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23 files changed, 0 insertions, 2128 deletions
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/Makefile b/linuxthreads/man/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 4afd2ee15d..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-SOURCES=pthread_atfork.man pthread_attr_init.man pthread_cancel.man \
-  pthread_cleanup_push.man pthread_cond_init.man \
-  pthread_condattr_init.man pthread_create.man pthread_detach.man \
-  pthread_equal.man pthread_exit.man pthread_join.man \
-  pthread_key_create.man pthread_mutex_init.man \
-  pthread_mutexattr_init.man pthread_once.man pthread_self.man \
-  pthread_setschedparam.man pthread_sigmask.man sem_init.man \
-  pthread_kill_other_threads_np.man pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np.man
-PREPRO=perl troffprepro
-all: $(MANPAGES)
-.SUFFIXES: .man .3thr
-	$(PREPRO) $*.man $*.3thr
-$(MANPAGES): troffprepro
-	rm -f *.3thr
-	rm -f *~
-	install *.3thr $(MANDIR)
-	@echo "*** Remember to run /usr/sbin/makewhatis `dirname $(MANDIR)` at some point"
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_atfork.man b/linuxthreads/man/pthread_atfork.man
deleted file mode 100644
index b682bed3ac..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_atfork.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-.TH PTHREAD_ATFORK 3 LinuxThreads
-pthread_atfork \- register handlers to be called at fork(2) time
-#include <pthread.h>
-int pthread_atfork(void (*prepare)(void), void (*parent)(void), void (*child)(void));
-!pthread_atfork! registers handler functions to be called just before
-and just after a new process is created with !fork!(2). The |prepare|
-handler will be called from the parent process, just before the new
-process is created. The |parent| handler will be called from the parent
-process, just before !fork!(2) returns. The |child| handler will be
-called from the child process, just before !fork!(2) returns.
-One or several of the three handlers |prepare|, |parent| and |child|
-can be given as !NULL!, meaning that no handler needs to be called at
-the corresponding point.
-!pthread_atfork! can be called several times to install several sets
-of handlers. At !fork!(2) time, the |prepare| handlers are called in
-LIFO order (last added with !pthread_atfork!, first called before !fork!),
-while the |parent| and |child| handlers are called in FIFO order
-(first added, first called).
-To understand the purpose of !pthread_atfork!, recall that !fork!(2)
-duplicates the whole memory space, including mutexes in their current
-locking state, but only the calling thread: other threads are not
-running in the child process.  The mutexes are not usable after the
-!fork! and must be initialized with |pthread_mutex_init| in the child
-process.  This is a limitation of the current implementation and might
-or might not be present in future versions.
-!pthread_atfork! returns 0 on success and a non-zero error code on error.
-insufficient memory available to register the handlers.
-Xavier Leroy <Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr>
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_attr_init.man b/linuxthreads/man/pthread_attr_init.man
deleted file mode 100644
index bd5a169242..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_attr_init.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-.XREF pthread_attr_destroy
-.XREF pthread_attr_setdetachstate
-.XREF pthread_attr_getdetachstate
-.XREF pthread_attr_setschedparam
-.XREF pthread_attr_getschedparam
-.XREF pthread_attr_setschedpolicy
-.XREF pthread_attr_getschedpolicy
-.XREF pthread_attr_setinheritsched
-.XREF pthread_attr_getinheritsched
-.XREF pthread_attr_setscope
-.XREF pthread_attr_getscope
-pthread_attr_init, pthread_attr_destroy, pthread_attr_setdetachstate, pthread_attr_getdetachstate, pthread_attr_setschedparam, pthread_attr_getschedparam, pthread_attr_setschedpolicy, pthread_attr_getschedpolicy, pthread_attr_setinheritsched, pthread_attr_getinheritsched, pthread_attr_setscope, pthread_attr_getscope \- thread creation attributes
-#include <pthread.h>
-int pthread_attr_init(pthread_attr_t *attr);
-int pthread_attr_destroy(pthread_attr_t *attr);
-int pthread_attr_setdetachstate(pthread_attr_t *attr, int detachstate);
-int pthread_attr_getdetachstate(const pthread_attr_t *attr, int *detachstate);
-int pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(pthread_attr_t *attr, int policy);
-int pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(const pthread_attr_t *attr, int *policy);
-int pthread_attr_setschedparam(pthread_attr_t *attr, const struct sched_param *param);
-int pthread_attr_getschedparam(const pthread_attr_t *attr, struct sched_param *param);
-int pthread_attr_setinheritsched(pthread_attr_t *attr, int inherit);
-int pthread_attr_getinheritsched(const pthread_attr_t *attr, int *inherit);
-int pthread_attr_setscope(pthread_attr_t *attr, int scope);
-int pthread_attr_getscope(const pthread_attr_t *attr, int *scope);
-Setting attributes for threads is achieved by filling a
-thread attribute object |attr| of type !pthread_attr_t!, then passing it as
-second argument to !pthread_create!(3). Passing !NULL! is equivalent to
-passing a thread attribute object with all attributes set to their
-default values.
-!pthread_attr_init! initializes the thread attribute object |attr| and
-fills it with default values for the attributes. (The default values
-are listed below for each attribute.)
-Each attribute |attrname| (see below for a list of all attributes) can
-be individually set using the function !pthread_attr_set!|attrname|
-and retrieved using the function !pthread_attr_get!|attrname|.
-!pthread_attr_destroy! destroys a thread attribute object, which
-must not be reused until it is reinitialized. !pthread_attr_destroy!
-does nothing in the LinuxThreads implementation. 
-Attribute objects are consulted only when creating a new thread. The
-same attribute object can be used for creating several
-threads. Modifying an attribute object after a call to
-!pthread_create! does not change the attributes of the thread
-previously created.
-The following thread attributes are supported:
-.SS detachstate
-Control whether the thread is created in the joinable state (value
-!PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE!) or in the detached state
-In the joinable state, another thread can synchronize on the thread
-termination and recover its termination code using !pthread_join!(3),
-but some of the thread resources are kept allocated after the thread
-terminates, and reclaimed only when another thread performs
-!pthread_join!(3) on that thread.
-In the detached state, the thread resources are immediately freed when
-it terminates, but !pthread_join!(3) cannot be used to synchronize on
-the thread termination.
-A thread created in the joinable state can later be put in the
-detached thread using !pthread_detach!(3).
-.SS schedpolicy
-Select the scheduling policy for the thread: one of
-!SCHED_OTHER! (regular, non-realtime scheduling),
-!SCHED_RR! (realtime, round-robin) or
-!SCHED_FIFO! (realtime, first-in first-out). See
-!sched_setpolicy!(2) for more information on scheduling policies.
-Default value: !SCHED_OTHER!.
-The realtime scheduling policies !SCHED_RR! and !SCHED_FIFO! are
-available only to processes with superuser privileges.
-The scheduling policy of a thread can be changed after creation with
-.SS schedparam
-Contain the scheduling parameters (essentially, the scheduling
-priority) for the thread. See !sched_setparam!(2) for more information
-on scheduling parameters. 
-Default value: priority is 0.
-This attribute is not significant if the scheduling policy is !SCHED_OTHER!;
-it only matters for the realtime policies !SCHED_RR! and !SCHED_FIFO!.
