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path: root/converter/ppm/ppmtopcx.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'converter/ppm/ppmtopcx.c')
1 files changed, 906 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/converter/ppm/ppmtopcx.c b/converter/ppm/ppmtopcx.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bdcfc5c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/ppm/ppmtopcx.c
@@ -0,0 +1,906 @@
+/* ppmtopcx.c - convert a portable pixmap to PCX
+** Copyright (C) 1994 by Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de)
+** based on ppmtopcx.c by Michael Davidson
+** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+** documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
+** that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+** copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+** documentation.  This software is provided "as is" without express or
+** implied warranty.
+** 11/Dec/94: first version
+** 12/Dec/94: added handling of "packed" format (16 colors or less)
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "ppm.h"
+#include "shhopt.h"
+#include "mallocvar.h"
+#define MAXCOLORS       256
+#define PCX_MAGIC       0x0a            /* PCX magic number             */
+#define PCX_256_COLORS  0x0c            /* magic number for 256 colors  */
+#define PCX_MAXVAL      (pixval)255
+struct cmdlineInfo {
+    /* All the information the user supplied in the command line,
+       in a form easy for the program to use.
+    */
+    const char *inputFilespec;  /* '-' if stdin */
+    unsigned int truecolor;   /* -24bit option */
+    unsigned int use_8_bit; /* -8bit option */
+    unsigned int planes;    /* zero means minimum */
+    unsigned int packed;
+    unsigned int verbose;
+    unsigned int stdpalette;
+    const char * palette;   /* NULL means none */
+    int xpos;
+    int ypos;
+struct pcxCmapEntry {
+    unsigned char r;
+    unsigned char g;
+    unsigned char b;
+static struct pcxCmapEntry
+pcxCmapEntryFromPixel(pixel const colorPixel) {
+    struct pcxCmapEntry retval;
+    retval.r = PPM_GETR(colorPixel);
+    retval.g = PPM_GETG(colorPixel);
+    retval.b = PPM_GETB(colorPixel);
+    return retval;
+static void
+parseCommandLine(int argc, char ** argv,
+                 struct cmdlineInfo * const cmdlineP) {
+   parse program command line described in Unix standard form by argc
+   and argv.  Return the information in the options as *cmdlineP.  
+   If command line is internally inconsistent (invalid options, etc.),
+   issue error message to stderr and abort program.
+   Note that the strings we return are stored in the storage that
+   was passed to us as the argv array.  We also trash *argv.
+    optEntry *option_def;
+        /* Instructions to optParseOptions3 on how to parse our options.
+         */
+    optStruct3 opt;
+    unsigned int option_def_index;
+    unsigned int planesSpec, xposSpec, yposSpec, paletteSpec;
+    MALLOCARRAY(option_def, 100);
+    option_def_index = 0;   /* incremented by OPTENT3 */
+    OPTENT3(0, "24bit",     OPT_FLAG,   NULL,                  
+            &cmdlineP->truecolor,    0);
+    OPTENT3(0, "8bit",      OPT_FLAG,   NULL,    
+            &cmdlineP->use_8_bit,    0);
+    OPTENT3(0, "planes",    OPT_UINT,   &cmdlineP->planes, 
+            &planesSpec,             0);
+    OPTENT3(0, "packed",    OPT_FLAG,   NULL,                  
+            &cmdlineP->packed,       0);
+    OPTENT3(0, "verbose",   OPT_FLAG,   NULL,                  
+            &cmdlineP->verbose,      0);
+    OPTENT3(0, "stdpalette", OPT_FLAG,  NULL,
+            &cmdlineP->stdpalette,   0);
+    OPTENT3(0, "palette",    OPT_STRING, &cmdlineP->palette,
+            &paletteSpec,   0);
+    OPTENT3(0, "xpos",  OPT_INT, &cmdlineP->xpos, &xposSpec,   0);
+    OPTENT3(0, "ypos",  OPT_INT, &cmdlineP->ypos, &yposSpec,   0);
+    opt.opt_table = option_def;
