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4 files changed, 27 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/directory.html b/directory.html
index c7b5221c..8d924710 100644
--- a/directory.html
+++ b/directory.html
@@ -1134,6 +1134,9 @@ programs:
 <li><b><a href="pgmslice.html">pgmslice</a></b>
 <li><b><a href="pnmenlarge.html">pnmenlarge</a></b>
 <li><b><a href="ppmtomap.html">ppmtomap</a></b>
+<li><b><a href="pcdindex.html">pcdindex</a></b>
+<li><b><a href="ppmbrighten.html">ppmbrighten</a></b>
+<li><b><a href="ppmcolors.html">ppmcolors</a></b>
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index d16070aa..b7591efe 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 <head><title>User manual for Netpbm</title></head>
-Updated: 31 January 2014
+Updated: 08 August 2020
 <?makeman .SH NAME ?>
 <?makeman netpbm - netpbm library overview ?>
@@ -12,9 +12,8 @@ Updated: 31 January 2014
 <?makeman .UN overview ?>
 <p><b>Netpbm</b> is a package of graphics programs and a programming
-library.  <p> There are over 220 separate programs in the package,
-most of which have "pbm", "pgm", "ppm",
-"pam", or "pnm" in their names.  For example,
+library.  <p> There are over 330 separate programs in the package, most of
+which have "pbm", "pgm", "ppm", "pam", or "pnm" in their names.  For example,
 <b><a href="pamscale.html">pamscale</a></b> and <b><a
diff --git a/pambrighten.html b/pambrighten.html
index ed082a37..1891f19b 100644
--- a/pambrighten.html
+++ b/pambrighten.html
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ recognizes the various Netpbm image formats rather than treating them all as
 PPM.  The output format is the same as the input format and extra channels in
 a PAM image (such as a transparency channel) get passed through.
-<p>If you want to modify the Hues in the image, use <b>pamhue</b>.
+<p>If you want to modify the hues in the image, use <b>pamhue</b>.
 <h2 id="examples">EXAMPLES</h2>
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ change the Saturation of each pixel.  It may be negative.
 <a href="pamfunc.html">pamfunc</a>, 
 <a href="ppmflash.html">ppmflash</a>, 
 <a href="pamaltsat.html">pamaltsat</a>, 
-<a href="ppmbrighten.html">ppmbrighten</a>, 
 <a href="pamdepth.html">pamdepth</a>, 
 <a href="pnmgamma.html">pnmgamma</a>, 
 <a href="pamhue.html">pamhue</a>, 
diff --git a/ppmbrighten.html b/ppmbrighten.html
index d0ad0797..20d863d5 100644
--- a/ppmbrighten.html
+++ b/ppmbrighten.html
@@ -2,170 +2,38 @@
 <html><head><title>Ppmbrighten User Manual</title></head>
-Updated: 12 January 2019
-<a href="#index">Table Of Contents</a>
+Updated: 09 August 2020
-ppmbrighten - change a PPM image's Saturation and Value
-<h2 id="synopsis">SYNOPSIS</h2>
+ppmbrighten - replaced by pambrighten
-<p>Minimum unique abbreviation of option is acceptable.  You may use
-double hyphens instead of single hyphen to denote options.  You may use
-white space in place of the equals sign to separate an option name
-from its value.
-<h2 id="description">DESCRIPTION</h2>
 <p>This program is part of <a href="index.html">Netpbm</a>.
-<p><b>ppmbrighten</b> increases or decreases the Saturation and Value
-(from the HSV color space) of each pixel of a PPM image.  You specify
-the per centage change for each of those parameters.
-<p>You can also remap the colors of the pixels so their Values cover
-the full range of possible Values.
-<p>Hue-Saturation-Value, or HSV, is one way to represent a color, like
-the more well-known RGB.  Hue, Saturation, and Value are numbers in
-the range from 0 to 1.  We always capitalize them in this document
-when we mean the number from the HSV color space, especially since
-"value" as a conventional English word has a much more abstract
-<p>Value is a measure of how bright the color is, relative to some specified
-maximum (the PPM format is also defined in terms of a specified maximum
-brightness -- For the purposes of this program, they are the same).  In
-particular, it is the brightness of the brightest primary color component of
-the color divided by the maximum brightness possible for a component.  Zero
-Value means black.  White has full Value.
-<p>Hue is an indication of the secondary color with the same brightness
-that most closely approximates the color.  A secondary color is made
-of a combination of at most two of the primary colors.
-<p>Saturation is a measure of how close the color is to the color
-indicated by the Hue and Value.  A lower number means more light of
-the third primary color must be added to get the exact color.  Full
-Saturation means the color is a secondary color.  Zero Saturation
-means the color is gray (or black or white).  Decreasing the
-saturation of a color tends to make it washed out.
-<p>If it is impossible to increase the Value of a pixel by the amount you
-specify (e.g. the Value is .5 and you specify +200%), <b>ppmbrighten</b>
-increases it to full Value instead.
