$ VERIFY = F$Verify (0) $! $! ADD_LIST.COM command procedure $! Usage: $! ADD_LIST library file_spec [logical_name_table] $! $! Last Modified: 18-JAN-1991 Rick Dyson $! $! Escape routes $ On Control_Y Then GoTo FINISH $ On Error Then GoTo FINISH $ On Warning Then GoTo FINISH $ On Severe Then GoTo FINISH $! $! We're out'a here if the calling parameter is null $ P2 = F$Edit (P2, "TRIM, UPCASE") $ If P2 .eqs. "" Then GoTo FINISH $! $! Check logical name table argument and default if necessary. $! $ TABLE = F$Edit (P3, "UNCOMMENT, UPCASE, TRIM") $ If (TABLE .eqs. "PROCESS") $ Then $ Else If (TABLE .eqs. "GROUP") $ Then $ Else If (TABLE .eqs. "JOB") $ Then $ Else If (TABLE .eqs. "SYSTEM") $ Then $ Else $ TABLE = "Process" $ EndIf $ EndIf $ EndIf $ EndIf $! $! Check the first value in the library list $ LIB = P1 $ X = F$TrnLnm (LIB, "LNM$''TABLE'") $ If X .eqs. "" Then GoTo INSERT $ If X .eqs. P2 Then GoTo FINISH $! $! Find the first free logical to assign the library file to $ BASE = P1 + "_" $ N = 1 $NEXTLIB: $ LIB := 'BASE''N' $ X = F$TrnLnm (LIB, "LNM$''TABLE'") $ If X .eqs. "" Then GoTo INSERT $ If X .eqs. P2 Then GoTo FINISH $ N = N + 1 $ GoTo NEXTLIB $! $! Add the library file to the library file list $INSERT: $ Define /'TABLE' 'LIB' 'P2' $FINISH: $ VERIFY = F$Verify (VERIFY) $ Exit