/*********************************************************************/ /* ppmtv - make a 'look-alike ntsc' picture from a PPM file */ /* Frank Neumann, October 1993 */ /* V1.1 16.11.1993 */ /* */ /* version history: */ /* V1.0 12.10.1993 first version */ /* V1.1 16.11.1993 Rewritten to be NetPBM.programming conforming */ /*********************************************************************/ #include "ppm.h" /**************************/ /* start of main function */ /**************************/ int main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { FILE* ifp; int argn, rows, cols, format, i = 0, j = 0; pixel *srcrow, *destrow; pixel *pP = NULL, *pP2 = NULL; pixval maxval; double dimfactor; long longfactor; const char * const usage = "dimfactor [ppmfile]\n dimfactor: 0.0 = total blackness, 1.0 = original picture\n"; /* parse in 'default' parameters */ ppm_init(&argc, argv); argn = 1; /* parse in dim factor */ if (argn == argc) pm_usage(usage); if (sscanf(argv[argn], "%lf", &dimfactor) != 1) pm_usage(usage); if (dimfactor < 0.0 || dimfactor > 1.0) pm_error("dim factor must be in the range from 0.0 to 1.0 "); ++argn; /* parse in filename (if present, stdin otherwise) */ if (argn != argc) { ifp = pm_openr(argv[argn]); ++argn; } else ifp = stdin; if (argn != argc) pm_usage(usage); /* read first data from file */ ppm_readppminit(ifp, &cols, &rows, &maxval, &format); /* no error checking required here, ppmlib does it all for us */ srcrow = ppm_allocrow(cols); longfactor = (long)(dimfactor * 65536); /* allocate a row of pixel data for the new pixels */ destrow = ppm_allocrow(cols); ppm_writeppminit(stdout, cols, rows, maxval, 0); /** now do the ntsc'ing (actually very similar to ppmdim) **/ for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { ppm_readppmrow(ifp, srcrow, cols, maxval, format); pP = srcrow; pP2 = destrow; for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) { /* every alternating row is left in unchanged condition */ if (i & 1) { PPM_ASSIGN(*pP2, PPM_GETR(*pP), PPM_GETG(*pP), PPM_GETB(*pP)); } /* and the other lines are dimmed to the specified factor */ else { PPM_ASSIGN(*pP2, (PPM_GETR(*pP) * longfactor) >> 16, (PPM_GETG(*pP) * longfactor) >> 16, (PPM_GETB(*pP) * longfactor) >> 16); } pP++; pP2++; } /* write out one line of graphic data */ ppm_writeppmrow(stdout, destrow, cols, maxval, 0); } pm_close(ifp); ppm_freerow(srcrow); ppm_freerow(destrow); exit(0); }