+    opt.short_allowed = FALSE;  /* We have no short (old-fashioned) options */
+    opt.allowNegNum = FALSE;  /* We have no parms that are negative numbers */
+    optParseOptions3( &argc, argv, opt, sizeof(opt), 0 );
+        /* Uses and sets argc, argv, and some of *cmdline_p and others. */
+    if (!xposSpec)
+        cmdlineP->xpos = 0;
+    else if (cmdlineP->xpos < -32767 || cmdlineP->xpos > 32768)
+        pm_error("-xpos value (%d) is outside acceptable range "
+                 "(-32767, 32768)", cmdlineP->xpos);
+    if (!yposSpec)
+        cmdlineP->ypos = 0;
+    else if (cmdlineP->ypos < -32767 || cmdlineP->ypos > 32768)
+        pm_error("-ypos value (%d) is outside acceptable range "
+                 "(-32767, 32768)", cmdlineP->ypos);
+    if (!planesSpec)
+        cmdlineP->planes = 0;  /* 0 means minimum */
+    if (planesSpec) {
+        if (cmdlineP->planes > 4 || cmdlineP->planes < 1)
+            pm_error("The only possible numbers of planes are 1-4.  "
+                     "You specified %u", cmdlineP->planes);
+        if (cmdlineP->packed)
+            pm_error("-planes is meaningless with -packed.");
+        if (cmdlineP->truecolor)
+            pm_error("-planes is meaningless with -24bit");
+        if (cmdlineP->use_8_bit)
+            pm_error("-planes is meaningless with -8bit");
+    }
+    if (paletteSpec && cmdlineP->stdpalette)
+        pm_error("You can't specify both -palette and -stdpalette");
+    if (!paletteSpec)
+        cmdlineP->palette = NULL;
+    if (cmdlineP->use_8_bit && cmdlineP->truecolor) 
+        pm_error("You cannot specify both -8bit and -truecolor");
+    if (argc-1 < 1)
+        cmdlineP->inputFilespec = "-";
+    else if (argc-1 == 1)
+        cmdlineP->inputFilespec = argv[1];
+    else
+        pm_error("Program takes at most one argument "
+                 "(input file specification).  You specified %d",
+                 argc-1);
+ * Write out a two-byte little-endian word to the PCX file
+ */
+static void
+Putword(int    const w, 
+        FILE * const fp) {
+    int rc;
+    rc = pm_writelittleshort(fp, w);
+    if (rc != 0)
+        pm_error("Error writing integer to output file");
+ * Write out a byte to the PCX file
+ */
+static void
+Putbyte(int    const b, 
+        FILE * const fp) {
+    int rc;
+    rc = fputc(b & 0xff, fp);
+    if (rc == EOF)
+        pm_error("Error writing byte to output file.");
+static const unsigned char bitmask[] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128};
+static void
+extractPlane(unsigned char * const rawrow, 
+             int             const cols, 
+             unsigned char * const buf, 
+             int             const plane) {
+   From the image row 'rawrow', which is an array of 'cols' palette indices
+   (as unsigned 8 bit integers), extract plane number 'plane' and return
+   it at 'buf'.
+   E.g. Plane 2 is all the 2nd bits from the palette indices, packed so
+   that each byte represents 8 columns.
+    unsigned int const planeMask = 1 << plane;
+    unsigned int col;
+    int cbit;  /* Significance of bit representing current column in output */
+    unsigned char *cp;  /* Ptr to next output byte to fill */
+    unsigned char byteUnderConstruction;
+    cp = buf;  /* initial value */
+    cbit = 7;
+    byteUnderConstruction = 0x00;
+    for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col) {
+        if (rawrow[col] & planeMask)
+            byteUnderConstruction |= (1 << cbit);
+        --cbit;
+        if (cbit < 0) {
+            /* We've filled a byte.  Output it and start the next */
+            *cp++ = byteUnderConstruction;
+            cbit = 7;
+            byteUnderConstruction = 0x00;
+        }
+    }
+    if (cbit < 7)
+        /* A byte was partially built when we ran out of columns (the number
+           of columns is not a multiple of 8.  Output the partial byte.
