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path: root/lib/path.c
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1 files changed, 468 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/path.c b/lib/path.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79985109
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/path.c
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+/* This library module contains "ppmdraw" routines for drawing paths.
+   By Bryan Henderson San Jose CA 06.05.24.
+   Contributed to the public domain.
+   I actually wrote this before I knew ppmd_fill() already existed.
+   ppmd_fill() is more general.  But path.c is probably faster and is
+   better code, so I'm keeping it for now.
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "pm_c_util.h"
+#include "mallocvar.h"
+#include "ppm.h"
+#include "ppmdfont.h"
+#include "ppmdraw.h"
+/* This is the algorithm we use to fill a path.
+   A path is a set of points that form a closed figure.  The last point
+   and first point are identical.  But the path may cross itself other
+   places too.  Our job is to color the interior of that figure.
+   We do it with horizontal lines.  We follow the path around from
+   start to finish, visiting every point in it.  We remember in a
+   stack the points we've been to.  As long as we keep going in the
+   same vertical direction, that stack grows.  When we turn around and
+   visit a row that we've been to before, we drop a horizontal line of
+   fill color from where we are now to where we were the last time we
+   visited that row, and then remove that entry from the stack.  Note
+   that because we go one point at a time, the entry on the stack for
+   the row we're at now will always be on the top of stack.
+   Note that the points on the stack always have consecutive row
+   numbers, monotonically increasing or decreasing, whichever is the
+   direction we started out in.
+   This goes on, with the stack alternately growing and shrinking as
+   the path turns to head up and down, until we get back to the row
+   where we started.  At this point, the stack becomes empty following
+   the algorithm in the previous paragraph.  If the path crosses over
+   and keeps going, we just start filling the stack again, with the
+   entries now going in the opposite direction from before -- e.g.
+   if the path started out heading downward, the points in the stack
+   mononotically increased in row number; after crossing back over,
+   the points in the stack monotonically decrease in row number.
+   It's probably more efficient to use vertical lines than horizontal
+   ones when the image is tall and narrow.  But we're not that
+   sophisticated.
+   In all the path logic below, we call the direction of increasing row
+   number "up" because we think of the raster as standard Cartesian
+   plane.  So visualize the image as upside down in the first quadrant
+   of the Cartesian plane -- the real top left corner of the image is at
+   the origin.
+static bool
+pointEqual(ppmd_point const comparator,
+           ppmd_point const comparand) {
+    return comparator.x == comparand.x && comparator.y == comparand.y;
+static int
+vertDisp(ppmd_point const begPoint,
+         ppmd_point const endPoint) {
+   Return the vertical displacement of 'endPoint' with respect to
+   'begPoint' -- How much higher 'endPoint' is than 'begPoint'.
+    return endPoint.y - begPoint.y;
+static int
+horzDisp(ppmd_point const begPoint,
+         ppmd_point const endPoint) {
+   Return the horizontal displacement of 'endPoint' with respect to
+   'begPoint' -- How much further right 'endPoint' is than 'begPoint'.
+    return endPoint.x - begPoint.x;
+static bool
+isOnLineSeg(ppmd_point const here,
+            ppmd_point const begPoint,
+            ppmd_point const endPoint) {
+    return
+        here.y >= MIN(begPoint.y, endPoint.y) &&
+        here.y <= MAX(begPoint.y, endPoint.y) &&
+        here.x >= MIN(begPoint.x, endPoint.x) &&
+        here.x <= MAX(begPoint.x, endPoint.x);
+static double
+lineSlope(ppmd_point const begPoint,
+          ppmd_point const endPoint) {
+   Return the slope of the line that begins at 'begPoint' and ends at
+   'endPoint'.
+   Positive slope means as row number increases, column number increases.
+    return (double)vertDisp(begPoint, endPoint) / horzDisp(begPoint, endPoint);
+typedef struct {
+   A complicated structure for tracking the state of a the filling
+   algorithm.  See description of algorithm above.
+    ppmd_point * stack;
+        /* An array which holds the fundamental stack.  The bottom of the
+           stack is element 0.  It grows consecutively up.
+        */
+    unsigned int topOfStack;
+        /* Index in stack[] of the top of the entry which will hold next
+           _next_ element pushed onto the stack.
