/* libpnm3.c - pnm utility library part 3 ** ** Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer. ** ** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its ** documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided ** that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that ** copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting ** documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or ** implied warranty. */ #include "pnm.h" #include "ppm.h" #include "pgm.h" #include "pbm.h" static xel mean4(int const format, xel const a, xel const b, xel const c, xel const d) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return cartesian mean of the 4 colors. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ xel retval; switch (PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format)) { case PPM_TYPE: PPM_ASSIGN( retval, (PPM_GETR(a) + PPM_GETR(b) + PPM_GETR(c) + PPM_GETR(d)) / 4, (PPM_GETG(a) + PPM_GETG(b) + PPM_GETG(c) + PPM_GETG(d)) / 4, (PPM_GETB(a) + PPM_GETB(b) + PPM_GETB(c) + PPM_GETB(d)) / 4); break; case PGM_TYPE: case PBM_TYPE: PNM_ASSIGN1( retval, (PNM_GET1(a) + PNM_GET1(b) + PNM_GET1(c) + PNM_GET1(d))/4); break; default: pm_error( "Invalid format passed to pnm_backgroundxel()"); } return retval; } xel pnm_backgroundxel(xel** const xels, int const cols, int const rows, xelval const maxval, int const format) { xel bgxel, ul, ur, ll, lr; /* Guess a good background value. */ ul = xels[0][0]; ur = xels[0][cols-1]; ll = xels[rows-1][0]; lr = xels[rows-1][cols-1]; /* We first recognize three corners equal. If not, we look for any two. If not, we just average all four. */ if (PNM_EQUAL(ul, ur) && PNM_EQUAL(ur, ll)) bgxel = ul; else if (PNM_EQUAL(ul, ur) && PNM_EQUAL(ur, lr)) bgxel = ul; else if (PNM_EQUAL(ul, ll) && PNM_EQUAL(ll, lr)) bgxel = ul; else if (PNM_EQUAL(ur, ll) && PNM_EQUAL(ll, lr)) bgxel = ur; else if (PNM_EQUAL(ul, ur)) bgxel = ul; else if (PNM_EQUAL(ul, ll)) bgxel = ul; else if (PNM_EQUAL(ul, lr)) bgxel = ul; else if (PNM_EQUAL(ur, ll)) bgxel = ur; else if (PNM_EQUAL(ur, lr)) bgxel = ur; else if (PNM_EQUAL(ll, lr)) bgxel = ll; else bgxel = mean4(format, ul, ur, ll, lr); return bgxel; } xel pnm_backgroundxelrow(xel * const xelrow, int const cols, xelval const maxval, int const format) { xel bgxel, l, r; /* Guess a good background value. */ l = xelrow[0]; r = xelrow[cols-1]; if (PNM_EQUAL(l, r)) /* Both corners are same color, so that's the background color, without any extra computation. */ bgxel = l; else { /* Corners are different, so use cartesian mean of them */ switch (PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format)) { case PPM_TYPE: PPM_ASSIGN(bgxel, (PPM_GETR(l) + PPM_GETR(r)) / 2, (PPM_GETG(l) + PPM_GETG(r)) / 2, (PPM_GETB(l) + PPM_GETB(r)) / 2 ); break; case PGM_TYPE: PNM_ASSIGN1(bgxel, (PNM_GET1(l) + PNM_GET1(r)) / 2); break; case PBM_TYPE: { unsigned int col, blackCnt; /* One black, one white. Gotta count. */ for (col = 0, blackCnt = 0; col < cols; ++col) { if (PNM_GET1(xelrow[col] ) == 0) ++blackCnt; } if (blackCnt >= cols / 2) PNM_ASSIGN1(bgxel, 0); else PNM_ASSIGN1(bgxel, maxval); break; } default: pm_error("Invalid format passed to pnm_backgroundxelrow()"); } } return bgxel; } xel pnm_whitexel(xelval const maxval, int const format) { xel retval; switch (PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format)) { case PPM_TYPE: PPM_ASSIGN(retval, maxval, maxval, maxval); break; case PGM_TYPE: case PBM_TYPE: PNM_ASSIGN1(retval, maxval); break; default: pm_error("Invalid format %d passed to pnm_whitexel()", format); } return retval; } xel pnm_blackxel(xelval const maxval, int const format) { xel retval; switch (PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format)) { case PPM_TYPE: PPM_ASSIGN(retval, 0, 0, 0); break; case PGM_TYPE: case PBM_TYPE: PNM_ASSIGN1(retval, 0); break; default: pm_error("Invalid format %d passed to pnm_blackxel()", format); } return retval; } void pnm_invertxel(xel* const xP, xelval const maxval, int const format) { switch (PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format)) { case PPM_TYPE: PPM_ASSIGN(*xP, maxval - PPM_GETR(*xP), maxval - PPM_GETG(*xP), maxval - PPM_GETB(*xP)); break; case PGM_TYPE: PNM_ASSIGN1(*xP, maxval - PNM_GET1(*xP)); break; case PBM_TYPE: PNM_ASSIGN1(*xP, (PNM_GET1(*xP) == 0) ? maxval : 0); break; default: pm_error("Invalid format passed to pnm_invertxel()"); } } void pnm_promoteformat( xel** xels, int