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path: root/converter/pbm/g3topbm.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'converter/pbm/g3topbm.c')
1 files changed, 739 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/converter/pbm/g3topbm.c b/converter/pbm/g3topbm.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1eefee96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/pbm/g3topbm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,739 @@
+                            g3topbm
+  This program reads a Group 3 FAX file and produces a PBM image.
+  Bryan Henderson wrote this on August 5, 2004 and contributed it to 
+  the public domain.
+  This program is designed to be a drop-in replacement for the program
+  of the same name that was distributed with Pbmplus and Netpbm since
+  1989, written by Paul Haeberli <paul@manray.sgi.com>.
+  Bryan used ideas on processing G3 data from Haeberli's code, but did
+  not use any of the code.
+  Others have modified the program since Bryan's initial work, each
+  contributing their work to the public domain.
+#include "pbm.h"
+#include "shhopt.h"
+#include "nstring.h"
+#include "mallocvar.h"
+#include "g3.h"
+#include "bitreverse.h"
+#define MAXCOLS 10800
+#define MAXROWS 14400   /* this allows up to two pages of image */
+#define WHASHA 3510
+#define WHASHB 1178
+#define BHASHA 293
+#define BHASHB 2695
+#define HASHSIZE 1021
+static g3TableEntry * whash[HASHSIZE];
+static g3TableEntry * bhash[HASHSIZE];
+struct cmdlineInfo {
+    /* All the information the user supplied in the command line,
+       in a form easy for the program to use.
+    */
+    const char * inputFilespec;  /* Filespec of input file */
+    unsigned int reversebits;
+    unsigned int kludge;
+    unsigned int stretch;
+    unsigned int stop_error;
+    unsigned int expectedLineSize;
+static void
+parseCommandLine(int argc, char ** const argv,
+                 struct cmdlineInfo * const cmdlineP) {
+   Note that the file spec array we return is stored in the storage that
+   was passed to us as the argv array.
+    optEntry * option_def;  /* malloc'ed */
+        /* Instructions to OptParseOptions3 on how to parse our options.  */
+    optStruct3 opt;
+    unsigned int option_def_index;
+    unsigned int widthSpec, paper_sizeSpec;
+    const char * paperSize;
+    MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(option_def, 100);
+    option_def_index = 0;   /* incremented by OPTENTRY */
+    OPTENT3(0, "reversebits",      OPT_FLAG,  NULL, &cmdlineP->reversebits,
+            0);
+    OPTENT3(0, "kludge",           OPT_FLAG,  NULL, &cmdlineP->kludge,
+            0);
+    OPTENT3(0, "stretch",          OPT_FLAG,  NULL, &cmdlineP->stretch, 
+            0);
+    OPTENT3(0, "stop_error",       OPT_FLAG,  NULL, &cmdlineP->stop_error, 
+            0);
+    OPTENT3(0, "width",            OPT_UINT,  &cmdlineP->expectedLineSize,
+            &widthSpec,                0);
+    OPTENT3(0, "paper_size",       OPT_STRING, &paperSize,
+            &paper_sizeSpec,           0);
+    opt.opt_table = option_def;
+    opt.short_allowed = FALSE;  /* We have no short (old-fashioned) options */
+    opt.allowNegNum = FALSE;  /* We may have parms that are negative numbers */
+    optParseOptions3(&argc, argv, opt, sizeof(opt), 0);
+        /* Uses and sets argc, argv, and some of *cmdlineP and others. */
+    if (widthSpec && paper_sizeSpec)
+        pm_error("You can't specify both -width and -paper_size");
+    if (widthSpec) {
+        if (cmdlineP->expectedLineSize < 1)
+            pm_error("-width must be at least 1");
+    } else if (paper_sizeSpec) {
+        if (STRCASEEQ(paperSize, "A6"))
+            cmdlineP->expectedLineSize = 864;
+        else if (STRCASEEQ(paperSize, "A5"))
+            cmdlineP->expectedLineSize = 1216;
+        else if (STRCASEEQ(paperSize, "A4"))
+            cmdlineP->expectedLineSize = 1728;
+        else if (STRCASEEQ(paperSize, "B4"))
+            cmdlineP->expectedLineSize = 2048;
+        else if (STRCASEEQ(paperSize, "A3"))
+            cmdlineP->expectedLineSize = 2432;
+        else
+            pm_error("Unrecognized value for -paper_size '%s'.  "
+                     "We recognize only A3, A4, A5, A6, and B4.",
+                     paperSize);
+    } else
+        cmdlineP->expectedLineSize = 0;
+    if (argc-1 == 0) 
+        cmdlineP->inputFilespec = "-";
+    else if (argc-1 != 1)
+        pm_error("Program takes zero or one argument (filename).  You "
+                 "specified %d", argc-1);
+    else
+        cmdlineP->inputFilespec = argv[1];
+struct bitStream {
+    FILE * fileP;
+    bool reversebits;
+    int shdata;
+        /* 8-bit buffer for rawgetbit(). */
+    unsigned int shbit;
+        /* single bit mask for the bit of 'shdata' that is next in the stream.
