/* pnmconvol.c - general MxN convolution on a Netpbm image ** ** Major rewriting by Mike Burns ** Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 by Mike Burns (burns@chem.psu.edu) ** ** Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer. ** ** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its ** documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided ** that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that ** copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting ** documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or ** implied warranty. */ /* A change history is at the bottom */ #include #include #include "pm_c_util.h" #include "mallocvar.h" #include "nstring.h" #include "token.h" #include "io.h" #include "shhopt.h" #include "pam.h" static void validateKernelDimensions(unsigned int const width, unsigned int const height) { if (height == 0) pm_error("Convolution matrix height is zero"); if (width == 0) pm_error("Convolution matrix width is zero"); if (height % 2 != 1) pm_error("The convolution matrix must have an odd number of rows. " "Yours has %u", height); if (width % 2 != 1) pm_error("The convolution matrix must have an odd number of columns. " "Yours has %u", width); } struct matrixOpt { unsigned int width; unsigned int height; float ** weight; }; struct cmdlineInfo { /* All the information the user supplied in the command line, in a form easy for the program to use. */ const char * inputFileName; /* '-' if stdin */ const char * pnmMatrixFileName; unsigned int nooffset; const char ** matrixfile; unsigned int matrixSpec; struct matrixOpt matrix; unsigned int normalize; }; static void countMatrixOptColumns(const char * const rowString, unsigned int * const colCtP) { const char * cursor; unsigned int colCt; for (cursor = &rowString[0], colCt = 0; *cursor; ) { const char * colString; const char * next; const char * error; pm_gettoken(cursor, ',', &colString, &next, &error); if (error) { pm_error("Unable to parse -matrix value row '%s'. %s", rowString, error); pm_strfree(error); } else { ++colCt; cursor = next; if (*cursor) { assert(*cursor == ','); ++cursor; /* advance over comma to next column */ } pm_strfree(colString); } } *colCtP = colCt; } static void getMatrixOptDimensions(const char * const matrixOptString, unsigned int * const widthP, unsigned int * const heightP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Given the value of a -matrix option, 'matrixOptString', return the height and width of the matrix it describes. If it's not valid enough to determine that (e.g. it has rows of different widths), abort. An example of 'matrixOptString': ".04,.15,.04;.15,.24,.15;.04,.15,.04" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int rowCt; const char * cursor; for (cursor = &matrixOptString[0], rowCt = 0; *cursor; ) { const char * rowString; const char * next; const char * error; pm_gettoken(cursor, ';', &rowString, &next, &error); if (error) { pm_error("Unable to parse -matrix value '%s'. %s", matrixOptString, error); pm_strfree(error); } else { unsigned int colCt; ++rowCt; countMatrixOptColumns(rowString, &colCt); if (rowCt == 1) *widthP = colCt; else { if (colCt != *widthP) pm_error("-matrix option value contains rows of different " "widths: %u and %u", *widthP, colCt); } pm_strfree(rowString); cursor = next; if (*cursor) { assert(*cursor == ';'); ++cursor; /* advance cursor over semicolon to next row */ } } } *heightP = rowCt; } static void parseMatrixRow(const char * const matrixOptRowString, unsigned int const width, float * const weight) { unsigned int col; const char * cursor; for (col = 0, cursor = &matrixOptRowString[0]; col < width; ++col) { const char * colString; const char * next; const char * error; pm_gettoken(cursor, ',', &colString, &next, &error); if (error) { pm_error("Failed parsing a row in the -matrix value. %s", error); pm_strfree(error); } else { if (colString[0] == '\0') pm_error("The Column %u element of the row '%s' in the " "-matrix value is a null string", col, matrixOptRowString); else { char * trailingJunk; weight[col] = strtod(colString, &trailingJunk); if (*trailingJunk != '\0') pm_error("The Column %u element of the row '%s' in the " "-matrix value is not a valid floating point " "number", col, matrixOptRowString); } pm_strfree(colString); cursor = next; if (*cursor) { assert(*cursor == ','); ++cursor; /* advance over comma to next column */ } } } } static void parseMatrixOptWithDimensions(const char * const matrixOptString, unsigned int const width, unsigned int const height, float ** const weight) { unsigned int row; const char * cursor; for (row = 0, cursor = &matrixOptString[0]; row < height; ++row) { const char * rowString; const char * next; const char * error; pm_gettoken(cursor, ';', &rowString, &next, &error); if (error) { pm_error("Failed parsing -matrix value. %s", error); pm_strfree(error); } else { parseMatrixRow(rowString, width, weight[row]); pm_strfree(rowString); cursor = next; if (*cursor) { assert(*cursor == ';'); ++cursor; /* advance over semicolon to next row */ } } } } static void parseMatrixOpt(const char * const matrixOptString, struct matrixOpt * const matrixOptP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- An example of 'matrixOptString': ".04,.15,.04;.15,.24,.15;.04,.15,.04" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int width, height; getMatrixOptDimensions(matrixOptString, &width, &height); validateKernelDimensions(width, height); matrixOptP->height = height; matrixOptP->width = width; { unsigned int row; MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(matrixOptP->weight, height); for (row = 0; row < height; ++row) MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(matrixOptP->weight[row], width); } parseMatrixOptWithDimensions(matrixOptString, width, height, matrixOptP->weight); } static void validateMatrixfileOpt(const char ** const matrixFileOpt) { if (matrixFileOpt[0] == NULL) pm_error("You specified an empty string as the value of " "-matrixfile. You must specify at least one file name"); } static void parseCommandLine(int argc, char ** argv, struct cmdlineInfo * const cmdlineP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- parse program command line described in Unix standard form by argc and argv. Return the information in the options as *cmdlineP. If command line is internally inconsistent (invalid options, etc.), issue error message to stderr and abort program. Note that the strings we return are stored in the storage that was passed to us as the argv array. We also trash *argv. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ optEntry *option_def; /* Instructions to pm_optParseOptions3 on how to parse our options. */ optStruct3 opt; unsigned int option_def_index; unsigned int matrixfileSpec; const char * matrixOpt; MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(option_def, 100); option_def_index = 0; /* incremented by OPTENT3 */ OPTENT3(0, "matrix", OPT_STRING, &matrixOpt, &cmdlineP->matrixSpec, 0) OPTENT3(0, "matrixfile", OPT_STRINGLIST, &cmdlineP->matrixfile, &matrixfileSpec, 0) OPTENT3(0, "nooffset", OPT_FLAG, NULL, &cmdlineP->nooffset, 0); OPTENT3(0, "normalize", OPT_FLAG, NULL, &cmdlineP->normalize, 0); opt.opt_table = option_def; opt.short_allowed = FALSE; /* We have no short (old-fashioned) options */ opt.allowNegNum = FALSE; /* We have no parms that are negative numbers */ pm_optParseOptions3( &argc, argv, opt, sizeof(opt), 0); /* Uses and sets argc, argv, and some of *cmdlineP and others. */ if (matrixfileSpec && cmdlineP->matrixSpec) pm_error("You can't specify by -matrix and -matrixfile"); if (cmdlineP->matrixSpec) parseMatrixOpt(matrixOpt, &cmdlineP->matrix); if (matrixfileSpec) validateMatrixfileOpt(cmdlineP->matrixfile); else cmdlineP->matrixfile = NULL; if (matrixfileSpec || cmdlineP->matrixSpec) { if (cmdlineP->nooffset) pm_error("-nooffset is meaningless and not allowed with " "-matrix or -matrixfile"); cmdlineP->pnmMatrixFileName = NULL; if (argc-1 >= 1) cmdlineP->inputFileName = argv[1]; else cmdlineP->inputFileName = "-"; if (argc-1 > 1) pm_error("Too many arguments. When you specify -matrix " "or -matrixfile, the only allowable non-option " "argument is the input file name"); } else { /* It's an old style invocation we accept for backward compatibility */ if (argc-1 < 1) pm_error("You must specify either -matrix or -matrixfile " "at least one argument which names an old-style PGM " "convolution matrix file."); else { cmdlineP->pnmMatrixFileName = argv[1]; if (argc-1 >= 2) cmdlineP->inputFileName = argv[2]; else cmdlineP->inputFileName = "-"; if (argc-1 > 2) pm_error("Too many arguments. Only acceptable arguments are: " "convolution matrix file name and input file name"); } } } struct convKernel { unsigned int cols; /* Width of the convolution window */ unsigned int rows; /* Height of the convolution window */ unsigned int planes; /* Depth of the kernel -- this had better be the same as the depth of the image being convolved. */ float ** weight[3]; /* weight[PLANE][ROW][COL] is the weight to give to Plane PLANE of the pixel at row ROW, column COL within the convolution window. One means full weight. It can have magnitude greater than or less than one. It can be positive or negative. */ }; static void warnBadKernel(struct convKernel * const convKernelP) { float sum[3]; unsigned int plane; unsigned int row; for (plane = 0; plane < convKernelP->planes; ++plane) sum[plane] = 0.0; /* initial value */ for (row = 0; row < convKernelP->rows; ++row) { unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < convKernelP->cols; ++col) { unsigned int plane; for (plane = 0; plane < convKernelP->planes; ++plane) sum[plane] += convKernelP->weight[plane][row][col]; } } if (convKernelP->planes == 3) { unsigned int plane; bool biased, negative; for (plane = 0, biased = false, negative = false; plane < convKernelP->planes; ++plane) { if (sum[plane] < 0.9 || sum[plane] > 1.1) biased = true; if (sum[plane] < 0.0) negative = true; } if (biased) { pm_message("WARNING - this convolution matrix is biased. " "red, green, and blue average weights: %f, %f, %f " "(unbiased would be 1).", sum[PAM_RED_PLANE], sum[PAM_GRN_PLANE], sum[PAM_BLU_PLANE]); if (negative) pm_message("Maybe you want the -nooffset option?"); } } else if (convKernelP->planes == 1) { if (sum[0] < 0.9 || sum[0] > 1.1) pm_message("WARNING - this convolution matrix is biased. " "average weight = %f (unbiased would be 1)", sum[0]); if (sum[0] < 0.0) pm_message("Maybe you want the -nooffset option?"); } } static void convKernelCreatePnm(struct pam * const cpamP, tuple * const * const ctuples, unsigned int const depth, bool const offsetPnm, struct convKernel ** const convKernelPP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compute the convolution matrix in normalized form from the PGM form 'ctuples'/'cpamP'. Each element of the output matrix is the actual weight we give an input pixel -- i.e. the thing by which we multiple a value from the input image. 'depth' is the required number of planes in the kernel. If 'ctuples' has fewer planes than that, we duplicate as necessary. E.g. if 'ctuples' is from a PGM input file and we're convolving a PPM image, we'll make a 3-plane convolution kernel by repeating the one plane in 'ctuples'. If 'ctuples' has more planes than specified, we ignore the higher numbered ones. 'offsetPnm' means the PNM convolution matrix is defined in offset form so that it can represent negative values. E.g. with maxval 100, 50 means 0, 100 means 50, and 0 means -50. If 'offsetPgm' is false, 0 means 0 and there are no negative weights. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ double const scale = (offsetPnm ? 