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authordf <fieldhouse@gmx.net>2021-11-02 11:18:39 +0000
committerdirkf <fieldhouse@gmx.net>2022-01-30 00:05:54 +0000
commit96f87aaa3b34d80bc72097a7475d8093849091fc (patch)
parent5f5de51a499f732a6e687f32037e130cbdc50c8f (diff)
Back-port JS interpreter upgrade from yt-dlp PR #1437
3 files changed, 453 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/test/test_jsinterp.py b/test/test_jsinterp.py
index c24b8ca74..4d05ea610 100644
--- a/test/test_jsinterp.py
+++ b/test/test_jsinterp.py
@@ -112,6 +112,57 @@ class TestJSInterpreter(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('z'), 5)
+    def test_for_loop(self):
+        # function x() { a=0; for (i=0; i-10; i++) {a++} a }
+        jsi = JSInterpreter('''
+        function x() { a=0; for (i=0; i-10; i = i + 1) {a++} a }
+        ''')
+        self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('x'), 10)
+    def test_switch(self):
+        jsi = JSInterpreter('''
+        function x(f) { switch(f){
+            case 1:f+=1;
+            case 2:f+=2;
+            case 3:f+=3;break;
+            case 4:f+=4;
+            default:f=0;
+        } return f }
+        ''')
+        self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('x', 1), 7)
+        self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('x', 3), 6)
+        self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('x', 5), 0)
+    def test_try(self):
+        jsi = JSInterpreter('''
+        function x() { try{return 10} catch(e){return 5} }
+        ''')
+        self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('x'), 10)
+    def test_for_loop_continue(self):
+        jsi = JSInterpreter('''
+        function x() { a=0; for (i=0; i-10; i++) { continue; a++ } a }
+        ''')
+        self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('x'), 0)
+    def test_for_loop_break(self):
+        jsi = JSInterpreter('''
+        function x() { a=0; for (i=0; i-10; i++) { break; a++ } a }
+        ''')
+        self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('x'), 0)
+    def test_literal_list(self):
+        jsi = JSInterpreter('''
+        function x() { [1, 2, "asdf", [5, 6, 7]][3] }
+        ''')
+        self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('x'), [5, 6, 7])
+    def test_comma(self):
+        jsi = JSInterpreter('''
+        function x() { a=5; a -= 1, a+=3; return a }
+        ''')
+        self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('x'), 7)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/youtube_dl/compat.py b/youtube_dl/compat.py
index 29e0d3a02..2004a405a 100644
--- a/youtube_dl/compat.py
+++ b/youtube_dl/compat.py
@@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ import subprocess
 import sys
 import xml.etree.ElementTree
+    import collections.abc as compat_collections_abc
+except ImportError:
+    import collections as compat_collections_abc
     import urllib.request as compat_urllib_request
@@ -3025,6 +3029,7 @@ __all__ = [
+    'compat_collections_abc',
diff --git a/youtube_dl/jsinterp.py b/youtube_dl/jsinterp.py
index 7bda59610..061e92c2a 100644
--- a/youtube_dl/jsinterp.py
+++ b/youtube_dl/jsinterp.py
@@ -8,6 +8,15 @@ from .utils import (
+from .compat import (
+    compat_collections_abc
+MutableMapping = compat_collections_abc.MutableMapping
+class Nonlocal:
+    pass
     ('|', operator.or_),
@@ -22,11 +31,55 @@ _OPERATORS = [
     ('*', operator.mul),
 _ASSIGN_OPERATORS = [(op + '=', opfunc) for op, opfunc in _OPERATORS]
-_ASSIGN_OPERATORS.append(('=', lambda cur, right: right))
+_ASSIGN_OPERATORS.append(('=', (lambda cur, right: right)))
 _NAME_RE = r'[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*'
+class JS_Break(ExtractorError):
+    def __init__(self):
+        ExtractorError.__init__(self, 'Invalid break')
+class JS_Continue(ExtractorError):
+    def __init__(self):
+        ExtractorError.__init__(self, 'Invalid continue')
+class LocalNameSpace(MutableMapping):
+    def __init__(self, *stack):
+        self.stack = tuple(stack)
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        for scope in self.stack:
+            if key in scope:
+                return scope[key]
+        raise KeyError(key)
+    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+        for scope in self.stack:
+            if key in scope:
+                scope[key] = value
+                break
+        else:
+            self.stack[0][key] = value
+        return value
+    def __delitem__(self, key):
+        raise NotImplementedError('Deleting is not supported')
+    def __iter__(self):
+        for scope in self.stack:
+            for scope_item in iter(scope):
