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path: root/lib/libsystem.c
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1 files changed, 319 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/libsystem.c b/lib/libsystem.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e0d62178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/libsystem.c
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+                                 pm_system
+   This is the library subroutine pm_system().  It is just like Standard C
+   Library system(), except that you can supply routines for it to run to
+   generate the Standard Input for the executed shell command and to accept
+   the Standard Output from it.  system(), by contrast, always sets up the
+   current Standard Input and Standard Output as the Standard Input and
+   Standard Output of the shell command.
+   By Bryan Henderson, San Jose CA  2002.12.14.
+   Contributed to the public domain.
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include "pm.h"
+#include "pm_system.h"
+#define STDIN 0
+#define STDOUT 1
+static void
+execProgram(const char * const shellCommand,
+            int          const inputPipeFd,
+            int          const outputPipeFd) {
+   Run the shell command 'shellCommand', supplying to the shell
+   'inputPipeFd' as its Standard Input and 'outputPipeFd' as its 
+   Standard Output.
+   But leave Standard Input and Standard Output as we found them.
+    int stdinSaveFd, stdoutSaveFd;
+    int rc;
+    /* Make inputPipeFd Standard Input.
+       Make outputPipeFd Standard Output.
+    */
+    stdinSaveFd = dup(STDIN);
+    stdoutSaveFd = dup(STDOUT);
+    close(STDIN);
+    close(STDOUT);
+    dup2(inputPipeFd, STDIN);
+    dup2(outputPipeFd, STDOUT);
+    rc = execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", shellCommand, NULL);
+    close(STDIN);
+    close(STDOUT);
+    dup2(stdinSaveFd, STDIN);
+    dup2(stdoutSaveFd, STDOUT);
+    close(stdinSaveFd);
+    close(stdoutSaveFd);
+    if (rc < 0)
+        pm_error("Unable to exec the shell.  Errno=%d (%s)",
+                 errno, strerror(errno));
+    else
+        pm_error("INTERNAL ERROR.  execl() returns, but does not fail.");
+static void
+createPipeFeeder(void          pipeFeederRtn(int, void *), 
+                 void *  const feederParm, 
+                 int *   const fdP,
+                 pid_t * const pidP) {
+   Create a process and a pipe.  Have the process run program
+   'pipeFeederRtn' to fill the pipe and return the file descriptor of the
+   other end of the pipe as *fdP.
+    int pipeToFeed[2];
+    pid_t feederPid;
+    pipe(pipeToFeed);
+    feederPid = fork();
+    if (feederPid < 0) {
+        pm_error("fork() of stdin feeder failed.  errno=%d (%s)", 
+                 errno, strerror(errno));
+    } else if (feederPid == 0) {
+        /* This is the child -- the stdin feeder process */
+        close(pipeToFeed[0]);
+        (*pipeFeederRtn)(pipeToFeed[1], feederParm);
+        exit(0);
+    }
+    else {
+        /* This is the parent */
+        close(pipeToFeed[1]);
+        *fdP = pipeToFeed[0];
+        *pidP = feederPid;
+    }
+static void
+spawnProcessor(const char * const shellCommand, 
+               int          const stdinFd,
+               int *        const stdoutFdP,
+               pid_t *      const pidP) {
+   Create a process to run a shell that runs command 'shellCommand'.
+   Pass file descriptor 'stdinFd' to the shell as Standard Input.
+   Set up a pipe and pass it to the shell as Standard Output.  Return
+   as *stdoutFdP the file descriptor of the other end of that pipe,
+   from which Caller can suck the shell's Standard Output.
