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path: root/implementation/tests.scm
diff options
authorAdam R. Nelson <>2021-01-13 22:26:53 -0500
committerAdam R. Nelson <>2021-01-13 22:26:53 -0500
commitcde743ee1148f89d9299b444244d0a5ba8856e13 (patch)
treef7dc6ed6637092740b43a37cbc3aae1be75417b4 /implementation/tests.scm
parent7eb8ddca6a0df8acd138d140afd52cb630f9c9f9 (diff)
add implementation source
Diffstat (limited to 'implementation/tests.scm')
1 files changed, 278 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/implementation/tests.scm b/implementation/tests.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..329a8d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/implementation/tests.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+(import (scheme base)
+        (scheme write)
+        (scheme process-context)
+        (flexvectors))
+(include "./srfi-64-minimal.scm")
+(test-begin "Flexvectors")
+(test-equal "flexvector?" #t (flexvector? (flexvector)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-length" 3 (flexvector-length (make-flexvector 3 #f)))
+(test-equal "flexvector" 3 (flexvector-length (flexvector 1 2 3)))
+(let ((fv (flexvector 'a 'b 'c)))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-ref" 'b (flexvector-ref fv 1))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-front" 'a (flexvector-front fv))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-back" 'c (flexvector-back fv))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-set! return" 'b (flexvector-set! fv 1 'd))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-set! mutate" 'd (flexvector-ref fv 1))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-add-back! return" fv (flexvector-add-back! fv 'e))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-add-back! mutate" '(4 . e)
+    (cons (flexvector-length fv)
+          (flexvector-ref fv (- (flexvector-length fv) 1))))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-remove! return" 'd (flexvector-remove! fv 1))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-remove! mutate" '(3 . c)
+    (cons (flexvector-length fv)
+          (flexvector-ref fv 1)))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-clear! return" fv (flexvector-clear! fv))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-clear! mutate" 0 (flexvector-length fv))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-empty?" #t (flexvector-empty? fv)))
+(test-equal "flexvector=? same symbols" #t
+  (flexvector=? eq? (flexvector 'a 'b) (flexvector 'a 'b)))
+(test-equal "flexvector=? different symbols" #f
+  (flexvector=? eq? (flexvector 'a 'b) (flexvector 'b 'a)))
+(test-equal "flexvector=? different lengths" #f
+  (flexvector=? = (flexvector 1 2 3 4 5) (flexvector 1 2 3 4)))
+(test-equal "flexvector=? same numbers" #t
+  (flexvector=? = (flexvector 1 2 3 4) (flexvector 1 2 3 4)))
+(test-equal "flexvector=? 0 arguments" #t
+  (flexvector=? eq?))
+(test-equal "flexvector=? 1 argument" #t
+  (flexvector=? eq? (flexvector 'a)))
+(test-equal "make-flexvector" #(a a a) (flexvector->vector (make-flexvector 3 'a)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-unfold"
+  #(1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100)
+  (flexvector->vector
+    (flexvector-unfold (lambda (x) (> x 10))
+                       (lambda (x) (* x x))
+                       (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
+                       1)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-unfold-right"
+  #(100 81 64 49 36 25 16 9 4 1)
+  (flexvector->vector
+    (flexvector-unfold-right (lambda (x) (> x 10))
+                             (lambda (x) (* x x))
+                             (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
+                             1)))
+(test-equal "string->flexvector" #(#\a #\b #\c)
+  (flexvector->vector (string->flexvector "abc")))
+(test-equal "flexvector->string" "abc" (flexvector->string (flexvector #\a #\b #\c)))
+; Nondestructive operations on one vector
+(let ((fv (flexvector 10 20 30)))
+  (test-equal "flexvector->vector" #(10 20 30) (flexvector->vector fv))
+  (test-equal "flexvector->list" '(10 20 30) (flexvector->list fv))
+  (test-equal "reverse-flexvector->list" '(30 20 10) (reverse-flexvector->list fv))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-copy" #t
+    (let ((copy (flexvector-copy fv)))
+      (and (= (flexvector-length fv) (flexvector-length copy))
+           (not (eq? fv copy)))))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-reverse-copy" #(30 20 10)
+    (flexvector->vector (flexvector-reverse-copy fv)))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-copy start" #(20 30)
+    (flexvector->vector (flexvector-copy fv 1)))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-copy start end" #(20)
+    (flexvector->vector (flexvector-copy fv 1 2)))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-for-each" '(30 20 10)
+    (let ((res '()))
+      (flexvector-for-each (lambda (x) (set! res (cons x res))) fv)
+      res))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-for-each/index" '(34 22 10)
+    (let ((res '()))
+      (flexvector-for-each/index
+        (lambda (i x) (set! res (cons (+ x (* i 2)) res)))
+        fv)
