# SSON - S-Expression Standard Object Notation a faithful embedding of JSON (RFC 8259) into a S-Expression syntax. To the extent possible under law, Leah Neukirchen has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ ## Syntax value = "#n" / "#t" / "#f" / "(" value* ")" / "#(" (string value)* ")" / json-number / string string = json-string / literal literal = [^0-9#;()" \t\r\n+-][^#;()" \t\r\n]* ";" starts a comment until end of line, it is treated as whitespace The grammar can be parsed with 1 byte lookahead. ## Example [{ "created_at": "Thu Jun 22 21:00:00 +0000 2017", "id": 877994604561387500, "id_str": "877994604561387520", "text": "Creating a Grocery List Manager Using Angular, Part 1: Add & Display Items https://t.co/xFox78juL1 #Angular", "truncated": false, "entities": { "hashtags": [{ "text": "Angular", "indices": [103, 111] }], "symbols": [], "user_mentions": [], "urls": [{ "url": "https://t.co/xFox78juL1", "expanded_url": "http://buff.ly/2sr60pf", "display_url": "buff.ly/2sr60pf", "indices": [79, 102] }] }, "source": "Buffer", "user": { "id": 772682964, "id_str": "772682964", "name": "SitePoint JavaScript", "screen_name": "SitePointJS", "location": "Melbourne, Australia", "description": "Keep up with JavaScript tutorials, tips, tricks and articles at SitePoint.", "url": "http://t.co/cCH13gqeUK", "entities": { "url": { "urls": [{ "url": "http://t.co/cCH13gqeUK", "expanded_url": "http://sitepoint.com/javascript", "display_url": "sitepoint.com/javascript", "indices": [0, 22] }] }, "description": { "urls": [] } }, "protected": false, "followers_count": 2145, "friends_count": 18, "listed_count": 328, "created_at": "Wed Aug 22 02:06:33 +0000 2012", "favourites_count": 57, "utc_offset": 43200, "time_zone": "Wellington" } }] (#(created_at "Thu Jun 22 21:00:00 +0000 2017" id 877994604561387500 id_str "877994604561387520" text "Creating a Grocery List Manager Using Angular, Part 1: Add & Display Items https://t.co/xFox78juL1 #Angular" truncated #f entities #(hashtags (#(text Angular indices (103 111))) symbols () user_mentions () urls (#(url https://t.co/xFox78juL1 expanded_url http://buff.ly/2sr60pf display_url buff.ly/2sr60pf indices (79 102)))) source "Buffer" user #(id 772682964 id_str "772682964" name "SitePoint JavaScript" screen_name SitePointJS location "Melbourne, Australia" description "Keep up with JavaScript tutorials, tips, tricks and articles at SitePoint." url http://t.co/cCH13gqeUK entities #(url #(urls (#(url http://t.co/cCH13gqeUK expanded_url http://sitepoint.com/javascript display_url sitepoint.com/javascript indices (0 22)))) description #(urls ())) protected #f followers_count 2145 friends_count 18 listed_count 328 created_at "Wed Aug 22 02:06:33 +0000 2012" favourites_count 57 utc_offset 43200 time_zone Wellington)))