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path: root/converter/other/fiasco/codec/coder.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'converter/other/fiasco/codec/coder.c')
1 files changed, 965 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/coder.c b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/coder.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..df878d87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/coder.c
@@ -0,0 +1,965 @@
+ *  coder.c:		WFA coder toplevel functions
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#define _BSD_SOURCE 1   /* Make sure strdup() is in string.h */
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500  /* Make sure strdup() is in string.h */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "pnm.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "nstring.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "fiasco.h"
+#include "cwfa.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "control.h"
+#include "bintree.h"
+#include "subdivide.h"
+#include "read.h"
+#include "write.h"
+#include "image.h"
+#include "mwfa.h"
+#include "list.h"
+#include "decoder.h"
+#include "motion.h"
+#include "wfalib.h"
+#include "domain-pool.h"
+#include "coeff.h"
+#include "coder.h"
+#include "rpf.h"
+				global variables
+const real_t MAXCOSTS =	1e20;
+				prototypes
+static coding_t *
+alloc_coder (char const * const *inputname, const c_options_t *options,
+	     wfa_info_t *wi);
+static void
+free_coder (coding_t *c);
+static char *
+get_input_image_name (char const * const *templptr, unsigned ith_image);
+static void
+video_coder (char const * const *image_template, bitfile_t *output,
+	     wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c);
+static void 
+frame_coder (wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c, bitfile_t *output);
+static void
+print_statistics (char c, real_t costs, const wfa_t *wfa, const image_t *image,
+		  const range_t *range);
+static frame_type_e
+pattern2type (unsigned frame, const char *pattern);
+				public code
+fiasco_coder (char const * const *inputname, const char *outputname,
+	      float quality, const fiasco_c_options_t *options)
+ *  FIASCO coder.
+ *  Encode image or video frames given by the array of filenames `inputname'
+ *  and write to the outputfile `outputname'.
+ *  If 'inputname' = NULL or
+ *     'inputname [0]' == NULL or
+ *     'inputname [0]' == "-", read standard input.
+ *  If 'outputname' == NULL or "-", write on standard output.
+ *  'quality' defines the approximation quality and is 1 (worst) to 100 (best).
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	1 on success
+ *	0 otherwise
+ */
+   try
+   {
+      char const * const default_input [] = {"-", NULL};
+      fiasco_c_options_t *default_options = NULL;
+      const c_options_t  *cop;
+      char const * const *template;
+      /*
+       *  Check parameters
+       */
+      if (!inputname || !inputname [0] || streq (inputname [0], "-"))
+	 template = default_input;
+      else
+	 template = inputname;
+      if (quality <= 0)
+      {
+	 set_error (_("Compression quality has to be positive."));
+	 return 0;
+      }
+      else if (quality >= 100)
+      {
+	 warning (_("Quality typically is 1 (worst) to 100 (best).\n"
+		    "Be prepared for a long running time."));
+      }
+      if (options)
+      {
+	 cop = cast_c_options ((fiasco_c_options_t *) options);
+	 if (!cop)
+	    return 0;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+	 default_options = fiasco_c_options_new ();
+	 cop 		 = cast_c_options (default_options);
+      }
+   /*
+    *  Open output stream and initialize WFA
+    */
+      {
+	 bitfile_t *output = open_bitfile (outputname, "FIASCO_DATA",
+					   WRITE_ACCESS);
+	 if (!output)
+	 {
+	    set_error (_("Can't write outputfile `%s'.\n%s"),
+		       outputname ? outputname : "<stdout>",
+		       get_system_error ());
+	    if (default_options)
+	       fiasco_c_options_delete (default_options);
+	    return 0;
+	 }
+	 else
+	 {
+	    wfa_t    *wfa = alloc_wfa (YES);
+	    coding_t *c   = alloc_coder (template, cop, wfa->wfainfo);
+	    read_basis (cop->basis_name, wfa);
+	    append_basis_states (wfa->basis_states, wfa, c);
+	    c->price = 128 * 64 / quality;
+	    video_coder (template, output, wfa, c);
+	    close_bitfile (output);
+	    free_wfa (wfa);
+	    free_coder (c);
+	    if (default_options)
+	       fiasco_c_options_delete (default_options);
+	 }
+      }
+      return 1;
+   }
+   catch
+   {
+      return 0;
+   }
+				private code
+static coding_t *
+alloc_coder (char const * const *inputname, const c_options_t *options,
+	     wfa_info_t *wi)
+ *  Coder structure constructor.
