/*============================================================================= pm_system =============================================================================== This is the library subroutine pm_system(). It is just like Standard C Library system(), except that you can supply routines for it to run to generate the Standard Input for the executed shell command and to accept the Standard Output from it. system(), by contrast, always sets up the current Standard Input and Standard Output as the Standard Input and Standard Output of the shell command. By Bryan Henderson, San Jose CA 2002.12.14. Contributed to the public domain. =============================================================================*/ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pm.h" #include "pm_system.h" #define STDIN 0 #define STDOUT 1 static void execProgram(const char * const shellCommand, int const inputPipeFd, int const outputPipeFd) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run the shell command 'shellCommand', supplying to the shell 'inputPipeFd' as its Standard Input and 'outputPipeFd' as its Standard Output. But leave Standard Input and Standard Output as we found them. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int stdinSaveFd, stdoutSaveFd; int rc; /* Make inputPipeFd Standard Input. Make outputPipeFd Standard Output. */ stdinSaveFd = dup(STDIN); stdoutSaveFd = dup(STDOUT); close(STDIN); close(STDOUT); dup2(inputPipeFd, STDIN); dup2(outputPipeFd, STDOUT); rc = execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", shellCommand, NULL); close(STDIN); close(STDOUT); dup2(stdinSaveFd, STDIN); dup2(stdoutSaveFd, STDOUT); close(stdinSaveFd); close(stdoutSaveFd); if (rc < 0) pm_error("Unable to exec the shell. Errno=%d (%s)", errno, strerror(errno)); else pm_error("INTERNAL ERROR. execl() returns, but does not fail."); } static void createPipeFeeder(void pipeFeederRtn(int, void *), void * const feederParm, int * const fdP, pid_t * const pidP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create a process and a pipe. Have the process run program 'pipeFeederRtn' to fill the pipe and return the file descriptor of the other end of the pipe as *fdP. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int pipeToFeed[2]; pid_t feederPid; pipe(pipeToFeed); feederPid = fork(); if (feederPid < 0) { pm_error("fork() of stdin feeder failed. errno=%d (%s)", errno, strerror(errno)); } else if (feederPid == 0) { /* This is the child -- the stdin feeder process */ close(pipeToFeed[0]); (*pipeFeederRtn)(pipeToFeed[1], feederParm); exit(0); } else { /* This is the parent */ close(pipeToFeed[1]); *fdP = pipeToFeed[0]; *pidP = feederPid; } } static void spawnProcessor(const char * const shellCommand, int const stdinFd, int * const stdoutFdP, pid_t * const pidP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create a process to run a shell that runs command 'shellCommand'. Pass file descriptor 'stdinFd' to the shell as Standard Input. Set up a pipe and pass it to the shell as Standard Output. Return as *stdoutFdP the file descriptor of the other end of that pipe, from which Caller can suck the shell's Standard Output. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int stdoutpipe[2]; pid_t processorpid; pipe(stdoutpipe); processorpid = fork(); if (processorpid < 0) { pm_error("fork() of processor process failed. errno=%d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); } else if (processorpid == 0) { /* The second child */ close(stdoutpipe[0]); execProgram(shellCommand, stdinFd, stdoutpipe[1]); close(stdinFd); close(stdoutpipe[1]); pm_error("INTERNAL ERROR: execProgram() returns."); } else { /* The parent */ close(stdoutpipe[1]); *stdoutFdP = stdoutpipe[0]; *pidP = processorpid; } } static void cleanupProcessorProcess(pid_t const processorPid) { int status; waitpid(processorPid, &status, 0); if (status != 0) pm_message("Shell process ended abnormally. " "completion code = %d", status); } static void cleanupFeederProcess(pid_t const