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path: root/editor
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Diffstat (limited to 'editor')
2 files changed, 326 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/editor/Makefile b/editor/Makefile
index 680f09a9..490900dd 100644
--- a/editor/Makefile
+++ b/editor/Makefile
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ SUBDIRS = pamflip specialty
 PORTBINARIES = pamaddnoise pamaltsat pambackground pamcomp pamcut \
 	       pamdice pamditherbw pamedge \
 	       pamenlarge \
-	       pamfunc pamlevels pammasksharpen \
+	       pamfunc pamlevels pammasksharpen pammixmulti \
 	       pamperspective pamrecolor pamrubber \
 	       pamscale pamsistoaglyph pamstretch pamthreshold pamundice \
 	       pamwipeout \
diff --git a/editor/pammixmulti.c b/editor/pammixmulti.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd8f4a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editor/pammixmulti.c
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+ * Blend multiple Netpbm files into a single one *
+ *                                               *
+ * By Scott Pakin <scott+pbm@pakin.org>          *
+ *************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <float.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "pam.h"
+#include "shhopt.h"
+#include "mallocvar.h"
+#include "nstring.h"
+typedef enum {
+  BLEND_AVERAGE,     /* Take the average color of all pixels */
+  BLEND_RANDOM,      /* Take each pixel color from a randomly selected image */
+  BLEND_MASK         /* Take each pixel color from the image indicated by a mask */
+} blendType;
+static const unsigned int randSamples = 1024;   /* Random samples to draw per file */
+struct programState {
+  blendType blend;                /* How to blend the files */
+  unsigned int nFiles;            /* Number of input files */
+  const char ** inFileNames;      /* Name of each input file */
+  struct pam * inPam;             /* List of input-file PAM structures */
+  tuple ** inTupleRows;           /* Current row from each input file */
+  const char * outFileName;       /* Name of the output file */
+  struct pam outPam;              /* Output-file PAM structure */
+  tuple * outTupleRow;            /* Row to write to the output file */
+  const char * maskFileName;      /* Name of the image-mask file */
+  struct pam maskPam;             /* PAM structure for the image mask */
+  tuple * maskTupleRow;           /* Row to read from the mask file */
+  double sigma;                   /* Standard deviation when selecting images via a mask */
+  unsigned long ** imageWeights;  /* Per-image weights as a function of grayscale level */
+/* Parse the command line. */
+static void
+parseCommandLine(int argc, const char ** argv,
+                 struct programState * const stateP) {
+  optStruct3 opt;
+  unsigned int option_def_index = 0;
+  optEntry * option_def;
+  const char * blend_string = "average";
+  unsigned int blend_spec = 0;
+  unsigned int outfile_spec = 0;
+  unsigned int maskfile_spec = 0;
+  unsigned int stdev_spec = 0;
+  float sigma;
+  int i;
+  /* Define the allowed command-line options. */
+  MALLOCARRAY(option_def, 100);
+  OPTENT3('b', "blend", OPT_STRING, &blend_string, &blend_spec, 0);
+  OPTENT3('o', "outfile", OPT_STRING, &stateP->outFileName, &outfile_spec, 0);
+  OPTENT3('m', "maskfile", OPT_STRING, &stateP->maskFileName, &maskfile_spec, 0);
+  OPTENT3('s', "stdev", OPT_FLOAT, &sigma, &stdev_spec, 0);
+  opt.opt_table = option_def;
+  opt.short_allowed = 1;
+  opt.allowNegNum = 0;
+  /* Parse the command line. */
+  pm_optParseOptions3(&argc, (char **) argv, opt, sizeof(opt), 0);
+  if (!outfile_spec)
+    stateP->outFileName = "-";
+  if (!strcmp(blend_string, "average"))
+    stateP->blend = BLEND_AVERAGE;
+  else if (!strcmp(blend_string, "random"))
+    stateP->blend = BLEND_RANDOM;
+  else if (!strcmp(blend_string, "mask"))
+    stateP->blend = BLEND_MASK;
+  else
+    pm_error("Unrecognized blend type \"%s\"", blend_string);
+  if (stateP->blend == BLEND_MASK) {
+    if (maskfile_spec == 0)
