++bi) {
+        switch (methodForRep) {
+        case REP_CENTER_BOX: 
+            centerBox(bv[bi].ind, bv[bi].colors, colorfreqtable, depth, 
+                      colormap.table[bi]->tuple);
+            break;
+        case REP_AVERAGE_COLORS:
+            averageColors(bv[bi].ind, bv[bi].colors, colorfreqtable, depth,
+                          colormap.table[bi]->tuple);
+            break;
+        case REP_AVERAGE_PIXELS:
+            averagePixels(bv[bi].ind, bv[bi].colors, colorfreqtable, depth,
+                          colormap.table[bi]->tuple);
+            break;
+        default:
+            pm_error("Internal error: invalid value of methodForRep: %d",
+                     methodForRep);
+        }
+    }
+    return colormap;
+static unsigned int
+freqTotal(tupletable2 const freqtable) {
+    unsigned int i;
+    unsigned int sum;
+    sum = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < freqtable.size; ++i)
+        sum += freqtable.table[i]->value;
+    return sum;
+static void
+splitBox(boxVector             const bv, 
+         unsigned int *        const boxesP, 
+         unsigned int          const bi,
+         tupletable2           const colorfreqtable, 
+         unsigned int          const depth,
+         enum methodForLargest const methodForLargest) {
+   Split Box 'bi' in the box vector bv (so that bv contains one more box
+   than it did as input).  Split it so that each new box represents about
+   half of the pixels in the distribution given by 'colorfreqtable' for 
+   the colors in the original box, but with distinct colors in each of the
+   two new boxes.
+   Assume the box contains at least two colors.
+    unsigned int const boxStart = bv[bi].ind;
+    unsigned int const boxSize  = bv[bi].colors;
+    unsigned int const sm       = bv[bi].sum;
+    sample * minval;  /* malloc'ed array */
+    sample * maxval;  /* malloc'ed array */
+    unsigned int largestDimension;
+        /* number of the plane with the largest spread */
+    unsigned int medianIndex;
+    int lowersum;
+        /* Number of pixels whose value is "less than" the median */
+    MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(minval, depth);
+    MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(maxval, depth);
+    findBoxBoundaries(colorfreqtable, depth, boxStart, boxSize, 
+                      minval, maxval);
+    /* Find the largest dimension, and sort by that component.  I have
+       included two methods for determining the "largest" dimension;
+       first by simply comparing the range in RGB space, and second by
+       transforming into luminosities before the comparison.
+    */
+    switch (methodForLargest) {
+    case LARGE_NORM: 
+        largestDimension = largestByNorm(minval, maxval, depth);
+        break;
+    case LARGE_LUM: 
+        largestDimension = largestByLuminosity(minval, maxval, depth);
+        break;
+    }
+    /* TODO: I think this sort should go after creating a box,
+       not before splitting.  Because you need the sort to use
+       the REP_CENTER_BOX method of choosing a color to
+       represent the final boxes 
+    */
+    /* Set the gross global variable 'compareplanePlane' as a
+       parameter to compareplane(), which is called by qsort().
+    */
+    compareplanePlane = largestDimension;
+    qsort((char*) &colorfreqtable.table[boxStart], boxSize, 
+          sizeof(colorfreqtable.table[boxStart]), 
+          compareplane);
+    {
+        /* Now find the median based on the counts, so that about half
+           the pixels (not colors, pixels) are in each subdivision.  */
+        unsigned int i;
+        lowersum = colorfreqtable.table[boxStart]->value; /* initial value */
+        for (i = 1; i < boxSize - 1 && lowersum < sm/2; ++i) {
+            lowersum += colorfreqtable.table[boxStart + i]->value;
+        }
+        medianIndex = i;
+    }
+    /* Split the box, and sort to bring the biggest boxes to the top.  */
+    bv[bi].colors = medianIndex;
+    bv[bi].sum = lowersum;
+    bv[*boxesP].ind = boxStart + medianIndex;
+    bv[*boxesP].colors = boxSize - medianIndex;
+    bv[*boxesP].sum = sm - lowersum;
+    ++(*boxesP);
+    qsort((char*) bv, *boxesP, sizeof(struct box), sumcompare);
+    free(minval); free(maxval);
+static void
+mediancut(tupletable2           const colorfreqtable, 
+          unsigned int          const depth,
+          int                   const newcolors,
+          enum methodForLargest const methodForLargest,
+          enum methodForRep     const methodForRep,
+          tupletable2 *         const colormapP) {
+   Compute a set of only 'newcolors' colors that best represent an
+   image whose pixels are summarized by the histogram
+   'colorfreqtable'.  Each tuple in that table has depth 'depth'.
