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path: root/Completion/Unix
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authorPeter Grayson <pete@jpgrayson.net>2022-10-25 16:43:21 -0400
committerDaniel Shahaf <d.s@daniel.shahaf.name>2022-10-31 08:56:47 +0000
commit0a66d6f3ec5a26e8541878473e02a24a6042396d (patch)
tree4c25ffa7e096b66dde9cbf0428d89cefb1b95bd7 /Completion/Unix
parentb76dcecfe3461aa9a9e29dffe2484f097611f9ff (diff)
50844: Remove _stgit completion script
The StGit project ships its own zsh completion script which is more
complete and up-to-date than those shipped with zsh.


Also, the _stgit completions that ship with zsh, which dynamically parse
StGit's help output, will be broken by the upcoming StGit 2.0 release
due to changes in the help output.

Signed-off-by: Peter Grayson <pete@jpgrayson.net>
Diffstat (limited to 'Completion/Unix')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_stgit b/Completion/Unix/Command/_stgit
deleted file mode 100644
index e31af460a..000000000
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_stgit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#compdef stg
-typeset -a subcmds
-subcmds=( ${${${(M)${(f)"$(stg help 2> /dev/null)"}## *}#  }/#(#b)([^[:space:]]##)[[:space:]]##(*)/$match[1]:$match[2]} )
-local curcontext="$curcontext" expl
-local subcmd
-local ret=1
-if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
-  _describe -t commands 'stgit command' subcmds && ret=0
-  shift words
-  (( CURRENT-- ))
-  subcmd="$words[1]"
-  curcontext="${curcontext%:*}-${subcmd}:"
-  case $subcmd in
-    (push)
-      _wanted -V unapplied-patches expl "patch" \
-       	compadd ${${(M)${(f)"$(stg series 2> /dev/null)"}##- *}#- } \
-		&& ret=0
-    ;;
-    (pop)
-      _wanted -V applied-patches expl "patch" \
-	compadd ${${(M)${(f)"$(stg series 2> /dev/null)"}##[+>] *}#[+>] } \
-		&& ret=0
-    ;;
-    (edit|files|goto|rename|log|float|delete|sink|mail|sync|show|pick|hide|squash)
-      _wanted -V patches expl "patch" \
-	compadd $(stg series --noprefix 2> /dev/null) \
-		&& ret=0
-    ;;
-    (ref*)
-      last_word="$words[$CURRENT-1]"
-      refresh_patch_options=( -p --patch )
-      if [[ -n ${refresh_patch_options[(r)$last_word]} ]]; then
-	_wanted -V applied-patches expl "patch" \
-	  compadd ${${(M)${(f)"$(stg series 2> /dev/null)"}##[+>] *}#[+>] } \
-		  && ret=0
-      else
-	_files && ret=0
-      fi
-    ;;
-    (*)
-      _files && ret=0
-    ;;
-  esac
-return ret