+        */
+    unsigned int stackSize;
+        /* Number of elements in stack[] -- i.e. maximum height of stack */
+    int step;
+        /* -1 or 1.  -1 means each new point pushed on the stack is one
+           unit below the previous one; 1 means each new point pushed on
+           the stack is one unit above the previous one.
+        */
+} fillStack;
+static void
+createStack(fillStack ** const stackPP) {
+   Create an empty fill stack.
+    fillStack * stackP;
+    stackP->stackSize = 1024;
+    MALLOCARRAY(stackP->stack, stackP->stackSize);
+    if (stackP->stack == NULL)
+        pm_error("Could not allocate memory for a fill stack of %u points",
+                 stackP->stackSize);
+    stackP->topOfStack = 0;
+    stackP->step = +1;  /* arbitrary choice */
+    *stackPP = stackP;
+static void
+destroyStack(fillStack * const stackP) {
+    free(stackP->stack);
+    free(stackP);
+static ppmd_point
+topOfStack(fillStack * const stackP) {
+    assert(stackP->topOfStack > 0);
+    return stackP->stack[stackP->topOfStack-1];
+static bool
+stackIsEmpty(fillStack * const stackP) {
+    return stackP->topOfStack == 0;
+static bool
+inStackDirection(fillStack * const stackP,
+                 ppmd_point  const point) {
+   Return true iff the point 'point' is is a step in the current stack
+   direction from the point on the top of the stack.  I.e. we could push
+   this point onto the stack without violating the monotonic property.
+    if (stackIsEmpty(stackP))
+        return true;
+    else
+        return topOfStack(stackP).y + stackP->step == point.y;
+static bool
+againstStackDirection(fillStack * const stackP,
+                      ppmd_point  const point) {
+   Return true iff the point 'point' is a step in the other direction
+   form the current stack direction.
+    if (stackIsEmpty(stackP))
+        return false;
+    else
+        return topOfStack(stackP).y - stackP->step == point.y;
+static bool
+isLateralFromTopOfStack(fillStack * const stackP,
+                        ppmd_point  const point) {
+   Return true iff the point 'point' is laterally across from the point
+   on the top of the stack.
+    if (stackIsEmpty(stackP))
+        return false;
+    else
+        return point.y == topOfStack(stackP).y;
+static void
+pushStack(fillStack * const stackP,
+          ppmd_point  const newPoint) {
+    assert(inStackDirection(stackP, newPoint));
+    if (stackP->topOfStack >= stackP->stackSize) {
+        stackP->stackSize *= 2;
+        REALLOCARRAY(stackP->stack, stackP->stackSize);
+        if (stackP->stack == NULL)
+            pm_error("Could not allocate memory for a fill stack of %u points",
+                     stackP->stackSize);
+    }
+    assert(stackP->topOfStack < stackP->stackSize);
+    stackP->stack[stackP->topOfStack++] = newPoint;
+pm_message("pushed (%u, %u) at %u", newPoint.x, newPoint.y, stackP->topOfStack-1);
+static ppmd_point
+popStack(fillStack * const stackP) {
+    ppmd_point retval;
+    assert(stackP->topOfStack < stackP->stackSize);
+    retval = stackP->stack[--stackP->topOfStack];
+pm_message("popped (%u, %u) at %u", retval.x, retval.y, stackP->topOfStack);
+    return retval;
+static void
+replaceTopOfStack(fillStack * const stackP,
+                  ppmd_point  const point) {
+    assert(stackP->topOfStack > 0);
+    stackP->stack[stackP->topOfStack-1] = point;
+static void
+reverseStackDirection(fillStack * const stackP) {
+    stackP->step *= -1;
+static void
+drawFillLine(ppmd_point const begPoint,
+             ppmd_point const endPoint,
+             pixel **   const pixels,
+             pixel      const color) {
+    unsigned int leftCol, rghtCol;
+    unsigned int col;
+    unsigned int row;
+    /* Fill lines are always horizontal */
+    assert(begPoint.y == endPoint.y);
+pm_message("filling from (%u, %u) to (%u, %u)", begPoint.x, begPoint.y, endPoint.x, endPoint.y);
+    row = begPoint.y;
+    if (begPoint.x <= endPoint.x) {
+        leftCol = begPoint.x;
+        rghtCol = endPoint.x;
+    } else {
+        leftCol = endPoint.x;
+        rghtCol = begPoint.x;
+    }
+    for (col = leftCol; col <= rghtCol; ++col)
+        pixels[row][col] = color;
+static void
+fillPoint(fillStack * const stackP,
+          ppmd_point  const point,
+          pixel **    const pixels,
+          pixel       const color) {
+   Follow the outline of the figure to the point 'point', which is adjacent
+   to the point most recently added.
