summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/bin/bacon
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/bacon')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/bacon b/bin/bacon
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..404ceb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/bacon
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# -*- ruby -*-
+require 'optparse'
+automatic = false
+opts ="", 24, '  ') { |opts|
+  opts.banner = "Usage: bacon [options] [files | -a] [-- untouched arguments]"
+  opts.separator ""
+  opts.separator "Ruby options:"
+  lineno = 1
+  opts.on("-e", "--eval LINE", "evaluate a LINE of code") { |line|
+    eval line, TOPLEVEL_BINDING, "-e", lineno
+    lineno += 1
+  }
+  opts.on("-d", "--debug", "set debugging flags (set $DEBUG to true)") {
+    $DEBUG = true
+  }
+  opts.on("-w", "--warn", "turn warnings on for your script") {
+    $-w = true
+  }
+  opts.on("-I", "--include PATH",
+          "specify $LOAD_PATH (may be used more than once)") { |path|
+    $LOAD_PATH.unshift(*path.split(":"))
+  }
+  opts.on("-r", "--require LIBRARY",
+          "require the library, before executing your script") { |library|
+    require library
+  }
+  opts.separator ""
+  opts.separator "bacon options:"
+  opts.on("-s", "--specdox", "do AgileDox-like output (default)") { }
+  opts.on("-q", "--quiet",   "do Test::Unit-like non-verbose output") {
+    # TODO
+  }
+  opts.on("-a", "--automatic", "gather tests from ./test/, include ./lib/") {
+    $LOAD_PATH.unshift "lib"  if "lib"
+    automatic = true
+  }
+  opts.on('-n', '--name NAME', String,
+          "runs tests matching regexp NAME") { |n|
+    # TODO
+  }
+  opts.on('-t', '--testcase TESTCASE', String,
+          "runs tests in TestCases matching regexp TESTCASE") { |t|
+    # TODO
+  }
+  opts.separator ""
+  opts.separator "Common options:"
+  opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do
+    puts opts
+    exit
+  end
+  opts.on_tail("--version", "Show version") do
+    require 'bacon'
+    puts "bacon #{Bacon::VERSION}"
+    exit
+  end
+  opts.parse! ARGV
+files = ARGV
+if automatic
+  files.concat Dir["test/test_*.rb"]
+  files.concat Dir["test/spec_*.rb"]
+  files.concat Dir["spec/spec_*.rb"]
+if files.empty?
+  puts opts.banner
+  exit 1
+require 'bacon'
+files.each { |file|
+  load file
+puts Bacon::ErrorLog
+puts Bacon.result_string
+p Bacon::Counter