cols, int rows, xelval maxval, int format, xelval newmaxval, int newformat ) { int row; for ( row = 0; row < rows; ++row ) pnm_promoteformatrow( xels[row], cols, maxval, format, newmaxval, newformat ); } void pnm_promoteformatrow( xel* xelrow, int cols, xelval maxval, int format, xelval newmaxval, int newformat ) { register int col; register xel* xP; if ( ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) == PPM_TYPE && ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(newformat) == PGM_TYPE || PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(newformat) == PBM_TYPE ) ) || ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) == PGM_TYPE && PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(newformat) == PBM_TYPE ) ) pm_error( "pnm_promoteformatrow: can't promote downwards!" ); /* Are we promoting to the same type? */ if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) == PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(newformat) ) { if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) == PBM_TYPE ) return; if ( newmaxval < maxval ) pm_error( "pnm_promoteformatrow: can't decrease maxval - try using pnmdepth" ); if ( newmaxval == maxval ) return; /* Increase maxval. */ switch ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) ) { case PGM_TYPE: for ( col = 0, xP = xelrow; col < cols; ++col, ++xP ) PNM_ASSIGN1( *xP, (int) PNM_GET1(*xP) * newmaxval / maxval ); break; case PPM_TYPE: for ( col = 0, xP = xelrow; col < cols; ++col, ++xP ) PPM_DEPTH( *xP, *xP, maxval, newmaxval ); break; default: pm_error( "Invalid old format passed to pnm_promoteformatrow()" ); } return; } /* We must be promoting to a higher type. */ switch ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) ) { case PBM_TYPE: switch ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(newformat) ) { case PGM_TYPE: for ( col = 0, xP = xelrow; col < cols; ++col, ++xP ) if ( PNM_GET1(*xP) == 0 ) PNM_ASSIGN1( *xP, 0 ); else PNM_ASSIGN1( *xP, newmaxval ); break; case PPM_TYPE: for ( col = 0, xP = xelrow; col < cols; ++col, ++xP ) if ( PNM_GET1(*xP) == 0 ) PPM_ASSIGN( *xP, 0, 0, 0 ); else PPM_ASSIGN( *xP, newmaxval, newmaxval, newmaxval ); break; default: pm_error( "Invalid new format passed to pnm_promoteformatrow()" ); } break; case PGM_TYPE: switch ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(newformat) ) { case PPM_TYPE: if ( newmaxval < maxval ) pm_error( "pnm_promoteformatrow: can't decrease maxval - try using pnmdepth" ); if ( newmaxval == maxval ) { for ( col = 0, xP = xelrow; col < cols; ++col, ++xP ) PPM_ASSIGN( *xP, PNM_GET1(*xP), PNM_GET1(*xP), PNM_GET1(*xP) ); } else { /* Increase maxval. */ for ( col = 0, xP = xelrow; col < cols; ++col, ++xP ) PPM_ASSIGN( *xP, (int) PNM_GET1(*xP) * newmaxval / maxval, (int) PNM_GET1(*xP) * newmaxval / maxval, (int) PNM_GET1(*xP) * newmaxval / maxval ); } break; default: pm_error( "Invalid new format passed to pnm_promoteformatrow()" ); } break; default: pm_error( "Invalid old format passed to pnm_promoteformatrow()" ); } } pixel pnm_xeltopixel(xel const inputxel, int const format) { pixel outputpixel; switch (PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format)) { case PPM_TYPE: PPM_ASSIGN(outputpixel, PPM_GETR(inputxel), PPM_GETG(inputxel), PPM_GETB(inputxel)); break; case PGM_TYPE: case PBM_TYPE: PPM_ASSIGN(outputpixel, PNM_GET1(inputxel), PNM_GET1(inputxel), PNM_GET1(inputxel)); break; default: pm_error("Invalid format code %d passed to pnm_xeltopixel()", format); } return outputpixel; } xel pnm_parsecolorxel(const char * const colorName, xelval const maxval, int const format) { pixel const bgColor = ppm_parsecolor(colorName, maxval); xel retval; switch(PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format)) { case PPM_TYPE: PNM_ASSIGN(retval, PPM_GETR(bgColor), PPM_GETG(bgColor), PPM_GETB(bgColor)); break; case PGM_TYPE: if (PPM_ISGRAY(bgColor)) PNM_ASSIGN1(retval, PPM_GETB(bgColor)); else pm_error("Non-gray color '%s' specified for a " "grayscale (PGM) image", colorName); break; case PBM_TYPE: if (PPM_EQUAL(bgColor, ppm_whitepixel(maxval))) PNM_ASSIGN1(retval, maxval); else if (PPM_EQUAL(bgColor, ppm_blackpixel())) PNM_ASSIGN1(retval, 0); else pm_error ("Color '%s', which is neither black nor white, " "specified for a black and white (PBM) image", colorName); break; default: pm_error("Invalid format code %d passed to pnm_parsecolorxel()", format); } return retval; }