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5 files changed, 349 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 7472298d6..b5bb1da99 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+2023-02-19  Oliver Kiddle  <opk@zsh.org>
+	* 51455, 51461: Completion/Unix/Type/_ldap_attributes
+	Completion/BSD/Command/_ldap, Completion/Unix/Command/_openldap,
+	Completion/Unix/Type/_ldap_filters: new completion for the OpenLDAP
+	client tools including a helper function for LDAP search filters
 2023-02-17  Oliver Kiddle  <opk@zsh.org>
 	* 51447: Src/Zle/zle_keymap.c: silence compiler maybe-uninitialized
diff --git a/Completion/BSD/Command/_ldap b/Completion/BSD/Command/_ldap
index 8fa17e2f8..181e6b0d0 100644
--- a/Completion/BSD/Command/_ldap
+++ b/Completion/BSD/Command/_ldap
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ else
         '-x[use simple authentication]' \
         '-Z[use StartTLS]' \
         '-z+[specify maximum number of results or 0 for no limit]:size limit [0]:' \
-        '::filter:' \
-        '*:attribute:'
+        '1: :_ldap_filters' \
+        '*: :_ldap_attributes'
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_openldap b/Completion/Unix/Command/_openldap
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..233d0950e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_openldap
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+#compdef ldapadd ldapcompare ldapdelete ldapexop ldapmodify ldapmodrdn ldappasswd ldapsearch ldapurl ldapwhoami
+local curcontext="$curcontext" nm="$compstate[nmatches]"
+local -a args auth state line expl
+args=( '*-e[general extensions]:extension:->general-extensions' )
+case $service in
+  ldapadd|ldapcompare|ldapdelete|ldapexop|ldapmodify|ldapmodrdn|ldappasswd|ldapsearch|ldapwhoami)
+    if (( $words[(I)-[^Z]#Z[^Z]#] )); then
+      args+=( '*-Z[require success for start TLS request]' )
+    elif (( ! $words[(I)-[^Z]#Z] )); then
+      args+=( '-Z[start TLS request]' )
+    fi
+    args+=(
+      '!(-)-VV' '-V[display version information]'
+      '*-d+[set LDAP debugging level]:level:((1\:trace 2\:packets 4\:args 8\:conns 10\:ber 2048\:parse -1\:all))'
+      "-n[show what would be done but don't actually do it]"
+      '-v[verbose output]'
+      "-N[don't use reverse DNS to canonicalize SASL host name]"
+      '*-o+[specify any ldap.conf options]: : _values option
+        "ldif_wrap[specify width]\:width"
+        "nettimeout[specify timeout]\:timeout (seconds)"'
+    )
+    auth=(
+      '-D[specify bind DN]:binddn'
+      '-H[specify LDAP URIs]:uri'
+      '-P[specify protocol version]:version [3]:(2 3)'
+      + simple
+      '(sasl)-x[use simple authentication]'
+      '(sasl -W -y)-w+[specify bind password]:bind password'
+      '(sasl -w -y)-W[prompt for bind password]'
+      '(sasl -w -W)-y+[read password from file]:file:_files'
+      + sasl
+      '(simple)-O+[specify SASL security properties]: : _values -s , property
+          none noplain noactive nodict noanonymous forwardsec passcred
+          minssf\:factor maxssf\:factor maxbufsize\:factor'
+      '(simple)-X+[specify SASL authorization identity]:authzid:->authzids'
+      '(simple)-Y+[specify SASL mechanism]:mechanism:compadd -M "m:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}" EXTERNAL GSSAPI' # iana has a full list but cyrus support seems limited
+      '(simple)-R+[specify SASL realm]:realm'
+      '(simple)-U+[specify SASL authentication identity]:authcid'
