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1 files changed, 173 insertions, 175 deletions
diff --git a/sysdeps/x86_64/fpu/multiarch/svml_s_exp2f8_core_avx2.S b/sysdeps/x86_64/fpu/multiarch/svml_s_exp2f8_core_avx2.S
index 7404f1926b..f7a80a4d64 100644
--- a/sysdeps/x86_64/fpu/multiarch/svml_s_exp2f8_core_avx2.S
+++ b/sysdeps/x86_64/fpu/multiarch/svml_s_exp2f8_core_avx2.S
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
  *   exp2(x)  = 2^n * T[j] * (1 + P(y))
  *   where
  *        x = m*(1/K) + y,    y in [-1/K..1/K]
- *        m = n*K + j,           m,n,j - signed integer, j in [-K/2..K/2]
+ *        m = n*K + j,           m, n,j - signed integer, j in [-K/2..K/2]
  *        values of 2^j/K are tabulated
@@ -43,203 +43,201 @@
 /* Offsets for data table __svml_sexp2_data_internal
-#define _sShifter                     	0
-#define _sPC0                         	32
-#define _sPC1                         	64
-#define _sPC2                         	96
-#define _sPC3                         	128
-#define _sPC4                         	160
-#define _sPC5                         	192
-#define _sPC6                         	224
-#define _iAbsMask                     	256
-#define _iDomainRange                 	288
+#define _sShifter			0
+#define _sPC0				32
+#define _sPC1				64
+#define _sPC2				96
+#define _sPC3				128
+#define _sPC4				160
+#define _sPC5				192
+#define _sPC6				224
+#define _iAbsMask			256
+#define _iDomainRange			288
 #include <sysdep.h>
-        .text
-	.section .text.avx2,"ax",@progbits
+	.section .text.avx2, "ax", @progbits
-        pushq     %rbp
-        cfi_def_cfa_offset(16)
-        movq      %rsp, %rbp
-        cfi_def_cfa(6, 16)
-        cfi_offset(6, -16)
-        andq      $-32, %rsp
-        subq      $96, %rsp
-        vmovups   __svml_sexp2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm1
-/* Check for overflow\underflow  */
-        vmovups   _sPC6+__svml_sexp2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm7
-/*  Implementation  */
-        vaddps    %ymm1, %ymm0, %ymm6
-        vsubps    %ymm1, %ymm6, %ymm4
-/*  2^N  */
-        vpslld    $23, %ymm6, %ymm8
-/*  R  */
-        vsubps    %ymm4, %ymm0, %ymm5
-/*  Polynomial  */
-        vfmadd213ps _sPC5+__svml_sexp2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm5, %ymm7
-        vfmadd213ps _sPC4+__svml_sexp2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm5, %ymm7
-        vfmadd213ps _sPC3+__svml_sexp2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm5, %ymm7
-        vfmadd213ps _sPC2+__svml_sexp2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm5, %ymm7
-        vfmadd213ps _sPC1+__svml_sexp2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm5, %ymm7
-        vfmadd213ps _sPC0+__svml_sexp2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm5, %ymm7
-/* Check for overflow\underflow  */
-        vandps    _iAbsMask+__svml_sexp2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm0, %ymm2
-        vpcmpgtd  _iDomainRange+__svml_sexp2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm2, %ymm3
-        vmovmskps %ymm3, %edx
-/*  Reconstruction  */
-        vpaddd    %ymm8, %ymm7, %ymm1
-        testl     %edx, %edx
-/* Go to special inputs processing branch */
-        jne       L(SPECIAL_VALUES_BRANCH)
-                                # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 edx ymm0 ymm1
-/* Restore registers
- * and exit the function
- */
+	pushq	%rbp
+	cfi_def_cfa_offset(16)
+	movq	%rsp, %rbp
+	cfi_def_cfa(6, 16)
+	cfi_offset(6, -16)
+	andq	$-32, %rsp
+	subq	$96, %rsp
+	vmovups	__svml_sexp2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm1
+	/* Check for overflow\underflow  */
+	vmovups	_sPC6+__svml_sexp2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm7
+	/*  Implementation  */
+	vaddps	%ymm1, %ymm0, %ymm6
+	vsubps	%ymm1, %ymm6, %ymm4
+	/*  2^N  */
+	vpslld	$23, %ymm6, %ymm8
+	/*  R  */
+	vsubps	%ymm4, %ymm0, %ymm5
+	/*  Polynomial  */
+	vfmadd213ps _sPC5+__svml_sexp2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm5, %ymm7