-The scheduling priority of a thread can be changed after creation with
-.SS inheritsched
-Indicate whether the scheduling policy and scheduling parameters for
-the newly created thread are determined by the values of the
-|schedpolicy| and |schedparam| attributes (value
-!PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED!) or are inherited from the parent thread
-.SS scope
-Define the scheduling contention scope for the created thread.  The
-only value supported in the LinuxThreads implementation is
-!PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM!, meaning that the threads contend for CPU time
-with all processes running on the machine. In particular, thread
-priorities are interpreted relative to the priorities of all other
-processes on the machine. The other value specified by the standard,
-!PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS!, means that scheduling contention occurs only
-between the threads of the running process: thread priorities are
-interpreted relative to the priorities of the other threads of the
-process, regardless of the priorities of other processes.
-!PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS! is not supported in LinuxThreads.
-Default value: !PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM!.
-All functions return 0 on success and a non-zero error code on error.
-On success, the !pthread_attr_get!|attrname| functions also store the
-current value of the attribute |attrname| in the location pointed to
-by their second argument.
-The !pthread_attr_setdetachstate! function returns the following error
-codes on error:
-the specified |detachstate| is not one of !PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE! or
-The !pthread_attr_setschedparam! function returns the following error
-codes on error:
-the priority specified in |param| is outside the range of allowed
-priorities for the scheduling policy currently in |attr|
-(1 to 99 for !SCHED_FIFO! and !SCHED_RR!; 0 for !SCHED_OTHER!).
-The !pthread_attr_setschedpolicy! function returns the following error
-codes on error:
-the specified |policy| is not one of !SCHED_OTHER!, !SCHED_FIFO!, or
-|policy| is !SCHED_FIFO! or !SCHED_RR!, and the effective user of the
-calling process is not super-user.
-The !pthread_attr_setinheritsched! function returns the following error
-codes on error:
-the specified |inherit| is not one of !PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED! or
-The !pthread_attr_setscope! function returns the following error
-codes on error:
-the specified |scope| is not one of !PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM! or
-the specified |scope| is !PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS! (not supported).
-Xavier Leroy <Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr>
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_cancel.man b/linuxthreads/man/pthread_cancel.man
deleted file mode 100644
index 202d5c9b26..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_cancel.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-.TH PTHREAD_CANCEL 3 LinuxThreads
-.XREF pthread_setcancelstate
-.XREF pthread_setcanceltype
-.XREF pthread_testcancel
-pthread_cancel, pthread_setcancelstate, pthread_setcanceltype, pthread_testcancel \- thread cancellation
-#include <pthread.h>
-int pthread_cancel(pthread_t thread);
-int pthread_setcancelstate(int state, int *oldstate);
-int pthread_setcanceltype(int type, int *oldtype);
-void pthread_testcancel(void);
-Cancellation is the mechanism by which a thread can terminate the
-execution of another thread. More precisely, a thread can send a
-cancellation request to another thread. Depending on its settings, the
-target thread can then either ignore the request, honor it
-immediately, or defer it till it reaches a cancellation point.
-When a thread eventually honors a cancellation request, it performs as
-if !pthread_exit(PTHREAD_CANCELED)! has been called at that point:
-all cleanup handlers are executed in reverse order, finalization
-functions for thread-specific data are called, and finally the thread
-stops executing with the return value !PTHREAD_CANCELED!. See
-!pthread_exit!(3) for more information.
-!pthread_cancel! sends a cancellation request to the thread denoted
-by the |thread| argument.
-!pthread_setcancelstate! changes the cancellation state for the
-calling thread -- that is, whether cancellation requests are ignored
-or not. The |state| argument is the new cancellation state: either
-!PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE! to enable cancellation, or
-!PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE! to disable cancellation (cancellation
-requests are ignored). If |oldstate| is not !NULL!, the previous
-cancellation state is stored in the location pointed to by |oldstate|,
-and can thus be restored later by another call to
-!pthread_setcanceltype! changes the type of responses to cancellation
-requests for the calling thread: asynchronous (immediate) or deferred.
-The |type| argument is the new cancellation type: either
-!PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS! to cancel the calling thread as soon as
-the cancellation request is received, or !PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED! to
-keep the cancellation request pending until the next cancellation
-point. If |oldtype| is not !NULL!, the previous
-cancellation state is stored in the location pointed to by |oldtype|,
-and can thus be restored later by another call to
-Threads are always created by !pthread_create!(3) with cancellation
-enabled and deferred. That is, the initial cancellation state is
-!PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE! and the initial type is
-Cancellation points are those points in the program execution where a
-test for pending cancellation requests is performed and cancellation
-is executed if positive. The following POSIX threads functions
-are cancellation points:
-All other POSIX threads functions are guaranteed not to be
-cancellation points. That is, they never perform cancellation in
-deferred cancellation mode.
-!pthread_testcancel! does nothing except testing for pending
-cancellation and executing it. Its purpose is to introduce explicit
-checks for cancellation in long sequences of code that do not call
-cancellation point functions otherwise.
-!pthread_cancel!, !pthread_setcancelstate! and
-!pthread_setcanceltype! return 0 on success and a non-zero error code
-on error.
-!pthread_cancel! returns the following error code on error:
-no thread could be found corresponding to that specified by the |thread| ID.
-!pthread_setcancelstate! returns the following error code on error:
-the |state| argument is not !PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE! nor
-!pthread_setcanceltype! returns the following error code on error:
-the |type| argument is not !PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED! nor
-Xavier Leroy <Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr>
-POSIX specifies that a number of system calls (basically, all
-system calls that may block, such as !read!(2), !write!(2), !wait!(2),
-etc.) and library functions that may call these system calls (e.g.
-!fprintf!(3)) are cancellation points.  LinuxThreads is not yet
-integrated enough with the C library to implement this, and thus none
-of the C library functions is a cancellation point.
-For system calls at least, there is a workaround. Cancellation
-requests are transmitted to the target thread by sending it a
-signal. That signal will interrupt all blocking system calls, causing
-them to return immediately with the !EINTR! error. So, checking for
-cancellation during a !read! system call, for instance, can be
-achieved as follows:
-.ft 3
-retcode = read(fd, buffer, length);
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_cleanup_push.man b/linuxthreads/man/pthread_cleanup_push.man
deleted file mode 100644
index 1591431c9c..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_cleanup_push.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-.XREF pthread_cleanup_pop
-.XREF pthread_cleanup_push_defer_np
-.XREF pthread_cleanup_pop_restore_np
-pthread_cleanup_push, pthread_cleanup_pop, pthread_cleanup_push_defer_np, pthread_cleanup_pop_restore_np \- install and remove cleanup handlers
-#include <pthread.h>
-void pthread_cleanup_push(void (*routine) (void *), void *arg);
-void pthread_cleanup_pop(int execute);
-void pthread_cleanup_push_defer_np(void (*routine) (void *), void *arg);
-void pthread_cleanup_pop_restore_np(int execute);
-Cleanup handlers are functions that get called when a thread
-terminates, either by calling !pthread_exit!(3) or because of
-cancellation. Cleanup handlers are installed and removed following a
-stack-like discipline.
-The purpose of cleanup handlers is to free the resources that a thread
-may hold at the time it terminates. In particular, if a thread
-exits or is cancelled while it owns a locked mutex, the mutex will
-remain locked forever and prevent other threads from executing
-normally. The best way to avoid this is, just before locking the
-mutex, to install a cleanup handler whose effect is to unlock the
-mutex. Cleanup handlers can be used similarly to free blocks allocated
-with !malloc!(3) or close file descriptors on thread termination.
