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path: root/converter/ppm/ppmtoacad.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'converter/ppm/ppmtoacad.c')
1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/converter/ppm/ppmtoacad.c b/converter/ppm/ppmtoacad.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f927f02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/ppm/ppmtoacad.c
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+      Convert a portable pixmap to an AutoCAD slide or DXB file
+    Author:
+            John Walker
+            Autodesk SA
+            Avenue des Champs-Montants 14b
+            CH-2074 MARIN
+            Switzerland
+            Usenet: kelvin@Autodesk.com
+            Fax:    038/33 88 15
+            Voice:  038/33 76 33
+    Permission  to  use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
+    its documentation  for  any  purpose  and  without  fee  is  hereby
+    granted,  without any conditions or restrictions.  This software is
+    provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "ppm.h"
+#define TRUE     1
+#define FALSE    0
+#define EOS     '\0'
+#define MAXHIST         32767         /* Color histogram maximum size */
+static pixel **pixels;                /* Input pixel map */
+static colorhash_table cht;           /* Color hash table */
+static int curcol = -1;               /* Current slide output color */
+static int polymode = FALSE;          /* Output filled polygons ? */
+static int dxbmode = FALSE;           /* Output .dxb format ? */
+static int bgcol = -1;                /* Screen background color */
+static double aspect = 1.0;           /* Pixel aspect ratio correction */
+static int gamut = 256;               /* Output color gamut */
+#include "autocad.h"                  /* AutoCAD standard color assignments */
+/* prototypes */
+static void outrun ARGS((int color, int ysize, int y, int xstart, int xend));
+static void slideout ARGS((int xdots, int ydots, int ncolors,
+        unsigned char *red, unsigned char *green, unsigned char *blue));
+/*  OUTRUN  --  Output a run of pixels. */
+static void outrun(color, ysize, y, xstart, xend)
+  int color, ysize, y, xstart, xend;
+    if (color == 0) {
+        return;                       /* Let screen background handle this */
+    }
+    if (curcol != color) {
+        if (dxbmode) {
+            putchar((char)136);
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, color);
+        } else {
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, (short) 0xFF00 | color);
+        }
+        curcol = color;
+    }
+    if (polymode) {
+        int v, yb = (ysize - y) + 1, yspan = 1;
+        /* Since  we're emitting filled polygons,  let's scan downward
+           in the pixmap and see if we can extend the run on this line
+           vertically  as  well.   If  so, emit a polygon that handles
+           both the horizontal and vertical run and clear  the  pixels
+           in the subsequent lines to the background color. */
+        for (v = y + 1; v <= ysize; v++) {
+            int j, mismatch = FALSE;
+            for (j = xstart; j <= xend; j++) {
+                if (PPM_GETR(pixels[y][j]) != PPM_GETR(pixels[v][j])) {
+                    mismatch = TRUE;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if (mismatch) {
+                break;
+            }
+            for (j = xstart; j <= xend; j++) {
+                PPM_ASSIGN(pixels[v][j], 0, 0, 0);
+            }
+        }
+        yspan = v - y;
+        if (dxbmode) {
+            putchar(11);              /* Solid */
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(
+                stdout, (int) (xstart * aspect + 0.4999));
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, yb);
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(
+                stdout, (int) ((xend + 1) * aspect + 0.4999));
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, yb);
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(
+                stdout, (int) (xstart * aspect + 0.4999));
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, yb - yspan);
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(
+                stdout, (int) ((xend + 1) * aspect + 0.4999));
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, yb - yspan);
+        } else {
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, (short) 0xFD00); 
+              /* Solid fill header */
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, 4);      
+              /* Vertices to follow */
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, -2);     /* Fill type */
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, (short)0xFD00); 
+              /* Solid fill vertex */
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, xstart);
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, yb);
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, (short) 0xFD00); 
