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+    <h1>SRFI 214: Flexvectors</h1>
+    <p class="authors">by Adam Nelson</p>
+    <p class="based-on"></p>
+    <p class="status">status: <em>draft</em> (2020-10-07)</p>
+    <p class="keywords">keywords: <a href="">Data Structure</a></p><span class="see-also">See also <a href="/srfi-10/">SRFI 10: #, external form</a>, <a href="/srfi-117/">SRFI 117: Queues based on lists</a>, <a href="/srfi-125/">SRFI 125: Intermediate hash tables</a>, <a href="/srfi-133/">SRFI 133: Vector Library (R7RS-compatible)</a>, <a href="/srfi-134/">SRFI 134: Immutable Deques</a>, and <a href="/srfi-158/">SRFI 158: Generators and Accumulators</a>.</span>
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+    <h2>Abstract</h2><p>A <em>flexvector</em>, also known as a dynamic array or an arraylist, is a mutable vector-like data structure with an adjustable size. Flexvectors allow O(1) random access, O(1) insertion/removal at the end, and O(n) insertion/removal elsewhere. This SRFI defines a suite of operations on flexvectors, modeled after <a href="">SRFI 133</a>'s vector operations.</p></body></html>
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