+      pm_error("--maskfile=<filename> must be used with --blend=mask");
+    stateP->sigma = stdev_spec == 1 ? (double)sigma : 0.25;
+  }
+  else {
+    if (maskfile_spec != 0)
+      pm_message("Ignoring the mask file because --blend=mask was not specified");
+    if (stdev_spec != 0)
+      pm_message("Ignoring the image standard deviation because --blend=mask was not specified");
+  }
+  if (argc < 2)
+    pm_error("You must provide the names of the files to blend together");
+  stateP->nFiles = argc - 1;
+  MALLOCARRAY(stateP->inFileNames, stateP->nFiles);
+  for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
+    stateP->inFileNames[i - 1] = argv[i];
+  free(option_def);
+/* Open all of the input files and the output file.  Abort if the
+ * input files don't all have the same size and format. */
+static void
+openFiles(struct programState * const stateP) {
+  struct pam * inPam;
+  unsigned int i;
+  MALLOCARRAY(stateP->inPam, stateP->nFiles);
+  MALLOCARRAY(stateP->inTupleRows, stateP->nFiles);
+  /* Open all of the input files. */
+  inPam = stateP->inPam;
+  for (i = 0; i < stateP->nFiles; i++) {
+    FILE * ifP = pm_openr(stateP->inFileNames[i]);
+    pnm_readpaminit(ifP, &inPam[i], PAM_STRUCT_SIZE(tuple_type));
+    if (inPam[i].width != inPam[0].width || inPam[i].height != inPam[0].height)
+      pm_error("All images must have the same dimensions");
+    if (inPam[i].depth != inPam[0].depth ||
+        inPam[i].maxval != inPam[0].maxval ||
+        strcmp(inPam[i].tuple_type, inPam[0].tuple_type))
+      pm_error("All images must have the same number and range of colors");
+    stateP->inTupleRows[i] = pnm_allocpamrow(&inPam[i]);
+  }
+  /* Open the mask file for reading. */
+  if (stateP->blend == BLEND_MASK) {
+    struct pam * maskPam = &stateP->maskPam;
+    FILE * mfP = pm_openr(stateP->maskFileName);
+    pnm_readpaminit(mfP, maskPam, PAM_STRUCT_SIZE(tuple_type));
+    if (maskPam->width != inPam[0].width || maskPam->height != inPam[0].height)
+      pm_error("The mask image must have the same dimensions as the input images");
+    if (maskPam->depth > 1)
+      pm_message("Ignoring all but the first channel of the mask image");
+    stateP->maskTupleRow = pnm_allocpamrow(maskPam);
+  }
+  /* Open the output file for writing. */
+  stateP->outPam = inPam[0];
+  stateP->outPam.file = pm_openw(stateP->outFileName);
+  stateP->outTupleRow = pnm_allocpamrow(&stateP->outPam);
+  pnm_writepaminit(&stateP->outPam);
+/* Blend one tuple of the input images into a new tuple by selecting a tuple
+ * from a random input image. */
+static void
+blendTuplesRandom(struct programState * const stateP, unsigned int col, sample * outSamps) {
+  unsigned int depth = stateP->inPam[0].depth;
+  unsigned int samp;
+  unsigned int img = (unsigned int) (random() % stateP->nFiles);
+  for (samp = 0; samp < depth; samp++)
+    outSamps[samp] = ((sample *)stateP->inTupleRows[img][col])[samp];
+/* Blend one tuple of the input images into a new tuple by averaging all input
+ * tuples. */
+static void
+blendTuplesAverage(struct programState * const stateP, unsigned int col, sample * outSamps) {
+  unsigned int depth = stateP->inPam[0].depth;
+  unsigned int nFiles = stateP->nFiles;
+  unsigned int samp;
+  for (samp = 0; samp < depth; samp++) {
+    unsigned int img;
+    outSamps[samp] = 0;
+    for (img = 0; img < nFiles; img++)
+      outSamps[samp] += ((sample *)stateP->inTupleRows[img][col])[samp];
+    outSamps[samp] /= nFiles;
+  }
+/* Return two normally distributed random numbers. */
+static void
+random_normal_2(double *r1, double *r2) {
+  double u1, u2;
+  do {
+    u1 = drand48();
+    u2 = drand48();
+  }
+  while (u1 <= DBL_EPSILON);
+  *r1 = sqrt(-2.0*log(u1))*cos(2.0*M_PI*u2);
+  *r2 = sqrt(-2.0*log(u1))*sin(2.0*M_PI*u2);
+/* Precompute the weight to give to each image as a function of grayscale level. */
+static void
+precomputeImageWeights(struct programState * const stateP) {
+  unsigned int maxGray = (unsigned int) stateP->maskPam.maxval;
+  unsigned int nFiles = stateP->nFiles;
+  unsigned int i, j, k;
