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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN">
+<TITLE>Netpbm User Manual</TITLE>
+<H1>Error Handling</H1>
+<h2>Netpbm Programming Library Errors</h2>
+<p>As part of Netpbm's mission to make writing graphics programs quick
+and easy, Netpbm recognizes that no programmer likes to deal with
+error conditions.  Therefore, very few Netpbm programming library
+functions return error information.  There are no return codes to
+check.  If for some reason a function can't do what was asked of it,
+it doesn't return at all.
+<p>Netpbm's response to encountering an error is called &quot;throwing
+an error.&quot;
+<p>The typical way a Netpbm function throws an error (for example,
+when you attempt to open a non-existent file with <b>pm_openr()</b>)
+is that the function writes an error message to the Standard Error
+file and then causes the program to terminate with an exit() system
+call.  The function doesn't do any explicit cleanup, because everything
+a library function sets up gets cleaned up by normal process
+<p>In many cases, that simply isn't acceptable.  If you're calling
+Netpbm functions from inside a server program, you'd want the program
+to recognize that the immediate task failed, but keep running to do
+other work.
+<p>So as an alternative, you can replace that program exit with a
+longjmp instead.  A longjmp is a classic Unix exception handling
+concept.  See the documentation of the standard C library
+<b>setjmp()</b> and <b>longjmp()</b> functions.
+<p>In short, you identify a point in your programs for execution to
+hyperjump to from whatever depths of whatever functions it may be in
+at the time it detects an exception.  That hyperjump is called a
+longjmp.  The longjmp unwinds the stack and puts the program in the
+same state as if the subroutines had returned all the way up to the
+function that contains the jump point.  A longjmp does not in itself
+undo things like memory allocations.  But when you have a Netpbm
+function do a longjmp, it also cleans up everything it started.
+<p>To select this form of throwing an error, use the
+<b>pm_setjmpbuf()</b> function.  This alternative is not available
+before Netpbm 10.27 (March 2005).
+<p>Issuing of the error message is a separate thing.  Regardless
+of whether a library routine exits the program or executes a longjmp,
+it issues an error message first.
+<p>You can customize the error message behavior too.  By default, a
+Netpbm function issues an error message by writing it to the Standard
+Error file, formatted into a single line with the program name prefixed.
+But you can register your own error message function to run instead with
+<h3 id="pm_setjmpbuf">pm_setjmpbuf()</h3>
+<p>pm_setjmpbuf() sets up the process so that when future calls to the
+Netpbm programming library throw an error, they execute a longjmp
+instead of causing the process to exit as they would by default.
+<p>This is <em>not</em> analogous to <b>setjmp()</b>.  You do a
+setjmp() first, then tell the Netpbm programming library with
+<b>pm_setjmpbuf()</b> to use the result.
+  #include &lt;setjmp.h&gt;
+  #include &lt;pam.h&gt;
+  jmp_buf jmpbuf;
+  int rc;
+  rc = setjmp(jmpbuf);
+  if (rc == 0) {
+    struct pam pam;
+    pm_setjmpbuf(&amp;jmpbuf);
+    pnm_readpam(stdin, &amp;pam, PAM_STRUCT_SIZE(tuple_type));
+    printf(&quot;pnm_readpam() succeeded!\n&quot;);
+  } else {
+    printf(&quot;pnm_readpam() failed.  You should have seen &quot;
+           &quot;messages to Standard Error telling you why.\n&quot;);
+  }
+<P>This example should look really strange to you if you haven't read
+the documentation of <b>setjmp()</b>.  Remember that there is a
+hyperjump such that the program is executing the <b>pnm_readpam()</b>
+and then suddenly is returning a second time from the setjmp()!
+<p>Even <b>pm_error()</b> works this way -- if you set up a longjmp with
+<b>pm_setjmpbuf()</b> and then call <b>pm_error()</b>, <b>pm_error()</b>
+will, after issuing your error message, execute the longjmp.
+<p><b>pm_setjmpbuf()</b> was new in Netpbm 10.27 (March 2005).  Before
+that, Netpbm programming library functions always throw an error by
+exiting the program.