+   Fill the image in 'pixels' with color 'color' and update *stackP as
+   required.
+pm_message("filling point (%u, %u)", point.x, point.y);
+    if (inStackDirection(stackP, point)) {
+        pushStack(stackP, point);
+        pixels[point.y][point.x] = color;
+    } else {
+        if (againstStackDirection(stackP, point))
+            popStack(stackP);
+        if (stackIsEmpty(stackP)) {
+            reverseStackDirection(stackP);
+            pushStack(stackP, point);
+        } else {
+            assert(isLateralFromTopOfStack(stackP, point));
+            drawFillLine(topOfStack(stackP), point, pixels, color);
+            replaceTopOfStack(stackP, point);
+        }
+    }
+static void
+fillLeg(ppmd_point  const begPoint,
+        ppmd_point  const endPoint,
+        fillStack * const stackP,
+        pixel **    const pixels,
+        pixel       const color) {
+   Follow the leg which is a straight line segment from 'begPoint'
+   through 'endPoint', filling the raster 'pixels' with color 'color',
+   according to *stackP as we go.
+   We update *stackP accordingly.
+   A leg starts where the leg before it ends, so we skip the first point
+   in the line segment.
+    assert(!stackIsEmpty(stackP));
+    if (endPoint.y == begPoint.y)
+        /* Line is horizontal; We need just the end point. */
+        fillPoint(stackP, endPoint, pixels, color);
+    else {
+        double const invSlope = 1/lineSlope(begPoint, endPoint);
+        int const step = endPoint.y > begPoint.y ? +1 : -1;
+        ppmd_point here;
+        here = begPoint;
+        while (here.y != endPoint.y) {
+            here.y += step;
+            here.x = ROUNDU(begPoint.x + vertDisp(begPoint, here) * invSlope);
+            assert(isOnLineSeg(here, begPoint, endPoint));
+            fillPoint(stackP, here, pixels, color);
+        }
+    }
+ppmd_fill_path(pixel **      const pixels, 
+               int           const cols, 
+               int           const rows, 
+               pixval        const maxval,
+               ppmd_path *   const pathP,
+               pixel         const color) {
+   Draw a path which defines a closed figure (or multiple closed figures)
+   and fill it in.
+   *pathP describes the path.  'color' is the color with which to fill.
+   'pixels' is the canvas on which to draw the figure; its dimensions are
+   'cols' x 'rows'.
+   'maxval' is the maxval for 'color' and for 'pixels'.
+   Fail (abort the program) if the path does not end on the same point at
+   which it began.
+    ppmd_point prevVertex;
+    fillStack * stackP;
+    unsigned int legNumber;
+    createStack(&stackP);
+    prevVertex = pathP->begPoint;
+    pushStack(stackP, pathP->begPoint);
+    for (legNumber = 0; legNumber < pathP->legCount; ++legNumber) {
+        ppmd_pathleg * const legP = &pathP->legs[legNumber];
+        ppmd_point const nextVertex = legP->u.linelegparms.end;
+        if (prevVertex.y >= rows || nextVertex.y >= rows)
+            pm_error("Path extends below the image.");
+        if (prevVertex.x >= cols || nextVertex.x >= cols)
+            pm_error("Path extends off the image to the right.");
+        fillLeg(prevVertex, nextVertex, stackP, pixels, color);
+        prevVertex = nextVertex;
+    }
+    if (!pointEqual(prevVertex, pathP->begPoint))
+        pm_error("Failed to fill a path -- the path is not closed "
+                 "(i.e. it doesn't end up at the same point where it began)");
+    assert(pointEqual(popStack(stackP), pathP->begPoint));
+    assert(stackIsEmpty(stackP));
+    destroyStack(stackP);