+                yield scope_item
+    def __len__(self, key):
+        return len(iter(self))
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return 'LocalNameSpace%s' % (self.stack, )
 class JSInterpreter(object):
     def __init__(self, code, objects=None):
         if objects is None:
@@ -34,11 +87,58 @@ class JSInterpreter(object):
         self.code = code
         self._functions = {}
         self._objects = objects
+        self.__named_object_counter = 0
+    def _named_object(self, namespace, obj):
+        self.__named_object_counter += 1
+        name = '__youtube_dl_jsinterp_obj%s' % (self.__named_object_counter, )
+        namespace[name] = obj
+        return name
+    @staticmethod
+    def _separate(expr, delim=',', max_split=None):
+        if not expr:
+            return
+        parens = {'(': 0, '{': 0, '[': 0, ']': 0, '}': 0, ')': 0}
+        start, splits, pos, max_pos = 0, 0, 0, len(delim) - 1
+        for idx, char in enumerate(expr):
+            if char in parens:
+                parens[char] += 1
+            is_in_parens = (parens['['] - parens[']']
+                            or parens['('] - parens[')']
+                            or parens['{'] - parens['}'])
+            if char == delim[pos] and not is_in_parens:
+                if pos == max_pos:
+                    pos = 0
+                    yield expr[start: idx - max_pos]
+                    start = idx + 1
+                    splits += 1
+                    if max_split and splits >= max_split:
+                        break
+                else:
+                    pos += 1
+            else:
+                pos = 0
+        yield expr[start:]
+    @staticmethod
+    def _separate_at_paren(expr, delim):
+        separated = list(JSInterpreter._separate(expr, delim, 1))
+        if len(separated) < 2:
+            raise ExtractorError('No terminating paren {0} in {1}'.format(delim, expr))
+        return separated[0][1:].strip(), separated[1].strip()
     def interpret_statement(self, stmt, local_vars, allow_recursion=100):
         if allow_recursion < 0:
             raise ExtractorError('Recursion limit reached')
+        sub_statements = list(self._separate(stmt, ';'))
+        stmt = (sub_statements or ['']).pop()
+        for sub_stmt in sub_statements:
+            ret, should_abort = self.interpret_statement(sub_stmt, local_vars, allow_recursion - 1)
+            if should_abort:
+                return ret
         should_abort = False
         stmt = stmt.lstrip()
         stmt_m = re.match(r'var\s', stmt)
@@ -61,25 +161,119 @@ class JSInterpreter(object):
         if expr == '':  # Empty expression
             return None
+        if expr.startswith('{'):
+            inner, outer = self._separate_at_paren(expr, '}')
+            inner, should_abort = self.interpret_statement(inner, local_vars, allow_recursion - 1)
+            if not outer or should_abort:
+                return inner
+            else:
+                expr = json.dumps(inner) + outer
         if expr.startswith('('):
-            parens_count = 0
-            for m in re.finditer(r'[()]', expr):
-                if m.group(0) == '(':
-                    parens_count += 1
+            inner, outer = self._separate_at_paren(expr, ')')
+            inner = self.interpret_expression(inner, local_vars, allow_recursion)
+            if not outer:
+                return inner
+            else:
+                expr = json.dumps(inner) + outer
+        if expr.startswith('['):
+            inner, outer = self._separate_at_paren(expr, ']')
+            name = self._named_object(local_vars, [
+                self.interpret_expression(item, local_vars, allow_recursion)
+                for item in self._separate(inner)])
+            expr = name + outer
+        m = re.match(r'try\s*', expr)
+        if m:
+            if expr[m.end()] == '{':
+                try_expr, expr = self._separate_at_paren(expr[m.end():], '}')
+            else:
+                try_expr, expr = expr[m.end() - 1:], ''
+            ret, should_abort = self.interpret_statement(try_expr, local_vars, allow_recursion - 1)
+            if should_abort:
+                return ret
+            return self.interpret_statement(expr, local_vars, allow_recursion - 1)[0]
+        m = re.match(r'(?:(?P<catch>catch)|(?P<for>for)|(?P<switch>switch))\s*\(', expr)
+        md = m.groupdict() if m else {}
+        if md.get('catch'):
+            # We ignore the catch block
+            _, expr = self._separate_at_paren(expr, '}')
+            return self.interpret_statement(expr, local_vars, allow_recursion - 1)[0]
+        elif md.get('for'):
+            def raise_constructor_error(c):
+                raise ExtractorError(