+    int stdoutpipe[2];
+    pid_t processorpid;
+    pipe(stdoutpipe);
+    processorpid = fork();
+    if (processorpid < 0) {
+        pm_error("fork() of processor process failed.  errno=%d (%s)\n", 
+                 errno, strerror(errno));
+    } else if (processorpid == 0) {
+        /* The second child */
+        close(stdoutpipe[0]);
+        execProgram(shellCommand, stdinFd, stdoutpipe[1]);
+        close(stdinFd);
+        close(stdoutpipe[1]);
+        pm_error("INTERNAL ERROR: execProgram() returns.");
+    } else {
+        /* The parent */
+        close(stdoutpipe[1]);
+        *stdoutFdP = stdoutpipe[0];
+        *pidP = processorpid;
+    }
+static void
+cleanupProcessorProcess(pid_t const processorPid) {
+    int status;
+    waitpid(processorPid, &status, 0);
+    if (status != 0) 
+        pm_message("Shell process ended abnormally.  "
+                   "completion code = %d", status);
+static void
+cleanupFeederProcess(pid_t const feederPid) {
+    int status;
+    waitpid(feederPid, &status, 0);
+    if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
+        if (WTERMSIG(status) == SIGPIPE)
+            pm_message("WARNING: "
+                       "Standard Input feeder process was terminated by a "
+                       "SIGPIPE signal because the shell command closed its "
+                       "Standard Input before the Standard Input feeder was "
+                       "through feeding it.");
+        else
+            pm_message("WARNING: "
+                       "Standard Input feeder was terminated by a Signal %d.",
+                       WTERMSIG(status));
+    }
+    else if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
+        if (WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0)
+            pm_message("WARNING: "
+                       "Standard Input feeder process ended abnormally.  "
+                       "exit status = %d", WEXITSTATUS(status));
+    } else
+        pm_message("WARNING: "
+                   "Unrecognized process completion status from "
+                   "Standard Input feeder: %d", status);
+pm_system(void stdinFeeder(int, void *),
+          void *          const feederParm,
+          void stdoutAccepter(int, void *),
+          void *          const accepterParm,
+          const char *    const shellCommand) {
+   Run a shell and have it run command 'shellCommand'.  Feed its
+   Standard Input with a pipe, which is fed by the routine
+   'stdinFeeder' with parameter 'feederParm'.  Process its Standard
+   Output with the routine 'stdoutAccepter' with parameter 'accepterParm'.
+   But if 'stdinFeeder' is NULL, just feed the shell our own Standard
+   Input.  And if 'stdoutFeeder' is NULL, just send its Standard Output
+   to our own Standard Output.
+    /* If 'stdinFeeder' is non-NULL, we create a child process to run
+       'stdinFeeder' and create a pipe between from that process as the
+       shell's Standard Input.
+       If 'stdoutFeeder' is non-NULL, we create a child process to run
+       the shell and create a pipe between the shell's Standard Output
+       and this process, and then this process runs 'stdoutAccepter'
+       to read the data from that pipe.
+       But if 'stdoutFeeder' is NULL, we just run the shell in this
+       process.
+       So there can be 1, 2, or 3 processes involved depending on 
+       parameters.
+    */
+    int shellStdinFd;
+    pid_t feederPid;
+    if (stdinFeeder) 
+        createPipeFeeder(stdinFeeder, feederParm, &shellStdinFd, &feederPid);
+    else {
+        shellStdinFd = STDIN;
+        feederPid = 0;
+    }
+    if (stdoutAccepter) {
+        int shellStdoutFd;
+        pid_t processorPid;
+        /* Make a child process to run the shell and pipe back to us its
+           Standard Output 
+        */
+        spawnProcessor(shellCommand, shellStdinFd, 
+                       &shellStdoutFd, &processorPid);
+        /* Dispose of the stdout from that shell */
+        (*stdoutAccepter)(shellStdoutFd, accepterParm);
+        close(shellStdoutFd);
+        cleanupProcessorProcess(processorPid);
+    } else {
+        /* Run a child process for the shell that sends its Standard Output
+           to our Standard Output
+        */
+        int const stdinSaveFd = dup(STDIN);
+        int rc;
+        dup2(shellStdinFd, STDIN);
+        rc = system(shellCommand);
+        close(STDIN);
+        dup2(stdinSaveFd, STDIN);
+        if (rc < 0)
+            pm_error("Unable to invoke the shell.  Errno=%d (%s)",
+                     errno, strerror(errno));
+        else if (rc != 0)
+            pm_message("WARNING: Shell process completion code = %d", rc);
+    }
+    if (feederPid) 
+        cleanupFeederProcess(feederPid);
+pm_feed_from_memory(int    const pipeToFeedFd,
+                    void * const feederParm) {
+    struct bufferDesc * const inputBufferP = feederParm;
+    FILE * const outfile = fdopen(pipeToFeedFd, "w");
+    int bytesTransferred;
+    /* The following signals (and normally kills) the process with
+       SIGPIPE if the pipe does not take all 'size' bytes.
+    */
+    bytesTransferred = 
+        fwrite(inputBufferP->buffer, 1, inputBufferP->size, outfile);
+    if (inputBufferP->bytesTransferredP)
+        *(inputBufferP->bytesTransferredP) = bytesTransferred;
+    fclose(outfile);
+pm_accept_to_memory(int             const pipetosuckFd,
+                    void *          const accepterParm ) {
+    struct bufferDesc * const outputBufferP = accepterParm;
+    FILE * const infile = fdopen(pipetosuckFd, "r");
+    int bytesTransferred;
+    bytesTransferred =
+        fread(outputBufferP->buffer, 1, outputBufferP->size, infile);
+    fclose(infile);
+    if (outputBufferP->bytesTransferredP)
+        *(outputBufferP->bytesTransferredP) = bytesTransferred;