
Updated: 30 July 2022


pnmcat - replaced by pamcat


This program is part of Netpbm.

pnmcat was obsoleted by pamcat, introduced with Netpbm 11.00 (September 2022). pamcat is almost backward compatible with pnmcat, plus adds many additional functions, including the ability to process PAM images.

These are the ways in which pamcat is not backward compatible with pnmcat:

For full backward compatibility, pnmcat remains in Netpbm, implemented as a simple wrapper of pamcat. For the fewest problems with future releases of Netpbm, you should not use pnmcat in any new work.

Using pnmcat in old Netpbm

In Netpbm before 11.00, use the manual for pamcat with pnmcat, observing the following differences: