/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are declarations for use with the Portable Arbitrary Map (PAM) format and the Netpbm library functions specific to them. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef PAM_H #define PAM_H #include "pm.h" #include "pnm.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #if 0 } /* to fake out automatic code indenters */ #endif typedef unsigned long sample; /* Regardless of the capacity of "unsigned long", a sample is always less than 1 << 16. This is essential for some code to avoid arithmetic overflows. */ struct pam { /* This structure describes an open PAM image file. It consists entirely of information that belongs in the header of a PAM image and filesystem information. It does not contain any state information about the processing of that image. This is not considered to be an opaque object. The user of Netbpm libraries is free to access and set any of these fields whenever appropriate. The structure exists to make coding of function calls easy. */ /* 'size' and 'len' are necessary in order to provide forward and backward compatibility between library functions and calling programs as this structure grows. */ unsigned int size; /* The storage size of this entire structure, in bytes */ unsigned int len; /* The length, in bytes, of the information in this structure. The information starts in the first byte and is contiguous. This cannot be greater than 'size' Use PAM_STRUCT_SIZE() to compute or interpret a value for this. */ FILE * file; int format; /* The format code of the raw image. This is PAM_FORMAT unless the PAM image is really a view of a PBM, PGM, or PPM image. Then it's PBM_FORMAT, RPBM_FORMAT, etc. */ unsigned int plainformat; /* Logical: On output, use plain version of the format type indicated by 'format'. Otherwise, use the raw version. (i.e., on output, the plainness information in 'format' is irrelevant). Input functions set this to FALSE, for the convenience of programs that copy an input pam structure for use with output. Before Netpbm 10.32, this was rather different. It simply described for convenience the plainness of the format indicated by 'format'. */ int height; /* Height of image in rows */ int width; /* Width of image in number of columns (tuples per row) */ unsigned int depth; /* Depth of image (number of samples in each tuple). */ sample maxval; /* Maximum defined value for a sample */ unsigned int bytes_per_sample; /* Number of bytes used to represent each sample in the image file. Note that this is strictly a function of 'maxval'. It is in a a separate member for computational speed. */ char tuple_type[256]; /* The tuple type string from the image header. If the PAM image is really a view of a PBM, PGM, or PPM image, the value is PAM_PBM_TUPLETYPE, PAM_PGM_TUPLETYPE, or PAM_PPM_TUPLETYPE, respectively. */ unsigned int allocation_depth; /* The number of samples for which memory is allocated for any 'tuple' type associated with this PAM structure. This must be at least as great as 'depth'. Only the first 'depth' of the samples of a tuple are meaningful. The purpose of this is to make it possible for a program to change the type of a tuple to one with more or fewer planes. 0 means the allocation depth is the same as the image depth. */ const char ** comment_p; /* Pointer to a pointer to a NUL-terminated ASCII string of comments. When reading an image, this contains the comments from the image's PAM header; when writing, the image gets these as comments, right after the magic number line. The individual comments are delimited by newlines and are in the same order as in the PAM header. On output, NULL means no comments. On input, libnetpbm mallocs storage for the comments and places the pointer at *comment_p. Caller must free it. NULL means libnetpbm does not return comments and does not allocate any storage. */ }; #define PAM_HAVE_ALLOCATION_DEPTH 1 #define PAM_HAVE_COMMENT_P 1 /* PAM_STRUCT_SIZE(x) tells you how big a struct pam is up through the member named x. This is useful in conjunction with the 'len' value to determine which fields are present in the structure. */ #define PAM_MEMBER_OFFSET(mbrname) \ ((unsigned int)(char*)&((struct pam *)0)->mbrname) #define PAM_MEMBER_SIZE(mbrname) \ sizeof(((struct pam *)0)->mbrname) #define PAM_STRUCT_SIZE(mbrname) \ (PAM_MEMBER_OFFSET(mbrname) + PAM_MEMBER_SIZE(mbrname)) #define PAM_BLACK 0 #define PAM_BW_WHITE 1 #define PAM_PBM_TUPLETYPE "BLACKANDWHITE" #define PAM_PGM_TUPLETYPE "GRAYSCALE" #define PAM_PPM_TUPLETYPE "RGB" #define PAM_PBM_BLACK