+                    'Premature return in the initialization of a for loop in {0!r}'.format(c))
+            constructor, remaining = self._separate_at_paren(expr[m.end() - 1:], ')')
+            if remaining.startswith('{'):
+                body, expr = self._separate_at_paren(remaining, '}')
+            else:
+                m = re.match(r'switch\s*\(', remaining)  # FIXME
+                if m:
+                    switch_val, remaining = self._separate_at_paren(remaining[m.end() - 1:], ')')
+                    body, expr = self._separate_at_paren(remaining, '}')
+                    body = 'switch(%s){%s}' % (switch_val, body)
-                    parens_count -= 1
-                    if parens_count == 0:
-                        sub_expr = expr[1:m.start()]
-                        sub_result = self.interpret_expression(
-                            sub_expr, local_vars, allow_recursion)
-                        remaining_expr = expr[m.end():].strip()
-                        if not remaining_expr:
-                            return sub_result
-                        else:
-                            expr = json.dumps(sub_result) + remaining_expr
+                    body, expr = remaining, ''
+            start, cndn, increment = self._separate(constructor, ';')
+            if self.interpret_statement(start, local_vars, allow_recursion - 1)[1]:
+                raise_constructor_error(constructor)
+            while True:
+                if not self.interpret_expression(cndn, local_vars, allow_recursion):
+                    break
+                try:
+                    ret, should_abort = self.interpret_statement(body, local_vars, allow_recursion - 1)
+                    if should_abort:
+                        return ret
+                except JS_Break:
+                    break
+                except JS_Continue:
+                    pass
+                if self.interpret_statement(increment, local_vars, allow_recursion - 1)[1]:
+                    raise_constructor_error(constructor)
+            return self.interpret_statement(expr, local_vars, allow_recursion - 1)[0]
+        elif md.get('switch'):
+            switch_val, remaining = self._separate_at_paren(expr[m.end() - 1:], ')')
+            switch_val = self.interpret_expression(switch_val, local_vars, allow_recursion)
+            body, expr = self._separate_at_paren(remaining, '}')
+            body, default = body.split('default:') if 'default:' in body else (body, None)
+            items = body.split('case ')[1:]
+            if default:
+                items.append('default:%s' % (default, ))
+            matched = False
+            for item in items:
+                case, stmt = [i.strip() for i in self._separate(item, ':', 1)]
+                matched = matched or case == 'default' or switch_val == self.interpret_expression(case, local_vars, allow_recursion)
+                if matched:
+                    try:
+                        ret, should_abort = self.interpret_statement(stmt, local_vars, allow_recursion - 1)
+                        if should_abort:
+                            return ret
+                    except JS_Break:
-            else:
-                raise ExtractorError('Premature end of parens in %r' % expr)
+            return self.interpret_statement(expr, local_vars, allow_recursion - 1)[0]
+        # Comma separated statements
+        sub_expressions = list(self._separate(expr))
+        expr = sub_expressions.pop().strip() if sub_expressions else ''
+        for sub_expr in sub_expressions:
+            self.interpret_expression(sub_expr, local_vars, allow_recursion)
+        for m in re.finditer(r'''(?x)
+                (?P<pre_sign>\+\+|--)(?P<var1>%(_NAME_RE)s)|
+                (?P<var2>%(_NAME_RE)s)(?P<post_sign>\+\+|--)''' % globals(), expr):
+            var = m.group('var1') or m.group('var2')
+            start, end = m.span()
+            sign = m.group('pre_sign') or m.group('post_sign')
+            ret = local_vars[var]
+            local_vars[var] += 1 if sign[0] == '+' else -1
+            if m.group('pre_sign'):
+                ret = local_vars[var]
+            expr = expr[:start] + json.dumps(ret) + expr[end:]
         for op, opfunc in _ASSIGN_OPERATORS:
             m = re.match(r'''(?x)
@@ -88,14 +282,13 @@ class JSInterpreter(object):
                 (?P<expr>.*)$''' % (_NAME_RE, re.escape(op)), expr)
             if not m:
-            right_val = self.interpret_expression(
-                m.group('expr'), local_vars, allow_recursion - 1)
+            right_val = self.interpret_expression(m.group('expr'), local_vars, allow_recursion)
             if m.groupdict().get('index'):