+           zero when 'shdata' is empty.
+        */
+    unsigned int zeroBitCount;
+        /* Number of consecutive zero bits the stream has seen.  Note that
+           because an EOL mark ends in a one bit, this starts over for each
+           line.
+        */
+static void
+readBit(struct bitStream * const bitStreamP,
+        unsigned int *     const bitP,
+        const char **      const errorP) {
+   Return the next raw bit from the G3 input stream.
+   Do not call this outside of the bit stream object; Caller is responsible
+   for maintaining object state.
+    *errorP = NULL;  /* initial assumption */
+    if ((bitStreamP->shbit & 0xff) == 0) {
+        bitStreamP->shdata = getc(bitStreamP->fileP);
+        if (bitStreamP->shdata == EOF)
+            asprintfN(errorP, "EOF or error reading file");
+        else {
+            bitStreamP->shbit = 0x80;
+            if ( bitStreamP->reversebits )
+                bitStreamP->shdata = bitreverse[ bitStreamP->shdata ];
+            }
+    }
+    if (bitStreamP->shdata & bitStreamP->shbit)
+        *bitP = 1;
+    else
+        *bitP = 0;
+    bitStreamP->shbit >>= 1;
+static void
+readBitAndDetectEol(struct bitStream * const bitStreamP,
+                    unsigned int *     const bitP,
+                    bool *             const eolP,
+                    const char **      const errorP) {
+   Same as readBit(), but iff the bit read is the final bit of an EOL
+   mark, return *eolP == TRUE.
+    readBit(bitStreamP, bitP, errorP);
+    if (!*errorP) {
+        bool eol;
+        eol = FALSE;  /* initial assumption */
+        if (*bitP == 0)
+            ++bitStreamP->zeroBitCount;
+        else {
+            if (bitStreamP->zeroBitCount >= 11)
+                eol = TRUE;
+            bitStreamP->zeroBitCount = 0;
+        }
+        *eolP = eol;
+    }
+static void
+initBitStream(struct bitStream * const bitStreamP,
+              FILE *             const fileP,
+              bool               const reversebits) {
+    bitStreamP->fileP        = fileP;
+    bitStreamP->reversebits  = reversebits;
+    bitStreamP->shbit        = 0x00;
+    bitStreamP->zeroBitCount = 0;
+static void
+skipToNextLine(struct bitStream * const bitStreamP) {
+    bool eol;
+    const char * error;
+    eol = FALSE;
+    error = NULL;
+    while (!eol && !error) {
+        unsigned int bit;
+        readBitAndDetectEol(bitStreamP, &bit, &eol, &error);
+    }
+static void
+addtohash(g3TableEntry *     hash[], 
+          g3TableEntry       table[], 
+          unsigned int const n, 
+          int          const a, 
+          int          const b) {
+    unsigned int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+        g3TableEntry * const teP = &table[i*2];
+        unsigned int const pos =
+            ((teP->length + a) * (teP->code + b)) % HASHSIZE;
+        if (hash[pos])
+            pm_error("internal error: addtohash fatal hash collision");
+        hash[pos] = teP;
+    }
+static g3TableEntry*
+hashfind(g3TableEntry *       hash[], 
+         int          const length, 
+         int          const code, 
+         int          const a, 
+         int          const b) {
+    unsigned int pos;
+    g3TableEntry * te;
+    pos = ((length + a) * (code + b)) % HASHSIZE;
+    te = hash[pos];
+    return ((te && te->length == length && te->code == code) ? te : 0);
+static void
+buildHashes(g3TableEntry * (*whashP)[HASHSIZE],
+            g3TableEntry * (*bhashP)[HASHSIZE]) {
+    unsigned int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; ++i)
+        (*whashP)[i] = (*bhashP)[i] = NULL;
+    addtohash(*whashP, &ttable[0], 64, WHASHA, WHASHB);
+    addtohash(*whashP, &mtable[2], 40, WHASHA, WHASHB);