PAM_BLACK #define PAM_PBM_WHITE PAM_BW_WHITE /* These are values of samples in a PAM image that represents a black and white bitmap image. They are the values of black and white, respectively. For example, if you use pnm_readpamrow() to read a row from a PBM file, the black pixels get returned as PAM_PBM_BLACK. */ #define PAM_RED_PLANE 0 #define PAM_GRN_PLANE 1 #define PAM_BLU_PLANE 2 /* These are plane numbers for the 3 planes of a PAM image that represents an RGB image (tuple type is "RGB"). So if 'pixel' is a tuple returned by pnmreadpamrow(), then pixel[PAM_GRN_PLANE] is the value of the green sample in that pixel. */ #define PAM_TRN_PLANE 3 /* A PAM with "RGB_ALPHA" tuple type has this 4th plane for transparency. 0 = transparent, maxval = opaque. */ #define PAM_GRAY_TRN_PLANE 1 /* For a "GRAYSCALE" tuple type, this is the transparency plane */ typedef sample *tuple; /* A tuple in a PAM. This is an array such that tuple[i-1] is the ith sample (element) in the tuple. It's dimension is the depth of the image (see pam.depth above). */ #define PAM_OVERALL_MAXVAL 65535 /* Note: xv uses the same "P7" signature for its thumbnail images (it started using it years before PAM and unbeknownst to the designer of PAM). But these images are still easily distinguishable from PAMs */ #define PAM_MAGIC1 'P' #define PAM_MAGIC2 '7' #define PAM_FORMAT (PAM_MAGIC1 * 256 + PAM_MAGIC2) #define PAM_TYPE PAM_FORMAT /* Macro for turning a format number into a type number. */ #define PAM_FORMAT_TYPE(f) ((f) == PAM_FORMAT ? PAM_TYPE : PPM_FORMAT_TYPE(f)) struct pamtuples { struct pam * pamP; tuple *** tuplesP; }; typedef float * pnm_transformMap; /* This is an array of transform maps. transform[N] is the array that is the map for Plane N. Transform maps define a transformation between PAM sample value to normalized libnetpbm "samplen" value, i.e. what you get back from pnm_readpamrown() or pass to pnm_writepamrown(). Typically, it's a gamma transfer function generated by pnm_creategammatransform() or pnm_createungammatransform(). NULL for any transform means just plain normalization -- divide the PAM sample value by the maxval to get the samplen, multiply samplen by the maxval and round to get PAM sample value. NULL for map table, or 'transform' member not present (pam structure is too small to contain it) means ALL transforms are plain normalization. Each transform map is an array indexed by a PAM sample value, containing 'float' values. So it must have 'maxval' entries. The sample -> samplen tranformation is just the obvious table lookup. The samplen -> sample transformation is more complicated -- if the samplen value is between map[N] and map[N+1], then the sample value is N. And only transforms where map[N+1] > map[N] are allowed. */ /* Declarations of library functions. */ /* We don't have a specific PAM function for init and nextimage, because one can simply use pnm_init() and pnm_nextimage() from pnm.h. */ unsigned int pnm_bytespersample(sample const maxval); int pnm_tupleequal(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple const comparand, tuple const comparator); void pnm_assigntuple(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple const dest, tuple const source); static __inline__ sample pnm_scalesample(sample const source, sample const oldmaxval, sample const newmaxval) { if (oldmaxval == newmaxval) /* Fast path for common case */ return source; else return (source * newmaxval + (oldmaxval/2)) / oldmaxval; } void pnm_scaletuple(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple const dest, tuple const source, sample const newmaxval); void pnm_scaletuplerow(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple * const destRow, tuple * const sourceRow, sample const newMaxval); void pnm_maketuplergb(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple const tuple); void pnm_makerowrgb(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple * const tuplerow); void pnm_makearrayrgb(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple ** const tuples); void pnm_getopacity(const struct pam * const pamP, int * const haveOpacityP, unsigned int * const opacityPlaneP); void pnm_createBlackTuple(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple * const blackTupleP); void createBlackTuple(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple * const blackTupleP); tuple pnm_allocpamtuple(const struct pam * const pamP); #define pnm_freepamtuple(tuple) pm_freerow((char*) tuple) tuple * pnm_allocpamrow(const struct pam * const pamP); #define