                 lvar = local_vars[m.group('out')]
-                idx = self.interpret_expression(
-                    m.group('index'), local_vars, allow_recursion)
-                assert isinstance(idx, int)
+                idx = self.interpret_expression(m.group('index'), local_vars, allow_recursion)
+                if not isinstance(idx, int):
+                    raise ExtractorError('List indices must be integers: %s' % (idx, ))
                 cur = lvar[idx]
                 val = opfunc(cur, right_val)
                 lvar[idx] = val
@@ -109,8 +302,13 @@ class JSInterpreter(object):
         if expr.isdigit():
             return int(expr)
+        if expr == 'break':
+            raise JS_Break()
+        elif expr == 'continue':
+            raise JS_Continue()
         var_m = re.match(
-            r'(?!if|return|true|false)(?P<name>%s)$' % _NAME_RE,
+            r'(?!if|return|true|false|null)(?P<name>%s)$' % _NAME_RE,
         if var_m:
             return local_vars[var_m.group('name')]
@@ -124,91 +322,161 @@ class JSInterpreter(object):
             r'(?P<in>%s)\[(?P<idx>.+)\]$' % _NAME_RE, expr)
         if m:
             val = local_vars[m.group('in')]
-            idx = self.interpret_expression(
-                m.group('idx'), local_vars, allow_recursion - 1)
+            idx = self.interpret_expression(m.group('idx'), local_vars, allow_recursion)
             return val[idx]
+        def raise_expr_error(where, op, exp):
+            raise ExtractorError('Premature {0} return of {1} in {2!r}'.format(where, op, exp))
+        for op, opfunc in _OPERATORS:
+            separated = list(self._separate(expr, op))
+            if len(separated) < 2:
+                continue
+            right_val = separated.pop()
+            left_val = op.join(separated)
+            left_val, should_abort = self.interpret_statement(
+                left_val, local_vars, allow_recursion - 1)
+            if should_abort:
+                raise_expr_error('left-side', op, expr)
+            right_val, should_abort = self.interpret_statement(
+                right_val, local_vars, allow_recursion - 1)
+            if should_abort:
+                raise_expr_error('right-side', op, expr)
+            return opfunc(left_val or 0, right_val)
         m = re.match(
-            r'(?P<var>%s)(?:\.(?P<member>[^(]+)|\[(?P<member2>[^]]+)\])\s*(?:\(+(?P<args>[^()]*)\))?$' % _NAME_RE,
+            r'(?P<var>%s)(?:\.(?P<member>[^(]+)|\[(?P<member2>[^]]+)\])\s*' % _NAME_RE,
         if m:
             variable = m.group('var')
-            member = remove_quotes(m.group('member') or m.group('member2'))
-            arg_str = m.group('args')
+            nl = Nonlocal()
-            if variable in local_vars:
-                obj = local_vars[variable]
-            else:
-                if variable not in self._objects:
-                    self._objects[variable] = self.extract_object(variable)
-                obj = self._objects[variable]
-            if arg_str is None:
-                # Member access
-                if member == 'length':
-                    return len(obj)
-                return obj[member]
-            assert expr.endswith(')')
-            # Function call
-            if arg_str == '':
-                argvals = tuple()
+            nl.member = remove_quotes(m.group('member') or m.group('member2'))
+            arg_str = expr[m.end():]
+            if arg_str.startswith('('):
+                arg_str, remaining = self._separate_at_paren(arg_str, ')')
-                argvals = tuple([
+                arg_str, remaining = None, arg_str
+            def assertion(cndn, msg):
+                """ assert, but without risk of getting optimized out """
+                if not cndn:
+                    raise ExtractorError('{0} {1}: {2}'.format(nl.member, msg, expr))
+            def eval_method():
+                # nonlocal member
+                member = nl.member
+                if variable == 'String':
+                    obj = str
+                elif variable in local_vars:
+                    obj = local_vars[variable]
+                else:
+                    if variable not in self._objects:
+                        self._objects[variable] = self.extract_object(variable)
+                    obj = self._objects[variable]
+                if arg_str is None:
+                    # Member access
+                    if member == 'length':
+                        return len(obj)
+                    return obj[member]
+                # Function call
+                argvals = [
                     self.interpret_expression(v, local_vars, allow_recursion)
-                    for v in arg_str.split(',')])