-!pthread_cleanup_push! installs the |routine| function with argument
-|arg| as a cleanup handler. From this point on to the matching
-!pthread_cleanup_pop!, the function |routine| will be called with
-arguments |arg| when the thread terminates, either through !pthread_exit!(3)
-or by cancellation. If several cleanup handlers are active at that
-point, they are called in LIFO order: the most recently installed
-handler is called first.
-!pthread_cleanup_pop! removes the most recently installed cleanup
-handler. If the |execute| argument is not 0, it also executes the
-handler, by calling the |routine| function with arguments |arg|. If
-the |execute| argument is 0, the handler is only removed but not
-Matching pairs of !pthread_cleanup_push! and !pthread_cleanup_pop!
-must occur in the same function, at the same level of block nesting.
-Actually, !pthread_cleanup_push! and !pthread_cleanup_pop! are macros,
-and the expansion of !pthread_cleanup_push! introduces an open brace !{!
-with the matching closing brace !}! being introduced by the expansion
-of the matching !pthread_cleanup_pop!.
-!pthread_cleanup_push_defer_np! is a non-portable extension that
-combines !pthread_cleanup_push! and !pthread_setcanceltype!(3).
-It pushes a cleanup handler just as !pthread_cleanup_push! does, but
-also saves the current cancellation type and sets it to deferred
-cancellation. This ensures that the cleanup mechanism is effective
-even if the thread was initially in asynchronous cancellation mode.
-!pthread_cleanup_pop_restore_np! pops a cleanup handler introduced by
-!pthread_cleanup_push_defer_np!, and restores the cancellation type to
-its value at the time !pthread_cleanup_push_defer_np! was called.
-!pthread_cleanup_push_defer_np! and !pthread_cleanup_pop_restore_np!
-must occur in matching pairs, at the same level of block nesting.
-The following sequence
-.ft 3
-pthread_cleanup_push_defer_np(routine, arg);
-is functionally equivalent to (but more compact and more efficient than)
-.ft 3
-{ int oldtype;
-  pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED, &oldtype);
-  pthread_cleanup_push(routine, arg);
-  ...
-  pthread_cleanup_pop(execute);
-  pthread_setcanceltype(oldtype, NULL);
-Xavier Leroy <Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr>
-Here is how to lock a mutex |mut| in such a way that it will be
-unlocked if the thread is canceled while |mut| is locked:
-.ft 3
-pthread_cleanup_push(pthread_mutex_unlock, (void *) &mut);
-/* do some work */
-Equivalently, the last two lines can be replaced by
-.ft 3
-Notice that the code above is safe only in deferred cancellation mode
-(see !pthread_setcanceltype!(3)). In asynchronous cancellation mode,
-a cancellation can occur between !pthread_cleanup_push! and
-!pthread_mutex_lock!, or between !pthread_mutex_unlock! and
-!pthread_cleanup_pop!, resulting in both cases in the thread trying to
-unlock a mutex not locked by the current thread. This is the main
-reason why asynchronous cancellation is difficult to use.
-If the code above must also work in asynchronous cancellation mode,
-then it must switch to deferred mode for locking and unlocking the
-.ft 3
-pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED, &oldtype);
-pthread_cleanup_push(pthread_mutex_unlock, (void *) &mut);
-/* do some work */
-pthread_setcanceltype(oldtype, NULL);
-The code above can be rewritten in a more compact and more
-efficient way, using the non-portable functions
-!pthread_cleanup_push_defer_np! and !pthread_cleanup_pop_restore_np!:
-.ft 3
-pthread_cleanup_push_restore_np(pthread_mutex_unlock, (void *) &mut);
-/* do some work */
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_cond_init.man b/linuxthreads/man/pthread_cond_init.man
deleted file mode 100644
index 4913062fd2..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_cond_init.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-.TH PTHREAD_COND 3 LinuxThreads
-.XREF pthread_cond_signal
-.XREF pthread_cond_broadcast
-.XREF pthread_cond_wait
-.XREF pthread_cond_timedwait
-.XREF pthread_cond_destroy
-pthread_cond_init, pthread_cond_destroy, pthread_cond_signal, pthread_cond_broadcast, pthread_cond_wait, pthread_cond_timedwait \- operations on conditions
-#include <pthread.h>
-pthread_cond_t cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
-int pthread_cond_init(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_condattr_t *cond_attr);
-int pthread_cond_signal(pthread_cond_t *cond);
-int pthread_cond_broadcast(pthread_cond_t *cond);
-int pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
-int pthread_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex, const struct timespec *abstime);
-int pthread_cond_destroy(pthread_cond_t *cond);
-A condition (short for ``condition variable'') is a synchronization
-device that allows threads to suspend execution and relinquish the
-processors until some predicate on shared data is satisfied. The basic
-operations on conditions are: signal the condition (when the
-predicate becomes true), and wait for the condition, suspending the
-thread execution until another thread signals the condition.
-A condition variable must always be associated with a mutex, to avoid
-the race condition where a thread prepares to wait on a condition
-variable and another thread signals the condition just before the
-first thread actually waits on it.
-!pthread_cond_init! initializes the condition variable |cond|, using the
-condition attributes specified in |cond_attr|, or default attributes
-if |cond_attr| is !NULL!. The LinuxThreads implementation supports no
-attributes for conditions, hence the |cond_attr| parameter is actually
-Variables of type !pthread_cond_t! can also be initialized
-statically, using the constant !PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER!.
-!pthread_cond_signal! restarts one of the threads that are waiting on
-the condition variable |cond|. If no threads are waiting on |cond|,
-nothing happens. If several threads are waiting on |cond|, exactly one
-is restarted, but it is not specified which.
-!pthread_cond_broadcast! restarts all the threads that are waiting on
-the condition variable |cond|. Nothing happens if no threads are
-waiting on |cond|.
-!pthread_cond_wait! atomically unlocks the |mutex| (as per
-!pthread_unlock_mutex!) and waits for the condition variable |cond| to
-be signaled. The thread execution is suspended and does not consume
-any CPU time until the condition variable is signaled. The |mutex|
-must be locked by the calling thread on entrance to
-!pthread_cond_wait!. Before returning to the calling thread,
-!pthread_cond_wait! re-acquires |mutex| (as per !pthread_lock_mutex!).
-Unlocking the mutex and suspending on the condition variable is done
-atomically. Thus, if all threads always acquire the mutex before
-signaling the condition, this guarantees that the condition cannot be
-signaled (and thus ignored) between the time a thread locks the mutex
-and the time it waits on the condition variable.
-!pthread_cond_timedwait! atomically unlocks |mutex| and waits on
-|cond|, as !pthread_cond_wait! does, but it also bounds the duration
-of the wait. If |cond| has not been signaled within the amount of time
-specified by |abstime|, the mutex |mutex| is re-acquired and
-!pthread_cond_timedwait! returns the error !ETIMEDOUT!.
-The |abstime| parameter specifies an absolute time, with the same
-origin as !time!(2) and !gettimeofday!(2): an |abstime| of 0
-corresponds to 00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970.
-!pthread_cond_destroy! destroys a condition variable, freeing the
-resources it might hold. No threads must be waiting on the condition
-variable on entrance to !pthread_cond_destroy!. In the LinuxThreads
-implementation, no resources are associated with condition variables,
-thus !pthread_cond_destroy! actually does nothing except checking that
-the condition has no waiting threads.
-!pthread_cond_wait! and !pthread_cond_timedwait! are cancellation
-points. If a thread is cancelled while suspended in one of these
-functions, the thread immediately resumes execution, then locks again
-the |mutex| argument to !pthread_cond_wait! and
-!pthread_cond_timedwait!, and finally executes the cancellation.
