# redo-c redo-c is an implementation of the redo build system (designed by Daniel J. Bernstein) in portable C with zero external dependencies. ## Documentation Please refer to the documentation for [redo in Python](https://github.com/apenwarr/redo/blob/master/README.md), or the [tutorial by Jonathan de Boyne Pollard](http://jdebp.eu/FGA/introduction-to-redo.html) for usage instructions. ## Notes about the redo-c implementation of redo * Without arguments, `redo` behaves like `redo all`. * `.do` files always are executed in their directory, arguments are relative paths. * Standard output of `.do` files is only captured as build product if `redo -s` is used, or the environment variable `REDO_STDOUT` is set to 1. Else, standard output is simply displayed. * Non-executable `.do` files are run with `/bin/sh -e`. `redo -x` can be utilized to use `/bin/sh -e -x` instead, for debugging `.do` files or verbose builds. * Executable `.do` files are simply executed, and should have a shebang line. * When a target makes no output, no target file is created. The target is considered always out of date. * `default.do` files are checked in all parent directories up to `/`. * Parallel builds can be started with `redo -j N` (or `JOBS=N redo`), this uses a job broker similar to but not compatible with GNU make. * To detect whether a file has changed, we first compare `ctime` and in case it differs, a SHA2 hash of the contents. * Dependencies are tracked in `.dep.BASENAME` files all over the tree. This is an implementation detail. * Builds can be started from every directory and should yield same results. * `redo -f` will consider all targets outdated and force a rebuild. * `redo -k` will keep going if a target failed to build. ## Copying To the extent possible under law, Leah Neukirchen has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/