2.0 : 1.0) / cpamP->maxval; double const offset = offsetPnm ? - 1.0 : 0.0; unsigned int const planes = MIN(3, depth); struct convKernel * convKernelP; unsigned int plane; MALLOCVAR_NOFAIL(convKernelP); convKernelP->cols = cpamP->width; convKernelP->rows = cpamP->height; convKernelP->planes = planes; for (plane = 0; plane < planes; ++plane) { unsigned int row; MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(convKernelP->weight[plane], cpamP->height); for (row = 0; row < cpamP->height; ++row) { unsigned int col; MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(convKernelP->weight[plane][row], cpamP->width); for (col = 0; col < cpamP->width; ++col) { sample const inValue = plane < cpamP->depth ? ctuples[row][col][plane] : ctuples[row][col][0]; convKernelP->weight[plane][row][col] = inValue * scale + offset; } } } *convKernelPP = convKernelP; } static void convKernelDestroy(struct convKernel * const convKernelP) { unsigned int plane; for (plane = 0; plane < convKernelP->planes; ++plane) { unsigned int row; for (row = 0; row < convKernelP->rows; ++row) free(convKernelP->weight[plane][row]); free(convKernelP->weight[plane]); } free(convKernelP); } static void normalizeKernelPlane(struct convKernel * const convKernelP, unsigned int const plane) { unsigned int row; float sum; for (row = 0, sum = 0.0; row < convKernelP->rows; ++row) { unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < convKernelP->cols; ++col) { sum += convKernelP->weight[plane][row][col]; } } { float const scaler = 1.0/sum; unsigned int row; for (row = 0; row < convKernelP->rows; ++row) { unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < convKernelP->cols; ++col) convKernelP->weight[plane][row][col] *= scaler; } } } static void normalizeKernel(struct convKernel * const convKernelP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modify *convKernelP by scaling every weight in a plane by the same factor such that the weights in the plane all add up to 1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int plane; for (plane = 0; plane < convKernelP->planes; ++plane) normalizeKernelPlane(convKernelP, plane); } static void getKernelPnm(const char * const fileName, unsigned int const depth, bool const offset, struct convKernel ** const convKernelPP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the convolution kernel from the PNM file named 'fileName'. 'offset' means the PNM convolution matrix is defined in offset form so that it can represent negative values. E.g. with maxval 100, 50 means 0, 100 means 50, and 0 means -50. If 'offsetPgm' is false, 0 means 0 and there are no negative weights. Make the kernel suitable for convolving an image of depth 'depth'. Return the kernel as *convKernelPP. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct pam cpam; FILE * cifP; tuple ** ctuples; cifP = pm_openr(fileName); /* Read in the convolution matrix. */ ctuples = pnm_readpam(cifP, &cpam, PAM_STRUCT_SIZE(tuple_type)); pm_close(cifP); validateKernelDimensions(cpam.width, cpam.height); convKernelCreatePnm(&cpam, ctuples, depth, offset, convKernelPP); } static void convKernelCreateMatrixOpt(struct matrixOpt const matrixOpt, bool const normalize, unsigned int const depth, struct convKernel ** const convKernelPP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create a convolution kernel as described by a -matrix command line option. The option value is 'matrixOpt'. If 'normalize' is true, we normalize whatever numbers the option specifies so that they add up to one; otherwise, we take the numbers as we find them, so they may form a biased matrix -- i.e. one which brightens or dims the image overall. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct convKernel * convKernelP; unsigned int plane; MALLOCVAR(convKernelP); convKernelP->cols = matrixOpt.width; convKernelP->rows = matrixOpt.height; convKernelP->planes = depth; for (plane = 0; plane < depth; ++plane) { unsigned int row; MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(convKernelP->weight[plane], matrixOpt.height); for (row = 0; row < matrixOpt.height; ++row) { unsigned int col; MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(convKernelP->weight[plane][row], matrixOpt.width); for (col = 0; col < matrixOpt.width; ++col) convKernelP->weight[plane][row][col] = matrixOpt.weight[row][col]; } } if (normalize) normalizeKernel(convKernelP); *convKernelPP = convKernelP; } static void parsePlaneFileLine(const char * const line, unsigned int * const widthP, float ** const weightP) { unsigned int colCt; const char * error; float * weight; const char * cursor; colCt = 0; /* initial value */ weight = NULL; for (cursor = &line[0]; *cursor; ) { const char * token; const char * next; REALLOCARRAY(weight, colCt + 1); pm_gettoken(cursor, ' ', &token, &next, &error); if (error) pm_error("Invalid format of line in convolution matrix file: " "'%s'. %s", line, error); cursor = next; if (*cursor) { assert(*next == ' '); ++cursor; /* advance over space */ } if (strlen(token) == 0) pm_error("Column %u value in line '%s' of convolution matrix file " "is null string.", colCt, line); else { char * trailingJunk; weight[colCt] = strtod(token, &trailingJunk); if (*trailingJunk != '\0') pm_error("The Column %u element of the row '%s' in the " "-matrix value is not a valid floating point " "number", colCt, line); ++colCt; } pm_strfree(token); } *weightP = weight; *widthP = colCt; } static void readPlaneFile(FILE * const ifP, float *** const weightP, unsigned int * const widthP, unsigned int * const heightP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read weights of one plane from a file. The file is a simple matrix, one line per row, with columns separated by a single space. Each column is a floating point decimal ASCII number, positive zero, or negative, with any magnitude. If the rows don't all have the same number of columns, we abort. Return the dimensions seen in the file as *widthP and *heightP. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int rowCt; float ** weight; unsigned int width; bool eof; weight = NULL; /* initial value */ for (eof = false, rowCt = 0; !eof; ) { const char * error; const char * line; pm_freadline(ifP, &line, &error); if (error) pm_error("Failed to read row %u " "from the convolutionmatrix file. %s", rowCt, error); else { if (line == NULL) eof = true; else { REALLOCARRAY(weight, rowCt + 1); if (weight == NULL) pm_error("Unable to allocate memory for " "convolution matrix"); else { unsigned int thisWidth; parsePlaneFileLine(line, &thisWidth, &weight[rowCt]); if (rowCt == 0) width = thisWidth; else { if (thisWidth != width) pm_error("Multiple row widths in the convolution " "matrix file: %u columns and %u columns.", width, thisWidth); } ++rowCt; } pm_strfree(line); } } } validateKernelDimensions(width, rowCt); *weightP = weight; *heightP = rowCt; *widthP = width; } static void copyWeight(float ** const srcWeight, unsigned int const width, unsigned int const height, float *** const dstWeightP) { unsigned int row; float ** dstWeight; MALLOCARRAY(dstWeight, height); if (dstWeight == NULL) pm_error("Could not allocate memory for convolution matrix"); for (row = 0; row < height; ++row) { unsigned int col; MALLOCARRAY(dstWeight[row], width); if (dstWeight[row] == NULL) pm_error("Could not allocation memory for a " "convolution matrix row"); for (col = 0; col < width; ++col) { dstWeight[row][col] = srcWeight[row][col]; } } *dstWeightP = dstWeight; } static void convKernelCreateSimpleFile(const char ** const fileNameList, bool const normalize, unsigned int const depth, struct convKernel ** const convKernelPP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create a convolution kernel as described by a convolution matrix file. This is the simple file with floating point numbers in it, not the legacy pseudo-PNM thing. The name of the file is 'fileNameList'. If 'normalize' is true, we normalize whatever numbers we find in the file so that they add up to one; otherwise, we take the numbers as we find them, so they may form a biased matrix -- i.e. one which brightens or dims the image overall. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct convKernel * convKernelP; unsigned int fileCt; unsigned int planeCt; unsigned int plane; unsigned int width, height; fileCt = 0; while (fileNameList[fileCt]) ++fileCt; assert(fileCt > 0); planeCt = MIN(3, depth); MALLOCVAR_NOFAIL(convKernelP); convKernelP->planes = planeCt; for (plane = 0; plane < planeCt; ++plane) { if (plane < fileCt) { const char * const fileName = fileNameList[plane]; FILE * ifP; unsigned int thisWidth, thisHeight; ifP = pm_openr(fileName); readPlaneFile(ifP, &convKernelP->weight[plane], &thisWidth, &thisHeight); if (plane == 0) { width = thisWidth; height = thisHeight; } else { if (thisWidth != width) pm_error("Convolution matrix files show two different " "widths: %u and %u", width, thisWidth); if (thisHeight != height) pm_error("Convolution matrix files show two different " "heights: %u and %u", height, thisHeight); } pm_close(ifP); } else { assert(plane > 0); copyWeight(convKernelP->weight[0], width, height, &convKernelP->weight[plane]); } } if (normalize) normalizeKernel(convKernelP); convKernelP->cols = width; convKernelP->rows = height; *convKernelPP = convKernelP; } static void getKernel(struct cmdlineInfo const cmdline, unsigned int const depth, struct convKernel ** const convKernelPP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Figure out what the convolution kernel is. It can come from various sources in various forms, as described on the command line, represented by 'cmdline'. We generate a kernel object in standard form (free of any indication of where it came from) and return a handle to it as *convKernelPP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct convKernel * convKernelP; if (cmdline.pnmMatrixFileName) getKernelPnm(cmdline.pnmMatrixFileName, depth, !cmdline.nooffset, &convKernelP); else if (cmdline.matrixfile) convKernelCreateSimpleFile(cmdline.matrixfile, cmdline.normalize, depth, &convKernelP); else if (cmdline.matrixSpec) convKernelCreateMatrixOpt(cmdline.matrix, cmdline.normalize, depth, &convKernelP); warnBadKernel(convKernelP); *convKernelPP = convKernelP; } static void validateEnoughImageToConvolve(const struct pam * const inpamP, const struct convKernel * const convKernelP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abort program if the image isn't big enough in both directions to have at least one convolved pixel. The program could theoretically operate with an image smaller than that by simply outputting the input unchanged (like it does with the edges of an image anyway), but we're too lazy to write code for this special case. The simple code expects the unconvolved edges to exist full-size and some of it convolves the first convolveable row and/or column specially and expects it to exist. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (inpamP->height < convKernelP->rows + 1) pm_error("Image is too short (%u rows) to convolve with this " "%u-row convolution kernel.", inpamP->height, convKernelP->rows); if (inpamP->width < convKernelP->cols + 1) pm_error("Image is too narrow (%u columns) to convolve with this " "%u-column convolution kernel.", inpamP->width, convKernelP->cols); } static tuple ** allocRowbuf(struct pam * const pamP, unsigned int const height) { tuple ** rowbuf; MALLOCARRAY(rowbuf, height); if (rowbuf == NULL) pm_error("Failed to allocate %u-row buffer", height); else { unsigned int row; for (row = 0; row < height; ++row) rowbuf[row] = pnm_allocpamrow(pamP); } return rowbuf; } static void freeRowbuf(tuple ** const rowbuf, unsigned int const height) { unsigned int row; for (row = 0; row < height; ++row) pnm_freepamrow(rowbuf[row]); free(rowbuf); } static void readAndScaleRow(struct pam * const inpamP, tuple * const inrow, sample const newMaxval, unsigned int const newDepth) { pnm_readpamrow(inpamP, inrow); if (newMaxval != inpamP->maxval) pnm_scaletuplerow(inpamP, inrow, inrow, newMaxval); if (newDepth == 3 && inpamP->depth == 1) pnm_makerowrgb(inpamP, inrow); } static void readAndScaleRows(struct pam * const inpamP, unsigned int const count, tuple ** const rowbuf, sample const outputMaxval, unsigned int const outputDepth) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read in 'count' rows into rowbuf[]. Scale the contents to maxval 'outputMaxval' and expand to depth 'outputDepth'. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int row; for (row = 0; row < count; ++row) readAndScaleRow(inpamP, rowbuf[row], outputMaxval, outputDepth); } static void writeUnconvolvedTop(struct pam * const outpamP, const struct convKernel * const convKernelP, tuple ** const rowbuf) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write out the top part that we can't convolve because the convolution kernel runs off the top of the image. Assume those rows are in the window rowbuf[], with the top row of the image as the first row in rowbuf[]. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int row; for (row = 0; row < convKernelP->rows/2; ++row) pnm_writepamrow(outpamP, rowbuf[row]); } static void writeUnconvolvedBottom(struct pam * const outpamP, const struct convKernel * const convKernelP, unsigned int const windowHeight, tuple ** const circMap) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write out the bottom part that we can't convolve because the convolution kernel runs off the bottom of the image. Assume the 'windowHeight' rows at the bottom of the image is in the row buffer, mapped by 'circMap' such that the top of the window is circMap[0]. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int row; for (row = windowHeight - convKernelP->rows / 2; row < windowHeight; ++row) { pnm_writepamrow(outpamP, circMap[row]); } } static void setupCircMap(tuple ** const circMap, tuple ** const rowbuf, unsigned int const windowHeight, unsigned int const topRowbufRow) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set up circMap[] to reflect the case that index 'topRowbufRow' of rowbuf[] is for the topmost row in the window. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int row; unsigned int i; i = 0; for (row = topRowbufRow; row < windowHeight; ++i, ++row) circMap[i] = rowbuf[row]; for (row = 0; row < topRowbufRow; ++row, ++i) circMap[i] = rowbuf[row]; } static void convolveGeneralRowPlane(struct pam * const pamP, tuple ** const window, const struct convKernel * const convKernelP, unsigned int const plane, tuple * const outputrow) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Given a window of input window[], where window[0] is the top row of the window and the window is the height of the convolution kernel, convolve Plane 'plane' of the row at the center of the window. Return the convolved row as outputrow[]. *pamP describes the rows in window[] (but not the number of rows). *convKernelP is the convolution kernel to use. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int const crowso2 = convKernelP->rows / 2; unsigned int const ccolso2 = convKernelP->cols / 2; unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; ++col) { if (col < ccolso2 || col >= pamP->width - ccolso2) outputrow[col][plane] = window[crowso2][col][plane]; else { unsigned int const leftcol = col - ccolso2; unsigned int crow; float sum; sum = 0.0; for (crow = 0; crow < convKernelP->rows; ++crow) { const tuple * const leftrptr = &window[crow][leftcol]; unsigned int ccol; for (ccol = 0; ccol < convKernelP->cols; ++ccol) sum += leftrptr[ccol][plane] * convKernelP->weight[plane][crow][ccol]; } outputrow[col][plane] = MIN(pamP->maxval, MAX(0, sum + 0.5)); } } } static void convolveGeneral(struct pam * const inpamP, struct pam * const outpamP, const struct convKernel * const convKernelP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do the convolution without taking advantage of any useful redundancy in the convolution matrix. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ tuple ** rowbuf; /* A vertical window of the input image. It holds as many rows as the convolution kernel covers -- the rows we're currently using to create output rows. It is a circular buffer. */ tuple ** circMap; /* A map from image row number within window to element of rowbuf[]. E.g. if rowbuf[] if 5 rows high and rowbuf[2] contains the topmost row, then circMap[0] == 2, circMap[1] = 3, circMap[4] = 1. You could calculate the same thing with a mod function, but that is sometimes more expensive. */ tuple * outputrow; /* The convolved row to be output */ unsigned int row; /* Row number of the bottom of the current convolution window; i.e. the row to be read or just read from the input file. */ rowbuf = allocRowbuf(outpamP, convKernelP->rows); MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(circMap, convKernelP->rows); outputrow = pnm_allocpamrow(outpamP); pnm_writepaminit(outpamP); assert(convKernelP->rows > 0); readAndScaleRows(inpamP, convKernelP->rows - 1, rowbuf, outpamP->maxval, outpamP->depth); writeUnconvolvedTop(outpamP, convKernelP, rowbuf); /* Now the rest of the image - read in the row at the bottom of the window, then convolve and write out the row in the middle of the window. */ for (row = convKernelP->rows - 1; row < inpamP->height; ++row) { unsigned int const rowbufRow = row % convKernelP->rows; unsigned int plane; setupCircMap(circMap, rowbuf, convKernelP->rows, (row + 1) % convKernelP->rows); readAndScaleRow(inpamP, rowbuf[rowbufRow], outpamP->maxval, outpamP->depth); for (plane = 0; plane < outpamP->depth; ++plane) convolveGeneralRowPlane(outpamP, circMap, convKernelP, plane, outputrow); pnm_writepamrow(outpamP, outputrow); } writeUnconvolvedBottom(outpamP, convKernelP, convKernelP->rows, circMap); freeRowbuf(rowbuf, convKernelP->rows); } static sample ** allocSum(unsigned int const depth, unsigned int const size) { sample ** sum; MALLOCARRAY(sum, depth); if (!sum) pm_error("Could not allocate memory for %u planes of sums", depth); else { unsigned int plane; for (plane = 0; plane < depth; ++plane) { MALLOCARRAY(sum[plane], size); if (!sum[plane]) pm_error("Could not allocate memory for %u sums", size); } } return sum; } static void freeSum(sample ** const sum, unsigned int const depth) { unsigned int plane; for (plane = 0; plane < depth; ++plane) free(sum[plane]); free(sum); } static void computeInitialColumnSums(struct pam * const pamP, tuple ** const window, const struct convKernel * const convKernelP, sample ** const convColumnSum) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add up the sum of each column of window[][], whose rows are described by *inpamP. The window's height is that of tthe convolution kernel *convKernelP. Return it as convColumnSum[][]. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int plane; for (plane = 0; plane < pamP->depth; ++plane) { unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; ++col) { unsigned int row; for (row = 0, convColumnSum[plane][col] = 0; row < convKernelP->rows; ++row) convColumnSum[plane][col] += window[row][col][plane]; } } } static void convolveRowWithColumnSumsMean(const struct convKernel * const convKernelP, struct pam * const pamP, tuple ** const window, tuple * const outputrow, sample ** const convColumnSum) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Convolve the rows in window[][] -- one convolution kernel's worth, where window[0] is the top. Put the result in outputrow[]. Use convColumnSum[][]: the sum of the pixels in each column over the convolution window, where convColumnSum[P][C] is the sum for Plane P of Column C. Assume the convolution weight is the same everywhere within the convolution matrix. Ergo, we don't need any more information about the contents of a column than the sum of its pixels. Except that we need the individual input pixels for the edges (which can't be convolved because the convolution window runs off the edge). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int plane; for (plane = 0; plane < pamP->depth; ++plane) { unsigned int const crowso2 = convKernelP->rows / 2; unsigned int const ccolso2 = convKernelP->cols / 2; float const weight = convKernelP->weight[plane][0][0]; unsigned int col; sample gisum; gisum = 0; for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; ++col) { if (col < ccolso2 || col >= pamP->width - ccolso2) outputrow[col][plane] = window[crowso2][col][plane]; else if (col == ccolso2) { unsigned int const leftcol = col - ccolso2; unsigned int ccol; for (ccol = 0; ccol < convKernelP->cols; ++ccol) gisum += convColumnSum[plane][leftcol + ccol]; outputrow[col][plane] = MIN(pamP->maxval, MAX(0, gisum * weight + 0.5)); } else { /* Column numbers to subtract or add to isum */ unsigned int const subcol = col - ccolso2 - 1; unsigned int const addcol = col + ccolso2; gisum -= convColumnSum[plane][subcol]; gisum += convColumnSum[plane][addcol]; outputrow[col][plane] = MIN(pamP->maxval, MAX(0, gisum * weight + 0.5)); } } } } static void convolveRowWithColumnSumsVertical( const struct convKernel * const convKernelP, struct pam * const pamP, tuple ** const window, tuple * const outputrow, sample ** const convColumnSum) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Convolve the rows in window[][] -- one convolution kernel's worth, where window[0] is the top. Put the result in outputrow[]. Use convColumnSum[][]: the sum of the pixels in each column over the convolution window, where convColumnSum[P][C] is the sum for Plane P of Column C. Assume the convolution weight is the same everywhere within a column. Ergo, we don't need any more information about the contents of a column than the sum of its pixels. Except that we need the individual input pixels for the edges (which can't be convolved because the convolution window runs off the edge). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int const crowso2 = convKernelP->rows / 2; unsigned int const ccolso2 = convKernelP->cols / 2; unsigned int plane; for (plane = 0; plane < pamP->depth; ++plane) { unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; ++col) { if (col < ccolso2 || col >= pamP->width - ccolso2) outputrow[col][plane] = window[crowso2][col][plane]; else { unsigned int const leftcol = col - ccolso2; unsigned int ccol; float sum; sum = 0.0; for (ccol = 0; ccol < convKernelP->cols; ++ccol) sum += convColumnSum[plane][leftcol + ccol] * convKernelP->weight[plane][0][ccol]; outputrow[col][plane] = MIN(pamP->maxval, MAX(0, sum + 0.5)); } } } } static void convolveMeanRowPlane(struct pam * const pamP, tuple ** const window, const struct convKernel * const convKernelP, unsigned int const plane, tuple * const outputrow, sample * const convColumnSum) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Convolve plane 'plane' of one row of the image. window[] is a vertical window of the input image, one convolution kernel plus one row high. The top row (window[0] is the row that just passed out of the convolution window, whereas the bottom row is the row that just entered it. *pamP describes the tuple rows in window[] and also 'outputrow' (they are the same). Return the convolution result as outputrow[]. We update convColumnSum[] for use in convolving later rows. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int const crowso2 = convKernelP->rows / 2; unsigned int const ccolso2 = convKernelP->cols / 2; float const weight = convKernelP->weight[plane][0][0]; unsigned int const subrow = 0; /* Row just above convolution window -- what we subtract from running sum */ unsigned int const addrow = 1 + (convKernelP->rows - 1); /* Bottom row of convolution window: What we add to running sum */ unsigned int col; sample gisum; gisum = 0; for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; ++col) { if (col < ccolso2 || col >= pamP->width - ccolso2) outputrow[col][plane] = window[crowso2][col][plane]; else if (col == ccolso2) { unsigned int const leftcol = col - ccolso2; unsigned int ccol; for (ccol = 0; ccol < convKernelP->cols; ++ccol) { sample * const thisColumnSumP = &convColumnSum[leftcol + ccol]; *thisColumnSumP = *thisColumnSumP - window[subrow][ccol][plane] + window[addrow][ccol][plane]; gisum += *thisColumnSumP; } outputrow[col][plane] = MIN(pamP->maxval, MAX(0, gisum * weight + 0.5)); } else { /* Column numbers to subtract or add to isum */ unsigned int const subcol = col - ccolso2 - 1; unsigned int const addcol = col + ccolso2; convColumnSum[addcol] = convColumnSum[addcol] - window[subrow][addcol][plane] + window[addrow][addcol][plane]; gisum = gisum - convColumnSum[subcol] + convColumnSum[addcol]; outputrow[col][plane] = MIN(pamP->maxval, MAX(0, gisum * weight + 0.5)); } } } typedef void convolver(struct pam * const inpamP, struct pam * const outpamP, const struct convKernel * const convKernelP); static convolver convolveMean; static void convolveMean(struct pam * const inpamP, struct pam * const outpamP, const struct convKernel * const convKernelP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mean Convolution This is for the common case where you just want the target pixel replaced with the average value of its neighbors. This can work much faster than the general case