+              /* Solid fill vertex */
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, xend + 1);
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, yb);
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, (short) 0xFD00); 
+              /* Solid fill vertex */
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, xend + 1);
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, yb - yspan);
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, (short) 0xFD00); 
+              /* Solid fill vertex */
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, xstart);
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, yb - yspan);
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, (short) 0xFD00); 
+              /* Solid fill trailer */
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, 4); /* Vertices that precede */
+            (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, -2);     /* Fill type */
+        }
+    } else {
+        (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, xstart);     /* Vector:  From X */
+        (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, ysize - y);  /*          From Y */
+        (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, xend);       /*          To   X */
+        (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, ysize - y);  /*          To   Y */
+    }
+/*  SLIDEOUT  --  Write an AutoCAD slide.  */
+static void slideout(xdots, ydots, ncolors, red, green, blue)
+  int xdots, ydots, ncolors;
+  unsigned char *red, *green, *blue;
+    static char sldhead[18] = "AutoCAD Slide\r\n\32";
+    static char dxbhead[20] = "AutoCAD DXB 1.0\r\n\32";
+    unsigned char *acadmap;
+    int i, xsize, ysize;
+    /* If the user has specified a non-black screen background color,
+       swap the screen background color into color  index  zero  and
+       move  black into the slot previously occupied by the background
+       color. */
+    if (bgcol > 0) {
+        acadcol[0][0] = acadcol[bgcol][0];
+        acadcol[0][1] = acadcol[bgcol][1];
+        acadcol[0][2] = acadcol[bgcol][2];
+        acadcol[bgcol][0] = acadcol[bgcol][1] = acadcol[bgcol][2] = 0;
+    }
+    acadmap = (unsigned char *) pm_allocrow(ncolors, sizeof(unsigned char));
+    xsize = polymode ? xdots : (xdots - 1);
+    ysize = polymode ? ydots : (ydots - 1);
+    if (dxbmode) {
+        fwrite(dxbhead, 19, 1, stdout); /* DXB file header */
+        putchar((char)135);                 /* Number mode */
+        (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, 0);        /* ...short integers */
+    } else {
+        fwrite(sldhead, 17, 1, stdout); /* Slide file header */
+        putchar(86);                  /* Number format indicator */
+        putchar(2);                   /* File level number */
+        (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, xsize); /* Max X co-ordinate value */
+        (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, ysize); /* Max Y co-ordinate value */
+                                      /* Aspect ratio indicator */
+        (void) pm_writelittlelong(
+            stdout, (long) ((((double) xsize) / ysize) * aspect * 1E7));
+        (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, 2);        /* Polygon fill type */
+        (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, 0x1234);   /* Byte order indicator */
+    }
+    /* Now  build  a  mapping  from  the  image's computed color map
+       indices to the closest representation  of  each  color  within
+       AutoCAD's color repertoire. */
+    for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) {
+        int best, j;
+        long dist = 3 * 256 * 256;
+        for (j = 0; j < gamut; j++) {
+            long dr = red[i] - acadcol[j][0],
+                 dg = green[i] - acadcol[j][1],
+                 db = blue[i] - acadcol[j][2];
+            long tdist = dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db;
+            if (tdist < dist) {
+                dist = tdist;
+                best = j;
+            }
+        }
+        acadmap[i] = best;
+    }
+    /* Swoop  over the entire map and replace each  RGB pixel with its
+       closest  AutoCAD  color  representation.   We  do  this  in  a
+       separate  pass  since it avoids repetitive mapping of pixels as
+       we examine them for compression. */
+    for (i = 0; i < ydots; i++) {
+        int x;
+        for (x = 0; x < xdots; x++) {
+            PPM_ASSIGN(pixels[i][x],
+                acadmap[ppm_lookupcolor(cht, &pixels[i][x])], 0 ,0);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Output a run-length encoded expression of the pixmap as AutoCAD
+       vectors. */
+    for (i = 0; i < ydots; i++) {
+        int x, rx, rpix = -1, nrun = 0;
+        for (x = 0; x < xdots; x++) {
+            int pix = PPM_GETR(pixels[i][x]);
+            if (pix != rpix) {