feederPid) { int status; waitpid(feederPid, &status, 0); if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { if (WTERMSIG(status) == SIGPIPE) pm_message("WARNING: " "Standard Input feeder process was terminated by a " "SIGPIPE signal because the shell command closed its " "Standard Input before the Standard Input feeder was " "through feeding it."); else pm_message("WARNING: " "Standard Input feeder was terminated by a Signal %d.", WTERMSIG(status)); } else if (WIFEXITED(status)) { if (WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) pm_message("WARNING: " "Standard Input feeder process ended abnormally. " "exit status = %d", WEXITSTATUS(status)); } else pm_message("WARNING: " "Unrecognized process completion status from " "Standard Input feeder: %d", status); } void pm_system(void stdinFeeder(int, void *), void * const feederParm, void stdoutAccepter(int, void *), void * const accepterParm, const char * const shellCommand) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run a shell and have it run command 'shellCommand'. Feed its Standard Input with a pipe, which is fed by the routine 'stdinFeeder' with parameter 'feederParm'. Process its Standard Output with the routine 'stdoutAccepter' with parameter 'accepterParm'. But if 'stdinFeeder' is NULL, just feed the shell our own Standard Input. And if 'stdoutFeeder' is NULL, just send its Standard Output to our own Standard Output. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* If 'stdinFeeder' is non-NULL, we create a child process to run 'stdinFeeder' and create a pipe between from that process as the shell's Standard Input. If 'stdoutFeeder' is non-NULL, we create a child process to run the shell and create a pipe between the shell's Standard Output and this process, and then this process runs 'stdoutAccepter' to read the data from that pipe. But if 'stdoutFeeder' is NULL, we just run the shell in this process. So there can be 1, 2, or 3 processes involved depending on parameters. */ int shellStdinFd; pid_t feederPid; if (stdinFeeder) createPipeFeeder(stdinFeeder, feederParm, &shellStdinFd, &feederPid); else { shellStdinFd = STDIN; feederPid = 0; } if (stdoutAccepter) { int shellStdoutFd; pid_t processorPid; /* Make a child process to run the shell and pipe back to us its Standard Output */ spawnProcessor(shellCommand, shellStdinFd, &shellStdoutFd, &processorPid); /* The shell process has cloned our 'shellStdinFd'; we have no more use for our copy. */ close(shellStdinFd); /* Dispose of the stdout from that shell */ (*stdoutAccepter)(shellStdoutFd, accepterParm); close(shellStdoutFd); cleanupProcessorProcess(processorPid); } else { /* Run a child process for the shell that sends its Standard Output to our Standard Output */ int const stdinSaveFd = dup(STDIN); int rc; dup2(shellStdinFd, STDIN); rc = system(shellCommand); close(STDIN); dup2(stdinSaveFd, STDIN); if (rc < 0) pm_error("Unable to invoke the shell. Errno=%d (%s)", errno, strerror(errno)); else if (rc != 0) pm_message("WARNING: Shell process completion code = %d", rc); } if (feederPid) cleanupFeederProcess(feederPid); } void pm_feed_from_memory(int const pipeToFeedFd, void * const feederParm) { struct bufferDesc * const inputBufferP = feederParm; FILE * const outfile = fdopen(pipeToFeedFd, "w"); int bytesTransferred; /* The following signals (and normally kills) the process with SIGPIPE if the pipe does not take all 'size' bytes. */ bytesTransferred = fwrite(inputBufferP->buffer, 1, inputBufferP->size, outfile); if (inputBufferP->bytesTransferredP) *(inputBufferP->bytesTransferredP) = bytesTransferred; fclose(outfile); } void pm_accept_to_memory(int const pipetosuckFd, void * const accepterParm ) { struct bufferDesc * const outputBufferP = accepterParm; FILE * const infile = fdopen(pipetosuckFd, "r"); int bytesTransferred; bytesTransferred = fread(outputBufferP->buffer, 1, outputBufferP->size, infile); fclose(infile); if (outputBufferP->bytesTransferredP) *(outputBufferP->bytesTransferredP) = bytesTransferred; }