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authorgiraffedata <giraffedata@9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8>2018-04-06 02:06:01 +0000
committergiraffedata <giraffedata@9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8>2018-04-06 02:06:01 +0000
commitc99125c786ec5dbfc670ff01a669efd980167b7f (patch)
parented177306a2e1c6bd0e7cd082572bd92f154281ba (diff)
Add pamlevels
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/netpbm/code/trunk@3194 9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8
3 files changed, 359 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/doc/HISTORY b/doc/HISTORY
index 87e4912f..be9dd670 100644
--- a/doc/HISTORY
+++ b/doc/HISTORY
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ CHANGE HISTORY
 not yet  BJH  Release 10.83.00
+              Add pamlevels.  Thanks Anton Shepelev <anton.txt@gmail.com>.
 18.03.25 BJH  Release 10.82.00
               pbmtext: Add -wchar.
diff --git a/editor/Makefile b/editor/Makefile
index 39329f00..d7d71bf6 100644
--- a/editor/Makefile
+++ b/editor/Makefile
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ SUBDIRS = pamflip specialty
 PORTBINARIES = pamaddnoise pambackground pamcomp pamcut \
 	       pamdice pamditherbw pamedge \
 	       pamenlarge \
-	       pamfunc pammasksharpen \
+	       pamfunc pamlevels pammasksharpen \
 	       pamperspective pamrecolor pamrubber \
 	       pamscale pamsistoaglyph pamstretch pamthreshold pamundice \
 	       pamwipeout \
diff --git a/editor/pamlevels.c b/editor/pamlevels.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b677e199
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editor/pamlevels.c
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <pam.h>
+#include <pm_system.h>
+#include <pm_gamma.h>
+#include <netpbm/ppm.h>
+#include "shhopt.h"
+#include "mallocvar.h"
+/* ----------------------------- Type aliases ------------------------------ */
+typedef unsigned char uchar;
+typedef unsigned int  uint;
+typedef struct   pam  pam;
+typedef struct Rgb    /* an RGB sample */
+{   double _[3];
+} Rgb;
+typedef struct Float3 /* the coefficients of a quadratic polynom */
+{   double _[3];
+} Float3;
+/* ------------------------- Parse transformations ------------------------- */
+typedef struct Trans /* a color transformation */
+{   Rgb from;
+    Rgb to;
+} Trans;
+typedef struct TransArg
+{   char* from;         /* color specifictaionts         */
+    char* to;           /* as they appear on commandline */
+    uint  hasfrom;      /* is the "from" part present? */
+    uint  hasto;
+    char  nameFromS[3]; /* short option name */
+    char  nameToS  [3];
+    char  nameFromL[6]; /* long option name */
+    char  nameToL  [6];
+} TransArg;
+typedef struct Sets
+{   uint     direct;        /* direct processing of brightness values */
+    TransArg xlations[  3]; /* color mapping as read from commandline */
+    Trans    xlats   [  3]; /* color mappings parsed                  */
+    char     infname [255]; /* the input file name, "-" for stdin     */
+} Sets;
+static void optAddTrans
+(   optEntry * const option_def,
+    uint *     const option_def_indexP,
+    TransArg * const xP,
+    char       const index
+{   char indexc;
+    uint option_def_index;
+    option_def_index = *option_def_indexP;
+    indexc = '0' + index;
+    strcpy( xP->nameFromL, "from " ); xP->nameFromL[4] = indexc;
+    strcpy( xP->nameToL,   "to "   ); xP->nameToL  [2] = indexc;
+    strcpy( xP->nameFromS, "f "    ); xP->nameFromS[1] = indexc;
+    strcpy( xP->nameToS,   "t "    ); xP->nameToS  [1] = indexc;