+        */
+        *cp++ = byteUnderConstruction;
+static void
+PackBits(unsigned char * const rawrow, 
+         int             const width, 
+         unsigned char * const buf, 
+         int             const bits) {
+    int x, i, shift;
+    shift = i = -1;
+    for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
+        if (shift < 0) {
+            shift = 8 - bits;
+            buf[++i] = 0;
+        }
+        buf[i] |= (rawrow[x] << shift);
+        shift -= bits;
+    }
+static void
+write_header(FILE *              const fp, 
+             int                 const cols, 
+             int                 const rows, 
+             int                 const BitsPerPixel, 
+             int                 const Planes, 
+             struct pcxCmapEntry const cmap16[],
+             unsigned int        const xPos, 
+             unsigned int        const yPos) {
+    int i, BytesPerLine;
+    Putbyte(PCX_MAGIC, fp);        /* .PCX magic number            */
+    Putbyte(0x05, fp);             /* PC Paintbrush version        */
+    Putbyte(0x01, fp);             /* .PCX run length encoding     */
+    Putbyte(BitsPerPixel, fp);     /* bits per pixel               */
+    Putword(xPos, fp);             /* x1   - image left            */
+    Putword(yPos, fp);             /* y1   - image top             */
+    Putword(xPos+cols-1, fp);      /* x2   - image right           */
+    Putword(yPos+rows-1, fp);      /* y2   - image bottom          */
+    Putword(cols, fp);             /* horizontal resolution        */
+    Putword(rows, fp);             /* vertical resolution          */
+    /* Write out the Color Map for images with 16 colors or less */
+    if (cmap16)
+        for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
+            Putbyte(cmap16[i].r, fp);
+            Putbyte(cmap16[i].g, fp);
+            Putbyte(cmap16[i].b, fp);
+        }
+    else {
+        unsigned int i;
+        for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
+            Putbyte(0, fp);
+            Putbyte(0, fp);
+            Putbyte(0, fp);
+        }
+    }
+    Putbyte(0, fp);                /* reserved byte                */
+    Putbyte(Planes, fp);           /* number of color planes       */
+    BytesPerLine = ((cols * BitsPerPixel) + 7) / 8;
+    Putword(BytesPerLine, fp);    /* number of bytes per scanline */
+    Putword(1, fp);                /* palette info                 */
+    {
+        unsigned int i;
+        for (i = 0; i < 58; ++i)        /* fill to end of header        */
+            Putbyte(0, fp);
+    }
+static void
+PCXEncode(FILE *                const fp, 
+          const unsigned char * const buf, 
+          int                   const Size) {
+    const unsigned char * const end = buf + Size;
+    const unsigned char * currentP;
+    int previous, count;
+    currentP = buf;
+    previous = *currentP++;
+    count    = 1;
+    while (currentP < end) {
+        unsigned char const c = *currentP++;
+        if (c == previous && count < 63)
+            ++count;
+        else {
+            if (count > 1 || (previous & 0xc0) == 0xc0) {
+                count |= 0xc0;
+                Putbyte ( count , fp );
+            }
+            Putbyte(previous, fp);
+            previous = c;
+            count   = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    if (count > 1 || (previous & 0xc0) == 0xc0) {
+        count |= 0xc0;
+        Putbyte ( count , fp );
+    }
+    Putbyte(previous, fp);
+static unsigned int
+indexOfColor(colorhash_table const cht,
+             pixel           const color) {
+   Return the index in the palette described by 'cht' of the color 'color'.
+   Abort program with error message if the color is not in the palette.
