/*============================================================================= matrix =============================================================================== Matrix math. =============================================================================*/ #include #include #include #include #include "pm_c_util.h" #include "mallocvar.h" #include "nstring.h" #include "matrix.h" static double const epsilon = 1e-10; static void swap(double * const aP, double * const bP) { double const oldA = *aP; *aP = *bP; *bP = oldA; } static void initializeWorkMatrices(unsigned int const n, double ** const aInit, const double * const cInit, double *** const aP, double ** const cP, const char ** const errorP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allocate memory for an n x n matrix, initialize it to the value of aInit[], and return it as *aP. Allocate memory for an n x 1 matrix, initialize it to the value of cInit[], and return it as *cP. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ double ** a; double * c; MALLOCARRAY2(a, n, n); if (a == NULL) pm_asprintf(errorP, "Could not get memory for a %u x %u matrix", n, n); else { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { unsigned int j; for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) a[i][j] = aInit[i][j]; } MALLOCARRAY(c, n); if (c == NULL) pm_asprintf(errorP, "Could not get memory for a %u x 1 matrix", n); else { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) c[i] = cInit[i]; *errorP = NULL; } if (*errorP) free(a); } *aP = a; *cP = c; } static void findLargestIthCoeff(unsigned int const n, double ** const a, unsigned int const i, unsigned int * const istarP, const char ** const errorP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Among the 'i'th and following rows in 'a' (which has 'n' total rows), find the one with the largest 'i'th column. And it had better be greater than zero; if not, we fail (return *errorP non-null). Return its index as *istarP. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ double maxSoFar; unsigned int maxIdx; unsigned int ii; for (ii = i, maxSoFar = 0.0; ii < n; ++ii) { double const thisA = fabs(a[ii][i]); if (thisA >= maxSoFar) { maxIdx = ii; maxSoFar = thisA; } } if (maxSoFar < epsilon) pm_asprintf(errorP, "Matrix equation has no unique solution. " "(debug: coeff %u %e < %e)", i, maxSoFar, epsilon); else { *istarP = maxIdx; *errorP = NULL; } } static void eliminateOneUnknown(unsigned int const i, unsigned int const n, double ** const a, double * const c, const char ** const errorP) { unsigned int maxRow; findLargestIthCoeff(n, a, i, &maxRow, errorP); if (!*errorP) { /* swap rows 'i' and 'maxRow' in 'a' and 'c', so that the ith row has the largest ith coefficient. */ unsigned int j; for (j = 0; j < n; j++) swap(&a[maxRow][j], &a[i][j]); swap(&c[maxRow], &c[i]); /* Combine rows so that the ith coefficient in every row below the ith is zero. */ { unsigned int ii; for (ii = i+1; ii < n; ++ii) { double const multiplier = a[ii][i] / a[i][i]; /* This is what we multiply the whole ith row by to make its ith coefficient equal to that in the iith row. */ unsigned int j; /* Combine ith row into iith row so that the ith coefficient in the iith is zero. */ c[ii] = c[ii] - multiplier * c[i]; for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) a[ii][j] = a[ii][j] - multiplier * a[i][j]; assert(a[ii][i] < epsilon); } } *errorP = NULL; } } void pm_solvelineareq(double ** const aArg, double * const x, double * const cArg, unsigned int const n, const char ** const errorP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solve the matrix equation 'a' * 'x' = 'c' for 'x'. 'n' is the dimension of the matrices. 'a' is 'n' x 'n', while 'x' and 'c' are 'n' x 1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* We use Gaussian reduction. */ double ** a; double * c; initializeWorkMatrices(n, aArg, cArg, &a, &c, errorP); if (!*errorP) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0, *errorP = NULL; i < n && !*errorP; ++i) eliminateOneUnknown(i, n, a, c, errorP); if (!*errorP) { /* a[] now has all zeros in the lower left triangle. */ /* Work from the bottom up to solve for the unknowns x[], from the a and c rows in question and all the x[] below it */ unsigned int k; for (k = 0; k < n; ++k) { unsigned int const m = n - k - 1; unsigned int j; double xwork; for (j = m+1, xwork = c[m]; j < n; ++j) xwork -= a[m][j] * x[j]; x[m] = xwork / a[m][m]; } } } pm_freearray2((void**)a); free(c); }