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2 files changed, 43 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/arch/powerpc/reloc.h b/arch/powerpc/reloc.h
index 58e482d6..113dfa15 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/reloc.h
+++ b/arch/powerpc/reloc.h
@@ -16,21 +16,40 @@ static inline void do_single_reloc(
 	switch(type) {
 	case R_PPC_GLOB_DAT:
 	case R_PPC_JMP_SLOT:
-		*reloc_addr = sym_val;
-		break;
-	case R_PPC_REL32:
-		if (sym_val) *reloc_addr += sym_val;
-		else *reloc_addr += (size_t)base_addr;
+	case R_PPC_ADDR32:
+		*reloc_addr = sym_val + addend;
 	case R_PPC_COPY:
 		memcpy(reloc_addr, (void *)sym_val, sym_size);
-		*reloc_addr += (size_t)base_addr;
+		*reloc_addr = (size_t)base_addr + addend;
-	//case R_PPC64_DTPMOD64:  //R_X86_64_DTPMOD64:
-	case R_PPC_DTPMOD32:  //R_386_TLS_DTPMOD32:
+	case R_PPC_DTPMOD32:
 		*reloc_addr = def.dso ? def.dso->tls_id : self->tls_id;
+	case R_PPC_DTPREL32:
+		*reloc_addr = def.sym->st_value + addend;
+		break;
+	case R_PPC_TPREL32:
+		*reloc_addr += def.sym
+			? def.sym->st_value + def.dso->tls_offset - 0x7000
+			: self->tls_offset - 0x7000;
+		break;
+void __reloc_self(int c, size_t *a, size_t *dynv)
+	char *base;
+	size_t t[20], n;
+	for (a+=c+1; *a; a++);
+	for (a++; *a; a+=2) if (*a<20) t[*a] = a[1];
+	base = (char *)t[AT_BASE];
+	if (!base) base = (char *)(t[AT_PHDR] & -4096);
+	for (a=dynv; *a; a+=2) if (*a<20) t[*a] = a[1];
+	n = t[DT_RELASZ];
+	for (a=(void *)(base+t[DT_RELA]); n; a+=3, n-=12)
+		if (a[1]%256 == R_PPC_RELATIVE)
+			*(size_t *)(base+a[0]) = (size_t)base + a[2];
diff --git a/src/ldso/powerpc/start.s b/src/ldso/powerpc/start.s
index ac2c20c8..08b5979a 100644
--- a/src/ldso/powerpc/start.s
+++ b/src/ldso/powerpc/start.s
@@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
-# FIXME : does not work, the small data array needs to be relocated.
-# see elfspec_ppc.pdf, page 76-84
 	.global _start
 	.type   _start,@function
-	mr      9, 1                  # Save the original stack pointer.
-	clrrwi  1, 1, 4               # Align the stack to 16 bytes.
-	lis     13, _SDA_BASE_@ha      # r13 points to the small data area.
-	addi    13, 13, _SDA_BASE_@l
-	li      0, 0                   # Zero the frame pointer.
-	lwz     3, 0(9)               # and argc...
-	addi    4, 9, 4               # and argv ...
-	mtlr    0                      # Clear the link register.
-	# Go to the musl dynamic linker entry point.
+	bl      1f
+2:	.long   _DYNAMIC-2b
+1:	mflr    5
+	lwz     0, 0(5)
+	add     5, 0, 5
+	lwz     3, 0(1)
+	addi    4, 1, 4
+	addi    1, 1, -16
+	bl      __reloc_self
+	lwz     3, 16(1)
+	addi    4, 1, 20
 	bl      __dynlink
-	cmpi    4, 0, 3, 1            # Check for a 1.
-	bne     4, .                   # Stay here
-	mtlr    3                      # Set the link address...
+	addi    1, 1, 16
+	mtlr    3
 	li      3, 0
-	blr                             # and go.
-	.end    _start
-	.size   _start, .-_start
+	blr