+ *  Allocate memory for the FIASCO coder structure and
+ *  fill in default values specified by 'options'.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	pointer to the new coder structure or NULL on error
+ */
+   coding_t *c = NULL;
+   /*
+    *  Check whether all specified image frames are readable and of same type
+    */
+   {
+      char     *filename;
+      int   	width, w = 0, height, h = 0;
+      bool_t	color, c = NO;
+      unsigned 	n;
+      for (n = 0; (filename = get_input_image_name (inputname, n)); n++)
+      {
+          FILE *file;
+          xelval maxval;
+          int format;
+          if (filename == NULL)
+              file = stdin;
+          else
+              file = pm_openr(filename);
+          pnm_readpnminit(file, &width, &height, &maxval, &format);
+          color = (PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) == PPM_FORMAT) ? TRUE: FALSE;
+          pm_close(file);
+	 if (n)
+	 {
+	    if (w != width || h != height || c != color)
+	    {
+	       set_error (_("Format of image frame `%s' doesn't match."),
+			  filename ? filename : "<stdin>");
+	       return NULL;
+	    }
+	 }
+	 else
+	 {
+	    w = width;
+	    h = height;
+	    c = color;
+	 }
+	 Free (filename);
+      }
+      wi->frames = n;
+      wi->width  = w;
+      wi->height = h;
+      wi->color  = c;
+   }
+   /*
+    *  Levels ...
+    */
+   {
+      unsigned lx, ly;
+      lx = (unsigned) (log2 (wi->width - 1) + 1);
+      ly = (unsigned) (log2 (wi->height - 1) + 1);
+      wi->level = max (lx, ly) * 2 - ((ly == lx + 1) ? 1 : 0);
+   }
+   c = Calloc (1, sizeof (coding_t));
+   c->options 	      	   = *options;
+   c->options.lc_min_level = max (options->lc_min_level, 3);
+   c->options.lc_max_level = min (options->lc_max_level, wi->level - 1);
+   c->tiling = alloc_tiling (options->tiling_method,
+			     options->tiling_exponent, wi->level);
+   if (wi->frames > 1 && c->tiling->exponent > 0)
+   {
+      c->tiling->exponent = 0;
+      warning (_("Image tiling valid only with still image compression."));
+   }
+   if (c->options.lc_max_level >= wi->level - c->tiling->exponent)
+   {
+      message ("'max_level' changed from %d to %d due to image tiling level.",
+	       c->options.lc_max_level, wi->level - c->tiling->exponent - 1);
+      c->options.lc_max_level = wi->level - c->tiling->exponent - 1;
+   }
+   if (c->options.lc_min_level > c->options.lc_max_level)
+      c->options.lc_min_level = c->options.lc_max_level;
+   /*
+    *  p_min_level, p_max_level min and max level for ND/MC prediction
+    *  [p_min_level, p_max_level] must be a subset of [min_level, max_level] !
+    */
+   wi->p_min_level = max (options->p_min_level, c->options.lc_min_level);
+   wi->p_max_level = min (options->p_max_level, c->options.lc_max_level);
+   if (wi->p_min_level > wi->p_max_level)
+      wi->p_min_level = wi->p_max_level;
+   c->options.images_level = min (c->options.images_level,
+				  c->options.lc_max_level - 1);
+   c->products_level  = max (0, ((signed int) c->options.lc_max_level
+				 - (signed int) c->options.images_level - 1));
+   c->pixels 	      = Calloc (size_of_level (c->options.lc_max_level),
+				sizeof (real_t));
+   c->images_of_state = Calloc (MAXSTATES, sizeof (real_t *));
+   c->ip_images_state = Calloc (MAXSTATES, sizeof (real_t *));
+   c->ip_states_state = Calloc (MAXSTATES * MAXLEVEL, sizeof (real_t *));
+   debug_message ("Imageslevel :%d, Productslevel :%d",
+		  c->options.images_level, c->products_level);
+   debug_message ("Memory : (%d + %d + %d * 'states') * 'states' + %d",
+		  size_of_tree (c->options.images_level) * 4,
+		  size_of_tree (c->products_level) * 4,
+		  (c->options.lc_max_level - c->options.images_level),
+		  size_of_level (c->options.lc_max_level));
+   /*
+    *  Domain pools ...