pnm_freepamrow(tuplerow) pm_freerow((char*) tuplerow) tuple ** pnm_allocpamarray(const struct pam * const pamP); void pnm_freepamarray(tuple ** const tuplearray, const struct pam * const pamP); void pnm_setminallocationdepth(struct pam * const pamP, unsigned int const allocationDepth); void pnm_setpamrow(const struct pam * const pam, tuple * const tuplerow, sample const value); unsigned char * pnm_allocrowimage(const struct pam * const pamP); void pnm_freerowimage(unsigned char * const rowimage); void pnm_readpaminit(FILE * const file, struct pam * const pamP, int const size); void pnm_readpamrow(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple* const tuplerow); tuple ** pnm_readpam(FILE * const file, struct pam * const pamP, int const size); void pnm_writepaminit(struct pam * const pamP); void pnm_formatpamrow(const struct pam * const pamP, const tuple * const tuplerow, unsigned char * const outbuf, unsigned int * const rowSizeP); void pnm_writepamrow(const struct pam * const pamP, const tuple * const tuplerow); void pnm_writepamrowmult(const struct pam * const pamP, const tuple * const tuplerow, unsigned int const rptcnt); void pnm_writepam(struct pam * const pamP, tuple ** const tuplearray); void pnm_checkpam(const struct pam * const pamP, enum pm_check_type const checkType, enum pm_check_code * const retvalP); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facilities for working with maxval-normalized samples. Such samples are floating point quantities in the range 0..1. This is just a working format; there is no Netpbm image format that has normalized samples. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef float samplen; typedef samplen *tuplen; /* Same as 'tuple', except using normalized samples. */ tuplen * pnm_allocpamrown(const struct pam * const pamP); #define pnm_freepamrown(tuplenrow) pm_freerow((char*) tuplenrow) tuplen * pnm_allocpamrown(const struct pam * const pamP); void pnm_readpamrown(const struct pam * const pamP, tuplen * const tuplenrow); void pnm_writepamrown(const struct pam * const pamP, const tuplen * const tuplenrow); tuplen ** pnm_allocpamarrayn(const struct pam * const pamP); void pnm_freepamarrayn(tuplen ** const tuplenarray, const struct pam * const pamP); tuplen** pnm_readpamn(FILE * const file, struct pam * const pamP, int const size); void pnm_writepamn(struct pam * const pamP, tuplen ** const tuplenarray); void pnm_normalizetuple(struct pam * const pamP, tuple const tuple, tuplen const tuplen); void pnm_unnormalizetuple(struct pam * const pamP, tuplen const tuplen, tuple const tuple); void pnm_normalizeRow(struct pam * const pamP, const tuple * const tuplerow, const pnm_transformMap * const transform, tuplen * const tuplenrow); void pnm_unnormalizeRow(struct pam * const pamP, const tuplen * const tuplenrow, const pnm_transformMap * const transform, tuple * const tuplerow); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facilities for working with visual images in particular -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void pnm_gammarown(struct pam * const pamP, tuplen * const row); void pnm_ungammarown(struct pam * const pamP, tuplen * const row); void pnm_applyopacityrown(struct pam * const pamP, tuplen * const tuplenrow); void pnm_unapplyopacityrown(struct pam * const pamP, tuplen * const tuplenrow); pnm_transformMap * pnm_creategammatransform(const struct pam * const pamP); void pnm_freegammatransform(const pnm_transformMap * const transform, const struct pam * const pamP); pnm_transformMap * pnm_createungammatransform(const struct pam * const pamP); #define pnm_freeungammatransform pnm_freegammatransform; tuple pnm_parsecolor(const char * const colorname, sample const maxval); extern double pnm_lumin_factor[3]; void pnm_YCbCrtuple(const tuple tuple, double * const YP, double * const CbP, double * const CrP); void pnm_YCbCr_to_rgbtuple(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple const tuple, double const Y, double const Cb, double const Cr, int * const overflowP); #define pnm_rgbtupleisgray(tuple) \ ((tuple)[PAM_RED_PLANE] == (tuple)[PAM_GRN_PLANE] && \ (tuple)[PAM_RED_PLANE] == (tuple)[PAM_BLU_PLANE]) /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are meant for passing to pm_system() as Standard Input feeder and Standard Output accepter. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void pm_feed_from_pamtuples(int const pipeToFeedFd, void * const feederParm); void pm_accept_to_pamtuples(int const pipeToSuckFd, void * const accepterParm); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif