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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN">
+<HEAD><TITLE>Pamarith User Manual</TITLE></HEAD>
+Updated: 08 October 2005
+<A HREF="#index">Table Of Contents</A>
+<A NAME="lbAB">&nbsp;</A>
+pamarith - perform arithmetic on two Netpbm images
+<A NAME="lbAC">&nbsp;</A>
+<B>-add</B> | <B>-subtract</B> | <B>-multiply</B> | <b>-divide</b> |
+<B>-difference</B> |
+<B>-minimum</B> | <B>-maximum</B> | <B>-mean</B> | <B>-compare</B> |
+<B>-and</B> | <B>-or</B> | <B>-nand</B> | <B>-nor</B> | <B>-xor</B> |
+<B>-shiftleft</B> | <B>-shiftright</B>
+<I>pamfile1</I> <I>pamfile2</I>
+<P>All options can be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
+You may use two hyphens instead of one.  You may separate an option
+name and its value with white space instead of an equals sign.
+<A NAME="lbAD">&nbsp;</A>
+<p>This program is part of <a href="index.html">Netpbm</a>.
+<P><b>pamarith</b> reads two PBM, PGM, PPM, or PAM images as input.
+It performs the specified binary arithmetic operation on their sample
+values and produces an output of a format which is the more general of
+the two input formats.  The two input images must be of the same width
+and height.  The arithmetic is performed on each pair of identically
+located tuples to generate the identically located tuple of the
+<P>For the purpose of the calculation, it assumes any PBM, PGM, or PPM
+input image is the equivalent PAM image of tuple type
+<B>BLACKANDWHITE</B>, <B>GRAYSCALE</B>, or <B>RGB</B>, respectively,
+and if it produces a PBM, PGM, or PPM output, produces the equivalent
+of the PAM image which is the result of the calculation.
+<p>The first <i>pamfile</i> argument identifies the &quot;left&quot;
+argument image; the second <i>pamfile</i> argument identifies the
+&quot;right&quot; one.
+<p>If the output is PAM, the tuple type is the same as the tuple type of
+the left input image.
+<P><b>pamarith</b> performs the arithmetic on each pair of identically
+located tuples in the two input images.
+<p>The arithmetic operation is in all cases fundamentally a function
+from two integers to an integer.  The operation is performed on two
+tuples as follows.  The two input images must have the same depth, or
+one of them must have depth one.  <b>pamarith</b> fails if one of
+these is not the case.
+<p>If they have the same depth, <b>pamarith</b> simply carries out the
+arithmetic one sample at a time.  I.e. if at a particular position the
+left input image contains the tuple (s1,s2,...,sN) and the right
+input image contains the tuple (t1,t2,...tN), and the function is f,
+then the output image contains the tuple
+<p>If one of the images has depth 1, the arithmetic is performed
+between the one sample in that image and each of the samples in the
+other.  I.e. if at a particular position the left input image
+contains the tuple (s) and the right input image contains the tuple
+(t1,t2,...tN), and the function is f, then the output image contains
+the tuple (f(s,t1),f(s,t2),...,f(s,tN)).
+<h3 id="maxval">Maxval</h3>
+<p>The meanings of the samples with respect to the maxval varies
+according to the function you select.
+<p>In PAM images in general, the most usual meaning of a sample (the
+one that applies when a PAM image represents a visual image), is that
+it represents a fraction of some maximum.  The maxval of the image
+corresponds to some maximum value (in the case of a visual image, it
+corresponds to &quot;full intensity.&quot;), and a sample value
+divided by the maxval gives the fraction.
+<p>For <b>pamarith</b>, this interpretation applies to the regular
+arithmetic functions: <B>-add</B>, <B>-subtract</B>, <B>-multiply</B>,
+<B>-difference</B>, <B>-minimum</B>, <B>-maximum</B>, <B>-mean</B>,
+and <B>-compare</B>.  For those, you should think of the arguments and
+result as numbers in the range [0,1).  For example, if the maxval of
+the left argument image is 100 and the maxval of the right argument
+image is 200 and the maxval of the output image is 200, and the left
+sample value in an <b>-add</b> calculation is 50 and the right sample
+is 60, the actual calculation is 50/100 + 60/200 = 160/200, and
+the output sample value is 160.
+<P>For these functions, <b>pamarith</b> makes the output image's
+maxval the maximum of the two input maxvals, except with
+<b>-compare</b>, where <b>pamarith</b> uses an output maxval of 2.
+<p>If the result of a calculation falls outside the range [0, 1),
+<b>pamarith</b> clips it -- i.e.  considers it to be zero or 1-.
+<p>In many cases, where both your input maxvals are the same, you can
+just think of the operation as taking place between the sample values
+directly, with no consideration of the maxval except for the clipping.
+E.g. an <b>-add</b> of sample value 5 to sample value 8 yields sample
+value 13.
+<p>But with <b>-multiply</b>, this doesn't work.  Say your two input
+images have maxval 255, which means the output image also has maxval
+255.  Consider a location in the image where the input sample values
+are 5 and 10.  You might think the multiplicative product of those
+would yield 50 in the output.  But <b>pamarith</b> carries out the
+arithmetic on the fractions 5/255 and 10/255.  It multiplies those
+together and then rescales to the output maxval, giving a sample value
+in the output PAM of 50/255 rounded to the nearest integer: 0.