+      '(simple)-I[use SASL Interactive mode]'
+      '(simple)-Q[use SASL Quiet mode]'
+    )
+  ;|
+  ldapadd|ldapcompare|ldapdelete|ldapmodify|ldapmodrdn|ldapsearch)
+    if (( $words[(I)-[^M]#M[^M]#] )); then
+      args+=( '*-M[enable Manage DSA IT control critical]' )
+    elif (( ! $words[(I)-[^M]#M] )); then
+      args+=( '-M[enable Manage DSA IT control]' )
+    fi
+  ;|
+  ldapadd|ldapdelete|ldapmodify|ldapmodrdn|ldapsearch)
+    # ldapexop documents but doesn't implement this
+    args+=( '(1 2 *)-f+[read operations from file]:file:_files' )
+  ;|
+  ldapadd|ldapdelete|ldapmodify|ldapmodrdn|ldapsearch)
+    args+=( "-c[continuous operation mode (don't stop on errors)]" )
+  ;|
+  ldapdelete|ldapsearch)
+    args+=( '-z+[specify size limit]:size limit (entries)' )
+  ;|
+  ldapadd|ldapmodify)
+    args+=(
+      '-S+[write records that are skipped due to an error to file]:file:_files'
+      '*-E+[modify extensions]:extension:->modify-extensions'
+    )
+  ;|
+  ldapurl|ldapsearch)
+    args+=(
+      '(decompose)-s+[specify search scope]:search scope [sub]:(base one sub children)'
+    )
+  ;|
+  ldapdelete|ldapmodrdn|ldapurl|ldapwhoami) args+=( '!*-E+:extension' ) ;|
+  ldapadd) args+=( '!-a' ) ;;
+  ldapmodify) args+=( '-a[add new entries]' ) ;;
+  ldapcompare)
+    args+=(
+      '-z[quiet mode - no output aside return status]'
+      '*-E+[compare extensions]:extension:->compare-extensions'
+    )
+  ;;
+  ldapdelete)
+    args+=(
+      '-r[do a recursive delete]'
+      '*: :_guard "^-*" "distinguished name"'
+    )
+  ;;
+  ldapexop) args+=( '*:: :->extended-operations' ) ;;
+  ldapmodrdn)
+    args+=(
+      '-r[remove old RDN values from the entry]'
+      '-s[specify new superior entry to move target to]:entry'
+      '1:distinguished name'
+      '2:relative distinguished name'
+    )
+  ;;
+  ldappasswd)
+    args+=(
+      '(-a -t)-A[prompt for old password]'
+      '(-A -t)-a+[specify old password]:password'
+      '(-A -a)-t+[read old password from file]:file:_files'
+      '(-s -T)-S[prompt for new password]'
+      '(-S -T)-s+[specify new password]:password'
+      '(-S -s)-T+[read new password from file]:file:_files'
+    )
+  ;;
+  ldapsearch)
+    if (( $words[(I)-[^L]#L[^L]#L[^L]#] )); then
+      args+=( '*-L[LDIF format without comments and version]' )
+    elif (( $words[(I)-[^L]#L[^L]#] )); then
+      args+=( '*-L[LDIF format without comments]' )
+    elif ! (( $words[(I)-[^L]#L[^L]#L[^L]#L] )); then
+      args+=( '-L[LDIFv1 format]' )
+    else
+      args+=( '!*-L' )
+    fi
+    if (( $words[(I)-[^t]#t[^t]#] )); then
+      args+=( '*-t[write all retrieved values to files in temporary directory]' )
+    elif (( ! $words[(I)-[^t]#t] )); then
+      args+=( '-t[write binary values to files in temporary directory]' )
+    fi
+    args+=(
+      '-a+[specify how aliases dereferencing is done]:deref [never]:(never always search find)'
+      '-A[retrieve attributes only (no values)]'
+      '-b+[specify base dn for search]:basedn'
+      '*-E+[search extensions]:extension:->search-extensions'
+      '-F+[specify URL prefix for temporary files]:prefix [file:///tmp//]'
+      '-l+[specify time limit for search]:time limit (seconds)'
+      '-S+[sort results by specified attribute]:attribute:_ldap_attributes'
+      '-T[write files to specified directory]:path [/tmp]:_directories'
+      '-u[include User Friendly entry names in the output]'
+      '1: :_ldap_filters'
+      '2: : _alternative
