#! /bin/bash # This script tests: pbmtolps pstopnm # Also requires: gs pamdepth pamscale pnmcrop pnmpsnr pamfile # The ordinary round-trip does not work because of the way ghostscript # renders: a line is considered wider than a single pixel and all pixels # it touches are set to black if the output is PBM. To work around this, # we tell pstopnm to output PGM at a high resolution (=large dpi value). tmpdir=${tmpdir:-/tmp} test_pgm=${tmpdir}/test.pgm echo "Test. Should print match" xysize=$(pamfile -size testgrid.pbm | awk '{print "-xsize="$1,"-ysize="$2}') pamdepth 255 testgrid.pbm > ${test_pgm} pbmtolps -dpi 72 testgrid.pbm | \ pstopnm -dpi $((72*12)) -stdout -pgm | \ pnmcrop -white | pamscale ${xysize} | \ pnmpsnr -target=30 - ${test_pgm} # ghostscript version 8.71: pnmpsnr lumina 33.14dB rm ${test_pgm}