+      res))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-map" #(100 200 300)
+    (flexvector->vector (flexvector-map (lambda (x) (* x 10)) fv)))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-map/index" #(10 22 34)
+    (flexvector->vector (flexvector-map/index (lambda (i x) (+ x (* i 2))) fv)))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-append-map" #(10 100 20 200 30 300)
+    (flexvector->vector
+      (flexvector-append-map (lambda (x) (flexvector x (* x 10))) fv)))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-append-map/index" #(0 10 10 1 20 22 2 30 34)
+    (flexvector->vector
+      (flexvector-append-map/index
+        (lambda (i x) (flexvector i x (+ x (* i 2))))
+        fv)))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-filter" #(10)
+    (flexvector->vector (flexvector-filter (lambda (x) (< x 15)) fv)))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-filter/index" #(10 30)
+    (flexvector->vector (flexvector-filter/index (lambda (i x) (not (= i 1))) fv)))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-fold" '(30 20 10)
+    (flexvector-fold (lambda (x y) (cons y x)) '() fv))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-fold-right" '(10 20 30)
+    (flexvector-fold-right (lambda (x y) (cons y x)) '() fv))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-count" 2
+    (flexvector-count (lambda (x) (< x 25)) fv))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-cumulate" #(3 4 8 9 14 23 25 30 36)
+    (flexvector->vector
+      (flexvector-cumulate + 0 (flexvector 3 1 4 1 5 9 2 5 6))))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-any" '(#t . #f)
+    (cons (flexvector-any (lambda (x) (= x 20)) fv)
+          (flexvector-any (lambda (x) (= x 21)) fv)))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-every" '(#t . #f)
+    (cons (flexvector-every (lambda (x) (< x 40)) fv)
+          (flexvector-every (lambda (x) (< x 30)) fv)))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-index" 1
+    (flexvector-index (lambda (x) (> x 10)) fv))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-index-right" 2
+    (flexvector-index-right (lambda (x) (> x 10)) fv))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-skip" 1
+    (flexvector-skip (lambda (x) (< x 20)) fv))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-skip-right" 0
+    (flexvector-skip-right (lambda (x) (> x 10)) fv))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-partition" '(#(10 20) #(30))
+    (call-with-values
+      (lambda () (flexvector-partition (lambda (x) (< x 25)) fv))
+      (lambda vs (map flexvector->vector vs)))))
+(let ((fv (flexvector #\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f #\g #\h #\i #\j))
+      (cmp (lambda (char1 char2)
+             (cond ((char<? char1 char2) -1)
+                   ((char=? char1 char2) 0)
+                   (else 1)))))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-binary-search" 3
+    (flexvector-binary-search fv #\d cmp))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-binary-search first" 0
+    (flexvector-binary-search fv #\a cmp))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-binary-search last" 9
+    (flexvector-binary-search fv #\j cmp))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-binary-search not found" #f
+    (flexvector-binary-search fv #\k cmp))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-binary-search in range" 5
+    (flexvector-binary-search fv #\f cmp 2 6))
+  (test-equal "flexvector-binary-search out of range" #f
+    (flexvector-binary-search fv #\f cmp 1 5)))
+; Nondestructive operations on multiple vectors
+(test-equal "flexvector-append" #(10 20 30 40 50 60)
+  (flexvector->vector
+    (flexvector-append (flexvector 10 20)
+                       (flexvector)
+                       (flexvector 30 40)
+                       (flexvector 50 60))))
+(test-equal "flexvector-concatenate" #(10 20 30 40 50 60)
+  (flexvector->vector
+    (flexvector-concatenate
+      (list (flexvector 10 20)
+            (flexvector)
+            (flexvector 30 40)
+            (flexvector 50 60)))))
+(test-equal "flexvector-append-subvectors" #(a b h i)
+  (flexvector->vector
+    (flexvector-append-subvectors
+      (flexvector 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e) 0 2
+      (flexvector 'f 'g 'h 'i 'j) 2 4)))
+; Destructive operations on one vector
+(define-syntax mutate-as
+  (syntax-rules ()
+    ((_ name vec expr)
+      (let ((name (vector->flexvector vec)))
+        expr
+        (flexvector->vector name)))))
+(test-equal "flexvector-add! empty" '#(foo)
+  (mutate-as x '#() (flexvector-add! x 0 'foo)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-add! empty multiple" '#(foo bar baz)
+  (mutate-as x '#() (flexvector-add! x 0 'foo 'bar 'baz)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-add! start" '#(foo bar baz)
+  (mutate-as x '#(bar baz) (flexvector-add! x 0 'foo)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-add! start multiple" '#(foo bar baz qux quux)
+  (mutate-as x '#(qux quux) (flexvector-add! x 0 'foo 'bar 'baz)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-add! middle" '#(foo bar baz)