+        "attributes:attribute:_ldap_attributes"
+        "attributes:attribute:((1.1\:no\ attributes \*\:all\ user\ attributes \+\:all\ operational\ attributes))"'
+      '*:attribute:_ldap_attributes -F line'
+    )
+  ;;
+  ldapurl)
+    args+=(
+      - compose
+      '-a+[set a list of attribute selectors]:attribute selectors (comma separated)'
+      '-b+[set the searchbase]:search base'
+      '-f+[set the URL filter]:filter:_ldap_filters'
+      '-h+[set the host]:host:_hosts'
+      '-p+[set the tcp port]:port:(389 636)'
+      '-S+[set the URL scheme]:scheme:(ldap ldaps)'
+      - decompose
+      '(-s)-H+[specify URI to be exploded]:uri'
+    )
+  ;;
+_arguments -C -S -s $args $auth
+case $state in
+  extended-operations)
+    case $CURRENT:$words[1] in
+      1:*)
+        if compset -P '*::'; then
+          _message -e data 'base64 data'
+        elif compset -P '*:'; then
+          _message -e data data
+        else
+          _alternative \
+            'oids::_guard "(<->(|.))#" oid' \
+            'operations:operation:(whoami cancel refresh)'
+        fi
+      ;;
+      2:cancel) _message -e ids 'cancel id' ;;
+      2:refresh) _message -e names 'distinguished name' ;;
+      3:refresh) _message -e times 'ttl' ;;
+      *) _message 'no more arguments' ;;
+    esac
+  ;;
+  *-extensions)
+    if ! compset -P \!; then
+      _description criticality expl critical
+      compadd -S "" "$expl[@]" \!
+    fi
+  ;|
+  modify-extensions) _values extension 'txn:txn:(abort commit)' ;;
+  compare-extensions) _values extension dontUseCopy ;;
+  search-extensions)
+    _values extension \
+      'mv[matched values filter]:filter:_ldap_filters' \
+      'pr[paged results/prompt]:size[/prompt|noprompt]' \
+      'sss[server side sorting]: :_sequence -s / _ldap_attributes' \
+      'subentries: :(true false)' \
+      'sync:sync[/cookie][/slimit]:((ro\:refreshOnly rp\:refreshAndPersist))' \
+      'vlv[virtual list view]:before/after(/offset/count|\:value' \
+      'deref:derefAttr:_sequence _ldap_attributes' \
+      dontUseCopy domainScope
+  ;;
+  general-extensions)
+    _values extension \
+      'assert:filter:_ldap_filters' \
+      'authzid:authzid:->authzids' \
+      {post,pre}'read: :_sequence _ldap_attributes' \
+      'sessiontracking:username:_users' \
+      'chaining:behavior:(chainingPreferred chainingRequired referralsPreferred referralsRequired)' \
+      bauthzid manageDSAit noop ppolicy relax abandon cancel ignore
+  ;&
+  authzids)
+    if [[ $state != authzids ]]; then
+      : # fall-through from above without the authzids state
+    elif compset -P 'u:'; then
+      _description users expl authzid
+      _users "$expl[@]"
+    elif compset -P 'dn:'; then
+      _message -e ids 'distinguished name'
+    else
+      _description prefixes expl prefix
+      compadd -S: "$expl[@]" u dn
+    fi
+  ;;
+[[ nm -ne "$compstate[nmatches]" ]]
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Type/_ldap_attributes b/Completion/Unix/Type/_ldap_attributes
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0711cfbf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Type/_ldap_attributes
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+local -a expl attrs
+# These come from dumping attributes from basic installations of both openldap
+# and FreeIPA and combining results. It is possible to have custom additions so
+# a definitive list is not possible Hence the use of -x with compadd.