+    int const rc = ppm_lookupcolor(cht, &color);
+    if (rc < 0)
+        pm_error("Image contains color which is not "
+                 "in the palette: %u/%u/%u", 
+                 PPM_GETR(color), PPM_GETG(color), PPM_GETB(color));
+    return rc;
+static void
+ppmTo16ColorPcx(pixel **            const pixels, 
+                int                 const cols, 
+                int                 const rows, 
+                struct pcxCmapEntry const pcxcmap[], 
+                int                 const colors, 
+                colorhash_table     const cht, 
+                bool                const packbits,
+                unsigned int        const planesRequested,
+                unsigned int        const xPos,
+                unsigned int        const yPos) {
+    int Planes, BytesPerLine, BitsPerPixel;
+    unsigned char *indexRow;  /* malloc'ed */
+        /* indexRow[x] is the palette index of the pixel at column x of
+           the row currently being processed
+        */
+    unsigned char *planesrow; /* malloc'ed */
+        /* This is the input for a single row to the compressor */
+    int row;
+    if (packbits) {
+        Planes = 1;
+        if (colors > 4)        BitsPerPixel = 4;
+        else if (colors > 2)   BitsPerPixel = 2;
+        else                   BitsPerPixel = 1;
+    } else {
+        BitsPerPixel = 1;
+        if (planesRequested)
+            Planes = planesRequested;
+        else {
+            if (colors > 8)        Planes = 4;
+            else if (colors > 4)   Planes = 3;
+            else if (colors > 2)   Planes = 2;
+            else                   Planes = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    BytesPerLine = ((cols * BitsPerPixel) + 7) / 8;
+    MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(indexRow, cols);
+    MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(planesrow, BytesPerLine);
+    write_header(stdout, cols, rows, BitsPerPixel, Planes, pcxcmap, 
+                 xPos, yPos);
+    for (row = 0; row < rows; ++row) {
+        int col;
+        for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col)
+            indexRow[col] = indexOfColor(cht, pixels[row][col]);
+        if (packbits) {
+            PackBits(indexRow, cols, planesrow, BitsPerPixel);
+            PCXEncode(stdout, planesrow, BytesPerLine);
+        } else {
+            unsigned int plane;
+            for (plane = 0; plane < Planes; ++plane) {
+                extractPlane(indexRow, cols, planesrow, plane);
+                PCXEncode(stdout, planesrow, BytesPerLine);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    free(planesrow);
+    free(indexRow);
+static void
+ppmTo256ColorPcx(pixel **            const pixels, 
+                 int                 const cols, 
+                 int                 const rows, 
+                 struct pcxCmapEntry const pcxcmap[], 
+                 int                 const colors, 
+                 colorhash_table     const cht,
+                 unsigned int        const xPos, 
+                 unsigned int        const yPos) {
+    int row;
+    unsigned int i;
+    unsigned char *rawrow;
+    rawrow = (unsigned char *)pm_allocrow(cols, sizeof(unsigned char));
+    /* 8 bits per pixel, 1 plane */
+    write_header(stdout, cols, rows, 8, 1, NULL, xPos, yPos);
+    for (row = 0; row < rows; ++row) {
+        int col;
+        for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col)
+            rawrow[col] = indexOfColor(cht, pixels[row][col]);
+        PCXEncode(stdout, rawrow, cols);
+    }
+    Putbyte(PCX_256_COLORS, stdout);
+    for (i = 0; i < MAXCOLORS; ++i) {
+        Putbyte(pcxcmap[i].r, stdout);
+        Putbyte(pcxcmap[i].g, stdout);