+	vfmadd213ps _sPC4+__svml_sexp2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm5, %ymm7
+	vfmadd213ps _sPC3+__svml_sexp2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm5, %ymm7
+	vfmadd213ps _sPC2+__svml_sexp2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm5, %ymm7
+	vfmadd213ps _sPC1+__svml_sexp2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm5, %ymm7
+	vfmadd213ps _sPC0+__svml_sexp2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm5, %ymm7
+	/* Check for overflow\underflow  */
+	vandps	_iAbsMask+__svml_sexp2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm0, %ymm2
+	vpcmpgtd _iDomainRange+__svml_sexp2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm2, %ymm3
+	vmovmskps %ymm3, %edx
+	/*  Reconstruction  */
+	vpaddd	%ymm8, %ymm7, %ymm1
+	testl	%edx, %edx
+	/* Go to special inputs processing branch */
+	# LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 edx ymm0 ymm1
+	/* Restore registers
+	 * and exit the function
+	 */
-        vmovaps   %ymm1, %ymm0
-        movq      %rbp, %rsp
-        popq      %rbp
-        cfi_def_cfa(7, 8)
-        cfi_restore(6)
-        ret
-        cfi_def_cfa(6, 16)
-        cfi_offset(6, -16)
-/* Branch to process
- * special inputs
- */
+	vmovaps	%ymm1, %ymm0
+	movq	%rbp, %rsp
+	popq	%rbp
+	cfi_def_cfa(7, 8)
+	cfi_restore(6)
+	ret
+	cfi_def_cfa(6, 16)
+	cfi_offset(6, -16)
+	/* Branch to process
+	 * special inputs
+	 */
-        vmovups   %ymm0, 32(%rsp)
-        vmovups   %ymm1, 64(%rsp)
-                                # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 edx ymm1
-        xorl      %eax, %eax
-                                # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 eax edx
-        vzeroupper
-        movq      %r12, 16(%rsp)
-        /*  DW_CFA_expression: r12 (r12) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -80; DW_OP_plus)  */
-        .cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0c, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xb0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
-        movl      %eax, %r12d
-        movq      %r13, 8(%rsp)
-        /*  DW_CFA_expression: r13 (r13) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -88; DW_OP_plus)  */
-        .cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xa8, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
-        movl      %edx, %r13d
-        movq      %r14, (%rsp)
-        /*  DW_CFA_expression: r14 (r14) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -96; DW_OP_plus)  */
-        .cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xa0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
-                                # LOE rbx r15 r12d r13d
-/* Range mask
- * bits check
- */
+	vmovups	%ymm0, 32(%rsp)
+	vmovups	%ymm1, 64(%rsp)
+	# LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 edx ymm1
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	# LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 eax edx
+	vzeroupper
+	movq	%r12, 16(%rsp)
+	/*  DW_CFA_expression: r12 (r12) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -80; DW_OP_plus)  */
+	.cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0c, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xb0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
+	movl	%eax, %r12d
+	movq	%r13, 8(%rsp)
+	/*  DW_CFA_expression: r13 (r13) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -88; DW_OP_plus)  */
+	.cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xa8, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
+	movl	%edx, %r13d
+	movq	%r14, (%rsp)
+	/*  DW_CFA_expression: r14 (r14) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -96; DW_OP_plus)  */
+	.cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xa0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
+	# LOE rbx r15 r12d r13d
+	/* Range mask
+	 * bits check
+	 */
-        btl       %r12d, %r13d
+	btl	%r12d, %r13d
-/* Call scalar math function */