+                if (nrun > 0) {
+                    if (rpix > 0) {
+                        outrun(rpix, ydots - 1, i, rx, x - 1);
+                    }
+                }
+                rpix = pix;
+                rx = x;
+                nrun = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        if ((nrun > 0) && (rpix > 0)) {
+            outrun(rpix, ydots - 1, i, rx, xdots - 1);
+        }
+    }
+    if (dxbmode) {
+        putchar(0);                   /* DXB end sentinel */
+    } else {
+        (void) pm_writelittleshort(stdout, (short) 0xFC00); 
+          /* End of file marker */
+    }
+    pm_freerow((char *) acadmap);
+/*  Main program.  */
+int main(argc, argv)
+  int argc;
+  char* argv[];
+    FILE *ifp;
+    int argn, rows, cols, ncolors, i;
+    int aspectspec = FALSE;
+    pixval maxval;
+    colorhist_vector chv;
+    unsigned char *Red, *Green, *Blue;
+    const char * const usage =
+        "[-poly] [-dxb] [-white] [-background <col>]\n\
+                  [-aspect <f>] [-8] [ppmfile]";
+    ppm_init(&argc, argv);
+    argn = 1;
+    while (argn < argc && argv[argn][0] == '-' && argv[argn][1] != EOS) {
+        if (pm_keymatch(argv[argn], "-dxb", 2)) {
+            dxbmode = polymode = TRUE;
+        } else if (pm_keymatch(argv[argn], "-poly", 2)) {
+            polymode = TRUE;
+        } else if (pm_keymatch(argv[argn], "-white", 2)) {
+            if (bgcol >= 0) {
+                pm_error("already specified a background color");
+            }
+            bgcol = 7;
+        } else if (pm_keymatch(argv[argn], "-background", 2)) {
+            if (bgcol >= 0) {
+                pm_error("already specified a background color");
+            }
+            argn++;
+            if ((argn == argc) || (sscanf(argv[argn], "%d", &bgcol) != 1))
+                pm_usage(usage);
+            if (bgcol < 0) {
+                pm_error("background color must be >= 0 and <= 255");
+            }
+        } else if (pm_keymatch(argv[argn], "-aspect", 2)) {
+            if (aspectspec) {
+                pm_error("already specified an aspect ratio");
+            }
+            argn++;
+            if ((argn == argc) || (sscanf(argv[argn], "%lf", &aspect) != 1))
+                pm_usage(usage);
+            if (aspect <= 0.0) {
+                pm_error("aspect ratio must be greater than 0");
+            }
+            aspectspec = TRUE;
+        } else if (pm_keymatch(argv[argn], "-8", 2)) {
+            gamut = 8;
+        } else {
+            pm_usage(usage);
+        }
+        argn++;
+    }
+    if (argn < argc) {
+        ifp = pm_openr(argv[argn]);
+        argn++;
+    } else {
+        ifp = stdin;
+    }
+    if (argn != argc) {
+        pm_usage(usage);
+    }
+    pixels = ppm_readppm(ifp, &cols, &rows, &maxval);
+    pm_close(ifp);
+    /* Figure out the colormap.  Logic for squeezing depth to limit the
+       number of colors in the image was swiped from ppmquant.c. */
+    while (TRUE) {
+        int row, col;
+        pixval newmaxval;
+        pixel *pP;
+        pm_message("computing colormap...");
+        chv = ppm_computecolorhist(pixels, cols, rows, MAXHIST, &ncolors);
+        if (chv != (colorhist_vector) 0)
+            break;
+        newmaxval = maxval / 2;
+        pm_message(
+        "scaling colors from maxval=%d to maxval=%d to improve clustering...",
+                   maxval, newmaxval );
+        for (row = 0; row < rows; ++row) {
+            for (col = 0, pP = pixels[row]; col < cols; ++col, ++pP) {
+                PPM_DEPTH(*pP, *pP, maxval, newmaxval);
+            }
+        }
+        maxval = newmaxval;
+    }
+    pm_message("%d colors found", ncolors);
+    /* Scale the color map derived for the PPM file into one compatible
+       with AutoCAD's convention of 8 bit intensities. */
+    if (maxval != 255) {
+        pm_message("maxval is not 255 - automatically rescaling colors");
+    }
+    Red = (unsigned char *) pm_allocrow(ncolors, sizeof(unsigned char));
+    Green = (unsigned char *) pm_allocrow(ncolors, sizeof(unsigned char));
+    Blue = (unsigned char *) pm_allocrow(ncolors, sizeof(unsigned char));
+    for (i = 0; i < ncolors; ++i) {
+        if ( maxval == 255 ) {
+            Red[i] = PPM_GETR(chv[i].color);
+            Green[i] = PPM_GETG(chv[i].color);
+            Blue[i] = PPM_GETB( chv[i].color );
+        } else {
+            Red[i] = ((int) PPM_GETR(chv[i].color) * 255) / maxval;
+            Green[i] = ((int) PPM_GETG(chv[i].color) * 255) / maxval;
+            Blue[i] = ((int) PPM_GETB(chv[i].color) * 255) / maxval;
+        }
+    }
+    /* And make a hash table for fast lookup. */
+    cht = ppm_colorhisttocolorhash(chv, ncolors);
+    ppm_freecolorhist(chv);
+    slideout(cols, rows, ncolors, Red, Green, Blue);
+    pm_freerow((char *) Red);
+    pm_freerow((char *) Green);
+    pm_freerow((char *) Blue);
+    exit(0);