
Updated: 18 August 2005
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pambayer - interpret Bayer patterns  


pambayer -type={1|2|3|4} [pamfile]  


This program is part of Netpbm.

pambayer reads a Bayer pattern in a 1-deep Netpbm image and produces a color image in PAM RGB format as output.

A Bayer pattern is what you get from the optical sensor in some digital cameras. Such a camera doesn't have a red, green, and blue sensor in the exact same place for an individual pixel. Instead, it has red, green, and blue sensors laid out in a two dimensional array. The pattern in which they are laid out is the Bayer pattern. The input to pambayer is one sample value for each of those sensors, so some samples are red, some are green, and some are blue.

The input image is a PNM image or PAM image of arbitrary tuple type. pambayer looks at only the first plane of the input.

The output image is a PAM image of tuple type "RGB", i.e. a standard color image. You can convert this to PPM with pamtopnm.

If you're interested in just one of the primary colors, use pamchannel on the output of pambayer to extract it.


Minimum unique abbreviation of option is acceptable. You may use double hyphens instead of single hyphen to denote options. You may use white space in place of the equals sign to separate an option name from its value.

This tells which Bayer pattern the input is:
GBG/RGR/GBG matrix
RGR/GBG/RGR matrix
BGB/GRG/BGB matrix
GRG/BGB/GRG matrix
This option is mandatory.


cameratopam pam


pambayer was new in Netpbm 10.30 (October 2005).


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