-            if member == 'split':
-                assert argvals == ('',)
-                return list(obj)
-            if member == 'join':
-                assert len(argvals) == 1
-                return argvals[0].join(obj)
-            if member == 'reverse':
-                assert len(argvals) == 0
-                obj.reverse()
-                return obj
-            if member == 'slice':
-                assert len(argvals) == 1
-                return obj[argvals[0]:]
-            if member == 'splice':
-                assert isinstance(obj, list)
-                index, howMany = argvals
-                res = []
-                for i in range(index, min(index + howMany, len(obj))):
-                    res.append(obj.pop(index))
-                return res
-            return obj[member](argvals)
-        for op, opfunc in _OPERATORS:
-            m = re.match(r'(?P<x>.+?)%s(?P<y>.+)' % re.escape(op), expr)
-            if not m:
-                continue
-            x, abort = self.interpret_statement(
-                m.group('x'), local_vars, allow_recursion - 1)
-            if abort:
-                raise ExtractorError(
-                    'Premature left-side return of %s in %r' % (op, expr))
-            y, abort = self.interpret_statement(
-                m.group('y'), local_vars, allow_recursion - 1)
-            if abort:
-                raise ExtractorError(
-                    'Premature right-side return of %s in %r' % (op, expr))
-            return opfunc(x, y)
+                    for v in self._separate(arg_str)]
+                if obj == str:
+                    if member == 'fromCharCode':
+                        assertion(argvals, 'takes one or more arguments')
+                        return ''.join(map(chr, argvals))
+                    raise ExtractorError('Unsupported string method %s' % (member, ))
+                if member == 'split':
+                    assertion(argvals, 'takes one or more arguments')
+                    assertion(argvals == [''], 'with arguments is not implemented')
+                    return list(obj)
+                elif member == 'join':
+                    assertion(isinstance(obj, list), 'must be applied on a list')
+                    assertion(len(argvals) == 1, 'takes exactly one argument')
+                    return argvals[0].join(obj)
+                elif member == 'reverse':
+                    assertion(not argvals, 'does not take any arguments')
+                    obj.reverse()
+                    return obj
+                elif member == 'slice':
+                    assertion(isinstance(obj, list), 'must be applied on a list')
+                    assertion(len(argvals) == 1, 'takes exactly one argument')
+                    return obj[argvals[0]:]
+                elif member == 'splice':
+                    assertion(isinstance(obj, list), 'must be applied on a list')
+                    assertion(argvals, 'takes one or more arguments')
+                    index, howMany = (argvals + [len(obj)])[:2]
+                    if index < 0:
+                        index += len(obj)
+                    add_items = argvals[2:]
+                    res = []
+                    for i in range(index, min(index + howMany, len(obj))):
+                        res.append(obj.pop(index))
+                    for i, item in enumerate(add_items):
+                        obj.insert(index + i, item)
+                    return res
+                elif member == 'unshift':
+                    assertion(isinstance(obj, list), 'must be applied on a list')
+                    assertion(argvals, 'takes one or more arguments')
+                    for item in reversed(argvals):
+                        obj.insert(0, item)
+                    return obj
+                elif member == 'pop':
+                    assertion(isinstance(obj, list), 'must be applied on a list')
+                    assertion(not argvals, 'does not take any arguments')
+                    if not obj:
+                        return
+                    return obj.pop()
+                elif member == 'push':
+                    assertion(argvals, 'takes one or more arguments')
+                    obj.extend(argvals)
+                    return obj
+                elif member == 'forEach':
+                    assertion(argvals, 'takes one or more arguments')
+                    assertion(len(argvals) <= 2, 'takes at-most 2 arguments')
+                    f, this = (argvals + [''])[:2]
+                    return [f((item, idx, obj), this=this) for idx, item in enumerate(obj)]
+                elif member == 'indexOf':
+                    assertion(argvals, 'takes one or more arguments')
+                    assertion(len(argvals) <= 2, 'takes at-most 2 arguments')
+                    idx, start = (argvals + [0])[:2]
+                    try:
+                        return obj.index(idx, start)
+                    except ValueError:
+                        return -1
+                if isinstance(obj, list):
+                    member = int(member)
+                    nl.member = member
+                return obj[member](argvals)
+            if remaining:
+                return self.interpret_expression(
+                    self._named_object(local_vars, eval_method()) + remaining,
+                    local_vars, allow_recursion)
+            else:
+                return eval_method()
-        m = re.match(
-            r'^(?P<func>%s)\((?P<args>[a-zA-Z0-9_$,]*)\)$' % _NAME_RE, expr)
+        m = re.match(r'^(?P<func>%s)\((?P<args>[a-zA-Z0-9_$,]*)\)$' % _NAME_RE, expr)
         if m:
             fname = m.group('func')
             argvals = tuple([
                 int(v) if v.isdigit() else local_vars[v]
-                for v in m.group('args').split(',')]) if len(m.group('args')) > 0 else tuple()
-            if fname not in self._functions:
+                for v in self._separate(m.group('args'))])
+            if fname in local_vars:
+                return local_vars[fname](argvals)
+            elif fname not in self._functions:
                 self._functions[fname] = self.extract_function(fname)
             return self._functions[fname](argvals)
-        raise ExtractorError('Unsupported JS expression %r' % expr)
+        if expr:
+            raise ExtractorError('Unsupported JS expression %r' % expr)
     def extract_object(self, objname):
         _FUNC_NAME_RE = r'''(?:[a-zA-Z$0-9]+|"[a-zA-Z$0-9]+"|'[a-zA-Z$0-9]+')'''
@@ -233,30 +501,52 @@ class JSInterpreter(object):
         return obj
-    def extract_function(self, funcname):
+    def extract_function_code(self, funcname):
+        """ @returns argnames, code """
         func_m = re.search(
-                (?:function\s+%s|[{;,]\s*%s\s*=\s*function|var\s+%s\s*=\s*function)\s*
+                (?:function\s+%(f_n)s|[{;,]\s*%(f_n)s\s*=\s*function|var\s+%(f_n)s\s*=\s*function)\s*
-                \{(?P<code>[^}]+)\}''' % (
-                re.escape(funcname), re.escape(funcname), re.escape(funcname)),
+                (?P<code>\{(?:(?!};)[^"]|"([^"]|\\")*")+\})''' % {'f_n': re.escape(funcname), },
+        code, _ = self._separate_at_paren(func_m.group('code'), '}')  # refine the match
         if func_m is None:
             raise ExtractorError('Could not find JS function %r' % funcname)
-        argnames = func_m.group('args').split(',')
+        return func_m.group('args').split(','), code
-        return self.build_function(argnames, func_m.group('code'))
+    def extract_function(self, funcname):
+        return self.extract_function_from_code(*self.extract_function_code(funcname))
+    def extract_function_from_code(self, argnames, code, *global_stack):
+        local_vars = {}
+        while True:
+            mobj = re.search(r'function\((?P<args>[^)]*)\)\s*{', code)
+            if mobj is None:
+                break
+            start, body_start = mobj.span()
+            body, remaining = self._separate_at_paren(code[body_start - 1:], '}')
+            name = self._named_object(
+                local_vars,
+                self.extract_function_from_code(
+                    [str.strip(x) for x in mobj.group('args').split(',')],
+                    body, local_vars, *global_stack))
+            code = code[:start] + name + remaining
+        return self.build_function(argnames, code, local_vars, *global_stack)
     def call_function(self, funcname, *args):
-        f = self.extract_function(funcname)
-        return f(args)
-    def build_function(self, argnames, code):
-        def resf(args):
-            local_vars = dict(zip(argnames, args))
-            for stmt in code.split(';'):
-                res, abort = self.interpret_statement(stmt, local_vars)
-                if abort:
+        return self.extract_function(funcname)(args)
+    def build_function(self, argnames, code, *global_stack):
+        global_stack = list(global_stack) or [{}]
+        local_vars = global_stack.pop(0)
+        def resf(args, **kwargs):
+            local_vars.update(dict(zip(argnames, args)))
+            local_vars.update(kwargs)
+            var_stack = LocalNameSpace(local_vars, *global_stack)
+            for stmt in self._separate(code.replace('\n', ''), ';'):
+                ret, should_abort = self.interpret_statement(stmt, var_stack)
+                if should_abort:
-            return res
+            return ret
         return resf