+    addtohash(*bhashP, &ttable[1], 64, BHASHA, BHASHB);
+    addtohash(*bhashP, &mtable[3], 40, BHASHA, BHASHB);
+static void
+makeRowWhite(bit *        const bitrow,
+             unsigned int const cols) {
+    unsigned int col;
+    for (col = 0; col < MAXCOLS; ++col)
+        bitrow[col] = PBM_WHITE;
+static g3TableEntry *
+g3code(unsigned int const curcode,
+       unsigned int const curlen,
+       bit          const color) {
+    g3TableEntry * retval;
+    switch (color) {
+    case PBM_WHITE:
+        if (curlen < 4)
+            retval = NULL;
+        else
+            retval = hashfind(whash, curlen, curcode, WHASHA, WHASHB);
+        break;
+    case PBM_BLACK:
+        if (curlen < 2)
+            retval = NULL;
+        else
+            retval = hashfind(bhash, curlen, curcode, BHASHA, BHASHB);
+        break;
+    default:
+        pm_error("INTERNAL ERROR: color is not black or white");
+    }
+    return retval;
+static void
+processG3Code(g3TableEntry * const teP,
+              bit *          const bitrow,
+              unsigned int * const colP,
+              bit *          const colorP,
+              unsigned int * const countP) {
+    enum g3tableId const teId =
+        (teP > mtable ? 2 : 0) + (teP - ttable) % 2;
+    unsigned int teCount;
+    switch(teId) {
+    case TERMWHITE: teCount = (teP - ttable    ) / 2;      break;
+    case TERMBLACK: teCount = (teP - ttable - 1) / 2;      break;
+    case MKUPWHITE: teCount = (teP - mtable    ) / 2 * 64; break;
+    case MKUPBLACK: teCount = (teP - mtable - 1) / 2 * 64; break;
+    }
+    switch (teId) {
+    case TERMWHITE:
+    case TERMBLACK: {
+        unsigned int runLengthSoFar;
+        unsigned int col;
+        col = *colP;
+        runLengthSoFar = MIN(*countP + teCount, MAXCOLS - col);
+        if (runLengthSoFar > 0) {
+            if (*colorP == PBM_WHITE) {
+                /* Row was initialized to white, so we just skip */
+                col += runLengthSoFar;
+            } else {
+                unsigned int i;
+                for (i = 0; i < runLengthSoFar; ++i)
+                    bitrow[col++] = PBM_BLACK;
+            }
+        }
+        *colorP = !*colorP;
+        *countP = 0;
+        *colP   = col;
+    } break;
+    case MKUPWHITE:
+    case MKUPBLACK:
+        *countP += teCount;
+        break;
+    default:
+        pm_error("Can't happen");
+    }
+static void
+formatBadCodeException(const char ** const exceptionP,
+                       unsigned int  const col,
+                       unsigned int  const curlen,
+                       unsigned int  const curcode) {
+    asprintfN(exceptionP,
+        "bad code word at Column %u.  "
+        "No prefix of the %u bits 0x%x matches any recognized "
+        "code word and no code words longer than 12 bits are "
+        "defined.  ",
+        col, curlen, curcode);
+static void
+readFaxRow(struct bitStream * const bitStreamP,
+           bit *              const bitrow,
+           unsigned int *     const lineLengthP,
+           const char **      const exceptionP,
+           const char **      const errorP) {
+  Read one line of G3 fax from the bit stream *bitStreamP into 
+  bitrow[].  Return the length of the line, in pixels, as *lineLengthP.
+  If there's a problem with the line, return as much of it as we can,
+  advance the input stream past the next EOL mark, and put a text
+  description of the problem in newly malloc'ed storage at
+  *exceptionP.  If there's no problem, return *exceptionP = NULL.
+  We guarantee that we make progress through the input stream.
+  Iff there is an error, return a text description of it in newly
+  malloc'ed storage at *errorP and all other specified behavior 
+  (including return values) is unspecified.