+    */
+   c->domain_pool   = NULL;
+   c->d_domain_pool = NULL;
+   /*
+    *  Coefficients model ...
+    */
+   c->coeff   = NULL;
+   c->d_coeff = NULL;
+   /*
+    *  Max. number of states and edges
+    */
+   wi->max_states   	   = max (min (options->max_states, MAXSTATES), 1);
+   c->options.max_elements = max (min (options->max_elements, MAXEDGES), 1);
+   /*
+    *  Title and comment strings
+    */
+   wi->title   = strdup (options->title);
+   wi->comment = strdup (options->comment);
+   /*
+    *  Reduced precision format
+    */
+   wi->rpf
+      = alloc_rpf (options->rpf_mantissa, options->rpf_range);
+   wi->dc_rpf
+      = alloc_rpf (options->dc_rpf_mantissa, options->dc_rpf_range);
+   wi->d_rpf
+      = alloc_rpf (options->d_rpf_mantissa, options->d_rpf_range);
+   wi->d_dc_rpf
+      = alloc_rpf (options->d_dc_rpf_mantissa, options->d_dc_rpf_range);
+   /*
+    *  Color image options ...
+    */
+   wi->chroma_max_states = max (1, options->chroma_max_states);
+   /*
+    *  Set up motion compensation struct.
+    *  p_min_level, p_max_level are also used for ND prediction
+    */
+   wi->search_range   = options->search_range;
+   wi->fps 	      = options->fps;
+   wi->half_pixel     = options->half_pixel_prediction;
+   wi->cross_B_search = options->half_pixel_prediction;
+   wi->B_as_past_ref  = options->B_as_past_ref;
+   wi->smoothing      = options->smoothing;
+   c->mt = alloc_motion (wi);
+   return c;
+static void
+free_coder (coding_t *c)
+ *  Coder struct destructor:
+ *  Free memory of 'coder' struct.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	structure 'coder' is discarded.
+ */
+   free_tiling (c->tiling);
+   free_motion (c->mt);
+   Free (c->pixels);
+   Free (c->images_of_state);
+   Free (c->ip_images_state);
+   Free (c->ip_states_state);
+   Free (c);
+static char *
+get_input_image_name (char const * const *templptr, unsigned ith_image)
+ *  Construct the i-th image-name using templates.
+ *  If the template contains a '[' it must be of the form
+ *  "prefix[start-end{+,-}step]suffix"
+ *  where "{+,-}step" is optional.
+ *  Leading zeros of "start" are significant.
+ *
+ *  Example:
+ *   "image0[12-01-1].pgm" yields image012.pgm, image011.pgm, ..., image001.pgm
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *      ptr to name of image 'ith_image' or NULL if ith_image is out of range.
+ */
+   while (*templptr)
+   {
+      const char *template = *templptr++;
+      char       *s;
+      if (!(s = strchr (template, '['))) /* no template, just a filename */
+      {
+	 if (ith_image == 0)
+	    return strdup (template);
+	 else
+	    ith_image--;
+      }
+      else				/* template parser */
+      {
+	 unsigned  n_digits;		/* # of digits in image name no. */
+	 char 	  *s2;
+	 char 	  *suffix;		/* characters after template end */
+	 char  	   prefix [MAXSTRLEN];	/* chars up to the template start */
+	 unsigned  first;		/* first image number */
+	 unsigned  last;		/* last image number */
+	 int  	   image_num;		/* current image number */
+	 int   	   increment = 1;
+	 int 	   dummy;
+	 strcpy (prefix, template);
+	 prefix [s - template] = '\0';
+	 for (s2 = ++s, n_digits = 0; ISDIGIT (*s2); s2++, n_digits++)
+	    ;
+	 if (sscanf (s, "%d", &dummy) == 0 || dummy < 0)
+	    error ("Input name template conversion failure.\n"
+		   "Check spelling of template.");
+	 first = (unsigned) dummy;
+	 if (*s2++ != '-')
+	    error ("Input name template conversion failure.\n"
+		   "Check spelling of template.");
+	 for (s = s2; ISDIGIT (*s2); s2++)
+	    ;
+	 if (sscanf (s, "%d", &dummy) == 0 || dummy < 0)
+	    error ("Input name template conversion failure.\n"
+		   "Check spelling of template.");
+	 last = (unsigned) dummy;
+	 if (*s2 == '+' || *s2 == '-') 
+	 {
+	    for (s = s2++; ISDIGIT (*s2); s2++)