+  (mutate-as x '#(foo baz) (flexvector-add! x 1 'bar)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-add! middle multiple" '#(foo bar baz qux quux)
+  (mutate-as x '#(foo quux) (flexvector-add! x 1 'bar 'baz 'qux)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-add! end" '#(foo bar baz)
+  (mutate-as x '#(foo bar) (flexvector-add! x 2 'baz)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-add! end multiple" '#(foo bar baz qux quux)
+  (mutate-as x '#(foo bar) (flexvector-add! x 2 'baz 'qux 'quux)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-add-all!" '#(foo bar baz qux)
+  (mutate-as x '#(foo qux) (flexvector-add-all! x 1 '(bar baz))))
+(test-equal "flexvector-add-front! empty" '#(foo)
+  (mutate-as x '#() (flexvector-add-front! x 'foo)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-add-front! empty multiple" '#(foo bar baz)
+  (mutate-as x '#() (flexvector-add-front! x 'foo 'bar 'baz)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-add-front!" '#(foo bar baz)
+  (mutate-as x '#(bar baz) (flexvector-add-front! x 'foo)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-add-front! multiple" '#(foo bar baz qux quux)
+  (mutate-as x '#(qux quux) (flexvector-add-front! x 'foo 'bar 'baz)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-add-back! empty" '#(foo)
+  (mutate-as x '#() (flexvector-add-back! x 'foo)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-add-back! empty multiple" '#(foo bar baz)
+  (mutate-as x '#() (flexvector-add-back! x 'foo 'bar 'baz)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-add-back!" '#(foo bar baz)
+  (mutate-as x '#(foo bar) (flexvector-add-back! x 'baz)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-add-back! multiple" '#(foo bar baz qux quux)
+  (mutate-as x '#(foo bar) (flexvector-add-back! x 'baz 'qux 'quux)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-append!" '#(foo bar baz qux)
+  (mutate-as x '#(foo bar) (flexvector-append! x (flexvector 'baz 'qux))))
+(test-equal "flexvector-append! multiple" '#(foo bar baz qux quux)
+  (mutate-as x '#(foo bar) (flexvector-append! x (flexvector 'baz 'qux) (flexvector 'quux))))
+(test-equal "flexvector-remove!" '#(foo baz)
+  (mutate-as x '#(foo bar baz) (flexvector-remove! x 1)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-remove! only" '#()
+  (mutate-as x '#(foo) (flexvector-remove! x 0)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-remove-front!" '#(bar baz)
+  (mutate-as x '#(foo bar baz) (flexvector-remove-front! x)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-remove-front! only" '#()
+  (mutate-as x '#(foo) (flexvector-remove-front! x)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-remove-back!" '#(foo bar)
+  (mutate-as x '#(foo bar baz) (flexvector-remove-back! x)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-remove-back! only" '#()
+  (mutate-as x '#(foo) (flexvector-remove-back! x)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-remove-range!" '#(a e f)
+  (mutate-as x '#(a b c d e f) (flexvector-remove-range! x 1 4)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-remove-range! empty range" '#(a b c d e f)
+  (mutate-as x '#(a b c d e f) (flexvector-remove-range! x 1 1)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-remove-range! overflow left" '#(e f)
+  (mutate-as x '#(a b c d e f) (flexvector-remove-range! x -1 4)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-remove-range! overflow right" '#(a b)
+  (mutate-as x '#(a b c d e f) (flexvector-remove-range! x 2 10)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-map!" '#(100 200 300)
+  (mutate-as fv '#(10 20 30) (flexvector-map! (lambda (x) (* x 10)) fv)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-map/index!" '#(10 22 34)
+  (mutate-as fv '#(10 20 30) (flexvector-map/index! (lambda (i x) (+ x (* i 2))) fv)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-filter!" '#(10)
+  (mutate-as fv '#(10 20 30) (flexvector-filter! (lambda (x) (< x 15)) fv)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-filter/index!" '#(10 30)
+  (mutate-as fv '#(10 20 30) (flexvector-filter/index! (lambda (i x) (not (= i 1))) fv)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-swap!" #(10 30 20)
+  (mutate-as fv '#(10 20 30) (flexvector-swap! fv 1 2)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-reverse!" #(30 20 10)
+  (mutate-as fv '#(10 20 30) (flexvector-reverse! fv)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-copy!" #(1 20 30 40 5)
+  (mutate-as fv '#(1 2 3 4 5) (flexvector-copy! fv 1 (flexvector 20 30 40))))
+(test-equal "flexvector-copy! bounded" #(1 20 30 40 5)
+  (mutate-as fv '#(1 2 3 4 5) (flexvector-copy! fv 1 (flexvector 10 20 30 40 50) 1 4)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-copy! overflow" #(1 2 30 40 50)
+  (mutate-as fv '#(1 2 3) (flexvector-copy! fv 2 (flexvector 30 40 50))))
+(test-equal "flexvector-reverse-copy!" #(1 40 30 20 5)
+  (mutate-as fv '#(1 2 3 4 5) (flexvector-reverse-copy! fv 1 (flexvector 20 30 40))))
+(test-equal "flexvector-reverse-copy! bounded" #(1 40 30 20 5)
+  (mutate-as fv '#(1 2 3 4 5) (flexvector-reverse-copy! fv 1 (flexvector 10 20 30 40 50) 1 4)))
+(test-equal "flexvector-reverse-copy! overflow" #(1 2 50 40 30)
+  (mutate-as fv '#(1 2 3) (flexvector-reverse-copy! fv 2 (flexvector 30 40 50))))
+(test-end "Flexvectors")