-Consequently, cleanup handlers are assured that |mutex| is locked when
-they are called.
-The condition functions are not async-signal safe, and should not be
-called from a signal handler. In particular, calling
-!pthread_cond_signal! or !pthread_cond_broadcast! from a signal
-handler may deadlock the calling thread.
-All condition variable functions return 0 on success and a non-zero
-error code on error.
-!pthread_cond_init!, !pthread_cond_signal!, !pthread_cond_broadcast!,
-and !pthread_cond_wait! never return an error code.
-The !pthread_cond_timedwait! function returns the following error codes
-on error:
-the condition variable was not signaled until the timeout specified by
-!pthread_cond_timedwait! was interrupted by a signal
-The !pthread_cond_destroy! function returns the following error code
-on error:
-some threads are currently waiting on |cond|.
-Xavier Leroy <Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr>
-Consider two shared variables |x| and |y|, protected by the mutex |mut|,
-and a condition variable |cond| that is to be signaled whenever |x|
-becomes greater than |y|.
-.ft 3
-int x,y;
-pthread_mutex_t mut = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
-pthread_cond_t cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
-Waiting until |x| is greater than |y| is performed as follows:
-.ft 3
-while (x <= y) {
-        pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mut);
-/* operate on x and y */
-Modifications on |x| and |y| that may cause |x| to become greater than
-|y| should signal the condition if needed:
-.ft 3
-/* modify x and y */
-if (x > y) pthread_cond_broadcast(&cond);
-If it can be proved that at most one waiting thread needs to be waken
-up (for instance, if there are only two threads communicating through
-|x| and |y|), !pthread_cond_signal! can be used as a slightly more
-efficient alternative to !pthread_cond_broadcast!. In doubt, use
-To wait for |x| to becomes greater than |y| with a timeout of 5
-seconds, do:
-.ft 3
-struct timeval now;
-struct timespec timeout;
-int retcode;
-timeout.tv_sec = now.tv_sec + 5;
-timeout.tv_nsec = now.tv_usec * 1000;
-retcode = 0;
-while (x <= y && retcode != ETIMEDOUT) {
-        retcode = pthread_cond_timedwait(&cond, &mut, &timeout);
-if (retcode == ETIMEDOUT) {
-        /* timeout occurred */
-} else {
-        /* operate on x and y */
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_condattr_init.man b/linuxthreads/man/pthread_condattr_init.man
deleted file mode 100644
index f491cbedbe..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_condattr_init.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-.XREF pthread_condattr_destroy
-pthread_condattr_init, pthread_condattr_destroy \- condition creation attributes
-#include <pthread.h>
-int pthread_condattr_init(pthread_condattr_t *attr);
-int pthread_condattr_destroy(pthread_condattr_t *attr);
-Condition attributes can be specified at condition creation time, by passing a
-condition attribute object as second argument to !pthread_cond_init!(3).
-Passing !NULL! is equivalent to passing a condition attribute object with
-all attributes set to their default values.
-The LinuxThreads implementation supports no attributes for
-conditions. The functions on condition attributes are included only
-for compliance with the POSIX standard.
-!pthread_condattr_init! initializes the condition attribute object
-|attr| and fills it with default values for the attributes.
-!pthread_condattr_destroy! destroys a condition attribute object,
-which must not be reused until it is reinitialized. Both functions do
-nothing in the LinuxThreads implementation.
-!pthread_condattr_init! and !pthread_condattr_destroy! always return 0.
-Xavier Leroy <Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr>
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_create.man b/linuxthreads/man/pthread_create.man
deleted file mode 100644
index a94004767a..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_create.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-.TH PTHREAD_CREATE 3 LinuxThreads
-pthread_create \- create a new thread
-#include <pthread.h>
-int pthread_create(pthread_t * thread, pthread_attr_t * attr, void * (*start_routine)(void *), void * arg);
-!pthread_create! creates a new thread of control that executes
-concurrently with the calling thread. The new thread applies the
-function |start_routine| passing it |arg| as first argument. The new
-thread terminates either explicitly, by calling !pthread_exit!(3),
-or implicitly, by returning from the |start_routine| function. The
-latter case is equivalent to calling !pthread_exit!(3) with the result
-returned by |start_routine| as exit code.
-The |attr| argument specifies thread attributes to be applied to the
-new thread. See !pthread_attr_init!(3) for a complete list of thread
-attributes. The |attr| argument can also be !NULL!, in which case
-default attributes are used: the created thread is joinable (not
-detached) and has default (non real-time) scheduling policy.
-On success, the identifier of the newly created thread is stored in
-the location pointed by the |thread| argument, and a 0 is returned. On
-error, a non-zero error code is returned.
-not enough system resources to create a process for the new thread.
-more than !PTHREAD_THREADS_MAX! threads are already active.
-Xavier Leroy <Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr>
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_detach.man b/linuxthreads/man/pthread_detach.man
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b43f45faa..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_detach.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-.TH PTHREAD_DETACH 3 LinuxThreads
-pthread_detach \- put a running thread in the detached state
-#include <pthread.h>
-int pthread_detach(pthread_t th);
-!pthread_detach! put the thread |th| in the detached state. This
-guarantees that the memory resources consumed by |th| will be freed
-immediately when |th| terminates. However, this prevents other threads
-from synchronizing on the termination of |th| using !pthread_join!.
-A thread can be created initially in the detached state, using the
-!detachstate! attribute to !pthread_create!(3). In contrast,
-!pthread_detach! applies to threads created in the joinable state, and
-which need to be put in the detached state later.
-After !pthread_detach! completes, subsequent attempts to perform
-!pthread_join! on |th| will fail. If another thread is already joining
-the thread |th| at the time !pthread_detach! is called,
-!pthread_detach! does nothing and leaves |th| in the joinable state.
-On success, 0 is returned. On error, a non-zero error code is returned.
-No thread could be found corresponding to that specified by |th|
-the thread |th| is already in the detached state
-Xavier Leroy <Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_equal.man b/linuxthreads/man/pthread_equal.man
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a0396515a..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_equal.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-.TH PTHREAD_EQUAL 3 LinuxThreads
-pthread_equal \- compare two thread identifiers
-#include <pthread.h>
-int pthread_equal(pthread_t thread1, pthread_t thread2);
-!pthread_equal! determines if two thread identifiers refer to the same
-A non-zero value is returned if |thread1| and |thread2| refer to the
-same thread. Otherwise, 0 is returned.
-Xavier Leroy <Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr>
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_exit.man b/linuxthreads/man/pthread_exit.man
deleted file mode 100644
index 54751e9d05..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_exit.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-.TH PTHREAD_EXIT 3 LinuxThreads
-pthread_exit \- terminate the calling thread
-#include <pthread.h>
-void pthread_exit(void *retval);
-!pthread_exit! terminates the execution of the calling thread.
-All cleanup handlers that have been set for the calling thread with
-!pthread_cleanup_push!(3) are executed in reverse order (the most
-recently pushed handler is executed first). Finalization functions for
-thread-specific data are then called for all keys that have non-!NULL!
-values associated with them in the calling thread (see
-!pthread_key_create!(3)). Finally, execution of the calling thread is
-The |retval| argument is the return value of the thread. It can be
-consulted from another thread using !pthread_join!(3).
-The !pthread_exit! function never returns.