+   colorfreqtable.table[i] tells the number of pixels in the subject image
+   have a particular color.
+   As a side effect, sort 'colorfreqtable'.
+    boxVector bv;
+    unsigned int bi;
+    unsigned int boxes;
+    bool multicolorBoxesExist;
+        /* There is at least one box that contains at least 2 colors; ergo,
+           there is more splitting we can do.
+        */
+    bv = newBoxVector(colorfreqtable.size, freqTotal(colorfreqtable),
+                      newcolors);
+    boxes = 1;
+    multicolorBoxesExist = (colorfreqtable.size > 1);
+    /* Main loop: split boxes until we have enough. */
+    while (boxes < newcolors && multicolorBoxesExist) {
+        /* Find the first splittable box. */
+        for (bi = 0; bi < boxes && bv[bi].colors < 2; ++bi);
+        if (bi >= boxes)
+            multicolorBoxesExist = FALSE;
+        else 
+            splitBox(bv, &boxes, bi, colorfreqtable, depth, methodForLargest);
+    }
+    *colormapP = colormapFromBv(newcolors, bv, boxes, colorfreqtable, depth,
+                                methodForRep);
+    free(bv);
+static void
+validateCompatibleImage(struct pam * const inpamP,
+                        struct pam * const firstPamP,
+                        unsigned int const imageSeq) {
+    if (inpamP->depth != firstPamP->depth)
+        pm_error("Image %u depth (%u) is not the same as Image 0 (%u)",
+                 imageSeq, inpamP->depth, firstPamP->depth);
+    if (inpamP->maxval != firstPamP->maxval)
+        pm_error("Image %u maxval (%u) is not the same as Image 0 (%u)",
+                 imageSeq,
+                 (unsigned)inpamP->maxval, (unsigned)firstPamP->maxval);
+    if (inpamP->format != firstPamP->format)
+        pm_error("Image %u format (%d) is not the same as Image 0 (%d)",
+                 imageSeq, inpamP->format, firstPamP->format);
+    if (!STREQ(inpamP->tuple_type, firstPamP->tuple_type))
+        pm_error("Image %u tuple type (%s) is not the same as Image 0 (%s)",
+                 imageSeq, inpamP->tuple_type, firstPamP->tuple_type);
+static void
+addImageColorsToHash(struct pam *   const pamP,
+                     tuplehash      const tuplehash,
+                     unsigned int * const colorCountP) {
+    tuple * tuplerow;
+    unsigned int row;
+    tuplerow = pnm_allocpamrow(pamP);
+    for (row = 0; row < pamP->height; ++row) {
+        unsigned int col;
+        pnm_readpamrow(pamP, tuplerow);
+        for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; ++col) {
+            bool firstOccurrence;
+            pnm_addtuplefreqoccurrence(pamP, tuplerow[col], tuplehash,
+                                       &firstOccurrence);
+            if (firstOccurrence)
+                ++(*colorCountP);
+        }
+    }
+    pnm_freepamrow(tuplerow);
+static void
+computeHistogram(FILE *         const ifP,
+                 int *          const formatP,
+                 struct pam *   const freqPamP,
+                 tupletable2 *  const colorfreqtableP) {
+  Make a histogram of the colors in the image stream in the file '*ifP'.
+  Return as *freqPamP a description of the tuple values in the histogram.
+  Only the fields of *freqPamP that describe individual tuples are
+  meaningful (depth, maxval, tuple type);
+  As a fringe benefit, also return the format of the input file as
+  *formatP.