+  /* Allocate memory for the image weights, */
+  MALLOCARRAY(stateP->imageWeights, maxGray + 1);
+  for (i = 0; i <= maxGray; i++) {
+    MALLOCARRAY(stateP->imageWeights[i], nFiles);
+    memset(stateP->imageWeights[i], 0, nFiles*sizeof(unsigned long));
+  }
+  /* Populate the image-weight arrays. */
+  for (i = 0; i <= maxGray; i++) {
+    double pctGray = i / (double)maxGray;
+    for (j = 0; j < nFiles*randSamples; ) {
+      double r[2];
+      int img;
+      random_normal_2(&r[0], &r[1]);
+      for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
+        img = (int) (r[k]*stateP->sigma + pctGray*nFiles*0.999999);  /* Scale [0, 1] to [0, 1) (sort of). */
+        if (img >= 0 && img < (int)nFiles) {
+          stateP->imageWeights[i][img]++;
+          j++;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+/* Blend one tuple of the input images into a new tuple according to the gray
+ * levels specified in a mask file. */
+static void
+blendTuplesMask(struct programState * const stateP, unsigned int col, sample * outSamps) {
+  unsigned int depth = stateP->inPam[0].depth;
+  sample grayLevel = ((sample *)stateP->maskTupleRow[col])[0];
+  unsigned int nFiles = stateP->nFiles;
+  unsigned int samp;
+  unsigned int img;
+  for (samp = 0; samp < depth; samp++)
+    outSamps[samp] = 0;
+  for (img = 0; img < nFiles; img++) {
+    unsigned long weight = stateP->imageWeights[grayLevel][img];
+    if (weight != 0)
+      for (samp = 0; samp < depth; samp++)
+        outSamps[samp] += ((sample *)stateP->inTupleRows[img][col])[samp] * weight;
+  }
+  for (samp = 0; samp < depth; samp++)
+    outSamps[samp] /= randSamples*nFiles;
+/* Blend one row of input images into a new row. */
+static void
+blendImageRow(struct programState * const stateP) {
+  unsigned int width = stateP->inPam[0].width;
+  unsigned int col;
+  for (col = 0; col < width; col++) {
+    sample * outSamps = (sample *)stateP->outTupleRow[col];
+    switch (stateP->blend) {
+    case BLEND_RANDOM:
+      /* Take each pixel from a different, randomly selected image. */
+      blendTuplesRandom(stateP, col, outSamps);
+      break;
+    case BLEND_AVERAGE:
+      /* Average each sample across all the images. */
+      blendTuplesAverage(stateP, col, outSamps);
+      break;
+    case BLEND_MASK:
+      /* Take each pixel from the image specified by the mask image. */
+      blendTuplesMask(stateP, col, outSamps);
+      break;
+    default:
+      pm_error("Internal error: Invalid blend type");
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+/* Blend the images row-by-row into a new image. */
+static void
+blendImages(struct programState * const stateP) {
+  unsigned int nRows = (unsigned int) stateP->inPam[0].height;
+  unsigned int img;
+  unsigned int row;
+  for (row = 0; row < nRows; row++) {
+    for (img = 0; img < stateP->nFiles; img++)
+      pnm_readpamrow(&stateP->inPam[img], stateP->inTupleRows[img]);
+    if (stateP->blend == BLEND_MASK)
+      pnm_readpamrow(&stateP->maskPam, stateP->maskTupleRow);
+    blendImageRow(stateP);
+    pnm_writepamrow(&stateP->outPam, stateP->outTupleRow);
+  }
+/* Deallocate all of the resources we allocated. */
+static void
+deallocateResources(struct programState * const stateP) {
+  unsigned int i;
+  if (stateP->blend == BLEND_MASK) {
+    for (i = 0; i <= stateP->maskPam.maxval; i++)
+      free(stateP->imageWeights[i]);
+    free(stateP->imageWeights);
+    pnm_freepamrow(stateP->maskTupleRow);
+    pm_close(stateP->maskPam.file);
+  }
+  for (i = 0; i < stateP->nFiles; i++) {
+    pnm_freepamrow(stateP->inTupleRows[i]);
+    pm_close(stateP->inPam[i].file);
+  }
+  free(stateP->outTupleRow);
+  free(stateP->inTupleRows);
+  free(stateP->inPam);
+  free(stateP->inFileNames);
+  pm_close(stateP->outPam.file);
+main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
+  struct programState state;
+  pm_proginit(&argc, argv);
+  parseCommandLine(argc, argv, &state);
+  openFiles(&state);
+  if (state.blend == BLEND_MASK)
+    precomputeImageWeights(&state);
+  blendImages(&state);
+  deallocateResources(&state);
+  return 0;