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path: root/lib/libpbmfont1.c
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authorgiraffedata <giraffedata@9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8>2018-09-29 03:18:57 +0000
committergiraffedata <giraffedata@9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8>2018-09-29 03:18:57 +0000
commite227331a6b5626e100705fcff3269fd8479ea988 (patch)
treefd51fff8ec8dc90185ce5ae457805a0f25a0ded6 /lib/libpbmfont1.c
parentcdd64d00181d5e5a6c8142cdb59f2215014ca82d (diff)
Promote current Development release as Advanced
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/netpbm/code/advanced@3352 9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/libpbmfont1.c')
1 files changed, 359 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/libpbmfont1.c b/lib/libpbmfont1.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b0993a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/libpbmfont1.c
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+** Routines for loading a PBM sheet font file
+** Copyright (C) 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
+** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+** documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
+** that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+** copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+** documentation.  This software is provided "as is" without express or
+** implied warranty.
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "netpbm/pm_c_util.h"
+#include "netpbm/mallocvar.h"
+#include "netpbm/nstring.h"
+#include "pbm.h"
+#include "pbmfont.h"
+  The routines in this file reads a font bitmap representing
+  the following text:
+  (0,0)
+     M ",/^_[`jpqy| M
+     /  !"#$%&'()*+ /
+     < ,-./01234567 <
+     > 89:;<=>?@ABC >
+     _ PQRSTUVWXYZ[ _
+     { \]^_`abcdefg {
+     } hijklmnopqrs }
+     ~ tuvwxyz{|}~  ~
+     M ",/^_[`jpqy| M
+  The bitmap must be cropped exactly to the edges.
+  The characters in the border you see are irrelevant except for
+  character size compuations.  The 12 x 8 array in the center is
+  the font.  The top left character there belongs to code point
+  0, and the code points increase in standard reading order, so
+  the bottom right character is code point 127.  You can't define
+  code points < 32 or > 127 with this font format.
+  The characters in the top and bottom border rows must include a
+  character with the lowest reach of any in the font (e.g. "y",
+  "_") and one with the highest reach (e.g. '"').  The characters
+  in the left and right border columns must include characters
+  with the rightmost and leftmost reach of any in the font
+  (e.g. "M" for both).
+  The border must be separated from the font by one blank text
+  row or text column.
+static unsigned int const firstCodePoint = 32;
+    /* This is the code point of the first character in a pbmfont font.
+       In ASCII, it is a space.
+    */
+static unsigned int const nCharsInFont = 96;
+    /* The number of characters in a pbmfont font.  A pbmfont font defines
+       characters at position 32 (ASCII space) through 127, so that's 96.
+    */
+static void
+findFirstBlankRow(const bit **   const font,
+                  unsigned int   const fcols,
+                  unsigned int   const frows,
+                  unsigned int * const browP) {
+    unsigned int row;
+    bool foundBlank;
+    for (row = 0, foundBlank = false; row < frows / 6 && !foundBlank; ++row) {
+        unsigned int col;
+        bit col0Value = font[row][0];
+        bool rowIsBlank;
+        rowIsBlank = true;  /* initial assumption */
+        for (col = 1; col < fcols; ++col)
+            if (font[row][col] != col0Value)
+                rowIsBlank = false;
+        if (rowIsBlank) {
+            foundBlank = true;
+            *browP = row;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!foundBlank)
+        pm_error("couldn't find blank pixel row in font");
+static void
+findFirstBlankCol(const bit **   const font,
+                  unsigned int   const fcols,
+                  unsigned int   const frows,
+                  unsigned int * const bcolP) {
+    unsigned int col;
+    bool foundBlank;
+    for (col = 0, foundBlank = false; col < fcols / 6 && !foundBlank; ++col) {
+        unsigned int row;
+        bit row0Value = font[0][col];
+        bool colIsBlank;
+        colIsBlank = true;  /* initial assumption */
+        for (row = 1; row < frows; ++row)
+            if (font[row][col] != row0Value)
+                colIsBlank = false;
+        if (colIsBlank) {
+            foundBlank = true;
+            *bcolP = col;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!foundBlank)
+        pm_error("couldn't find blank pixel column in font");
+static void
+computeCharacterSize(const bit **   const font,
+                     unsigned int   const fcols,
+                     unsigned int   const frows,
+                     unsigned int * const cellWidthP,
+                     unsigned int * const cellHeightP,
+                     unsigned int * const charWidthP,
+                     unsigned int * const charHeightP) {
+    unsigned int firstBlankRow;
+    unsigned int firstBlankCol;
+    unsigned int heightLast11Rows;
+    findFirstBlankRow(font, fcols, frows, &firstBlankRow);
+    findFirstBlankCol(font, fcols, frows, &firstBlankCol);
+    heightLast11Rows = frows - firstBlankRow;
+    if (heightLast11Rows % 11 != 0)
+        pm_error("The rows of characters in the font do not appear to "
+                 "be all the same height.  The last 11 rows are %u pixel "
+                 "rows high (from pixel row %u up to %u), "
+                 "which is not a multiple of 11.",
+                 heightLast11Rows, firstBlankRow, frows);
+    else {
+        unsigned int widthLast15Cols;
+        *cellHeightP = heightLast11Rows / 11;
+        widthLast15Cols = fcols - firstBlankCol;
+        if (widthLast15Cols % 15 != 0)
+            pm_error("The columns of characters in the font do not appear to "
+                     "be all the same width.  "
+                     "The last 15 columns are %u pixel "
+                     "columns wide (from pixel col %u up to %u), "
+                     "which is not a multiple of 15.",
+                     widthLast15Cols, firstBlankCol, fcols);
+        else {
+            *cellWidthP = widthLast15Cols / 15;
+            *charWidthP = firstBlankCol;
+            *charHeightP = firstBlankRow;
+        }
+    }
+struct font*
+pbm_dissectfont(const bit ** const fontsheet,
+                unsigned int const frows,
+                unsigned int const fcols) {
+  Dissect PBM sheet font data, create a font structre,
+  load bitmap data into it.