+	       ;
+	    if (sscanf (s, "%d", &increment) == 0)
+	       error ("Input name template conversion failure.\n"
+		      "Check spelling of template.");
+	 } 	 
+	 if (*s2 != ']')
+	    error ("Input name template conversion failure.\n"
+		   "Check spelling of template.");
+	 suffix = s2 + 1;
+	 image_num = first + increment * ith_image;
+	 if (image_num < 0)
+	    error ("Input name template conversion failure.\n"
+		   "Check spelling of template.");
+	 if ((increment >  0 && (unsigned) image_num > last) || 
+	     (increment <= 0 && (unsigned) image_num < last))
+	 {
+	    /* TODO: check this */
+	    ith_image -= (last - first) / increment + 1;
+	 }
+	 else
+	 {
+	    char formatstr [MAXSTRLEN]; /* format string for image filename */
+	    char image_name [MAXSTRLEN]; /* image file name to be composed */
+	    strcpy (formatstr, "%s%0?d%s");
+	    formatstr [4] = '0' + (char) n_digits;
+	    sprintf (image_name, formatstr, prefix, image_num, suffix);
+	    return strdup (image_name);
+	 }
+      }
+   }
+   return NULL;
+static void
+video_coder (char const * const *image_template, bitfile_t *output,
+	     wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c)
+ *  Toplevel function to encode a sequence of video frames specified
+ *  by 'image_template'. The output is written to stream 'output'.
+ *  Coding options are given by 'c'.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ */
+   unsigned  display;			/* picture number in display order */
+   int	     future_display;		/* number of future reference */
+   int	     frame;			/* current frame number */
+   char	    *image_name;		/* image name of current frame */
+   image_t  *reconst 	  = NULL; 	/* decoded reference image */
+   bool_t    future_frame = NO;		/* YES if last frame was in future */
+   debug_message ("Generating %d WFA's ...", wfa->wfainfo->frames);
+   future_display = -1;
+   frame          = -1;
+   display        = 0;
+   while ((image_name = get_input_image_name (image_template, display)))
+   {
+      frame_type_e type;		/* current frame type: I, B, P */
+      /*
+       *  Determine type of next frame.
+       *  Skip already coded frames (future reference!)
+       */
+      if (display == 0 && !c->options.reference_filename)
+	 type = I_FRAME;		/* Force first frame to be intra */
+      else
+	 type = pattern2type (display, c->options.pattern);
+      if (type != I_FRAME && c->options.reference_filename)
+	 /* Load reference from disk */
+      {
+	 debug_message ("Reading reference frame `%s'.",
+			c->options.reference_filename);
+	 reconst 	 = read_image (c->options.reference_filename);
+	 c->options.reference_filename = NULL;
+      }
+      if ((int) display == future_display) /* Skip already coded future ref */
+      {				
+	 display++;
+	 continue;
+      }	  
+      else if (type == B_FRAME && (int) display > future_display) 
+      {
+	 unsigned i = display;
+	 /*
+	  *  Search for future reference
+	  */
+	 while (type == B_FRAME)
+	 {
+	    char *name;			/* image name of future frame */
+	    i++;
+	    name = get_input_image_name (image_template, i);
+	    if (!name)			/* Force last valid frame to be 'P' */
+	    {
+	       future_display = i - 1;
+	       type = P_FRAME;
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+	       future_display = i;    
+	       image_name     = name;
+	       type 	      = pattern2type (i, c->options.pattern);
+	    }
+	    frame = future_display;
+	 }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+	 frame = display;
+	 display++;
+      }
+      debug_message ("Coding \'%s\' [%c-frame].", image_name,
+		     type == I_FRAME ? 'I' : (type == P_FRAME ? 'P' : 'B'));
+      /*
+       *  Depending on current frame type update past and future frames
+       *  which are needed as reference frames.