+        Putbyte(pcxcmap[i].b, stdout);
+    }
+    pm_freerow((void*)rawrow);
+static void
+ppmToTruecolorPcx(pixel **     const pixels, 
+                  int          const cols, 
+                  int          const rows, 
+                  pixval       const maxval,
+                  unsigned int const xPos, 
+                  unsigned int const yPos) {
+    unsigned char *redrow, *greenrow, *bluerow;
+    int col, row;
+    redrow   = (unsigned char *)pm_allocrow(cols, sizeof(unsigned char));
+    greenrow = (unsigned char *)pm_allocrow(cols, sizeof(unsigned char));
+    bluerow  = (unsigned char *)pm_allocrow(cols, sizeof(unsigned char));
+    /* 8 bits per pixel, 3 planes */
+    write_header(stdout, cols, rows, 8, 3, NULL, xPos, yPos);
+    for( row = 0; row < rows; row++ ) {
+        register pixel *pP = pixels[row];
+        for( col = 0; col < cols; col++, pP++ ) {
+            if( maxval != PCX_MAXVAL ) {
+                redrow[col]   = (long)PPM_GETR(*pP) * PCX_MAXVAL / maxval;
+                greenrow[col] = (long)PPM_GETG(*pP) * PCX_MAXVAL / maxval;
+                bluerow[col]  = (long)PPM_GETB(*pP) * PCX_MAXVAL / maxval;
+            }
+            else {
+                redrow[col]   = PPM_GETR(*pP);
+                greenrow[col] = PPM_GETG(*pP);
+                bluerow[col]  = PPM_GETB(*pP);
+            }
+        }
+        PCXEncode(stdout, redrow, cols);
+        PCXEncode(stdout, greenrow, cols);
+        PCXEncode(stdout, bluerow, cols);
+    }
+    pm_freerow((void*)bluerow);
+    pm_freerow((void*)greenrow);
+    pm_freerow((void*)redrow);
+static const struct pcxCmapEntry 
+stdPalette[] = {
+    {   0,   0,   0 },
+    {   0,   0, 170 },
+    {   0, 170,   0 },
+    {   0, 170, 170 },
+    { 170,   0,   0 },
+    { 170,   0, 170 },
+    { 170, 170,   0 },
+    { 170, 170, 170 },
+    {  85,  85,  85 },
+    {  85,  85, 255 },
+    {  85, 255,  85 },
+    {  85, 255, 255 },
+    { 255,  85,  85 },
+    { 255,  85, 255 },
+    { 255, 255,  85 },
+    { 255, 255, 255 }
+static void
+putPcxColorInHash(colorhash_table const cht,
+                  pixel           const newPcxColor,
+                  unsigned int    const newColorIndex,
+                  pixval          const maxval) {
+    pixel ppmColor;
+        /* Same color as 'newPcxColor', but at the PPM image's color
+           resolution: 'maxval'
+        */
+    int rc;
+    PPM_DEPTH(ppmColor, newPcxColor, PCX_MAXVAL, maxval);
+    rc = ppm_lookupcolor(cht, &ppmColor);
+    if (rc == -1)
+        /* This color is not in the hash yet, so we just add it */
+        ppm_addtocolorhash(cht, &ppmColor, newColorIndex);
+    else {
+        /* This color is already in the hash.  That's because the
+           subject image has less color resolution than PCX (i.e.
+           'maxval' is less than PCX_MAXVAL), and two distinct
+           colors in the standard palette are indistinguishable at
+           subject image color resolution.
+           So we have to figure out wether color 'newPcxColor' or
+           'existingPcxColor' is a better match for 'ppmColor'.
+        */
+        unsigned int const existingColorIndex = rc;
+        pixel idealPcxColor;
+        pixel existingPcxColor;
+        PPM_DEPTH(idealPcxColor, ppmColor, maxval, PCX_MAXVAL);
+        PPM_ASSIGN(existingPcxColor, 
+                   stdPalette[existingColorIndex].r,
+                   stdPalette[existingColorIndex].g,
+                   stdPalette[existingColorIndex].b);
+        if (PPM_DISTANCE(newPcxColor, idealPcxColor) <
+            PPM_DISTANCE(existingPcxColor, idealPcxColor)) {
+            /* The new PCX color is a better match.  Make it the new
+               translation of image color 'ppmColor'.
