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path: root/converter/other/pclxl.h
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authorgiraffedata <giraffedata@9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8>2006-08-19 03:12:28 +0000
committergiraffedata <giraffedata@9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8>2006-08-19 03:12:28 +0000
commit1fd361a1ea06e44286c213ca1f814f49306fdc43 (patch)
tree64c8c96cf54d8718847339a403e5e67b922e8c3f /converter/other/pclxl.h
Create Subversion repository
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/netpbm/code/trunk@1 9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8
Diffstat (limited to 'converter/other/pclxl.h')
1 files changed, 390 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/converter/other/pclxl.h b/converter/other/pclxl.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b1d1c043
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/pclxl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+/* This file defines elements of Hewlett Packard's PCL-XL printer
+   control language (fka PCL-6)
+enum ArcDirection {
+    eClockWise = 0,
+    eCounterClockWise = 1
+enum CharSubModeArray {
+    eNoSubstitution = 0,
+    eVerticalSubstitution = 1
+enum ClipRegion {
+    eInterior = 0,
+    eExterior = 1
+enum ColorDepth {
+    e1Bit = 0,
+    e4Bit = 1,
+    e8Bit = 2
+enum ColrMapping {
+    eDirectPixel = 0,
+    eIndexedPixel = 1
+enum Colorspace {
+    eGray = 1,
+    eRGB = 2
+enum Compression {
+    eNoCompression = 0,
+    eRLECompression = 1,
+    eJPEGCompression = 2
+enum DataOrg {
+    eBinaryHighByteFirst = 0,
+    eBinaryLowByteFirst = 1
+enum DataSource {
+    eDefault = 0
+enum DataType {
+    eUByte = 0,
+    eSByte = 1,
+    eUint16 = 2,
+    eSint16 = 3
+enum DitherMatrix {  
+    eDeviceBest = 0
+enum DuplexPageMode {
+    eDuplexHorizontalBinding = 0,
+    eDuplexVerticalBinding = 1
+enum DuplexPageSide {
+    eFrontMediaSide = 0,
+    eBackMediaSide = 1
+enum ErrorReport {
+    eNoReporting = 0,
+    eBackChannel = 1,
+    eErrorPage = 2,
+    eBackChAndErrPage = 3,
+    eNWBackChannel = 4 ,
+    eNWErrorPage = 5,
+    eNWBackChAndErrPage = 6
+enum FillMode {
+    eNonZeroWinding = 0,
+    eEvenOdd = 1
+enum LineCap {
+    eButtCap = 0,
+    eRoundCap = 1,
+    eSquareCap = 2,
+    eTriangleCap = 3
+enum LineJoin {
+    eMiterJoin = 0,
+    eRoundJoin = 1,
+    eBevelJoin = 2,
+    eNoJoin = 3
+enum Measure {
+    eInch = 0,
+    eMillimeter = 1,
+    eTenthsOfAMillimeter = 2
+enum MediaSource {
+    eDefaultSource = 0,
+    eAutoSelect = 1,
+    eManualFeed = 2,
+    eMultiPurposeTray = 3,
+    eUpperCassette = 4,
+    eLowerCassette = 5,
+    eEnvelopeTray = 6,
+    eThirdCassette = 7
+enum MediaDestination {
+    eDefaultDestination = 0,
+    eFaceDownBin = 1,
+    eFaceUpBin = 2,
+    eJobOffsetBin = 3
+enum Orientation {
+    ePortraitOrientation = 0,
+    eLandscapeOrientation = 1,
+    eReversePortrait = 2,
+    eReverseLandscape = 3
+enum PatternPersistence {
+    eTempPattern = 0,
+    ePagePattern = 1,
+    eSessionPattern = 2
+enum SimplexPageMode {
+    eSimplexFrontSide = 0
+enum TxMode {
+    eOpaque = 0,
+    eTransparent = 1
+enum WritingMode{
+    eHorizontal = 0,
+    eVertical = 1
+enum Attribute {
+    aPaletteDepth        =   2,
+    aColorSpace          =   3,
+    aNullBrush           =   4,
+    aNullPen             =   5,
+    aPaletteData         =   6,
+    aPatternSelectID     =   8,