+       */
+      c->mt->frame_type = type;
+      if (type == I_FRAME)
+      {
+	 if (c->mt->past)		/* discard past frame */
+	    free_image (c->mt->past);
+	 c->mt->past = NULL;
+	 if (c->mt->future)		/* discard future frame */
+	    free_image (c->mt->future);
+	 c->mt->future = NULL;
+	 if (reconst)			/* discard current frame */
+	    free_image (reconst);
+	 reconst = NULL;
+      }
+      else if (type == P_FRAME)
+      {
+	 if (c->mt->past)		/* discard past frame */
+	    free_image (c->mt->past);
+	 c->mt->past = reconst;		/* past frame <- current frame */
+	 reconst    = NULL;
+	 if (c->mt->future)		/* discard future frame */
+	    free_image (c->mt->future);
+	 c->mt->future = NULL;
+      }
+      else				/* B_FRAME */
+      {
+	 if (future_frame)		/* last frame was future frame */
+	 {
+	    if (c->mt->future)		/* discard future frame */
+	       free_image (c->mt->future);
+	    c->mt->future = reconst;	/* future frame <- current frame */
+	    reconst      = NULL;
+	 }
+	 else
+	 {
+	    if (wfa->wfainfo->B_as_past_ref == YES)
+	    {
+	       if (c->mt->past)		/* discard past frame */
+		  free_image (c->mt->past);
+	       c->mt->past = reconst;	/* past frame <- current frame */
+	       reconst    = NULL;
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+	       if (reconst)		/* discard current frame */
+		  free_image (reconst);
+	       reconst = NULL;
+	    }
+	 }
+      }
+      /*
+       *  Start WFA coding of current frame
+       */
+      future_frame   = frame == future_display;
+      c->mt->number   = frame;
+      c->mt->original = read_image (image_name);
+      if (c->tiling->exponent && type == I_FRAME) 
+	 perform_tiling (c->mt->original, c->tiling);
+      frame_coder (wfa, c, output);
+      /*
+       *  Regenerate image:
+       *  1. Compute approximation of WFA ranges (real image bintree order)
+       *  2. Generate byte image in rasterscan order
+       *  3. Apply motion compensation
+       */
+      reconst = decode_image (wfa->wfainfo->width, wfa->wfainfo->height,
+			      FORMAT_4_4_4, NULL, wfa);
+      if (type != I_FRAME)
+	 restore_mc (0, reconst, c->mt->past, c->mt->future, wfa);
+      if (c->mt->original)
+	 free_image (c->mt->original);
+      c->mt->original = NULL;
+      remove_states (wfa->basis_states, wfa); /* Clear WFA structure */
+   }
+   if (reconst)
+      free_image (reconst);
+   if (c->mt->future)
+      free_image (c->mt->future);
+   if (c->mt->past)
+      free_image (c->mt->past);
+   if (c->mt->original)
+      free_image (c->mt->original);
+static frame_type_e
+pattern2type (unsigned frame, const char *pattern)
+    int tmp = TOUPPER (pattern [frame % strlen (pattern)]);
+    frame_type_e retval;
+    switch (tmp)
+    {
+    case 'I':
+        retval = I_FRAME;
+        break;
+    case 'B':
+        retval = B_FRAME;
+        break;
+    case 'P':
+        retval = P_FRAME;
+        break;
+    default:
+        error ("Frame type %c not valid. Choose one of I,B or P.", tmp);
+    }
+    return retval;
+static void 
+frame_coder (wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c, bitfile_t *output)
+ * 
+ *  WFA Coding of next frame.  All important coding parameters are
+ *  stored in 'c'.  The generated 'wfa' is written to stream 'output'
+ *  immediately after coding.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ */
+   unsigned state;
+   range_t  range;			/* first range == the entire image */
+   real_t   costs;			/* total costs (minimized quantity) */
+   unsigned bits;			/* number of bits written on disk */
+   clock_t  ptimer;
+   prg_timer (&ptimer, START);
+   bits = bits_processed (output);
+   init_tree_model (&c->tree);
+   init_tree_model (&c->p_tree);
+   c->domain_pool
+      = alloc_domain_pool (c->options.id_domain_pool,
+			   wfa->wfainfo->max_states,
+			   c->options.max_elements, wfa);
+   c->d_domain_pool
+      = alloc_domain_pool ((c->options.prediction
+			    || c->mt->frame_type != I_FRAME)
+			   ? c->options.id_d_domain_pool : "constant",
+			   wfa->wfainfo->max_states,
+			   c->options.max_elements, wfa);
+   c->coeff   = alloc_coeff_model (c->options.id_rpf_model,
+				   wfa->wfainfo->rpf,
+				   wfa->wfainfo->dc_rpf,
+				   c->options.lc_min_level,
+				   c->options.lc_max_level);
+   c->d_coeff = alloc_coeff_model (c->options.id_d_rpf_model,
+				   wfa->wfainfo->d_rpf,
+				   wfa->wfainfo->d_dc_rpf,
+				   c->options.lc_min_level,
+				   c->options.lc_max_level);
+   if (!c->mt->original->color)		/* grayscale image */
+   {
+      memset (&range, 0, sizeof (range_t));
+      range.level = wfa->wfainfo->level;
+      costs = subdivide (MAXCOSTS, GRAY, RANGE, &range, wfa, c,
+			 c->options.prediction || c->mt->frame_type != I_FRAME,
+			 NO);
+      if (c->options.progress_meter != FIASCO_PROGRESS_NONE)
+	 message ("");
+      if (isrange (range.tree))		/* entire image is approx. by lc? */
+	 error ("No root state generated!");
+      else
+	 wfa->root_state = range.tree;
+      print_statistics ('\0', costs, wfa, c->mt->original, &range);
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      int     YCb_node = -1;
+      int     tree [3];			/* 3 root states of each color comp. */
+      color_e band;
+      /*
+       *  When compressing color images, the three color components (YCbCr) 
+       *  are copied into a large image:
+       *  [  Y  Cr ]
+       *  [  Cb 0  ]
+       *  I.e. the color components of an image are processed in a row.
