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path: root/lib/sson.rb
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authorLeah Neukirchen <>2018-07-24 17:18:01 +0200
committerLeah Neukirchen <>2018-07-24 17:18:01 +0200
commit29676c717eac0f2c5e6cc02941b479dd5d81727c (patch)
treeafb0e71dc5b5da2ff3c6ecc036f93113b2f5be7b /lib/sson.rb
initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/sson.rb')
1 files changed, 199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/sson.rb b/lib/sson.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..684749a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sson.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+# SSON - S-Expression Standard Object Notation
+# a faithful embedding of JSON (RFC 8259) into a S-Expression syntax
+# value = "#n" / "#t" / "#f" /
+#         "(" value* ")" / "#(" (string value)* ")" /
+#         json-number / string
+# string = json-string / literal
+# literal = [^0-9#;()" \t\r\n+-][^#;()" \t\r\n]*
+# ";" starts a comment until end of line, it is treated as whitespace
+# To the extent possible under law, Leah Neukirchen <>
+# has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
+require 'json'
+require 'prettyprint'
+require 'strscan'
+module SSON; end
+class << SSON
+  VERSION = "0.1"
+  SCANIDENT = /[^0-9#;()" \t\r\n+-][^#;()" \t\r\n]*/
+  class SSONError < StandardError; end
+  class GeneratorError < SSONError; end
+  class ParserError < SSONError; end
+  def generate(o)
+    case o
+    when Hash
+      r = "#("
+      o.each { |k, v| 
+        r << " "  if r.size > 2
+        r << generate(k.to_s) << " " << generate(v) 
+      }
+      r << ")"
+      r
+    when Array
+      r = "("
+      o.each { |e|
+        r << " "  if r.size > 1
+        r << generate(e)
+      }
+      r << ")"
+      r
+    when true
+      "#t"
+    when false
+      "#f"
+    when nil
+      "#n"
+    when Integer
+      o.to_s
+    when Float
+      if o.nan?
+        raise GeneratorError, "NaN not allowed in SSON"
+      elsif o.infinite?
+        raise GeneratorError, "Infinity not allowed in SSON"
+      end
+      o.to_s
+    when String
+      if o =~ IDENT
+        o
+      else
+        JSON.generate(o)
+      end
+    else
+      # like JSON.generate
+      generate(o.to_s)
+    end
+  end
+  def pretty_generate(obj)
+    return PrettyPrint.format('', 80) { |q|
+      inner = lambda { |o|
+        case o
+        when Array
+ {
+            q.text "("
+            b = false
+            o.each { |e|
+              q.breakable " "  if b
+              b = true
+              inner[e]
+            }
+            q.text ")"
+          }
+        when Hash
+ {
+            q.text "#("
+            b = false
+            o.each { |k, v|
+              q.breakable " "  if b
+              b = true
+     {
+                inner[k]
+                q.text " "
+                inner[v]
+              }
+            }
+            q.text ")"
+          }
+        when true; q.text "#t"
+        when false; q.text "#f"
+        when nil; q.text "#n"
+        when Integer
+          q.text o.to_s
+        when Float
+          if o.nan?
+            raise GeneratorError, "NaN not allowed in SSON"
+          elsif o.infinite?
+            raise GeneratorError, "Infinity not allowed in SSON"
+          end
+          q.text o.to_s
+        when String
+          if o =~ IDENT
+            q.text o  # ES5 identifier
+          else
+            q.text JSON.generate(o)
+          end
+        end
+      }
+      inner[obj]
+    }
+  end
+  def parse(str)
+    e = SSON.enum_for(:tok, str)
+    r = parse_form e
+    begin
+    rescue StopIteration
+      r
+    else
+      raise ParserError, "trailing garbage"
+    end
+  end
+  private
+  def tok(str)
+    ss =
+    until ss.eos?
+      if ss.scan(/\A[ \t\r\n]+/) || ss.scan(/;[^\n]*$/)
+        # ignore
+      elsif ss.scan(/\(/);      yield :OPEN
+      elsif ss.scan(/\)/);      yield :CLOSE
+      elsif ss.scan(/#\(/);     yield :HASH
+      elsif ss.scan(/#n/);      yield :NULL
+      elsif ss.scan(/#t/);      yield :TRUE
+      elsif ss.scan(/#f/);      yield :FALSE
+      elsif s = ss.scan(/"(\\"|[^"])*"/)
+        yield JSON.parse(s)
+      elsif s = ss.scan(SCANIDENT)
+        yield s
+      elsif s = ss.scan(/[-+]?(?:\d*\.?\d+|\d+\.?\d*)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/)
+        yield Float(s)
+      else
+        raise ParserError, "invalid SSON: " + ss.peek(20).dump
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def parse_form(e)
+    case t =
+    when :OPEN
+      r = []
+      while e.peek != :CLOSE
+        r << parse_form(e)
+      end
+      r
+    when :HASH
+      r = {}
+      while e.peek != :CLOSE
+        k =
+        raise "non string key"  unless k.kind_of?(String)
+        v = parse_form(e)
+        r[k] = v
+      end
+      r
+    when :CLOSE;   raise ParserError, "invalid SSON, toplevel )"
+    when :NULL;    nil
+    when :TRUE;    true
+    when :FALSE;   false
+    when String;   t
+    when Float;    t
+    end
+  rescue StopIteration
+    raise ParserError, "early EOF"
+  end