#! /bin/bash # This script tests: ppmcie # Also requires: pamsumm pamsharpness alias ppmcie="${PBM_TESTPREFIX}ppmcie" alias pamsharpness="${PBM_BINPREFIX}pamsharpness" alias pamsumm="${PBM_BINPREFIX}pamsumm" shopt -s expand_aliases # Test 1. Should print 955840041 786447 # Without -nolabel -noaxes -nowpoint -noblack older versions of # Netpbm produce slightly different charts. # Output from "ppmcie | cksum" : # v. 10.35.86: 288356530 786447 # v. 10.59.2 : 2292601420 786447 ppmcie -nolabel -noaxes -nowpoint -noblack \ > ${tmpdir}/ppmcie.ppm # There is a slight difference in the output depending on whether ppmcie # is compiled with SSE features are turned on or off. # Note that Gcc turns on SSE,SSE2 on by default for x86-64. # Output from "cksum ppmcie.ppm": # v. 10.59.2 # x86 32 bit: 955840041 786447 # x86 64 bit: 4208660683 786447 # Test 1. Measure mean value # v. 10.59.2 # x86 32 bit: 38.660173 # x86 64 bit: 38.681432 pamsumm --mean --brief ${tmpdir}/ppmcie.ppm | \ awk '{ if(38.65 < $1 && $1 <38.69) print "ok"; else print $1}' # Test 2. Measure image sharpness # v. 10.59.2 # x86 32 bit: 0.002476 # x86 64 bit: 0.002478 pamsharpness ${tmpdir}/ppmcie.ppm 2>&1 | \ awk 'NF==3 && $1=="Sharpness" \ {if (0.002475 < $3 && $3 < 0.002479) print "ok"; else print $3} NF>0 && NF!=3 {print "error"}' rm ${tmpdir}/ppmcie.ppm