+            */
+            ppm_delfromcolorhash(cht, &ppmColor);
+            ppm_addtocolorhash(cht, &ppmColor, newColorIndex);
+        }
+    }
+static void
+generateStandardPalette(struct pcxCmapEntry ** const pcxcmapP,
+                        pixval                 const maxval,
+                        colorhash_table *      const chtP,
+                        int *                  const colorsP) {
+    unsigned int const stdPaletteSize = 16;
+    unsigned int colorIndex;
+    struct pcxCmapEntry * pcxcmap;
+    colorhash_table cht;
+    *pcxcmapP = pcxcmap;
+    cht = ppm_alloccolorhash();
+    for (colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < stdPaletteSize; ++colorIndex) {
+        pixel pcxColor;
+            /* The color of this colormap entry, in PCX resolution */
+        pcxcmap[colorIndex] = stdPalette[colorIndex];
+        PPM_ASSIGN(pcxColor, 
+                   stdPalette[colorIndex].r,
+                   stdPalette[colorIndex].g,
+                   stdPalette[colorIndex].b);
+        putPcxColorInHash(cht, pcxColor, colorIndex, maxval);
+    }
+    *chtP = cht;
+    *colorsP = stdPaletteSize;
+static void
+readPpmPalette(const char *   const paletteFileName,
+               pixel       (* const ppmPaletteP)[], 
+               unsigned int * const paletteSizeP) {
+    FILE * pfP;
+    pixel ** pixels;
+    int cols, rows;
+    pixval maxval;
+    pfP = pm_openr(paletteFileName);
+    pixels = ppm_readppm(pfP, &cols, &rows, &maxval);
+    pm_close(pfP);
+    *paletteSizeP = rows * cols;
+    if (*paletteSizeP > MAXCOLORS) 
+        pm_error("ordered palette image contains %d pixels.  Maximum is %d",
+                 *paletteSizeP, MAXCOLORS);
+    {
+        int j;
+        int row;
+        j = 0;  /* initial value */
+        for (row = 0; row < rows; ++row) {
+            int col;
+            for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col) 
+                (*ppmPaletteP)[j++] = pixels[row][col];
+        }
+    }
+    ppm_freearray(pixels, rows);
+static void
+readPaletteFromFile(struct pcxCmapEntry ** const pcxcmapP,
+                    const char *           const paletteFileName,
+                    pixval                 const maxval,
+                    colorhash_table *      const chtP,
+                    int *                  const colorsP) {
+    unsigned int colorIndex;
+    pixel ppmPalette[MAXCOLORS];
+    unsigned int paletteSize;
+    struct pcxCmapEntry * pcxcmap;
+    colorhash_table cht;
+    readPpmPalette(paletteFileName, &ppmPalette, &paletteSize);
+    *pcxcmapP = pcxcmap;
+    cht = ppm_alloccolorhash();
+    for (colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < paletteSize; ++colorIndex) {
+        pixel pcxColor;
+            /* The color of this colormap entry, in PCX resolution */
+        pcxcmap[colorIndex] = pcxCmapEntryFromPixel(ppmPalette[colorIndex]);
+        PPM_ASSIGN(pcxColor, 
+                   ppmPalette[colorIndex].r,
+                   ppmPalette[colorIndex].g,
+                   ppmPalette[colorIndex].b);
+        putPcxColorInHash(cht, pcxColor, colorIndex, maxval);
+    }
+    *chtP = cht;
+    *colorsP = paletteSize;
+static void
+moveBlackToIndex0(colorhist_vector const chv,
+                  int              const colors) {
+   If black is in the palette, make it at Index 0.
+    pixel blackPixel;
+    unsigned int i;
+    bool blackPresent;
+    PPM_ASSIGN(blackPixel, 0, 0, 0);
+    blackPresent = FALSE;  /* initial assumption */
+    for (i = 0; i < colors; ++i)
+        if (PPM_EQUAL(chv[i].color, blackPixel))
+            blackPresent = TRUE;
+    if (blackPresent) {
+        /* We use a trick here.  ppm_addtocolorhist() always adds to the
+           beginning of the table and if the color is already elsewhere in
+           the table, removes it.
+        */
+        int colors2;
+        colors2 = colors;
+        ppm_addtocolorhist(chv, &colors2, MAXCOLORS, &blackPixel, 0, 0);
+        assert(colors2 == colors);
+    }
+static void
+makePcxColormapFromImage(pixel **               const pixels,
+                         int                    const cols,
+                         int                    const rows,
+                         pixval                 const maxval,
+                         struct pcxCmapEntry ** const pcxcmapP,
+                         colorhash_table *      const chtP,
+                         int *                  const colorsP,
+                         bool *                 const tooManyColorsP) {
+   Make a colormap (palette) for the PCX header that can be used
+   for the image described by 'pixels', 'cols', 'rows', and 'maxval'.
+   Return it in newly malloc'ed storage and return its address as
+   *pcxcmapP.
+   Also return a lookup hash to relate a color in the image to the
+   appropriate index in *pcxcmapP.  Return that in newly malloc'ed 
+   storage as *chtP.
+   Iff there are too many colors to do that (i.e. more than 256), 
+   return *tooManyColorsP == TRUE.