+<h2>User Detected Errors</h2>
+<p>The Netpbm programming library provides a function for you to throw
+an error explicitly: <b>pm_error()</b>.  <b>pm_error()</b> does
+nothing but throw an error, and does so the same way any Netpbm
+library function you call would.  <b>pm_error()</b> is more convenient
+than most standard C facilities for handling errors.
+<p>If you don't want to throw an error, but just want to issue an
+error message, use <b>pm_errormsg()</b>.  It issues the message in the
+same way as <b>pm_error()</b> but returns normally instead of longjmping
+or exiting the program.  
+<p>Note that <b>libnetpbm</b> distinguishes between an error message
+and an informational message (use <b>pm_errormsg()</b> for the former;
+<b>pm_message()</b> for the latter).  The only practical difference is
+which user message function it calls.  So if you don't register any
+user message function, you won't see any difference, but a program is
+still more maintainable and easier to read when you use the
+appropriate one of these.
+<h3 id="pm_error">pm_error()</h3>
+<B>void pm_error(</b>
+<b>char *</B> <I>fmt</I><B>,</B>
+<B>... );</B>
+if (argc-1 &lt; 3)
+    pm_error(&quot;You must specify at least 3 arguments.  &quot;
+             &quot;You specified&quot; only %d&quot;, argc-1);
+<P><B>pm_error()</B> is a <B>printf()</B> style routine that 
+simply throws an error.  It issues an error message exactly like
+<b>pm_errormsg()</b> would in the process.
+<h3 id="pm_errormsg">pm_errormsg()</h3>
+<B>void pm_errormsg(</b>
+<b>char *</B> <I>fmt</I><B>,</B>
+<B>... );</B>
+if (rc = -1)
+    pm_errormsg(&quot;Could not open file.  errno=%d&quot;, errno);
+    return -1;
+<P><B>pm_errormsg()</B> is a <B>printf()</B> style routine that 
+issues an error message.  By default, it writes the message to Standard
+Error, but you can register a user error message routine to be called
+instead, and that might do something such as write the message into a 
+log file.  See <a href="#pm_setusererrormsgfn"><b>pm_setusererrormsgfn</b></a>.
+<p>There is very little advantage to using this over traditional C
+services, but it issues a message in the same way as <b>libnetpbm</b>
+library functions do, so the common handling might be valuable.
+<p>Note that the arguments specify the message text, not any formatting
+of it.  Formatting is handled by <b>pm_errormsg()</b>.  So don't put any
+newlines or tabs in it.
+<h3 id="pm_setusererrormsgfn">pm_setusererrormsgfn()</h3>
+<B>void pm_setusererrormsgfn(pm_usererrormsgfn *</B> <I>function</I><B>);</b>
+    static pm_usererrormsgfn logfilewrite;
+    static void
+    logfilewrite(const char * const msg) {
+        fprintf(myerrorlog, &quot;Netpbm error: %s&quot;, msg);
+    }
+    pm_setusererrormsgfn(&amp;logfilewrite);
+    pm_errormsg(&quot;Message for the error log&quot;);
+<P><B>pm_setusererrormsg()</B> registers a handler for error messages,
+called a user error message routine.  Any library function that wants
+to issue an error message in the future will call that function with
+the message as an argument.
+<p>The argument the user error message routine gets is English text
+designed for human reading.  It is just the text of the message; there
+is no attempt at formatting in it (so you won't see any newline or tab
+<p>You can remove the user error message routine, so that the library
+issues future error messages in its default way (write to Standard Error)
+by specifying a null pointer for <i>function</i>.
+<p>The user error message routine does not handle informational messages.
+It handles only error messages.  See <a href="libpm.html#message">
+<h2>Error Handling In Netpbm Programs</h2>
+<p>Most Netpbm programs respond to encountering an error by issuing a
+message describing the error to the Standard Error file and then
+exiting with exit status 1.
+<p>Netpbm programs generally do not follow the Unix convention of very
+terse error messages.  Conventional Unix programs produce error
+messages as if they had to pay by the word.  Netpbm programs tend to
+give a complete description of the problem in human-parseable English.
+These messages are often many terminal lines long.