+    unsigned int imageSeq;
+    struct pam firstPam;
+    tuplehash tuplehash;
+    unsigned int colorCount;
+    bool eof;
+    pm_message("making histogram...");
+    tuplehash = pnm_createtuplehash();
+    colorCount = 0;
+    eof = FALSE;
+    for (imageSeq = 0; !eof; ++imageSeq) {
+        struct pam inpam;
+        pm_message("Scanning image %u", imageSeq);
+        pnm_readpaminit(ifP, &inpam, PAM_STRUCT_SIZE(tuple_type));
+        if (imageSeq == 0)
+            firstPam = inpam;
+        else
+            validateCompatibleImage(&inpam, &firstPam, imageSeq);
+        addImageColorsToHash(&inpam, tuplehash, &colorCount);
+        pm_message("%u colors so far", colorCount);
+        pnm_nextimage(ifP, &eof);
+    }
+    colorfreqtableP->table =
+        pnm_tuplehashtotable(&firstPam, tuplehash, colorCount);
+    colorfreqtableP->size = colorCount;
+    pnm_destroytuplehash(tuplehash);
+    pm_message("%u colors found", colorfreqtableP->size);
+    freqPamP->size   = sizeof(*freqPamP);
+    freqPamP->len    = PAM_STRUCT_SIZE(tuple_type);
+    freqPamP->maxval = firstPam.maxval;
+    freqPamP->bytes_per_sample = pnm_bytespersample(freqPamP->maxval);
+    freqPamP->depth  = firstPam.depth;
+    STRSCPY(freqPamP->tuple_type, firstPam.tuple_type);
+    *formatP = firstPam.format;
+static void
+computeColorMapFromInput(FILE *                const ifP,
+                         bool                  const allColors, 
+                         int                   const reqColors, 
+                         enum methodForLargest const methodForLargest,
+                         enum methodForRep     const methodForRep,
+                         int *                 const formatP,
+                         struct pam *          const freqPamP,
+                         tupletable2 *         const colormapP) {
+   Produce a colormap containing the best colors to represent the
+   image stream in file 'ifP'.  Figure it out using the median cut
+   technique.
+   The colormap will have 'reqcolors' or fewer colors in it, unless
+   'allcolors' is true, in which case it will have all the colors that
+   are in the input.
+   The colormap has the same maxval as the input.
+   Put the colormap in newly allocated storage as a tupletable2 
+   and return its address as *colormapP.  Return the number of colors in
+   it as *colorsP and its maxval as *colormapMaxvalP.
+   Return the characteristics of the input file as
+   *formatP and *freqPamP.  (This information is not really
+   relevant to our colormap mission; just a fringe benefit).
+    tupletable2 colorfreqtable;
+    computeHistogram(ifP, formatP, freqPamP, &colorfreqtable);
+    if (allColors) {
+        *colormapP = colorfreqtable;
+    } else {
+        if (colorfreqtable.size <= reqColors) {
+            pm_message("Image already has few enough colors (<=%d).  "
+                       "Keeping same colors.", reqColors);
+            *colormapP = colorfreqtable;
+        } else {
+            pm_message("choosing %d colors...", reqColors);
+            mediancut(colorfreqtable, freqPamP->depth,
+                      reqColors, methodForLargest, methodForRep,
+                      colormapP);
+            pnm_freetupletable2(freqPamP, colorfreqtable);
+        }
+    }
+static void
+sortColormap(tupletable2  const colormap, 
+             sample       const depth) {
+   Sort the colormap in place, in order of ascending Plane 0 value, 
+   the Plane 1 value, etc.
+   Use insertion sort.