+    aGrayLevel           =   9,
+    aRGBColor            =  11,
+    aPatternOrigin       =  12,
+    aNewDestinationSize  =  13,
+    aPrimaryArray        =  14,
+    aPrimaryDepth        =  15,
+    aDeviceMatrix        =  33,
+    aDitherMatrixDataType=  34,
+    aDitherOrigin        =  35,
+    aMediaDestination    =  36,
+    aMediaSize           =  37,
+    aMediaSource         =  38,
+    aMediaType           =  39,
+    aOrientation         =  40,
+    aPageAngle           =  41,
+    aPageOrigin          =  42,
+    aPageScale           =  43,
+    aROP3                =  44,
+    aTxMode              =  45,
+    aCustomMediaSize     =  47,
+    aCustomMediaUnits    =  48,
+    aPageCopies          =  49,
+    aDitherMatrixSize    =  50,
+    aDitherMatrixDepth   =  51,
+    aSimplexPageMode     =  52,
+    aDuplexPageMode      =  53,
+    aDuplexPageSide      =  54,
+    aArcDirection        =  65,
+    aBoundingBox         =  66,
+    aDashOffset          =  67,
+    aEllipseDimension    =  68,
+    aEndPoint            =  69,
+    aFillMode            =  70,
+    aLineCapStyle        =  71,
+    aLineJoinStyle       =  72,
+    aMiterLength         =  73,
+    aLineDashStyle       =  74,
+    aPenWidth            =  75,
+    aPoint               =  76,
+    aNumberOfPoints      =  77,
+    aSolidLine           =  78,
+    aStartPoint          =  79,
+    aPointType           =  80,
+    aControlPoint1       =  81,
+    aControlPoint2       =  82,
+    aClipRegion          =  83,
+    aClipMode            =  84,
+    aColorDepth          =  98,
+    aBlockHeight         =  99,
+    aColorMapping        = 100,
+    aCompressMode        = 101,
+    aDestinationBox      = 102,
+    aDestinationSize     = 103,
+    aPatternPersistence  = 104,
+    aPatternDefineID     = 105,
+    aSourceHeight        = 107,
+    aSourceWidth         = 108,
+    aStartLine           = 109,
+    aPadBytesMultiple    = 110,
+    aBlockByteLength     = 111,
+    aNumberOfScanLines   = 115,
+    aColorTreatment      = 120,
+    aCommentData         = 129,
+    aDataOrg             = 130,
+    aMeasure             = 134,
+    aSourceType          = 136,
+    aUnitsPerMeasure     = 137,
+    aStreamName          = 139,
+    aStreamDataLength    = 140,
+    aErrorReport         = 143,
+    aCharAngle           = 161,
+    aCharCode            = 162,
+    aCharDataSize        = 163,
+    aCharScale           = 164,
+    aCharShear           = 165,
+    aCharSize            = 166,
+    aFontHeaderLength    = 167,
+    aFontName            = 168,
+    aFontFormat          = 169,
+    aSymbolSet           = 170,
+    aTextData            = 171,
+    aCharSubModeArray    = 172,
+    aXSpacingData        = 175,
+    aYSpacingData        = 176,
+    aCharBoldValue       = 177
+enum Operator {
+    oBeginSession        = 0x41,
+    oEndSession          = 0x42,
+    oBeginPage           = 0x43,
+    oEndPage             = 0x44,
+    oComment             = 0x47,
+    oOpenDataSource      = 0x48,
+    oCloseDataSource     = 0x49,
+    oBeginFontHeader     = 0x4f,
+    oReadFontHeader      = 0x50,
+    oEndFontHeader       = 0x51,
+    oBeginChar           = 0x52,
+    oReadChar            = 0x53,
+    oEndChar             = 0x54,
+    oRemoveFont          = 0x55,
+    oSetCharAttributes   = 0x56,
+    oBeginStream         = 0x5b,
+    oReadStream          = 0x5c,
+    oEndStream           = 0x5d,
+    oExecStream          = 0x5e,
+    oRemoveStream        = 0x5f,