+    int colors;
+    colorhist_vector chv;
+    pm_message("computing colormap...");
+    chv = ppm_computecolorhist(pixels, cols, rows, MAXCOLORS, &colors);
+    if (chv == NULL)
+        *tooManyColorsP = TRUE;
+    else {
+        int i;
+        struct pcxCmapEntry * pcxcmap;
+        *tooManyColorsP = FALSE;
+        pm_message("%d colors found", colors);
+        moveBlackToIndex0(chv, colors);
+        *pcxcmapP = pcxcmap;
+        for (i = 0; i < colors; ++i) {
+            pixel p;
+            PPM_DEPTH(p, chv[i].color, maxval, PCX_MAXVAL);
+            pcxcmap[i].r = PPM_GETR(p);
+            pcxcmap[i].g = PPM_GETG(p);
+            pcxcmap[i].b = PPM_GETB(p);
+        }
+        /* Fill it out with black */
+        for ( ; i < MAXCOLORS; ++i) {
+            pcxcmap[i].r = 0;
+            pcxcmap[i].g = 0;
+            pcxcmap[i].b = 0;
+        }
+        *chtP = ppm_colorhisttocolorhash(chv, colors);
+        *colorsP = colors;
+        ppm_freecolorhist(chv);
+    }
+static void 
+ppmToPalettePcx(pixel **            const pixels, 
+                int                 const cols, 
+                int                 const rows,
+                pixval              const maxval,
+                unsigned int        const xPos, 
+                unsigned int        const yPos,
+                struct pcxCmapEntry const pcxcmap[],
+                colorhash_table     const cht,
+                int                 const colors,
+                bool                const packbits,
+                unsigned int        const planes,
+                bool                const use_8_bit) {
+    /* convert image */
+    if( colors <= 16 && !use_8_bit )
+        ppmTo16ColorPcx(pixels, cols, rows, pcxcmap, colors, cht, 
+                        packbits, planes, xPos, yPos);
+    else
+        ppmTo256ColorPcx(pixels, cols, rows, pcxcmap, colors, cht,
+                         xPos, yPos);
+main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+    struct cmdlineInfo cmdline;
+    FILE* ifP;
+    int rows, cols;
+    pixval maxval;
+    pixel **pixels;
+    struct pcxCmapEntry * pcxcmap;
+    colorhash_table cht;
+    bool truecolor;
+    int colors;
+    ppm_init(&argc, argv);
+    parseCommandLine(argc, argv, &cmdline);
+    ifP = pm_openr(cmdline.inputFilespec);
+    pixels = ppm_readppm(ifP, &cols, &rows, &maxval);
+    pm_close(ifP);
+    if (cmdline.truecolor)
+        truecolor = TRUE;
+    else {
+        if (cmdline.stdpalette) {
+            truecolor = FALSE;
+            generateStandardPalette(&pcxcmap, maxval, &cht, &colors);
+        } else if (cmdline.palette) {
+            truecolor = FALSE;
+            readPaletteFromFile(&pcxcmap, cmdline.palette, maxval, 
+                                &cht, &colors);
+        } else {
+            bool tooManyColors;
+            makePcxColormapFromImage(pixels, cols, rows, maxval,
+                                     &pcxcmap, &cht, &colors,
+                                     &tooManyColors);
+            if (tooManyColors) {
+                pm_message("too many colors - writing a 24bit PCX file");
+                pm_message("if you want a non-24bit file, "
+                           " a 'pnmquant %d'", MAXCOLORS);
+                truecolor = TRUE;
+            } else
+                truecolor = FALSE;
+        }
+    }
+    if (truecolor)
+        ppmToTruecolorPcx(pixels, cols, rows, maxval, 
+                          cmdline.xpos, cmdline.ypos);
+    else {
+        ppmToPalettePcx(pixels, cols, rows, maxval, 
+                        cmdline.xpos, cmdline.ypos,
+                        pcxcmap, cht, colors, cmdline.packed, 
+                        cmdline.planes, cmdline.use_8_bit);
+        ppm_freecolorhash(cht);
+        free(pcxcmap);
+    }
+    return 0;