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Welcome to the hrmpf rescue system, built on Void Linux. This project is based on void-mklive.
- xbps>=0.45
- GNU bash
Loads of console standard tools, with a focus on:
- system rescue
- maintainance
- diagnosis
- networking
- security
- ad-hoc setups
- tiny bits of entertainment if you have to wait for something
Missing software easily installable via XBPS.
Non-Linux extra images (only via ISOLINUX):
- memtest86+
- iPXE
- FreeDOS
- MHDD32 hard disk analysis
- Bare GRUB 2
ISO image can be burned on CD or written raw on USB stick.
Load to RAM option, also bootable as MEMDISK.
A plain Bash as default shell without annoying fancy configuration.
To build your own:
% make
% ./mkhrmpf.sh
% linux32 ./mkhrmpf.sh
Download pre-built images at https://github.com/chneukirchen/hrmpf/releases.