
Updated: 15 April 1990
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ppmtopict - convert a PPM image to a Macintosh PICT file


ppmtopict [ppmfile]


This program is part of Netpbm.

ppmtopict reads a PPM image as input and produces a Macintosh PICT file as output.

The generated file is only the data fork of a picture. You will need a program such as mcvert to generate a Macbinary or a BinHex file that contains the necessary information to identify the file as a PICT file to MacOS.

Even though PICT can have 2 and 4 bits per pixel, ppmtopict always generates an 8 bits per pixel file.


The picture size field is correct only if the output is to a file since writing into this field requires seeking backwards on a file. However the PICT documentation seems to suggest that this field is not critical anyway since it is only the lower 16 bits of the picture size.


picttoppm, ppm, mcvert


Copyright (C) 1990 by Ken Yap <ken@cs.rocester.edu>.

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