#! /bin/bash # This script tests: pamtotga tgatoppm # Also requires: ppmtopgm pgmtopbm alias pamtotga="${PBM_TESTPREFIX}pamtotga" alias tgatoppm="${PBM_TESTPREFIX}tgatoppm" alias pgmtopbm="${PBM_BINPREFIX}pgmtopbm" alias ppmtopgm="${PBM_BINPREFIX}ppmtopgm" shopt -s expand_aliases #Test 1: Should print 2425386270 41, cksum of testgrid.pbm pamtotga -mono testgrid.pbm | \ tgatoppm | ppmtopgm | \ pgmtopbm -threshold -val 0.5 | cksum #Test 2: Should print 2871603838 33838, cksum of testimg.pgm ppmtopgm testimg.ppm > ${tmpdir}/testimg.pgm pamtotga -cmap ${tmpdir}/testimg.pgm | \ tgatoppm | ppmtopgm | cksum rm ${tmpdir}/testimg.pgm #Test 3: Should print 1926073387 101484, cksum of testimg.ppm pamtotga -rgb testimg.ppm | tgatoppm | cksum