+  associatedDomain authenticationMethod automountInformation automountKey
+  automountMapName bindTimeLimit cACertificate;binary cn dc defaultSearchBase
+  defaultServerList description displayName dn followReferrals gecos gidNumber
+  givenName homeDirectory info initials ipaCertIssuerSerial ipaCertSubject
+  ipaConfigString ipaKeyExtUsage ipaKeyTrust ipaNTSecurityIdentifier
+  ipaPublicKey ipaUniqueID ipHostNumber loginShell mail member memberUid
+  mepManagedBy nisDomain nisNetgroupTriple o objectClass objectClassMap ou
+  pwdAllowUserChange pwdAttribute pwdCheckQuality pwdExpireWarning
+  pwdFailureCountInterval pwdGraceAuthNLimit pwdInHistory pwdLockout
+  pwdLockoutDuration pwdMaxAge pwdMaxFailure pwdMinAge pwdMinLength
+  pwdMustChange pwdSafeModify searchTimeLimit serviceSearchDescriptor sn
+  telephoneNumber uid uidNumber userCertificate;binary userPKCS12
+  userSMIMECertificate
+_description ldap-attributes expl "ldap attribute"
+compadd "${@:/-X/-x}" "${expl[@]:/-X/-x}" \
+    -M 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z} r:[^A-Z]||[A-Z]=* r:|=*' -a attrs
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Type/_ldap_filters b/Completion/Unix/Type/_ldap_filters
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e0e30f01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Type/_ldap_filters
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# LDAP search filters conforming to RFC4515
+local -a expl excl optype disp end pre
+local -i nest=0
+local open='(' close=')' andop='&' orop='|'
+[[ -prefix - ]] && return 1
+local -a matchingrules=( # From RFC4517
+  bitStringMatch booleanMatch caseExactIA5Match
+  caseExactMatch caseExactOrderingMatch caseExactSubstringsMatch
+  caseIgnoreIA5Match caseIgnoreIA5SubstringsMatch caseIgnoreListMatch
+  caseIgnoreListSubstringsMatch caseIgnoreMatch caseIgnoreOrderingMatch
+  caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch directoryStringFirstComponentMatch
+  distinguishedNameMatch generalizedTimeMatch generalizedTimeOrderingMatch
+  integerFirstComponentMatch integerMatch integerOrderingMatch keywordMatch
+  numericStringMatch numericStringOrderingMatch numericStringSubstringsMatch
+  objectIdentifierFirstComponentMatch objectIdentifierMatch octetStringMatch
+  octetStringOrderingMatch telephoneNumberMatch telephoneNumberSubstringsMatch
+  uniqueMemberMatch wordMatch
+local -a classes=( # Sampled from real servers, arbitrary other values allowed
+  automount automountMap cosTemplate dcObject device dnaSharedConfig domain
+  domainRelatedObject DUAConfigProfile extensibleObject groupOfNames
+  groupOfPrincipals ieee802device inetOrgPerson inetuser ipaassociation ipaca
+  ipacaacl ipaCertificate ipaCertMapConfigObject ipacertprofile ipaConfigObject
+  ipaDomainIDRange ipaDomainLevelConfig ipaGuiConfig ipahbacrule ipahbacservice
+  ipahbacservicegroup ipahost ipahostgroup ipaIDrange ipaKeyPolicy
+  ipakrbprincipal ipaNameResolutionData ipaNTDomainAttrs ipaNTGroupAttrs
+  ipaNTUserAttrs ipaobject ipaPublicKeyObject ipaReplTopoManagedServer
+  ipaservice ipaSshGroupOfPubKeys ipasshhost ipasshuser ipasudorule