-        jc        L(SCALAR_MATH_CALL)
-                                # LOE rbx r15 r12d r13d
+	/* Call scalar math function */
+	# LOE rbx r15 r12d r13d
-/* Special inputs
- * processing loop
- */
+	/* Special inputs
+	 * processing loop
+	 */
-        incl      %r12d
-        cmpl      $8, %r12d
-/* Check bits in range mask */
-        jl        L(RANGEMASK_CHECK)
-                                # LOE rbx r15 r12d r13d
-        movq      16(%rsp), %r12
-        cfi_restore(12)
-        movq      8(%rsp), %r13
-        cfi_restore(13)
-        movq      (%rsp), %r14
-        cfi_restore(14)
-        vmovups   64(%rsp), %ymm1
-/* Go to exit */
-        jmp       L(EXIT)
-        /*  DW_CFA_expression: r12 (r12) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -80; DW_OP_plus)  */
-        .cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0c, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xb0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
-        /*  DW_CFA_expression: r13 (r13) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -88; DW_OP_plus)  */
-        .cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xa8, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
-        /*  DW_CFA_expression: r14 (r14) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -96; DW_OP_plus)  */
-        .cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xa0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
-                                # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 ymm1
-/* Scalar math fucntion call
- * to process special input
- */
+	incl	%r12d
+	cmpl	$8, %r12d
+	/* Check bits in range mask */
+	# LOE rbx r15 r12d r13d
+	movq	16(%rsp), %r12
+	cfi_restore(12)
+	movq	8(%rsp), %r13
+	cfi_restore(13)
+	movq	(%rsp), %r14
+	cfi_restore(14)
+	vmovups	64(%rsp), %ymm1
+	/* Go to exit */
+	jmp	L(EXIT)
+	/*  DW_CFA_expression: r12 (r12) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -80; DW_OP_plus)  */
+	.cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0c, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xb0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
+	/*  DW_CFA_expression: r13 (r13) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -88; DW_OP_plus)  */
+	.cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xa8, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
+	/*  DW_CFA_expression: r14 (r14) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -96; DW_OP_plus)  */
+	.cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xa0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
+	# LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 ymm1
+	/* Scalar math fucntion call
+	 * to process special input
+	 */
-        movl      %r12d, %r14d
-        movss     32(%rsp,%r14,4), %xmm0
-        call      exp2f@PLT
-                                # LOE rbx r14 r15 r12d r13d xmm0
+	movl	%r12d, %r14d
+	movss	32(%rsp, %r14, 4), %xmm0
+	call	exp2f@PLT
+	# LOE rbx r14 r15 r12d r13d xmm0
-        movss     %xmm0, 64(%rsp,%r14,4)
+	movss	%xmm0, 64(%rsp, %r14, 4)
-/* Process special inputs in loop */
-        jmp       L(SPECIAL_VALUES_LOOP)
-                                # LOE rbx r15 r12d r13d
+	/* Process special inputs in loop */
+	# LOE rbx r15 r12d r13d
-        .section .rodata, "a"
-        .align 32
+	.section .rodata, "a"
+	.align	32
 #ifdef __svml_sexp2_data_internal_typedef
 typedef unsigned int VUINT32;
-typedef struct
-        __declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 _sShifter[8][1];
-        __declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 _sPC0[8][1];
-        __declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 _sPC1[8][1];
-        __declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 _sPC2[8][1];
-        __declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 _sPC3[8][1];
-        __declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 _sPC4[8][1];
-        __declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 _sPC5[8][1];