-Xavier Leroy <Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr>
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_join.man b/linuxthreads/man/pthread_join.man
deleted file mode 100644
index d587093841..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_join.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-.TH PTHREAD_JOIN 3 LinuxThreads
-pthread_join \- wait for termination of another thread
-#include <pthread.h>
-int pthread_join(pthread_t th, void **thread_return);
-!pthread_join! suspends the execution of the calling thread until the
-thread identified by |th| terminates, either by calling !pthread_exit!(3)
-or by being cancelled.
-If |thread_return| is not !NULL!, the return value of |th| is stored
-in the location pointed to by |thread_return|.  The return value of
-|th| is either the argument it gave to !pthread_exit!(3), or
-!PTHREAD_CANCELED! if |th| was cancelled.
-The joined thread !th! must be in the joinable state: it must not have
-been detached using !pthread_detach!(3) or the
-!PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED! attribute to !pthread_create!(3).
-When a joinable thread terminates, its memory resources (thread
-descriptor and stack) are not deallocated until another thread
-performs !pthread_join! on it. Therefore, !pthread_join! must be
-called once for each joinable thread created to avoid memory leaks.
-At most one thread can wait for the termination of a given
-thread. Calling !pthread_join! on a thread |th| on which another
-thread is already waiting for termination returns an error.
-!pthread_join! is a cancellation point. If a thread is canceled while
-suspended in !pthread_join!, the thread execution resumes immediately
-and the cancellation is executed without waiting for the |th| thread
-to terminate. If cancellation occurs during !pthread_join!, the |th|
-thread remains not joined.
-On success, the return value of |th| is stored in the location pointed
-to by |thread_return|, and 0 is returned. On error, a non-zero error
-code is returned.
-No thread could be found corresponding to that specified by |th|.
-The |th| thread has been detached.
-Another thread is already waiting on termination of |th|.
-The |th| argument refers to the calling thread.
-Xavier Leroy <Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr>
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_key_create.man b/linuxthreads/man/pthread_key_create.man
deleted file mode 100644
index 6823e304c9..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_key_create.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-pthread_key_create, pthread_key_delete, pthread_setspecific, pthread_getspecific \- management of thread-specific data
-#include <pthread.h>
-int pthread_key_create(pthread_key_t *key, void (*destr_function) (void *));
-int pthread_key_delete(pthread_key_t key);
-int pthread_setspecific(pthread_key_t key, const void *pointer);
-void * pthread_getspecific(pthread_key_t key);
-Programs often need global or static variables that have different
-values in different threads. Since threads share one memory space,
-this cannot be achieved with regular variables. Thread-specific data
-is the POSIX threads answer to this need.
-Each thread possesses a private memory block, the thread-specific data
-area, or TSD area for short. This area is indexed by TSD keys. The TSD
-area associates values of type !void *! to TSD keys. TSD keys are
-common to all threads, but the value associated with a given TSD key
-can be different in each thread.
-For concreteness, the TSD areas can be viewed as arrays of !void *!
-pointers, TSD keys as integer indices into these arrays, and the value
-of a TSD key as the value of the corresponding array element in the
-calling thread.
-When a thread is created, its TSD area initially associates !NULL!
-with all keys.
-!pthread_key_create! allocates a new TSD key. The key is stored in the
-location pointed to by |key|. There is a limit of !PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX!
-on the number of keys allocated at a given time. The value initially
-associated with the returned key is !NULL! in all currently executing
-The |destr_function| argument, if not !NULL!, specifies a destructor
-function associated with the key. When a thread terminates via
-!pthread_exit! or by cancellation, |destr_function| is called with
-arguments the value associated with the key in that thread. The
-|destr_function| is not called if that value is !NULL!. The order in
-which destructor functions are called at thread termination time is
-Before the destructor function is called, the !NULL! value is
-associated with the key in the current thread.  A destructor function
-might, however, re-associate non-!NULL! values to that key or some
-other key.  To deal with this, if after all the destructors have been
-called for all non-!NULL! values, there are still some non-!NULL!
-values with associated destructors, then the process is repeated.  The
-LinuxThreads implementation stops the process after
-!PTHREAD_DESTRUCTOR_ITERATIONS! iterations, even if some non-!NULL!
-values with associated descriptors remain.  Other implementations may
-loop indefinitely.
-!pthread_key_delete! deallocates a TSD key. It does not check whether
-non-!NULL! values are associated with that key in the currently
-executing threads, nor call the destructor function associated with
-the key.
-!pthread_setspecific! changes the value associated with |key| in the
-calling thread, storing the given |pointer| instead.
-!pthread_getspecific! returns the value currently associated with
-|key| in the calling thread.
-!pthread_key_create!, !pthread_key_delete!, and !pthread_setspecific!
-return 0 on success and a non-zero error code on failure. If
-successful, !pthread_key_create! stores the newly allocated key in the
-location pointed to by its |key| argument.
-!pthread_getspecific! returns the value associated with |key| on
-success, and !NULL! on error.
-!pthread_key_create! returns the following error code on error:
-!PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX! keys are already allocated
-!pthread_key_delete! and !pthread_setspecific! return the following
-error code on error:
-|key| is not a valid, allocated TSD key
-!pthread_getspecific! returns !NULL! if |key| is not a valid,
-allocated TSD key.
-Xavier Leroy <Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr>
-pthread_create(3), pthread_exit(3), pthread_testcancel(3).
-The following code fragment allocates a thread-specific array of 100
-characters, with automatic reclaimation at thread exit:
-.ft 3
-/* Key for the thread-specific buffer */
-static pthread_key_t buffer_key;
-/* Once-only initialisation of the key */
-static pthread_once_t buffer_key_once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
-/* Allocate the thread-specific buffer */
-void buffer_alloc(void)
-  pthread_once(&buffer_key_once, buffer_key_alloc);
-  pthread_setspecific(buffer_key, malloc(100));
-/* Return the thread-specific buffer */
-char * get_buffer(void)
-  return (char *) pthread_getspecific(buffer_key);
-/* Allocate the key */
-static void buffer_key_alloc()
-  pthread_key_create(&buffer_key, buffer_destroy);
-/* Free the thread-specific buffer */
-static void buffer_destroy(void * buf)
-  free(buf);
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_kill_other_threads_np.man b/linuxthreads/man/pthread_kill_other_threads_np.man
deleted file mode 100644
index 0de42d52d5..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_kill_other_threads_np.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-pthread_kill_other_threads_np \- terminate all threads in program except calling thread
-#include <pthread.h>
-void pthread_kill_other_threads_np(void);
-!pthread_kill_other_threads_np! is a non-portable LinuxThreads extension.
-It causes all threads in the program to terminate immediately, except
-the calling thread which proceeds normally. It is intended to be
-called just before a thread calls one of the !exec! functions,
-e.g. !execve!(2).
-Termination of the other threads is not performed through
-!pthread_cancel!(3) and completely bypasses the cancellation
-mechanism. Hence, the current settings for cancellation state and
-cancellation type are ignored, and the cleanup handlers are not
-executed in the terminated threads.
-Xavier Leroy <Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr>
-According to POSIX 1003.1c, a successful !exec*! in one of the threads
-should terminate automatically all other threads in the program.
-This behavior is not yet implemented in LinuxThreads.
-Calling !pthread_kill_other_threads_np! before !exec*! achieves much
-of the same behavior, except that if !exec*! ultimately fails, then
-all other threads are already killed.