+  Return value is a pointer to the newly created font structure
+  The input bitmap data is in memory, in one byte per pixel format.
+  The dissection works by finding the first blank row and column;
+  i.e the lower right corner of the "M" in the upper left corner
+  of the matrix.  That gives the height and width of the
+  maximum-sized character, which is not too useful.  But the
+  distance from there to the opposite side is an integral
+  multiple of the cell size, and that's what we need.  Then it's
+  just a matter of filling in all the coordinates.
+  Struct font has fields 'oldfont', 'fcols', 'frows' for backward
+  compability.  If there is any need to load data stored in this format
+  feed the above three, in order, as arguments to this function:
+    pbm_dissectfont(oldfont, fcols, frows);
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    unsigned int cellWidth, cellHeight;
+        /* Dimensions in pixels of each cell of the font -- that
+           includes the glyph and the white space above and to the
+           right of it.  Each cell is a tile of the font image.  The
+           top character row and left character row don't count --
+           those cells are smaller because they are missing the white
+           space.
+        */
+    unsigned int charWidth, charHeight;
+        /* Maximum dimensions of glyph itself, inside its cell */
+    int row, col, ch, r, c, i;
+    struct font * fn;
+    computeCharacterSize(fontsheet, fcols, frows,
+                         &cellWidth, &cellHeight, &charWidth, &charHeight);
+    /* Now convert to a general font */
+    MALLOCVAR(fn);
+    if (fn == NULL)
+        pm_error("out of memory allocating font structure");
+    fn->maxwidth  = charWidth;
+    fn->maxheight = charHeight;
+    fn->x = fn->y = 0;
+    fn->oldfont = fontsheet;
+    fn->frows = frows;
+    fn->fcols = fcols;
+    /* Now fill in the 0,0 coords. */
+    row = cellHeight * 2;
+    col = cellWidth  * 2;
+    /* Load individual glyphs */
+    for ( ch = 0; ch < nCharsInFont; ++ch ) {
+        /* Allocate memory separately for each glyph.
+           pbm_loadbdffont2() does this in exactly the same manner.
+         */
+        struct glyph * const glyph =
+             (struct glyph *) malloc (sizeof (struct glyph));
+        char * const bmap = (char*) malloc(fn->maxwidth * fn->maxheight);
+        if ( bmap == NULL || glyph == NULL )
+            pm_error( "out of memory allocating glyph data" );
+        glyph->width  = fn->maxwidth;
+        glyph->height = fn->maxheight;
+        glyph->x = glyph->y = 0;
+        glyph->xadd = cellWidth;
+        for ( r = 0; r < glyph->height; ++r )
+            for ( c = 0; c < glyph->width; ++c )
+                bmap[r * glyph->width + c] = fontsheet[row + r][col + c];
+        glyph->bmap = bmap;
+        fn->glyph[firstCodePoint + ch] = glyph;
+        col += cellWidth;
+        if ( col >= cellWidth * 14 ) {
+            col = cellWidth * 2;
+            row += cellHeight;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Initialize all remaining character positions to "undefined." */
+    for (i = 0; i < firstCodePoint; ++i)
+        fn->glyph[i] = NULL;
+    for (i = firstCodePoint + nCharsInFont; i <= PM_FONT_MAXGLYPH; ++i)
+        fn->glyph[i] = NULL;
+    return fn;
+struct font *
+pbm_loadpbmfont(const char * const filename) {
+  Read PBM font sheet data from file 'filename'.
+  Load data into font structure.
+  When done with object, free with pbm_destroybdffont().
+    FILE * ifP;
+    bit ** fontsheet;
+    int fcols, frows;
+    struct font * retval;
+    ifP = pm_openr(filename);
+    fontsheet = pbm_readpbm(ifP, &fcols, &frows);
+    if ((fcols - 1) / 16 >= pbm_maxfontwidth() ||
+        (frows - 1) / 12 >= pbm_maxfontheight())
+        pm_error("Absurdly large PBM font file: %s", filename);
+    else if (fcols < 31 || frows < 23) {
+        /* Need at least one pixel per character, and this is too small to
+           have that.
+        */
+        pm_error("PBM font file '%s' too small to be a font file: %u x %u.  "
+                 "Minimum sensible size is 31 x 23",
+                 filename, fcols, frows);
+    }
+    pm_close(ifP);
+    retval = pbm_dissectfont((const bit **)fontsheet, frows, fcols);
+    return (retval);
+struct font2 *
+pbm_loadpbmfont2(const char * const filename) {
+  Like pbm_loadpbmfont, but return a pointer to struct font2.
+  When done with object, free with pbm_destroybdffont2().
+    const struct font * const pbmfont = pbm_loadpbmfont(filename);
+    struct font2 * const retval  = pbm_expandbdffont(pbmfont);
+    free ((void *)pbmfont);
+    /* Overwrite some fields */
+    retval->load_fn = LOAD_PBMSHEET;
+    retval->default_char = (PM_WCHAR) ' ';
+    retval->default_char_defined = TRUE;
+    retval->name = strdup("(PBM sheet font has no name)");
+    retval->charset = ISO646_1991_IRV;
+    retval->charset_string = strdup("ASCII");
+    retval->total_chars = retval->chars = nCharsInFont;
+    return(retval);