/****************************************************************************** pnmendian ******************************************************************************* Reverse the endianness of multi-byte samples in a Netpbm stream. I.e. convert between the true format and the little endian variation of it. ******************************************************************************/ #include "pam.h" static sample reverseSample(sample const insample, unsigned int const bytesPerSample) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return a sample whose value is the least significant 'bytes_per_sample' bytes, in reverse order. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int bytePos; sample shiftedInsample; sample outsample; shiftedInsample = insample; /* initial value */ outsample = 0; /* initial value */ for (bytePos = 0; bytePos < bytesPerSample; ++bytePos) { outsample = outsample * 256 + (shiftedInsample & 0xff); shiftedInsample >>= 8; } return outsample; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct pam inpam, outpam; tuple * intuplerow; tuple * outtuplerow; unsigned int row; pnm_init(&argc, argv); pnm_readpaminit(stdin, &inpam, PAM_STRUCT_SIZE(tuple_type)); outpam = inpam; outpam.file = stdout; pnm_writepaminit(&outpam); intuplerow = pnm_allocpamrow(&inpam); outtuplerow = pnm_allocpamrow(&outpam); for (row = 0; row < inpam.height; row++) { unsigned int col; pnm_readpamrow(&inpam, intuplerow); for (col = 0; col < inpam.width; col++) { unsigned int plane; for (plane = 0; plane < inpam.depth; plane++) outtuplerow[col][plane] = reverseSample(intuplerow[col][plane], inpam.bytes_per_sample); } pnm_writepamrow(&outpam, outtuplerow); } pnm_freepamrow(outtuplerow); pnm_freepamrow(intuplerow); exit(0); }