+    unsigned int col;
+    unsigned int curlen;  
+        /* Number of bits we've read so far for the code we're currently 
+           reading
+        */
+    unsigned int curcode; 
+        /* What we've assembled so far of the code we're currently reading */
+    unsigned int count;
+        /* Number of consecutive pixels of the same color */
+    bit currentColor;
+        /* The color of the current run of pixels */
+    g3TableEntry * te;
+        /* Address of structure that describes the current G3 code */
+    bool done;
+    makeRowWhite(bitrow, MAXCOLS);  /* initialize row */
+    col = 0;
+    curlen = 0;
+    curcode = 0;
+    currentColor = PBM_WHITE;
+    count = 0;
+    *exceptionP = NULL;
+    *errorP = NULL;
+    done = FALSE;
+    while (!done) {
+        if (col >= MAXCOLS) {
+            asprintfN(exceptionP, "Line is too long for this program to "
+                      "handle -- longer than %u columns", MAXCOLS);
+            done = TRUE;
+        } else {
+            unsigned int bit;
+            bool eol;
+            const char * error;
+            readBitAndDetectEol(bitStreamP, &bit, &eol, &error);
+            if (error) {
+                if (col > 0)
+                    /* We got at least some of the row, so it's only an
+                       exception, not a fatal error.
+                    */
+                    *exceptionP = error;
+                else
+                    *errorP = error;
+                done = TRUE;
+            } else if (eol)
+                done = TRUE;
+            else {
+                curcode = (curcode << 1) | bit;
+                curlen++;
+                if (curlen > 13) {
+                    formatBadCodeException(exceptionP, col, curlen, curcode);
+                    done = TRUE;
+                } else if (curcode != 0) {
+                    te = g3code(curcode, curlen, currentColor);
+                    if (te) {
+                        processG3Code(te, bitrow, &col, &currentColor, &count);
+                        curcode = 0;
+                        curlen = 0;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (*exceptionP)
+        skipToNextLine(bitStreamP);
+    *lineLengthP = col;
+static void
+freeBits(bit **       const bits,
+         unsigned int const rows,
+         bool         const stretched) {
+    unsigned int row;
+    for (row = 0; row < rows; ++row) {
+        if (stretched && row % 2 == 1) {
+            /* This is just a pointer to the previous row; don't want to
+               free it twice.
+            */
+        } else 
+            pbm_freerow(bits[row]);
+    }
+    free(bits);
+static void
+handleRowException(const char * const exception,
+                   const char * const error,
+                   unsigned int const row,
+                   bool         const tolerateErrors) {
+    if (exception) {
+        if (tolerateErrors)
+            pm_message("Problem reading Row %u.  Skipping rest of row.  %s",
+                       row, exception);
+        else
+            pm_error("Problem reading Row %u.  Aborting.  %s", row, exception);
+        strfree(exception);
+    }
+    if (error) {
+        if (tolerateErrors)
+            pm_message("Unable to read Row %u.  Skipping rest of image.  %s",
+                       row, error);
+        else
+            pm_error("Unable to read Row %u.  Aborting.  %s", row, error);
+        strfree(error);
+    }
+typedef struct {
+    unsigned int expectedLineSize;
+        /* The size that lines are supposed to be.  Zero means we're happy
+           with any size.
+        */
+    unsigned int maxLineSize;
+        /* The maximum line size we have seen so far, or zero if we have
+           not seen any lines yet.
+        */
+    bool warned;
+        /* We have warned the user that he has a line length problem */
+    bool tolerateErrors;
+        /* Try to continue when we detect a line size error, as opposed to
+           aborting the program.
+        */
+} lineSizeAnalyzer;
+static void
+initializeLineSizeAnalyzer(lineSizeAnalyzer * const analyzerP,
+                           unsigned int       const expectedLineSize,
+                           bool               const tolerateErrors) {
+    analyzerP->expectedLineSize = expectedLineSize;
+    analyzerP->tolerateErrors   = tolerateErrors;
+    analyzerP->maxLineSize = 0;
+    analyzerP->warned      = FALSE;
+static void
+analyzeLineSize(lineSizeAnalyzer * const analyzerP,
+                unsigned int       const thisLineSize) {
+    const char * error;
+    if (analyzerP->expectedLineSize &&
+        thisLineSize != analyzerP->expectedLineSize)
+        asprintfN(&error, "Image contains a line of %u pixels.  "
+                  "You specified lines should be %u pixels.",
+                  thisLineSize, analyzerP->expectedLineSize);
+    else {
+        if (analyzerP->maxLineSize && thisLineSize != analyzerP->maxLineSize)
+            asprintfN(&error, "There are at least two different "
+                      "line lengths in this image, "
+                      "%u pixels and %u pixels.  "
+                      "This is a violation of the G3 standard.  ",
+                      thisLineSize, analyzerP->maxLineSize);
+        else
+            error = NULL;
+    }
+    if (error) {
+        if (analyzerP->tolerateErrors) {
+            if (!analyzerP->warned) {
+                pm_message("Warning: %s.", error);
+                analyzerP->warned = TRUE;
+            }
+        } else
+            pm_error("%s", error);
+        strfree(error);
+    }
+    analyzerP->maxLineSize = MAX(thisLineSize, analyzerP->maxLineSize);
+/* An empty line means EOF.  An ancient comment in the code said there
+   is supposed to 6 EOL marks in a row to indicate EOF, but the code
+   checked for 3 and considered 2 in row just to mean a zero length
+   line.  Starting in Netpbm 10.24 (August 2004), we assume there is
+   no valid reason to have an empty line and recognize EOF as any
+   empty line.  Alternatively, we could read off and ignore two empty
+   lines without a 3rd.  
+static void
+readFax(struct bitStream * const bitStreamP,
+        bool               const stretch,
+        unsigned int       const expectedLineSize,
+        bool               const tolerateErrors,
+        bit ***            const bitsP,
+        unsigned int *     const colsP,
+        unsigned int *     const rowsP) {
+    lineSizeAnalyzer lineSizeAnalyzer;
+    bit ** bits;
+    const char * error;
+    bool eof;
+    unsigned int row;
+    initializeLineSizeAnalyzer(&lineSizeAnalyzer,
+                               expectedLineSize, tolerateErrors);
+    eof = FALSE;
+    error = NULL;
+    row = 0;
+    while (!eof && !error) {
+        unsigned int lineSize;
+        if (row >= MAXROWS)
+            asprintfN(&error, "Image is too tall.  This program can "
+                      "handle at most %u rows", MAXROWS);
+        else {
+            const char * exception;
+            bits[row] = pbm_allocrow(MAXCOLS);
+            readFaxRow(bitStreamP, bits[row], &lineSize, &exception, &error);
+            handleRowException(exception, error, row, tolerateErrors);
+            if (!error) {
+                if (lineSize == 0) {
+                    /* EOF.  See explanation above */
+                    eof = TRUE;
+                } else {
+                    analyzeLineSize(&lineSizeAnalyzer, lineSize);
+                    if (stretch) {
+                        ++row;
+                        if (row >= MAXROWS)
+                            asprintfN(&error, "Image is too tall.  This "
+                                      "program can handle at most %u rows "
+                                      "after stretching", MAXROWS);
+                        else
+                            bits[row] = bits[row-1];
+                    }
+                    ++row;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    *rowsP  = row;
+    *colsP  = lineSizeAnalyzer.maxLineSize;
+    *bitsP  = bits;
+main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
+    struct cmdlineInfo cmdline;
+    FILE * ifP;
+    struct bitStream bitStream;
+    unsigned int rows, cols;
+    bit ** bits;
+    pbm_init(&argc, argv);
+    parseCommandLine(argc, argv, &cmdline);
+    ifP = pm_openr(cmdline.inputFilespec);
+    initBitStream(&bitStream, ifP, cmdline.reversebits);
+    if (cmdline.kludge) {
+        /* Skip extra lines to get in sync. */
+        skipToNextLine(&bitStream);
+        skipToNextLine(&bitStream);
+        skipToNextLine(&bitStream);
+    }
+    skipToNextLine(&bitStream);
+    buildHashes(&whash, &bhash);
+    readFax(&bitStream, cmdline.stretch, cmdline.expectedLineSize,
+            !cmdline.stop_error, 
+            &bits, &cols, &rows);
+    pm_close(ifP);
+    pbm_writepbm(stdout, bits, cols, rows, 0);
+    pm_close(stdout);
+    freeBits(bits, rows, cmdline.stretch);
+    return 0;