+    OPTENT3(0, xP->nameFromL, OPT_STRING, &xP->from, &xP->hasfrom, 0);
+    OPTENT3(0, xP->nameFromS, OPT_STRING, &xP->from, &xP->hasfrom, 0);
+    OPTENT3(0, xP->nameToL,   OPT_STRING, &xP->to,   &xP->hasto,   0);
+    OPTENT3(0, xP->nameToS,   OPT_STRING, &xP->to,   &xP->hasto,   0);
+    *option_def_indexP = option_def_index;
+static void ungammaSample( Rgb * const rgb )
+{   int i;
+    for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
+    {   rgb->_[i] = pm_ungamma709( rgb->_[i] );  }
+static void parseSample
+(   const char * const text,
+    Rgb *        const sample,
+    uint         const direct
+{   uint const MAXMAXVAL = 0xffff; /* for maximum precision */
+    char   *lastsc, *endP, *colorP, *mulstart;
+    char   color[50];
+    double mul;
+    pixel pix;
+    mul = 1.0;
+    colorP = ( char* )text;
+    lastsc = strrchr( text, ':' );
+    do /* parse the optional color multiplier, if it present */
+    {   if( lastsc == NULL ) break;
+        if( strstr( text, "rgb" ) == text )
+        {   if( strchr( text, ':' ) == lastsc ) break;  }
+        mulstart = lastsc + 1;
+        errno    = 0;
+        mul      = strtof( mulstart, &endP );
+        if( errno != 0 || endP == mulstart )
+        {   pm_error("Wrong sample multiplier: %s", mulstart );  }
+        strncpy( color, text, lastsc-text );
+        color[lastsc-text] = '\0';
+        colorP = color;
+    } while ( 1 == 0 );
+    pix = ppm_parsecolor( colorP, MAXMAXVAL);
+    sample->_[0] = (double)PPM_GETR( pix ) / MAXMAXVAL * mul;
+    sample->_[1] = (double)PPM_GETG( pix ) / MAXMAXVAL * mul;
+    sample->_[2] = (double)PPM_GETB( pix ) / MAXMAXVAL * mul;
+    if( !direct )
+    {   ungammaSample( sample );  }
+static void parseTran
+(   const TransArg * const xP,
+    Trans *          const rP,
+    uint             const direct
+{   parseSample( xP->from, &rP->from, direct );
+    parseSample( xP->to,   &rP->to,   direct );
+static void calcTrans( Sets * const setsP )
+{   const char *const FIRST2_UNDEF  = "The first two transformatios must be completely specified.";
+    const char * const THIRD_INCOMPL = "The third transformation is incompletely specified.";
+    TransArg * xP;
+    uchar      xi;
+    for( xi = 0; xi < 3; xi++ )
+    {   xP = &setsP->xlations[xi];
+        if( ( xi < 2 ) && ( !xP->hasto || !xP->hasfrom ) )
+        {   pm_error( FIRST2_UNDEF );  }
+        if( xi == 2 )
+        {   if( xP->hasto != xP->hasfrom )
+            {   pm_error( THIRD_INCOMPL );  }
+            if( !xP->hasto )
+            {   break;  }
+        }
+        parseTran( xP, &setsP->xlats[xi], setsP->direct );
+    }
+static Sets readOpts
+(   int           argc,
+    const char ** argv
+{   const char* PM_STDIN = "-";
+    Sets       sets;
+    optStruct3 opt;
+    uchar      xi;
+    uint       option_def_index;
+    optEntry * option_def;
+    sets.direct = 0;
+    MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(option_def, 100);
+    option_def_index = 0;  /* incremented by OPTENT3 */
+    OPTENT3(0, "direct", OPT_FLAG, &sets.direct, NULL, 0);
+    for( xi = 0; xi < 3; xi++ )
+    {   optAddTrans( option_def, &option_def_index, &sets.xlations[xi], xi+1 );  }
+    opt.opt_table     = option_def;
+    opt.short_allowed = 0;
+    opt.allowNegNum   = 0;
+    pm_optParseOptions3(&argc, (char **)argv, opt, sizeof(opt), 0);
+    calcTrans( &sets );
+    if( argc > 2 )
+    {   pm_error( "Too many positional arguments." );  }
+    if( argc == 1 )
+    {   strcpy( sets.infname, PM_STDIN );  }
+    else
+    {   strcpy( sets.infname, argv[1] );  }
