#! /bin/bash # This script tests: pbmnoise # Also requires: pgmhist # Expected value and variance of binominal distribution: # Pb: probability of getting a black pixel (=ratio) # Pw: probability of getting a white pixel (= 1 - Pb = 1 - ratio) # # E(width, height, Pb, Pw) = width * height * Pb # V(width, height, Pb, Pw) = width * height * Pb * Pw # # When width * height is large and Pb is not too near edges # approximate with normal distribution echo "Test 1. Should print OK 1, then OK 2 three times" args1="-endian=big -randomseed=1" ( pbmnoise ${args1} 320 200 | pgmhist pbmnoise -ratio=1/2 ${args1} 160 400 | pgmhist pbmnoise -ratio=2/4 ${args1} 64000 1 | pgmhist pbmnoise -pack ${args1} 10 6400 | pgmhist ) | \ awk 'BEGIN { pixels=64000; Pb=Pw=0.5; average=pixels*Pb; sd=sqrt(pixels*Pb*Pw); # standard deviation sl=1.96 # significance level limit1 = average - sd * sl; limit2 = average + sd * sl count=-1 # initial value } $1!=0 { next } { v=1 } # initial value limit1 < $2 && $2 < limit2 { v=0 } v==0 {print "OK", (count==prev)+1} v==1 {print "NG" $0} {prev=count}' echo "Test 2. Should print OK 1, then OK 2 three times" args2="-endian=big -randomseed=2" ( pbmnoise -ratio=11/32 ${args1} 32 119 | pgmhist pbmnoise -ratio=11/32 ${args1} 224 17 | pgmhist pbmnoise -ratio=22/64 ${args1} 3808 1 | pgmhist pbmnoise -ratio=44/128 -pack ${args1} 1904 2 | pgmhist ) | \ awk 'BEGIN {pixels=32*119; Pb=11/32; Pw=1-Pb; average=pixels*Pb; sd=sqrt(pixels*Pb*Pw); # standard deviation sl=1.96 # significance level limit1 = average - sd * sl; limit2 = average + sd * sl count=-1 # initial value } $1!=0 { next } { v=1 } # initial value limit1 < $2 && $2 < limit2 { v=0 } v==0 {print "OK", (count==prev)+1} v==1 {print "NG" $0} {prev=count}' echo "Test 3-black. Should print 255 384 100% 100% four times" pbmnoise -ratio=0/1 -randomseed=1 128 3 | pgmhist | \ awk '$1==0 || $1==255' pbmnoise -ratio=0/1024 -randomseed=1 64 6 | pgmhist | \ awk '$1==0 || $1==255' pbmnoise -ratio=0/8192 -randomseed=1 32 12 | pgmhist | \ awk '$1==0 || $1==255' pbmnoise -ratio=0/65536 -randomseed=1 -pack 1 384 | pgmhist | \ awk '$1==0 || $1==255' echo "Test 3-white. Should print 0 320 100% 100% three times" pbmnoise -ratio=1/1 -randomseed=1 64 5 | pgmhist | \ awk '$1==0 || $1==255' pbmnoise -ratio=8/8 -randomseed=1 32 10 | pgmhist | \ awk '$1==0 || $1==255' pbmnoise -ratio=65536/65536 -randomseed=1 -pack 2 160 | pgmhist | \ awk '$1==0 || $1==255'