+       *  After all components are compressed, virtual states are generated
+       *  to describe the large image.
+       */
+      for (band = first_band (YES); band <= last_band (YES) ; band++)
+      {
+	 debug_message ("Encoding color component %d", band);
+	 tree [band] = RANGE;
+	 if (band == Cb)
+	 {
+	    unsigned min_level;
+	    c->domain_pool->chroma (wfa->wfainfo->chroma_max_states, wfa,
+				    c->domain_pool->model);
+	    /*
+	     *  Don't use a finer partioning for the chrominancy bands than for
+	     *  the luminancy band.
+	     */
+	    for (min_level = MAXLEVEL, state = wfa->basis_states;
+		 state < wfa->states; state++)
+	    {
+	       unsigned lincomb, label;
+	       for (lincomb = 0, label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+		  lincomb += isrange (wfa->tree [state][label]) ? 1 : 0;
+	       if (lincomb)
+		  min_level = min (min_level,
+				   (unsigned) (wfa->level_of_state [state]
+					       - 1));
+	    }
+	    c->options.lc_min_level = min_level;
+	    if (c->mt->frame_type != I_FRAME) /* subtract mc of luminance */
+	       subtract_mc (c->mt->original, c->mt->past, c->mt->future, wfa);
+	 }
+	 memset (&range, 0, sizeof (range_t));
+	 range.level = wfa->wfainfo->level;
+	 costs = subdivide (MAXCOSTS, band, tree [Y], &range, wfa, c,
+			    c->mt->frame_type != I_FRAME && band == Y, NO);
+	 if (c->options.progress_meter != FIASCO_PROGRESS_NONE)
+	    message ("");
+	 {
+	    char colors [] = {'Y', 'B', 'R'};
+	    print_statistics (colors [band], costs, wfa,
+			      c->mt->original, &range);
+	 }
+	 if (isrange (range.tree))	/* whole image is approx. by a l.c. */
+	    error ("No root state generated for color component %d!", band);
+	 else
+	    tree[band] = range.tree;
+	 if (band == Cb)
+	 {
+	    wfa->tree [wfa->states][0] = tree[Y];
+	    wfa->tree [wfa->states][1] = tree[Cb];
+	    YCb_node = wfa->states;
+	    append_state (YES, compute_final_distribution (wfa->states, wfa),
+			  wfa->wfainfo->level + 1, wfa, c);
+	 }
+      }
+      /*
+       *  generate two virtual states (*) 
+       *
+       *              *
+       *            /   \
+       *           +     *
+       *          / \   /  
+       *         Y   CbCr 
+       */
+      wfa->tree [wfa->states][0] = tree[Cr];
+      wfa->tree [wfa->states][1] = RANGE;
+      append_state (YES, compute_final_distribution (wfa->states, wfa),
+		    wfa->wfainfo->level + 1, wfa, c);
+      wfa->tree[wfa->states][0] = YCb_node;
+      wfa->tree[wfa->states][1] = wfa->states - 1;
+      append_state (YES, compute_final_distribution (wfa->states, wfa),
+		    wfa->wfainfo->level + 2, wfa, c);
+      wfa->root_state = wfa->states - 1;
+   }
+   for (state = wfa->basis_states; state < MAXSTATES; state++)
+   {
+      unsigned level;
+      if (c->images_of_state [state])
+      {
+	 Free (c->images_of_state [state]);
+	 c->images_of_state [state] = NULL;
+      }
+      if (c->ip_images_state [state])
+      {
+	 Free (c->ip_images_state [state]);
+	 c->ip_images_state [state] = NULL;
+      }
+      for (level = c->options.images_level + 1;
+	   level <= c->options.lc_max_level;
