#! /bin/bash # This script tests: pnmcrop pnmmargin pnmpad # Also requires: # Test 1. Should produce 1926073387 101484, cksum of testimg.ppm pnmmargin -white 10 testimg.ppm | \ pnmcrop | cksum # Test 2. Should produce 1926073387 101484 pnmpad -white -left 10 -top 10 testimg.ppm | \ pnmpad -white -right 10 -bottom 10 | \ pnmcrop -right -bottom | pnmcrop -left -top | cksum # Test 3. Should produce 281226646 481, cksum of maze.pbm pnmmargin -white 10 maze.pbm | \ pnmcrop | cksum # Test 4. Should produce 281226646 481 pnmpad -white -left 10 -top 10 maze.pbm | \ pnmpad -white -right 10 -bottom 10 | \ pnmcrop -left -right | pnmcrop -top -bottom | cksum