+<p>Starting with Netpbm 10.86 (March 2019), <b>ppmbrighten</b> is
+obsolete.  Use <a href="pambrighten.html"><b>pambrighten</b></a> instead.
-<p>If it is impossible to increase the Saturation of a pixel by the amount
-you specify (e.g. it is already half saturated and you specify +200%),
-<b>ppmbrighten</b> increases it to full Saturation instead.
+<b>pambrighten</b> is mostly backward compatible with <b>ppmbrighten</b>.  You
+can use the <b>pambrighten</b> manual for <b>ppmbrighten</b> as long as you
+ignore features that were added after Netpbm 10.86.
-<p>For a simpler kind of brightening, you can use <b>pamfunc -multiplier</b>
-simply to increase the brightness of each pixel by a specified per centage,
-clipping each RGB component where the calculated brightness would exceed full
-brightness.  Thus, the brightest colors in the image would change chromaticity
-in addition to not getting the specified brightness boost.
-For <em>decreasing</em> brightness, <b>pamfunc</b> should do the same thing as
+<p>One way in which <b>pambrighten</b> is not backward compatible is that
+  <b>pambrighten</b> does not have a <b>-normalize</b> option.  If you want
+  that function, use <b>pnmnorm</b> on the image before passing it to
+  <b>pambrighten</b>.
-<p><b>ppmflash</b> does another kind of brightening.  It changes the
-color of each pixel to bring it a specified per centage closer to white.
-This increases the value and saturation.
-<p><b>pambrighten</b> is the same as <b>ppmbrighten</b>, except that it
-recognizes the various Netpbm image formats rather than treating them all as
-PPM.  The output format is the same as the input format and extra channels in
-a PAM image (such as a transparency channel) get passed through.
-<p>If you want to modify the Hues in the image, use <b>pamhue</b>.
+<p>Another backward incompatibility is that <b>pambrighten</b> produces the
+  same kind of output as the input, whereas <b>ppmbrighten</b> always
+  produces PPM.  If you need PPM output, pass the results through
+  <b>ppmtoppm</b>.
+<p><b>ppmbrighten</b> is currently implemented as a triviel program that
+  invokes <b>pambrighten</b>, <b>pnmnorm</b>, and <b>ppmtoppm</b>.
-<h2 id="examples">EXAMPLES</h2>
-<p>To double the Value of each pixel:
-ppmbrighten -value=100
-<p>To double the Saturation and halve the Value of each pixel:
-ppmbrighten -saturation=+100 -value=-50
-<h2 id="options">OPTIONS</h2>
-<p>In addition to the options common to all programs based on libnetpbm
-(most notably <b>-quiet</b>, see <a href="index.html#commonoptions">
-Common Options</a>), <b>ppmbrighten</b> recognizes the following
-command line options:
-<dd>This option specifies the amount, as a per centage, by which you want
-to change the Value of each pixel.  It may be negative.
-<dd>This option specifies the amount, as a per centage, by which you want
-to change the Saturation of each pixel.  It may be negative.
-<dd>This option causes <b>ppmbrighten</b> to normalize contrast by linearly
-remapping the Values of the pixels to cover the range 0 to 1.
-<p><b>ppmbrighten</b> applies the brightening that you specify with 
-the <b>-value</b> option <em>after</em> the remapping.
-<p>Before Netpbm 10.14 (March 2003), your input must be from a seekable
-file (not a pipe) to use <b>-normalize</b>.  If it isn't, the program fails
-with a bogus error message.
-<h2 id="seealso">SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="pnmnorm.html">pnmnorm</a>, 
-<a href="ppmdim.html">ppmdim</a>, 
-<a href="pamfunc.html">pamfunc</a>, 
-<a href="ppmflash.html">ppmflash</a>, 
-<a href="ppmflash.html">pambrighten</a>, 
-<a href="pamaltsat.html">pamaltsat</a>, 
-<a href="pamdepth.html">pamdepth</a>, 
-<a href="pnmgamma.html">pnmgamma</a>, 
-<a href="pamhue.html">pamhue</a>, 
-<a href="ppmhist.html">ppmhist</a>, 
-<a href="ppm.html">ppm</a>
-<h2 id="author">AUTHOR</h2>
-<p>Copyright (C) 1990 by Brian Moffet.
-Copyright (C) 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.
-Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
-documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
-that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
-copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
-documentation.  This software is provided "as is" without express or
-implied warranty.
-<h2 id="index">Table Of Contents</h2>
-<li><a href="#synopsis">SYNOPSIS</a>
-<li><a href="#description">DESCRIPTION</a>
-<li><a href="#examples">EXAMPLES</a>
-<li><a href="#options">OPTIONS</a>
-<li><a href="#seealso">SEE ALSO</a>
-<li><a href="#author">AUTHOR</a>