+	   level++)
+	 if (c->ip_states_state [state][level])
+	 {
+	    Free (c->ip_states_state [state][level]);
+	    c->ip_states_state [state][level] = NULL;
+	 }
+   }
+   locate_delta_images (wfa);
+   write_next_wfa (wfa, c, output);
+   bits = bits_processed (output) - bits;
+   debug_message ("Total number of bits written: %d (%d bytes, %5.3f bpp)",
+		  bits, bits >> 3,
+		  bits / (double) (c->mt->original->height
+				   * c->mt->original->width));
+   debug_message ("Total encoding time (real): %d sec",
+		  prg_timer (&ptimer, STOP) / 1000);
+   c->domain_pool->free (c->domain_pool);
+   c->d_domain_pool->free (c->d_domain_pool);
+   c->coeff->free (c->coeff);
+   c->d_coeff->free (c->d_coeff);
+static void
+print_statistics (char c, real_t costs, const wfa_t *wfa, const image_t *image,
+		  const range_t *range)
+   unsigned max_level, min_level, state, label, lincomb;
+   for (max_level = 0, min_level = MAXLEVEL, state = wfa->basis_states;
+	state < wfa->states; state++)
+   {
+      for (lincomb = 0, label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+	 lincomb += isrange(wfa->tree[state][label]) ? 1 : 0;
+      if (lincomb)
+      {
+	 max_level = max (max_level,
+			  (unsigned) (wfa->level_of_state [state] - 1));
+	 min_level = min (min_level,
+			  (unsigned) (wfa->level_of_state [state] - 1));
+      }
+   }
+   debug_message ("Image partitioning: maximum level %d , minimum level %d",
+		  max_level, min_level);
+   debug_message ("WFA contains %d states (%d basis states).",
+		  wfa->states, wfa->basis_states);
+   debug_message ("Estimated error: %.2f (RMSE: %.2f, PSNR: %.2f dB).",
+		  (double) range->err,
+		  sqrt (range->err / image->width / image->height),
+		  10 * log ( 255.0 * 255.0 /
+			     (range->err / image->width / image->height))
+		  / log (10.0));
+   debug_message ("Estimated filesize: %.0f bits (%.0f bytes).",
+		  (double) (range->tree_bits + range->matrix_bits
+			    + range->weights_bits
+			    + range->mv_tree_bits + range->mv_coord_bits
+			    + range->nd_tree_bits + range->nd_weights_bits),
+		  (double) (range->tree_bits + range->matrix_bits
+			    + range->weights_bits + range->mv_tree_bits
+			    + range->mv_coord_bits + range->nd_tree_bits
+			    + range->nd_weights_bits) / 8);
+   if (c)
+      debug_message ("(%cT: %.0f, %cM: %.0f, %cW: %.0f, %cMC: %.0f, "
+		     "%cMV: %.0f, %cNT: %.0f, %cNW: %.0f.)",
+		     c, (double) range->tree_bits,
+		     c, (double) range->matrix_bits,
+		     c, (double) range->weights_bits,
+		     c, (double) range->mv_tree_bits,
+		     c, (double) range->mv_coord_bits,
+		     c, (double) range->nd_tree_bits,
+		     c, (double) range->nd_weights_bits);
+   else
+      debug_message ("(T: %.0f, M: %.0f, W: %.0f, MC: %.0f, MV: %.0f, "
+		     "NT: %.0f, NW: %.0f.)",
+		     (double) range->tree_bits,
+		     (double) range->matrix_bits,
+		     (double) range->weights_bits,
+		     (double) range->mv_tree_bits,
+		     (double) range->mv_coord_bits,
+		     (double) range->nd_tree_bits,
+		     (double) range->nd_weights_bits);
+   debug_message ("Total costs : %.2f", (double) costs);