+  ipaSupportedDomainLevelConfig ipaTrustedADDomainRange ipaUserAuthTypeClass
+  ipausergroup ipHost krbContainer krbprincipal krbprincipalaux
+  krbrealmcontainer krbTicketPolicyAux mepManagedEntry mepOriginEntry
+  nestedGroup nisDomainObject nisNetgroup nsContainer nsDS5Replica nshost
+  organization organizationalPerson organizationalRole organizationalUnit
+  person pilotObject pkiCA pkiuser posixAccount posixGroup pwdPolicy
+  shadowAccount simpleSecurityObject top
+compquote open close andop orop
+open=${(q)open} close=${(q)close}
+# default to double rather than backslash quoting
+[[ -z $compstate[quote] && -z $PREFIX ]] && pre='"('
+zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:operators" list-separator sep || sep=--
+print -v disp -f "%s $sep %s" \| or \& and \! not
+end=( ") $sep end" )
+excl=( ! \\\| \& ) # compadd -F uses globs: only | needs quoting
+local -a query=(
+  \( /$'*\0[ \t\n]#'/ \) # strip off any preceding arguments
+  \(
+    \( "/${open}!/" -'optype[++nest]=1;pre=""'
+    \| "/${open}${(q)orop}/" -'optype[++nest]=2;pre=""'
+    \| "/${open}${andop}/" -'optype[++nest]=3;pre=""'
+    \| '/[]/' ':operators:operator:compadd -F "( ${(q)excl[optype[nest]]} )" -d disp -P ${pre:-${(Q)open}} -S ${(Q)open} \| \& \!' \)
+  \|
+    \( "/${open}[^\\)]##/" "%$close%" # pass over whole var=value, needed due to lack of backtracking after the following
+    \| "/${open}(#i)homeDirectory=/" '/[]/' ':directories:directory:_directories -P / -W / -r ") \t\n\-"'
+    \| "/${open}(#i)loginShell=/" '/[]/' ':shells:shell:compadd -S ${(Q)close} ${(f)^"$(</etc/shells)"}(N)'
+    \| "/${open}(#i)mail=/" '/[]/' ':email-addresses:mail:_email_addresses -S ${(Q)close}'
+    \| "/${open}(#i)objectClass=/" '/[]/' ':object-classes:class:compadd -S ${(Q)close} -M "m:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z} r:[^A-Z]||[A-Z]=* r:|=*" -a classes'
+    \| "/${open}(#i)(automountKey|(member|)uid)=/" '/[]/' ':users:username:_users -S ${(Q)close}'
+    \| "/${open}(#i)cn=/" '/[]/' ':cn:cn: _alternative "users:user:_users -S ${close}" "groups:group:_groups -S ${close}" "hosts:host:_hosts -S ${close}"'
+    \|
+      '/[^:=<>~]##/' '%[=:<>~]%' -'pre=""'
+      ':object-types:object type:_ldap_attributes -P ${pre:-${(Q)open}}  -S = -r ":=~<> \t\n\-"'
+      \(
+        '/:/'
+        '/[^:]##:=/' ':matching-rules:matching rule:compadd -S ":=" -a matchingrules'
+      \|
+        '/([~<>]|)=/' ':operators:operator:compadd -S "" "<=" \>= \~='
+      \)
+      '/[^\\)]##/' "%$close%" ': _message -e object-values "object value (* for presence check)"'
+    \)
+    "/$close/" -'(( nest ))' ':brackets:bracket:compadd ${=query[nest]:+-S ""} \)'
+    \(
+      # This use of -P/-d and an empty match works around a limitation/bug where
+      # mixed use of -P removes any quoting
+      "/$close/" ':operators:operator:compadd ${=query[nest-1]:+-S ""} -d end -P ${(Q)close} ""'
+      \( // -'(( --nest ))' \| '//' -'((!nest))' '/[]/' ': compadd ""' \)
+    \) \#
+    // -'(( nest && optype[nest] > 1 ))'
+  \) \#
+_regex_arguments _ldap_search_filters "$query[@]"