+    oPopGS               = 0x60,
+    oPushGS              = 0x61,
+    oSetClipReplace      = 0x62,
+    oSetBrushSource      = 0x63,
+    oSetCharAngle        = 0x64,
+    oSetCharScale        = 0x65,
+    oSetCharShear        = 0x66,
+    oSetClipIntersect    = 0x67,
+    oSetClipRectangle    = 0x68,
+    oSetClipToPage       = 0x69,
+    oSetColorSpace       = 0x6a,
+    oSetCursor           = 0x6b,
+    oSetCursorRel        = 0x6c,
+    oSetHalftoneMethod   = 0x6d,
+    oSetFillMode         = 0x6e,
+    oSetFont             = 0x6f,
+    oSetLineDash         = 0x70,
+    oSetLineCap          = 0x71,
+    oSetLineJoin         = 0x72,
+    oSetMiterLimit       = 0x73,
+    oSetPageDefaultCTM   = 0x74,
+    oSetPageOrigin       = 0x75,
+    oSetPageRotation     = 0x76,
+    oSetPageScale        = 0x77,
+    oSetPatternTxMode    = 0x78,
+    oSetPenSource        = 0x79,
+    oSetPenWidth         = 0x7a,
+    oSetROP              = 0x7b,
+    oSetSourceTxMode     = 0x7c,
+    oSetCharBoldValue    = 0x7d,
+    oSetClipMode         = 0x7f,
+    oSetPathToClip       = 0x80,
+    oSetCharSubMode      = 0x81,
+    oCloseSubPath        = 0x84,
+    oNewPath             = 0x85,
+    oPaintPath           = 0x86,
+    oArcPath             = 0x91,
+    oBezierPath          = 0x93,
+    oBezierRelPath       = 0x95,
+    oChord               = 0x96,
+    oChordPath           = 0x97,
+    oEllipse             = 0x98,
+    oEllipsePath         = 0x99,
+    oLinePath            = 0x9b,
+    oLineRelPath         = 0x9d,
+    oPie                 = 0x9e,
+    oPiePath             = 0x9f,
+    oRectangle           = 0xa0,
+    oRectanglePath       = 0xa1,
+    oRoundRectangle      = 0xa2,  
+    oRoundRectanglePath  = 0xa3,
+    oText                = 0xa8,
+    oTextPath            = 0xa9,
+    oBeginImage          = 0xb0,
+    oReadImage           = 0xb1,
+    oEndImage            = 0xb2,
+    oBeginRastPattern    = 0xb3,
+    oReadRastPattern     = 0xb4,
+    oEndRastPattern      = 0xb5,
+    oBeginScan           = 0xb6,
+    oEndScan             = 0xb8,
+    oScanLineRel         = 0xb9
+enum MediaSize {
+    eLetterPaper,
+    eLegalPaper,
+    eA4Paper,
+    eExecPaper,
+    eLedgerPaper,
+    eA3Paper,
+    eCOM10Envelope,
+    eMonarchEnvelope,
+    eC5Envelope,
+    eDLEnvelope,
+    eJB4Paper,
+    eJB5Paper,
+    etralala,
+    eB5Envelope,
+    eJPostcard,
+    eJDoublePostcard,
+    eA5Paper,
+    eA6Paper,
+    eJB6Paper
+struct sPaperFormat {
+    const char *name;
+    int xl_nr;
+    float width,height; /* inch */
+} xlPaperFormats[] = {
+    {"letter",eLetterPaper,8.5,11.0},
+    {"legal",eLegalPaper,8.5,14},
+    {"a4",eA4Paper,8.26389,11.6944},
+    {"exec",eExecPaper,190/2.54,254/2.54},
+    {"ledger",eLedgerPaper,279/2.54,432/2.54},
+    {"a3",eA3Paper,11.6944,16.5278},
+    {"com10envelope",eCOM10Envelope,105/2.54,241/2.54},
+    {"monarchenvelope",eMonarchEnvelope,98/2.54,191/2.54},
+    {"c5envelope",eC5Envelope,162/2.54,229/2.54},
+    {"dlenvelope",eDLEnvelope,110/2.54,220/2.54},
+    {"jb4",eJB4Paper,257/2.54,364/2.54},
+    {"jb5",eJB5Paper,182/2.54,257/2.54},
+    {"b5envelope",eB5Envelope,176/2.54,250/2.54},
+    {"",-1,0,0},
+    {"jpostcard",eJPostcard,148/2.54,200/2.54},
+    {"jdoublepostcard",eJDoublePostcard,100/2.54,148/2.54},
+    {"a5",eA5Paper, 5.84722,8.26389},
+    {"a6",eA6Paper,4.125,5.84722},
+    {"jb6",eJB6Paper,0,0},
+    {NULL,0,0,0}
+enum {
+    eSTART,
+    eRLE,
+    eLIT 
+} RLEstates;