+<P>With the bit string operations, the maxval has a whole different
+meaning.  The operations in question are: <B>-and</B>, <B>-or</B>,
+<B>-nand</B>, <B>-nor</B>, <B>-xor</B>, and <B>-shiftleft</B>,
+<p>With these, each sample value in one or both input images, and in
+the output image, represents a bit string, not a number.  The maxval
+tells how wide the bit string is.  The maxval must be a full binary
+count (a power of two minus one, such as 0xff) and the number of ones
+in it is the width of the bit string.  For the dyadic bit string
+operations (that's everything but the shift functions), the maxvals of
+the input images must be the same and <b>pamarith</b> makes the maxval
+of the output image the same.
+<p>For the bit shift operations, the output maxval is the same as the
+left input maxval.  The right input image (which contains the shift
+counts) can have any maxval and the maxval is irrelevant to the
+interpretation of the samples.  The sample value is the actual shift
+count.  But it's still required that no sample value exceed the
+<h3 id="operations">The Operations</h3>
+<p>Most of the operations are obvious from the option name.
+<P><B>-subtract</B> subtracts a value in the right input image from a
+value in the left input image.
+<P><B>-difference</B> calculates the absolute value of
+the difference.
+<p><b>-multiply</b> does an ordinary arithmetic multiplication, but
+tends to produce nonobvious results because of the way <b>pamarith</b>
+interprets sample values.  See <a href="#maxval">Maxval</a>.
+<P><b>-divide</b> divides a value in the left input image by the value
+in the left input image.  But like <b>-multiply</b>, it tends to
+produce nonobvious results.  Note that <b>pamarith</b> clipping
+behavior makes this of little use when the left argument (dividend) is
+greater than the right argument (divisor) -- the result in that case
+is always the maxval.  If the divisor is 0, the result is the maxval.
+This option was new in Netpbm 10.30 (October 2005).
+<P><B>-compare</B> produces the value <b>0</b> when the value in the
+left input image is less than the value in the right input image,
+<b>1</b> when the values are equal, and <b>2</b> when the left is
+greater than the right.
+<p>If the maxvals of the input images are not identical, <b>pamarith</b>
+may claim two values are not equal when in fact they are, due to
+the precision with which it does the arithmetic.  However, it will never
+say A is greater than B if A is less than B.
+<p><b>-compare</b> was new in Netpbm 10.13 (December 2002).
+<p><b>-and</b>, <b>-nand</b>, <b>-or</b>, <b>-nor</b>, and <b>-xor</b>
+consider the input and output images to contain bit strings; they compute
+bitwise logic operations.
+<p><b>-shiftleft</b> and <b>-shiftright</b> consider the left input
+image and output image to contain bit strings.  They compute a bit
+shift operation, with bits falling off the left or right end and
+zeroes shifting in, as opposed to bits off one end to the other.  The
+right input image sample value is the number of bit positions to
+<p>Note that the maxval (see <a href="#maxval">Maxval</a>) determines
+the width of the frame within which you are shifting.
+<h3 id="notes">Notes</h3>
+<P>If you want to apply a unary function, e.g. "halve", to a single
+image, use <b>pamfunc</b>.
+<A NAME="lbAE">&nbsp;</A>
+<H2>SEE ALSO</H2>
+<A HREF="pamfunc.html"><b>pamfunc</b></A>,
+<A HREF="pamsummcol.html"><b>pamsummcol</b></A>,
+<A HREF="pamsumm.html"><b>pamsumm</b></A>,
+<A HREF="pnminvert.html"><b>pnminvert</b></A>,
+<A HREF="ppmbrighten.html"><b>ppmbrighten</b></A>,
+<A HREF="ppmdim.html"><b>ppmdim</b></A>,
+<A HREF="pnmconvol.html"><b>pnmconvol</b></A>,
+<A HREF="pamdepth.html"><b>pamdepth</b></A>,
+<A HREF="pnmpsnr.html"><b>pnmpsnr</b></A>,
+<A HREF="pnm.html">pnm</A>,
+<A HREF="pam.html">pam</A>
+<A NAME="history"></A>
+<p><b>pamarith</b> replaced <b>pnmarith</b> in Netpbm 10.3 (June 2002).
+<p>In Netpbm 10.3 through 10.8, though, <b>pamarith</b> was not
+backward compatible because it required the input images to be of the
+same depth, so you could not multiply a PBM by a PPM as is often done
+for masking.  (It was not intended at the time that <b>pnmarith</b>
+would be removed from Netpbm -- the plan was just to rewrite it to use
+<b>pamarith</b>; it was removed by mistake).
+<p>But starting with Netpbm 10.9 (September 2002), <b>pamarith</b> allows
+the images to have different depths as long as one of them has depth 1, and
+that made it backward compatible with <b>pnmarith</b>.
+<P>The original <b>pnmarith</b> did not have the <b>-mean</b> option.
+<P>The <b>-compare</b> option was added in Netpbm 10.13 (December 2002).
+<p>The bit string operations were added in Netpbm 10.27 (March 2005).
+<P>The <b>-divide</b> option was added in Netpbm 10.30 (October 2005).
+<A NAME="index">&nbsp;</A>
+<H2>Table Of Contents</H2>
+<LI><A HREF="#lbAB">NAME</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#maxval">MAXVAL</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#operations">THE OPERATIONS</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#notes">NOTES</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#history">HISTORY</A>