#!/bin/sh # tq CMD... - tmux/screen wrapper for nq to display output in new window set -e s=$(nq "$@") p=${s##*.} printf '%s\n' "$s" if [ -n "$p" ]; then if [ -n "$TMUX" ]; then tmux new-window -a -d -n '<' -c '#{pane_current_path}' \ "trap true INT QUIT TERM EXIT; fq $s || kill $p; printf '[%d exited, ^D to exit.]\n' $p; cat >/dev/null" elif [ -n "$STY" ]; then screen -t '<' sh -c "trap true INT QUIT TERM EXIT; fq $s || kill $p printf '[%d exited, ^D to exit.]\n' $p; cat >/dev/null" screen -X other fi fi