/* Pseudo-random number generator for Netpbm The interface provided herein should be flexible enough for anybody who wishes to use some other random number generator. --- If you desire to implement a different generator, or writing an original one, first take a look at the random number generator section of the GNU Scientific Library package (GSL). GNU Scientific Library https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/ GSL Random Number Generators https://wnww.gnu.org/software/gsl/doc/html/rng.html */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "netpbm/pm_c_util.h" #include "netpbm/mallocvar.h" #include "netpbm/pm.h" #include "netpbm/rand.h" /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Typical usage: #include "rand.h" ... myfunction( ... , unsigned int const seed , ... ) { struct randSt; ... pm_randinit(&randSt); pm_srand(&randSt, seed); // pm_srand2() is often more useful ... pm_rand(&randSt); ... pm_randterm(&randSt); } -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Design note ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Netpbm code contains multiple random number generators. Stock Netpbm always uses an internal pseudo-random number generator that implements the Mersenne Twister method and does not rely on any randomness facility of the operating system, but it is easy to compile an alternative version that uses others. The Mersenne Twister method was new to Netpbm in Netpbm 10.94 (March 2021). Before that, Netpbm used standard OS-provided facilities. Programs that use random numbers have existed in Netpbm since PBMPlus days. The system rand() function was used in instances randomness was required; exceptions were rare and all of them appear to be errors on the part of the original author. Although the rand() function is available in every system on which Netpbm runs, differences exist in the underlying algorithm, so that Netpbm programs produce different output on different systems even when the user specifies the same random number seed. This was not considered a problem in the early days. Deterministic operation was not a feature users requested and it was impossible regardless of the random number generation method on most programs because they did not allow a user to specify a seed for the generator. This state of affairs changed as Netpbm got firmly established as a base-level system package. Security became critical for many users. A crucial component of quality control is automated regression tests (="make check"). Unpredictable behavior gets in the way of testing. One by one programs were given the -randomseed (or -seed) option to ensure reproducible results. Often this was done as new tests cases were written. However, inconsistent output caused by system-level differences in rand() implementation remained a major obstacle. In 2020 the decision was made to replace all calls to rand() in the Netpbm source code with an internal random number generator. We decided to use the Mersenne Twister, which is concise, enjoys a fine reputation and is available under liberal conditions (see below.) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void pm_srand(struct pm_randSt * const randStP, unsigned int const seed) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initialize (or "seed") the random number generation sequence with value 'seed'. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ pm_randinit(randStP); randStP->vtable.srand(randStP, seed); randStP->seed = seed; } void pm_srand2(struct pm_randSt * const randStP, bool const seedValid, unsigned int const seed) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seed the random number generator. If 'seedValid' is true, use 'seed".. Otherwise, use pm_randseed(). For historical reasons pm_randseed() is defined in libpm.c rather than this source file. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ pm_srand(randStP, seedValid ? seed : pm_randseed() ); } unsigned long int pm_rand(struct pm_randSt * const randStP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- An integer random number in the interval [0, randStP->max]. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ return randStP->vtable.rand(randStP); } double pm_drand(struct pm_randSt * const randStP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A floating point random number in the interval [0, 1). Although the return value is declared as double, the actual value will have no more precision than a single call to pm_rand() provides. This is 32 bits for Mersenne Twister. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ return (double) pm_rand(randStP) / randStP->max; } void pm_gaussrand2(struct pm_randSt * const randStP, double * const r1P, double * const r2P) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generate two Gaussian (or normally) distributed random numbers *r1P and *r2P. Mean = 0, Standard deviation = 1. This is called the Box-Muller method. For details of this algorithm and other methods for producing Gaussian random numbers see: http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~wl/papers/07/csur07dt.pdf -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ double u1, u2; u1 = pm_drand(randStP); u2 = pm_drand(randStP); if (u1 < DBL_EPSILON) u1 = DBL_EPSILON; *r1P = sqrt(-2.0 * log(u1)) * cos(2.0 * M_PI * u2); *r2P = sqrt(-2.0 * log(u1)) * sin(2.0 * M_PI * u2); } double pm_gaussrand(struct pm_randSt * const randStP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Gaussian (or normally) distributed random number. Mean = 0, Standard deviation = 1. If a randStP->gaussCache has a value, return that value. Otherwise call pm_gaussrand2; return one generated value, remember the other. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ double retval; if (!randStP->gaussCacheValid) { pm_gaussrand2(randStP, &retval, &randStP->gaussCache); randStP->gaussCacheValid = true; } else { retval = randStP->gaussCache; randStP->gaussCacheValid = false; } return retval; } void pm_randinit(struct pm_randSt * const randStP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initialize the random number generator. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ switch (PM_RANDOM_NUMBER_GENERATOR) { case PM_RAND_SYS_RAND: randStP->vtable = pm_randsysrand_vtable; break; case PM_RAND_SYS_RANDOM: randStP->vtable = pm_randsysrandom_vtable; break; case PM_RAND_MERSENNETWISTER: randStP->vtable = pm_randmersenne_vtable; break; default: pm_error("INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid value of " "PM_RANDOM_NUMBER_GENERATOR (random number generator " "engine type): %u", PM_RANDOM_NUMBER_GENERATOR); } randStP->vtable.init(randStP); randStP->gaussCacheValid = false; } void pm_randterm(struct pm_randSt * const randStP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tear down the random number generator. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (randStP->stateP) free(randStP->stateP); }