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_mutex_init.man b/linuxthreads/man/pthread_mutex_init.man
deleted file mode 100644
index 643b007aec..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_mutex_init.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-.TH PTHREAD_MUTEX 3 LinuxThreads
-.XREF pthread_mutex_lock
-.XREF pthread_mutex_unlock
-.XREF pthread_mutex_trylock
-.XREF pthread_mutex_destroy
-pthread_mutex_init, pthread_mutex_lock, pthread_mutex_trylock, pthread_mutex_unlock, pthread_mutex_destroy \- operations on mutexes
-#include <pthread.h>
-pthread_mutex_t fastmutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
-pthread_mutex_t errchkmutex = PTHREAD_ERRORCHECK_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP;
-int pthread_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t *mutex, const pthread_mutexattr_t *mutexattr);
-int pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
-int pthread_mutex_trylock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
-int pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
-int pthread_mutex_destroy(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
-A mutex is a MUTual EXclusion device, and is useful for protecting
-shared data structures from concurrent modifications, and implementing
-critical sections and monitors.
-A mutex has two possible states: unlocked (not owned by any thread),
-and locked (owned by one thread). A mutex can never be owned by two
-different threads simultaneously. A thread attempting to lock a mutex
-that is already locked by another thread is suspended until the owning
-thread unlocks the mutex first.
-!pthread_mutex_init! initializes the mutex object pointed to by
-|mutex| according to the mutex attributes specified in |mutexattr|.
-If |mutexattr| is !NULL!, default attributes are used instead.
-The LinuxThreads implementation supports only one mutex attributes,
-the |mutex kind|, which is either ``fast'', ``recursive'', or
-``error checking''. The kind of a mutex determines whether
-it can be locked again by a thread that already owns it.
-The default kind is ``fast''. See !pthread_mutexattr_init!(3) for more
-information on mutex attributes.
-Variables of type !pthread_mutex_t! can also be initialized
-statically, using the constants !PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER! (for fast
-mutexes), and !PTHREAD_ERRORCHECK_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP! (for error checking
-!pthread_mutex_lock! locks the given mutex. If the mutex is currently
-unlocked, it becomes locked and owned by the calling thread, and
-!pthread_mutex_lock! returns immediately. If the mutex is already
-locked by another thread, !pthread_mutex_lock! suspends the calling
-thread until the mutex is unlocked.
-If the mutex is already locked by the calling thread, the behavior of
-!pthread_mutex_lock! depends on the kind of the mutex. If the mutex is
-of the ``fast'' kind, the calling thread is suspended until the mutex
-is unlocked, thus effectively causing the calling thread to
-deadlock. If the mutex is of the ``error checking'' kind,
-!pthread_mutex_lock! returns immediately with the error code !EDEADLK!.
-If the mutex is of the ``recursive'' kind, !pthread_mutex_lock!
-succeeds and returns immediately, recording the number of times the
-calling thread has locked the mutex. An equal number of
-!pthread_mutex_unlock! operations must be performed before the mutex
-returns to the unlocked state.
-!pthread_mutex_trylock! behaves identically to !pthread_mutex_lock!,
-except that it does not block the calling thread if the mutex is
-already locked by another thread (or by the calling thread in the case
-of a ``fast'' mutex). Instead, !pthread_mutex_trylock! returns
-immediately with the error code !EBUSY!.
-!pthread_mutex_unlock! unlocks the given mutex. The mutex is assumed
-to be locked and owned by the calling thread on entrance to
-!pthread_mutex_unlock!. If the mutex is of the ``fast'' kind,
-!pthread_mutex_unlock! always returns it to the unlocked state. If it
-is of the ``recursive'' kind, it decrements the locking count of the
-mutex (number of !pthread_mutex_lock! operations performed on it by
-the calling thread), and only when this count reaches zero is the
-mutex actually unlocked.
-On ``error checking'' mutexes, !pthread_mutex_unlock! actually checks
-at run-time that the mutex is locked on entrance, and that it was
-locked by the same thread that is now calling !pthread_mutex_unlock!.
-If these conditions are not met, an error code is returned and the
-mutex remains unchanged.  ``Fast'' and ``recursive'' mutexes perform
-no such checks, thus allowing a locked mutex to be unlocked by a
-thread other than its owner. This is non-portable behavior and must
-not be relied upon.
-!pthread_mutex_destroy! destroys a mutex object, freeing the resources
-it might hold. The mutex must be unlocked on entrance. In the
-LinuxThreads implementation, no resources are associated with mutex
-objects, thus !pthread_mutex_destroy! actually does nothing except
-checking that the mutex is unlocked.
-None of the mutex functions is a cancellation point, not even
-!pthread_mutex_lock!, in spite of the fact that it can suspend a
-thread for arbitrary durations. This way, the status of mutexes at
-cancellation points is predictable, allowing cancellation handlers to
-unlock precisely those mutexes that need to be unlocked before the
-thread stops executing. Consequently, threads using deferred
-cancellation should never hold a mutex for extended periods of time.
-The mutex functions are not async-signal safe. What this means is that
-they should not be called from a signal handler. In particular,
-calling !pthread_mutex_lock! or !pthread_mutex_unlock! from a signal
-handler may deadlock the calling thread.
-!pthread_mutex_init! always returns 0. The other mutex functions
-return 0 on success and a non-zero error code on error.
-The !pthread_mutex_lock! function returns the following error code
-on error:
-the mutex has not been properly initialized.
-the mutex is already locked by the calling thread
-(``error checking'' mutexes only).
-The !pthread_mutex_trylock! function returns the following error codes
-on error:
-the mutex could not be acquired because it was currently locked.
-the mutex has not been properly initialized.
-The !pthread_mutex_unlock! function returns the following error code
-on error:
-the mutex has not been properly initialized.
-the calling thread does not own the mutex (``error checking'' mutexes only).
-The !pthread_mutex_destroy! function returns the following error code
-on error:
-the mutex is currently locked.
-Xavier Leroy <Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr>
-A shared global variable |x| can be protected by a mutex as follows:
-.ft 3
-int x;
-pthread_mutex_t mut = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
-All accesses and modifications to |x| should be bracketed by calls to
-!pthread_mutex_lock! and !pthread_mutex_unlock! as follows:
-.ft 3
-/* operate on x */
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_mutexattr_init.man b/linuxthreads/man/pthread_mutexattr_init.man
deleted file mode 100644
index b838948904..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_mutexattr_init.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-.XREF pthread_mutexattr_destroy
-.XREF pthread_mutexattr_settype
-.XREF pthread_mutexattr_gettype
-pthread_mutexattr_init, pthread_mutexattr_destroy, pthread_mutexattr_settype, pthread_mutexattr_gettype \- mutex creation attributes
-#include <pthread.h>
-int pthread_mutexattr_init(pthread_mutexattr_t *attr);
-int pthread_mutexattr_destroy(pthread_mutexattr_t *attr);
-int pthread_mutexattr_settype(pthread_mutexattr_t *attr, int kind);
-int pthread_mutexattr_gettype(const pthread_mutexattr_t *attr, int *kind);
-Mutex attributes can be specified at mutex creation time, by passing a
-mutex attribute object as second argument to !pthread_mutex_init!(3).
-Passing !NULL! is equivalent to passing a mutex attribute object with
-all attributes set to their default values.
-!pthread_mutexattr_init! initializes the mutex attribute object |attr|
-and fills it with default values for the attributes.
-!pthread_mutexattr_destroy! destroys a mutex attribute object, which
-must not be reused until it is reinitialized. !pthread_mutexattr_destroy!
-does nothing in the LinuxThreads implementation. 
-LinuxThreads supports only one mutex attribute: the mutex kind, which
-is either !PTHREAD_MUTEX_FAST_NP! for ``fast'' mutexes,
-!PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP! for ``recursive'' mutexes,
-or !PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK_NP! for ``error checking'' mutexes.
-As the !NP! suffix indicates, this is a non-portable extension to the
-POSIX standard and should not be employed in portable programs.
-The mutex kind determines what happens if a thread attempts to lock a
-mutex it already owns with !pthread_mutex_lock!(3). If the mutex is of
-the ``fast'' kind, !pthread_mutex_lock!(3) simply suspends the calling
-thread forever.  If the mutex is of the ``error checking'' kind,
-!pthread_mutex_lock!(3) returns immediately with the error code
-!EDEADLK!.  If the mutex is of the ``recursive'' kind, the call to
-!pthread_mutex_lock!(3) returns immediately with a success return
-code. The number of times the thread owning the mutex has locked it is
-recorded in the mutex. The owning thread must call
-!pthread_mutex_unlock!(3) the same number of times before the mutex
-returns to the unlocked state.
-The default mutex kind is ``fast'', that is, !PTHREAD_MUTEX_FAST_NP!.
-!pthread_mutexattr_settype! sets the mutex kind attribute in |attr|
-to the value specified by |kind|.
-!pthread_mutexattr_gettype! retrieves the current value of the
-mutex kind attribute in |attr| and stores it in the location pointed
-to by |kind|.
-!pthread_mutexattr_init!, !pthread_mutexattr_destroy! and
-!pthread_mutexattr_gettype! always return 0.
-!pthread_mutexattr_settype! returns 0 on success and a non-zero
-error code on error.
-On error, !pthread_mutexattr_settype! returns the following error code:
-Xavier Leroy <Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr>
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np.man b/linuxthreads/man/pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np.man
deleted file mode 100644
index e10f47d0e5..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-.XREF pthread_mutexattr_getkind_np
-pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np, pthread_mutexattr_getkind_np \- deprecated mutex creation attributes
-#include <pthread.h>
-int pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np(pthread_mutexattr_t *attr, int kind);
-int pthread_mutexattr_getkind_np(const pthread_mutexattr_t *attr, int *kind);
-These functions are deprecated, use !pthread_mutexattr_settype!(3)
-and !pthread_mutexattr_gettype!(3) instead.
-!pthread_mutexattr_getkind_np! always returns 0.
-!pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np! returns 0 on success and a non-zero
-error code on error.
-On error, !pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np! returns the following error code:
-Xavier Leroy <Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr>
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_once.man b/linuxthreads/man/pthread_once.man
deleted file mode 100644
index e9d117b656..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_once.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-.TH PTHREAD_ONCE 3 LinuxThreads
-pthread_once \- once-only initialization
-#include <pthread.h>
-pthread_once_t once_control = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
-int pthread_once(pthread_once_t *once_control, void (*init_routine) (void));
-The purpose of !pthread_once! is to ensure that a piece of
-initialization code is executed at most once. The |once_control|
-argument points to a static or extern variable statically initialized
-The first time !pthread_once! is called with a given |once_control|
-argument, it calls |init_routine| with no argument and changes the
-value of the |once_control| variable to record that initialization has
-been performed. Subsequent calls to !pthread_once! with the same
-!once_control! argument do nothing. 
-!pthread_once! always returns 0.
-Xavier Leroy <Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr>
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_self.man b/linuxthreads/man/pthread_self.man
deleted file mode 100644
index 3aa4a0021e..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_self.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-.TH PTHREAD_SELF 3 LinuxThreads
-pthread_self \- return identifier of current thread
-#include <pthread.h>
-pthread_t pthread_self(void);
-!pthread_self! return the thread identifier for the calling thread.
-Xavier Leroy <Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr>
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_setschedparam.man b/linuxthreads/man/pthread_setschedparam.man
deleted file mode 100644
index 3992927837..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_setschedparam.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-.XREF pthread_getschedparam
-pthread_setschedparam, pthread_getschedparam \- control thread scheduling parameters
-#include <pthread.h>
-int pthread_setschedparam(pthread_t target_thread, int policy, const struct sched_param *param);
-int pthread_getschedparam(pthread_t target_thread, int *policy, struct sched_param *param);
-!pthread_setschedparam! sets the scheduling parameters for the thread
-|target_thread| as indicated by |policy| and |param|. |policy| can be
-either !SCHED_OTHER! (regular, non-realtime scheduling), !SCHED_RR!
-(realtime, round-robin) or !SCHED_FIFO! (realtime, first-in
-first-out). |param| specifies the scheduling priority for the two
-realtime policies.  See !sched_setpolicy!(2) for more information on
-scheduling policies.
-The realtime scheduling policies !SCHED_RR! and !SCHED_FIFO! are
-available only to processes with superuser privileges.
-!pthread_getschedparam! retrieves the scheduling policy and scheduling
-parameters for the thread |target_thread| and store them in the
-locations pointed to by |policy| and |param|, respectively.
-!pthread_setschedparam! and !pthread_getschedparam! return 0 on
-success and a non-zero error code on error.
-On error, !pthread_setschedparam! returns the following error codes:
-|policy| is not one of !SCHED_OTHER!, !SCHED_RR!, !SCHED_FIFO!
-the priority value specified by |param| is not valid for the specified policy
-the calling process does not have superuser permissions
-the |target_thread| is invalid or has already terminated
-|param| points outside the process memory space
-On error, !pthread_getschedparam! returns the following error codes:
-the |target_thread| is invalid or has already terminated
-|policy| or |param| point outside the process memory space
-Xavier Leroy <Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr>
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_sigmask.man b/linuxthreads/man/pthread_sigmask.man
deleted file mode 100644
index 784161da2b..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/pthread_sigmask.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-.TH PTHREAD_SIGNAL 3 LinuxThreads
-.XREF pthread_kill
-.XREF sigwait
-pthread_sigmask, pthread_kill, sigwait \- handling of signals in threads
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-int pthread_sigmask(int how, const sigset_t *newmask, sigset_t *oldmask);
-int pthread_kill(pthread_t thread, int signo);
-int sigwait(const sigset_t *set, int *sig);
-!pthread_sigmask! changes the signal mask for the calling thread as
-described by the |how| and |newmask| arguments. If |oldmask| is not
-!NULL!, the previous signal mask is stored in the location pointed to
-by |oldmask|. 
-The meaning of the |how| and |newmask| arguments is the same as for
-!sigprocmask!(2). If |how| is !SIG_SETMASK!, the signal mask is set to
-|newmask|. If |how| is !SIG_BLOCK!, the signals specified to |newmask|
-are added to the current signal mask.  If |how| is !SIG_UNBLOCK!, the
-signals specified to |newmask| are removed from the current signal
-Recall that signal masks are set on a per-thread basis, but signal
-actions and signal handlers, as set with !sigaction!(2), are shared
-between all threads.
-!pthread_kill! send signal number |signo| to the thread
-|thread|. The signal is delivered and handled as described in
-!sigwait! suspends the calling thread until one of the signals
-in |set| is delivered to the calling thread. It then stores the number
-of the signal received in the location pointed to by |sig| and
-returns. The signals in |set| must be blocked and not ignored on
-entrance to !sigwait!. If the delivered signal has a signal handler
-function attached, that function is |not| called.
-!sigwait! is a cancellation point.
-On success, 0 is returned. On failure, a non-zero error code is returned.
-The !pthread_sigmask! function returns the following error codes
-on error:
-|how| is not one of !SIG_SETMASK!, !SIG_BLOCK!, or !SIG_UNBLOCK!
-|newmask| or |oldmask| point to invalid addresses
-The !pthread_kill! function returns the following error codes
-on error:
-|signo| is not a valid signal number
-the thread |thread| does not exist (e.g. it has already terminated)
-The !sigwait! function never returns an error.
-Xavier Leroy <Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr>
-For !sigwait! to work reliably, the signals being waited for must be
-blocked in all threads, not only in the calling thread, since
-otherwise the POSIX semantics for signal delivery do not guarantee
-that it's the thread doing the !sigwait! that will receive the signal.
-The best way to achieve this is block those signals before any threads
-are created, and never unblock them in the program other than by
-calling !sigwait!.
-Signal handling in LinuxThreads departs significantly from the POSIX
-standard. According to the standard, ``asynchronous'' (external)
-signals are addressed to the whole process (the collection of all
-threads), which then delivers them to one particular thread. The
-thread that actually receives the signal is any thread that does
-not currently block the signal.
-In LinuxThreads, each thread is actually a kernel process with its own
-PID, so external signals are always directed to one particular thread.
-If, for instance, another thread is blocked in !sigwait! on that
-signal, it will not be restarted.
-The LinuxThreads implementation of !sigwait! installs dummy signal
-handlers for the signals in |set| for the duration of the wait. Since
-signal handlers are shared between all threads, other threads must not
-attach their own signal handlers to these signals, or alternatively
-they should all block these signals (which is recommended anyway --
-see the Notes section).
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/sem_init.man b/linuxthreads/man/sem_init.man
deleted file mode 100644
index e3a1a63e36..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/sem_init.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-.TH SEMAPHORES 3 LinuxThreads
-.XREF sem_wait
-.XREF sem_trywait
-.XREF sem_post
-.XREF sem_getvalue
-.XREF sem_destroy
-sem_init, sem_wait, sem_trywait, sem_post, sem_getvalue, sem_destroy \- operations on semaphores
-#include <semaphore.h>
-int sem_init(sem_t *sem, int pshared, unsigned int value);
-int sem_wait(sem_t * sem);
-int sem_trywait(sem_t * sem);
-int sem_post(sem_t * sem);
-int sem_getvalue(sem_t * sem, int * sval);
-int sem_destroy(sem_t * sem);
-This manual page documents POSIX 1003.1b semaphores, not to be
-confused with SystemV semaphores as described in !ipc!(5), !semctl!(2)
-and !semop!(2).
-Semaphores are counters for resources shared between threads. The
-basic operations on semaphores are: increment the counter atomically,
-and wait until the counter is non-null and decrement it atomically.
-!sem_init! initializes the semaphore object pointed to by |sem|. The
-count associated with the semaphore is set initially to |value|. The
-|pshared| argument indicates whether the semaphore is local to the
-current process (|pshared| is zero) or is to be shared between several
-processes (|pshared| is not zero). LinuxThreads currently does not
-support process-shared semaphores, thus !sem_init! always returns with
-error !ENOSYS! if |pshared| is not zero.
-!sem_wait! suspends the calling thread until the semaphore pointed to
-by |sem| has non-zero count. It then atomically decreases the
-semaphore count.
-!sem_trywait! is a non-blocking variant of !sem_wait!. If the
-semaphore pointed to by |sem| has non-zero count, the count is
-atomically decreased and !sem_trywait! immediately returns 0.
-If the semaphore count is zero, !sem_trywait! immediately returns with
-error !EAGAIN!.
-!sem_post! atomically increases the count of the semaphore pointed to
-by |sem|. This function never blocks and can safely be used in
-asynchronous signal handlers.
-!sem_getvalue! stores in the location pointed to by |sval| the current
-count of the semaphore |sem|.
-!sem_destroy! destroys a semaphore object, freeing the resources it
-might hold. No threads should be waiting on the semaphore at the time
-!sem_destroy! is called. In the LinuxThreads implementation, no
-resources are associated with semaphore objects, thus !sem_destroy!
-actually does nothing except checking that no thread is waiting on the
-!sem_wait! is a cancellation point.
-On processors supporting atomic compare-and-swap (Intel 486, Pentium
-and later, Alpha, PowerPC, MIPS II, Motorola 68k), the !sem_post!
-function is async-signal safe and can therefore be
-called from signal handlers. This is the only thread synchronization
-function provided by POSIX threads that is async-signal safe.
-On the Intel 386 and the Sparc, the current LinuxThreads
-implementation of !sem_post! is not async-signal safe by lack of the
-required atomic operations.
-The !sem_wait! and !sem_getvalue! functions always return 0.
-All other semaphore functions return 0 on success and -1 on error, in
-addition to writing an error code in !errno!.
-The !sem_init! function sets !errno! to the following codes on error:
-|value| exceeds the maximal counter value !SEM_VALUE_MAX!
-|pshared| is not zero
-The !sem_trywait! function sets !errno! to the following error code on error:
-the semaphore count is currently 0
-The !sem_post! function sets !errno! to the following error code on error:
-after incrementation, the semaphore value would exceed !SEM_VALUE_MAX!
-(the semaphore count is left unchanged in this case)
-The !sem_destroy! function sets !errno! to the following error code on error:
-some threads are currently blocked waiting on the semaphore.
-Xavier Leroy <Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr>
diff --git a/linuxthreads/man/troffprepro b/linuxthreads/man/troffprepro
deleted file mode 100755
index ba564fefbe..0000000000
--- a/linuxthreads/man/troffprepro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-$insynopsis = 0;
-open(INPUT, $ARGV[0]) || die("cannot open $ARGV[0]");
-open(OUTPUT, "> $ARGV[1]") || die("cannot create $ARGV[1]");
-while(<INPUT>) {
-  if (/^\.XREF (.*)$/) {
-    $xref = $1;
-    $_ = $ARGV[1];
-    m/^.*\.(([1-8]).*)$/;
-    $suffix = $1;
-    $extension = $2;
-    open(XREF, "> $xref.$suffix");
-    print XREF ".so man$extension/$ARGV[1]\n";
-    close(XREF);
-    next line;
-  }
-  if (/^\.SH/) {
-    $insynopsis = /SYNOPSIS/;
-    print $_;
-    next;
-  }
-  if ($insynopsis) {
-    if (/^#/) {
-      print ".B ", $_;
-    }
-    elsif (/^[a-z]/) {    
-      chop;
-#      if (m/^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s+[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\(/) {
-#          print ".B \"", $1, "\"\n";
-#          $_ = '(' . $';
-#      }
-#      s/([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(\s*[,()=])/" \1 "\2/g;
-      s/([ *])([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(\s*[,)=])/\1" \2 "\3/g;
-      print ".BI \"", $_, "\"\n";
-    }
-    else {
-      print $_;
-    }
-    next;
-  }
-  chop;
-  s/!([^!]+)!\|([^|]+)\|([^\s]*)\s*/\n.BI "\1" "\2\3"\n/g;
-  s/([!|])([^!|]+)\1([^\s]*)\s*/do subst($1,$2,$3)/eg;
-  s/^\n+//;
-  s/\n+$//;
-  s/\n\n+/\n/g;
-  print $_, "\n";
-sub subst {
-  local ($a, $b, $c) = @_;
-  if ($c) {
-    "\n" . ($a eq "!" ? ".BR " : ".IR ") . "\"$b\" $c\n"
-  } else {
-    "\n" . ($a eq "!" ? ".B " : ".I ") . "\"$b\"\n"
-  }