+    int i;
+    pm_message("Sorting %u colors...", colormap.size);
+    for (i = 0; i < colormap.size; ++i) {
+        int j;
+        for (j = i+1; j < colormap.size; ++j) {
+            unsigned int plane;
+            bool iIsGreater, iIsLess;
+            iIsGreater = FALSE; iIsLess = FALSE;
+            for (plane = 0; 
+                 plane < depth && !iIsGreater && !iIsLess; 
+                 ++plane) {
+                if (colormap.table[i]->tuple[plane] >
+                    colormap.table[j]->tuple[plane])
+                    iIsGreater = TRUE;
+                else if (colormap.table[i]->tuple[plane] <
+                         colormap.table[j]->tuple[plane])
+                    iIsLess = TRUE;
+            }            
+            if (iIsGreater) {
+                for (plane = 0; plane < depth; ++plane) {
+                    sample const temp = colormap.table[i]->tuple[plane];
+                    colormap.table[i]->tuple[plane] =
+                        colormap.table[j]->tuple[plane];
+                    colormap.table[j]->tuple[plane] = temp;
+                }
+            }
+        }    
+    }
+static void 
+colormapToSquare(struct pam * const pamP,
+                 tupletable2  const colormap,
+                 tuple ***    const outputRasterP) {
+    {
+        unsigned int const intsqrt = (int)sqrt((float)colormap.size);
+        if (intsqrt * intsqrt == colormap.size) 
+            pamP->width = intsqrt;
+        else 
+            pamP->width = intsqrt + 1;
+    }
+    {
+        unsigned int const intQuotient = colormap.size / pamP->width;
+        if (pamP->width * intQuotient == colormap.size)
+            pamP->height = intQuotient;
+        else
+            pamP->height = intQuotient + 1;
+    }
+    {
+        tuple ** outputRaster;
+        unsigned int row;
+        unsigned int colormapIndex;
+        outputRaster = pnm_allocpamarray(pamP);
+        colormapIndex = 0;  /* initial value */
+        for (row = 0; row < pamP->height; ++row) {
+            unsigned int col;
+            for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; ++col) {
+                unsigned int plane;
+                for (plane = 0; plane < pamP->depth; ++plane) {
+                    outputRaster[row][col][plane] = 
+                        colormap.table[colormapIndex]->tuple[plane];
+                }
+                if (colormapIndex < colormap.size-1)
+                    ++colormapIndex;
+            }
+        }
+        *outputRasterP = outputRaster;
+    } 
+static void 
+colormapToSingleRow(struct pam * const pamP,
+                    tupletable2  const colormap,
+                    tuple ***    const outputRasterP) {
+    tuple ** outputRaster;
+    unsigned int col;
+    pamP->width = colormap.size;
+    pamP->height = 1;
+    outputRaster = pnm_allocpamarray(pamP);
+    for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; ++col) {
+        int plane;
+        for (plane = 0; plane < pamP->depth; ++plane)
+            outputRaster[0][col][plane] = colormap.table[col]->tuple[plane];
+    }
+    *outputRasterP = outputRaster;
+static void
+colormapToImage(int                const format,
+                const struct pam * const colormapPamP,
+                tupletable2        const colormap,
+                bool               const sort,
+                bool               const square,
+                struct pam *       const outpamP, 
+                tuple ***          const outputRasterP) {
+   Create a tuple array and pam structure for an image which includes
+   one pixel of each of the colors in the colormap 'colormap'.
+   May rearrange the contents of 'colormap'.
+    outpamP->size             = sizeof(*outpamP);
+    outpamP->len              = PAM_STRUCT_SIZE(tuple_type);
+    outpamP->format           = format,
+    outpamP->plainformat      = FALSE;
+    outpamP->depth            = colormapPamP->depth;
+    outpamP->maxval           = colormapPamP->maxval;
+    outpamP->bytes_per_sample = pnm_bytespersample(outpamP->maxval);
+    STRSCPY(outpamP->tuple_type, colormapPamP->tuple_type);
+    if (sort)
+        sortColormap(colormap, outpamP->depth);
+    if (square) 
+        colormapToSquare(outpamP, colormap, outputRasterP);
+    else 
+        colormapToSingleRow(outpamP, colormap, outputRasterP);
+main(int argc, char * argv[] ) {
+    struct cmdlineInfo cmdline;
+    FILE * ifP;
+    int format;
+    struct pam colormapPam;
+    struct pam outpam;
+    tuple ** colormapRaster;
+    tupletable2 colormap;
+    pnm_init(&argc, argv);
+    parseCommandLine(argc, argv, &cmdline);
+    ifP = pm_openr(cmdline.inputFilespec);
+    computeColorMapFromInput(ifP,
+                             cmdline.allcolors, cmdline.newcolors, 
+                             cmdline.methodForLargest, 
+                             cmdline.methodForRep,
+                             &format, &colormapPam, &colormap);
+    pm_close(ifP);
+    colormapToImage(format, &colormapPam, colormap,
+                    cmdline.sort, cmdline.square, &outpam, &colormapRaster);
+    if (cmdline.verbose)
+        pm_message("Generating %u x %u image", outpam.width, outpam.height);
+    outpam.file = stdout;
+    pnm_writepam(&outpam, colormapRaster);
+    pnm_freetupletable2(&colormapPam, colormap);
+    pnm_freepamarray(colormapRaster, &outpam);
+    pm_close(stdout);
+    return 0;