/*============================================================================= This file is the part of wordaccess.h for use under these conditions: * GCC (>=3.4), GLIBC * 64 bit Little-Endian machines (IA64, X86-64, AMD64) =============================================================================*/ /* 64 bit hton and ntoh do not exist. Here we use bswap_64. While bswap_64 works on 64 bit data, __builtin_clzl works on "long" which may or may not be 64 bits. Code provided to find the right data type and file off any extra when necessary. */ #include /* See note above on bswap_64 */ #include "pm.h" typedef uint64_t wordint; typedef unsigned char wordintBytes[sizeof(wordint)]; static __inline__ wordint bytesToWordint(wordintBytes bytes) { return ((wordint) bswap_64(*(wordint *)bytes)); } static __inline__ void wordintToBytes(wordintBytes * const bytesP, wordint const wordInt) { *(wordint *)bytesP = bswap_64(wordInt); } static __inline__ unsigned int wordintClz(wordint const x){ unsigned int s; if (x == 0) return sizeof(wordint) * 8; /* Find the data type closest to 64 bits, and file off any extra. */ else if ((s=sizeof(long int)) >= 8) return (__builtin_clzl((int)x << (s - 8) * 8)); else if ((s=sizeof(long long int)) >= 8) return (__builtin_clzll((long long int)x << (s - 8) * 8)); else pm_error("Long long int is less than 64 bits on this machine"); }