-        __declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 _sPC6[8][1];
-        __declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 _iAbsMask[8][1];
-        __declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 _iDomainRange[8][1];
+typedef struct {
+	__declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 _sShifter[8][1];
+	__declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 _sPC0[8][1];
+	__declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 _sPC1[8][1];
+	__declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 _sPC2[8][1];
+	__declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 _sPC3[8][1];
+	__declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 _sPC4[8][1];
+	__declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 _sPC5[8][1];
+	__declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 _sPC6[8][1];
+	__declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 _iAbsMask[8][1];
+	__declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 _iDomainRange[8][1];
 } __svml_sexp2_data_internal;
-        .long 0x4b400000, 0x4b400000, 0x4b400000, 0x4b400000, 0x4b400000, 0x4b400000, 0x4b400000, 0x4b400000   /* _sShifter */
-        .align 32
-        .long 0x3F800000, 0x3F800000, 0x3F800000, 0x3F800000, 0x3F800000, 0x3F800000, 0x3F800000, 0x3F800000   /* _sPC0  */
-        .align 32
-        .long 0x3f317218, 0x3f317218, 0x3f317218, 0x3f317218, 0x3f317218, 0x3f317218, 0x3f317218, 0x3f317218   /* _sPC1  */
-        .align 32
-        .long 0x3e75fdef, 0x3e75fdef, 0x3e75fdef, 0x3e75fdef, 0x3e75fdef, 0x3e75fdef, 0x3e75fdef, 0x3e75fdef   /* _sPC2  */
-        .align 32
-        .long 0x3d6357cf, 0x3d6357cf, 0x3d6357cf, 0x3d6357cf, 0x3d6357cf, 0x3d6357cf, 0x3d6357cf, 0x3d6357cf   /* _sPC3  */
-        .align 32
-        .long 0x3c1d962c, 0x3c1d962c, 0x3c1d962c, 0x3c1d962c, 0x3c1d962c, 0x3c1d962c, 0x3c1d962c, 0x3c1d962c   /* _sPC4  */
-        .align 32
-        .long 0x3aaf7a51, 0x3aaf7a51, 0x3aaf7a51, 0x3aaf7a51, 0x3aaf7a51, 0x3aaf7a51, 0x3aaf7a51, 0x3aaf7a51   /* _sPC5  */
-        .align 32
-        .long 0x39213c8c, 0x39213c8c, 0x39213c8c, 0x39213c8c, 0x39213c8c, 0x39213c8c, 0x39213c8c, 0x39213c8c   /* _sPC6  */
-        //common
-        .align 32
-        .long 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff   /* _iAbsMask */
-        .align 32
-        .long 0x42fc0000, 0x42fc0000, 0x42fc0000, 0x42fc0000, 0x42fc0000, 0x42fc0000, 0x42fc0000, 0x42fc0000   /* _iDomainRange=126.0 */
-        .align 32
-        .type	__svml_sexp2_data_internal,@object
-        .size	__svml_sexp2_data_internal,.-__svml_sexp2_data_internal
+	.long	0x4b400000, 0x4b400000, 0x4b400000, 0x4b400000, 0x4b400000, 0x4b400000, 0x4b400000, 0x4b400000 /* _sShifter */
+	.align	32
+	.long	0x3F800000, 0x3F800000, 0x3F800000, 0x3F800000, 0x3F800000, 0x3F800000, 0x3F800000, 0x3F800000 /* _sPC0 */
+	.align	32
+	.long	0x3f317218, 0x3f317218, 0x3f317218, 0x3f317218, 0x3f317218, 0x3f317218, 0x3f317218, 0x3f317218 /* _sPC1 */
+	.align	32
+	.long	0x3e75fdef, 0x3e75fdef, 0x3e75fdef, 0x3e75fdef, 0x3e75fdef, 0x3e75fdef, 0x3e75fdef, 0x3e75fdef /* _sPC2 */
+	.align	32
+	.long	0x3d6357cf, 0x3d6357cf, 0x3d6357cf, 0x3d6357cf, 0x3d6357cf, 0x3d6357cf, 0x3d6357cf, 0x3d6357cf /* _sPC3 */
+	.align	32
+	.long	0x3c1d962c, 0x3c1d962c, 0x3c1d962c, 0x3c1d962c, 0x3c1d962c, 0x3c1d962c, 0x3c1d962c, 0x3c1d962c /* _sPC4 */
+	.align	32
+	.long	0x3aaf7a51, 0x3aaf7a51, 0x3aaf7a51, 0x3aaf7a51, 0x3aaf7a51, 0x3aaf7a51, 0x3aaf7a51, 0x3aaf7a51 /* _sPC5 */
+	.align	32
+	.long	0x39213c8c, 0x39213c8c, 0x39213c8c, 0x39213c8c, 0x39213c8c, 0x39213c8c, 0x39213c8c, 0x39213c8c /* _sPC6 */
+	//common
+	.align	32
+	.long	0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff /* _iAbsMask */
+	.align	32
+	.long	0x42fc0000, 0x42fc0000, 0x42fc0000, 0x42fc0000, 0x42fc0000, 0x42fc0000, 0x42fc0000, 0x42fc0000 /* _iDomainRange=126.0 */
+	.align	32
+	.type	__svml_sexp2_data_internal, @object
+	.size	__svml_sexp2_data_internal, .-__svml_sexp2_data_internal