+    free( option_def );
+    return sets;
+static void errResolve( void )
+{   pm_error( "Cannot resolve the transormations.");  }
+static double sqr( double const x )
+{   return x * x;  }
+/* Find the transformation that maps f[i] to t[i] for 0 <= i < n */
+static void solve
+(   Float3   const f,
+    Float3   const t,
+    int      const n,
+    Float3 * const coeffs
+{   double const eps = 0.00001;
+    double a, a_denom, b, b_denom, c;
+    /* I have decided against generic methods of solving systems of linear
+     * equations in favour of simple explicit formulas, with no memory
+     * allocation and tedious matrix processing. */
+    switch( n )
+    {   case 3:
+            a_denom = sqr( f._[0] ) * ( f._[1] - f._[2] ) -
+                      sqr( f._[2] ) * ( f._[1] - f._[0] ) -
+                      sqr( f._[1] ) * ( f._[0] - f._[2] );
+            if( fabs( a_denom ) < eps )
+            {   errResolve();  }
+            a = t._[1] * ( f._[2] - f._[0] ) - t._[0] * ( f._[2] - f._[1] ) -
+                t._[2] * ( f._[1] - f._[0] );
+            a = a / a_denom;
+        break;
+        case 2: a = 0.0; break;
+        default: pm_error( "solve(): incorrect value of n: %i. This is a bug. Contact the maintainer.", n ); break;
+    }
+    b_denom = f._[1] - f._[0];
+    if( fabs( b_denom ) < eps )
+    {   errResolve();  }
+    b = t._[1] - t._[0] + a * ( sqr( f._[0] ) - sqr( f._[1] ) );
+    b = b / b_denom;
+    c = -a * sqr( f._[0] ) - b * f._[0] + t._[0];
+    coeffs->_[0] = a;  coeffs->_[1] = b;  coeffs->_[2] = c;
+static double apply
+(   const double value,
+    const Float3 coeffs,
+    const uint   direct
+{   double res;
+    res = value;
+    if( !direct)
+    {   res = pm_ungamma709( res );  }
+    res = ( coeffs._[0] * res + coeffs._[1] ) * res + coeffs._[2];
+    /* Clipping: */
+    if( res > 1.0f )
+    {   res = 1.0f;  }
+    if( res < 0.0f )
+    {   res = 0.0f;  }
+    if( !direct )
+    {   res = pm_gamma709( res );  }
+    return res;
+/* collate <tn> transformatons from <ta> for channel <ch> */
+static void chanData
+(   const Trans * const ta,
+    uchar         const tn,
+    uchar         const ch,
+    Float3 *      const f,
+    Float3 *      const t
+{   uchar i;
+    for( i = 0; i < tn; i++ )
+    {   f->_[i] = ta[i].from._[ ch ];
+        t->_[i] = ta[i].to  ._[ ch ];
+    }
+static void process( Sets const sets )
+{   uint     x, y;
+    uchar    l, tn;
+    pam      inPam, outPam;
+    Float3   sol[3];
+    Float3   from, to;
+    tuplen * row;
+    FILE   * inF;
+    inF = pm_openr( sets.infname );
+    pnm_readpaminit( inF, &inPam, PAM_STRUCT_SIZE( tuple_type ) );
+    outPam = inPam;
+    outPam.file = stdout;
+    if( sets.xlations[2].hasto )
+    {   tn = 3;  }
+    else
+    {   tn = 2;  }
+    for( l = 0; l < inPam.depth; l++ )
+    {   chanData( sets.xlats, tn, l, &from, &to );
+        solve( from, to, tn, &sol[ l ] );
+    }
+    row = pnm_allocpamrown( &inPam );
+    pnm_writepaminit( &outPam );
+    for( y = 0; y < inPam.height; y++ )
+    {   pnm_readpamrown( &inPam, row );
+        for( x = 0; x < inPam.width; x++ )
+        {   for( l = 0; l < inPam.depth; l++ )
+            {   row[x][l] = apply( row[x][l], sol[l], sets.direct);  }
+        }
+        pnm_writepamrown( &outPam, row );
+    }
+    pnm_freepamrown( row );
+    pm_close( inF );
+int main
+(   int   argc,
+    char *argv[]
+{   const char** const argvc = (const char**)argv;
+    Sets sets;
+    pm_proginit( &argc, argvc );
+    sets = readOpts( argc, argvc );
+    process( sets );
+    return 0;