#! /bin/sh # This script tests: pamchannel # Also requires: pamtopam pamtopnm # Extract planes one by one. # Convert output to pgm to make it identical to ppmtorgb3 output. # $ ppmtorgb3 testimg.ppm ; cksum testimg.{red,grn,blu} # # 1571496937 33838 testimg.red # 394856971 33838 testimg.grn # 3164158573 33838 testimg.blu echo "Test 1:red-channel Should produce 1571496937 33838" pamchannel -infile testimg.ppm 0 | \ pamtopnm --assume | cksum echo "Test 2:green-channel Should produce 394856971 33838" pamchannel -infile testimg.ppm -tupletype="GRAYSCALE" 1 | \ pamtopnm | cksum echo "Test 3:blue-channel Should produce 3164158573 33838" pamchannel -infile testimg.ppm 2 | \ pamtopnm --assume | cksum echo "Test 4:single-channel Should produce 281226646 481" pamchannel -infile maze.pbm 0 | \ pamtopnm --assume | cksum # Test invalid: specified channel does not exist echo 1>&2 echo "Invalid command-line argument combinations." 1>&2 echo "Error messages should appear below the line." 1>&2 echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" 1>&2 tmpdir=${tmpdir:-/tmp} test_out=${tmpdir}/test_out echo "Test Invalid" pamchannel -infile testgrid.pbm 1 > ${test_out} || \ echo -n "Expected failure 1" test -s ${test_out}; echo " "$? rm -f ${test_out} pamchannel -infile testimg.ppm 3 > ${test_out} || \ echo -n "Expected failure 2" test -s ${test_out}; echo " "$? rm -f ${test_out} pamtopam testimg.ppm | pamchannel -infile=- 4 > ${test_out} || \ echo -n "Expected failure 3" test -s ${test_out}; echo " "$? rm -f ${test_out}