because you can reduce the number of floating point operations that are required since all the weights are the same. You will only need to multiply by the weight once, not for every pixel in the convolution matrix. This algorithm works as follows: At a certain vertical position in the image, create sums for each column fragment of the convolution height all the way across the image. Then add those sums across the convolution width to obtain the total sum over the convolution area and multiply that sum by the weight. As you move left to right, to calculate the next output pixel, take the total sum you just generated, add in the value of the next column and subtract the value of the leftmost column. Multiply that by the weight and that's it. As you move down a row, calculate new column sums by using previous sum for that column and adding in pixel on current row and subtracting pixel in top row. We assume the convolution kernel is uniform -- same weights everywhere. We assume the output is PGM and the input is PGM or PBM. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int const windowHeight = convKernelP->rows + 1; /* The height of the window we keep in the row buffer. The buffer contains the rows covered by the convolution kernel, plus the row immediately above that. The latter is there because to compute the sliding mean, we need to subtract off the row that the convolution kernel just slid past. */ unsigned int const crowso2 = convKernelP->rows / 2; /* Number of rows of the convolution window above/below the current row. Note that the convolution window is always an odd number of rows, so this rounds down. */ tuple ** rowbuf; /* Same as in convolveGeneral */ tuple ** circMap; /* Same as in convolveGeneral */ tuple * outputrow; /* Same as in convolveGeneral */ unsigned int row; /* Row number of the row currently being convolved; i.e. the row at the center of the current convolution window and the row of the output file to be output next. */ sample ** convColumnSum; /* Malloc'd */ /* convColumnSum[plane][col] is the sum of Plane 'plane' of all the pixels in the Column 'col' of the image within the current vertical convolution window. I.e. if our convolution kernel is 5 rows high and we're now looking at Rows 10-15, convColumn[0][3] is the sum of Plane 0 of Column 3, Rows 10-15. */ rowbuf = allocRowbuf(outpamP, windowHeight); MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(circMap, windowHeight); outputrow = pnm_allocpamrow(outpamP); convColumnSum = allocSum(outpamP->depth, outpamP->width); pnm_writepaminit(outpamP); readAndScaleRows(inpamP, convKernelP->rows, rowbuf, outpamP->maxval, outpamP->depth); writeUnconvolvedTop(outpamP, convKernelP, rowbuf); setupCircMap(circMap, rowbuf, windowHeight, 0); /* Convolve the first window the long way */ computeInitialColumnSums(inpamP, circMap, convKernelP, convColumnSum); convolveRowWithColumnSumsMean(convKernelP, outpamP, circMap, outputrow, convColumnSum); pnm_writepamrow(outpamP, outputrow); /* For all subsequent rows do it this way as the columnsums have been generated. Now we can use them to reduce further calculations. We slide the window down a row at a time by reading a row into the bottom of the circular buffer, adding it to the column sums, then subtracting out the row at the top of the circular buffer. */ for (row = crowso2 + 1; row < inpamP->height - crowso2; ++row) { unsigned int const windowBotRow = row + crowso2; /* Row number of bottom-most row present in rowbuf[], which is the bottom of the convolution window for the current row. */ unsigned int const windowTopRow = row - crowso2 - 1; /* Row number of top-most row present in rowbuf[], which is the top row of the convolution window for the previous row: just above the convolution window for the current row. */ unsigned int plane; readAndScaleRow(inpamP, rowbuf[windowBotRow % windowHeight], outpamP->maxval, outpamP->depth); setupCircMap(circMap, rowbuf, windowHeight, windowTopRow % windowHeight); for (plane = 0; plane < outpamP->depth; ++plane) convolveMeanRowPlane(outpamP, circMap, convKernelP, plane, outputrow, convColumnSum[plane]); pnm_writepamrow(outpamP, outputrow); } writeUnconvolvedBottom(outpamP, convKernelP, windowHeight, circMap); freeSum(convColumnSum, outpamP->depth); freeRowbuf(rowbuf, windowHeight); } static sample *** allocRowSum(unsigned int const depth, unsigned int const height, unsigned int const width) { sample *** sum; MALLOCARRAY(sum, depth); if (!sum) pm_error("Could not allocate memory for %u planes of sums", depth); else { unsigned int plane; for (plane = 0; plane < depth; ++plane) { MALLOCARRAY(sum[plane], height); if (!sum[plane]) pm_error("Could not allocate memory for %u rows of sums", height); else { unsigned int row; for (row = 0; row < height; ++row) { MALLOCARRAY(sum[plane][row], width); if (!sum[plane][row]) pm_error("Could not allocate memory " "for a row of sums"); } } } } return sum; } static void freeRowSum(sample *** const sum, unsigned int const depth, unsigned int const height) { unsigned int plane; for (plane = 0; plane < depth; ++plane) { unsigned int row; for (row = 0; row < height; ++row) free(sum[plane][row]); free(sum[plane]); } free(sum); } static void convolveHorizontalRowPlane0(struct pam * const outpamP, tuple ** const window, const struct convKernel * const convKernelP, unsigned int const plane, tuple * const outputrow, sample ** const sumWindow) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Convolve the first convolvable row and generate the row sums from scratch. (For subsequent rows, Caller can just incrementally modify the row sums). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int const crowso2 = convKernelP->rows / 2; unsigned int const ccolso2 = convKernelP->cols / 2; unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < outpamP->width; ++col) { if (col < ccolso2 || col >= outpamP->width - ccolso2) outputrow[col][plane] = window[crowso2][col][plane]; else if (col == ccolso2) { /* This is the first column for which the entire convolution kernel fits within the image horizontally. I.e. the window starts at the left edge of the image. */ unsigned int const leftcol = 0; float matrixSum; unsigned int crow; for (crow = 0, matrixSum = 0.0; crow < convKernelP->rows; ++crow) { tuple * const tuplesInWindow = &window[crow][leftcol]; unsigned int ccol; sumWindow[crow][col] = 0; for (ccol = 0; ccol < convKernelP->cols; ++ccol) sumWindow[crow][col] += tuplesInWindow[ccol][plane]; matrixSum += sumWindow[crow][col] * convKernelP->weight[plane][crow][0]; } outputrow[col][plane] = MIN(outpamP->maxval, MAX(0, matrixSum + 0.5)); } else { unsigned int const subcol = col - ccolso2 - 1; unsigned int const addcol = col + ccolso2; float matrixSum; unsigned int crow; for (crow = 0, matrixSum = 0.0; crow < convKernelP->rows; ++crow) { sumWindow[crow][col] = sumWindow[crow][col-1] + + window[crow][addcol][plane] - window[crow][subcol][plane]; matrixSum += sumWindow[crow][col] * convKernelP->weight[plane][crow][0]; } outputrow[col][plane] = MIN(outpamP->maxval, MAX(0, matrixSum + 0.5)); } } } static void setupCircMap2(tuple ** const rowbuf, sample ** const convRowSum, tuple ** const circMap, sample ** const sumCircMap, unsigned int const windowTopRow, unsigned int const windowHeight) { unsigned int const toprow = windowTopRow % windowHeight; unsigned int crow; unsigned int i; i = 0; for (crow = toprow; crow < windowHeight; ++i, ++crow) { circMap[i] = rowbuf[crow]; sumCircMap[i] = convRowSum[crow]; } for (crow = 0; crow < toprow; ++crow, ++i) { circMap[i] = rowbuf[crow]; sumCircMap[i] = convRowSum[crow]; } } static void convolveHorizontalRowPlane(struct pam * const pamP, tuple ** const window, const struct convKernel * const convKernelP, unsigned int const plane, tuple * const outputrow, sample ** const sumWindow) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Convolve the row at the center of the convolution window described by *convKernelP, where window[][] contains the input image tuples for the window. *pamP describes the rows in it, but its height is one convolution window. Convolve only the Plane 'plane' samples. sumWindow[][] mirrors window[]. sumWindow[R] applies to window[R]. sumWindow[R][C] is the sum of samples in row R of the convolution window centered on Column C. We assume the convolution weights are the same everywhere within a row of the kernel, so that we can generate these sums incrementally, moving to the right through the image. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int const ccolso2 = convKernelP->cols / 2; unsigned int const crowso2 = convKernelP->rows / 2; unsigned int const newrow = convKernelP->rows - 1; unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; ++col) { if (col < ccolso2 || col >= pamP->width - ccolso2) outputrow[col][plane] = window[crowso2][col][plane]; else if (col == ccolso2) { unsigned int const leftcol = 0; /* Window is up againt left edge of image */ float matrixSum; { unsigned int ccol; sumWindow[newrow][col] = 0; for (ccol = 0; ccol < convKernelP->cols; ++ccol) sumWindow[newrow][col] += window[newrow][leftcol + ccol][plane]; } { unsigned int crow; for (crow = 0, matrixSum = 0.0; crow < convKernelP->rows; ++crow) { matrixSum += sumWindow[crow][col] * convKernelP->weight[plane][crow][0]; } } outputrow[col][plane] = MIN(pamP->maxval, MAX(0, matrixSum + 0.5)); } else { unsigned int const subcol = col - ccolso2 - 1; unsigned int const addcol = col + ccolso2; float matrixSum; unsigned int crow; sumWindow[newrow][col] = sumWindow[newrow][col-1] + window[newrow][addcol][plane] - window[newrow][subcol][plane]; for (crow = 0, matrixSum = 0.0; crow < convKernelP->rows; ++crow) { matrixSum += sumWindow[crow][col] * convKernelP->weight[plane][crow][0]; } outputrow[col][plane] = MIN(pamP->maxval, MAX(0, matrixSum + 0.5)); } } } static convolver convolveHorizontal; static void convolveHorizontal(struct pam * const inpamP, struct pam * const outpamP, const struct convKernel * const convKernelP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Horizontal Convolution Similar idea to using columnsums of the Mean and Vertical convolution, but uses temporary sums of row values. Need to multiply by weights once for each row in the convolution kernel. Each time we start a new line, we must recalculate the initials rowsums for the newest row only. Uses queue to still access previous row sums. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int const crowso2 = convKernelP->rows / 2; /* Same as in convolveMean */ unsigned int const windowHeight = convKernelP->rows; /* Same as in convolveMean */ tuple ** rowbuf; /* Same as in convolveGeneral */ tuple ** circMap; /* Same as in convolveGeneral */ tuple * outputrow; /* Same as in convolveGeneral */ unsigned int plane; sample *** convRowSum; /* Malloc'd */ sample ** sumCircMap; /* Malloc'd */ rowbuf = allocRowbuf(inpamP, windowHeight); MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(circMap, windowHeight); outputrow = pnm_allocpamrow(outpamP); convRowSum = allocRowSum(outpamP->depth, windowHeight, outpamP->width); MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(sumCircMap, windowHeight); pnm_writepaminit(outpamP); readAndScaleRows(inpamP, convKernelP->rows, rowbuf, outpamP->maxval, outpamP->depth); writeUnconvolvedTop(outpamP, convKernelP, rowbuf); setupCircMap(circMap, rowbuf, windowHeight, 0); /* Convolve the first convolvable row and generate convRowSum[][] */ for (plane = 0; plane < outpamP->depth; ++plane) { unsigned int crow; for (crow = 0; crow < convKernelP->rows; ++crow) sumCircMap[crow] = convRowSum[plane][crow]; convolveHorizontalRowPlane0(outpamP, circMap, convKernelP, plane, outputrow, sumCircMap); } pnm_writepamrow(outpamP, outputrow); /* Convolve the rest of the rows, using convRowSum[] */ for (plane = 0; plane < outpamP->depth; ++plane) { unsigned int row; /* Same as in convolveMean */ for (row = convKernelP->rows/2 + 1; row < inpamP->height - convKernelP->rows/2; ++row) { unsigned int const windowBotRow = row + crowso2; unsigned int const windowTopRow = row - crowso2; /* Same as in convolveMean */ readAndScaleRow(inpamP, rowbuf[windowBotRow % windowHeight], outpamP->maxval, outpamP->depth); setupCircMap2(rowbuf, convRowSum[plane], circMap, sumCircMap, windowTopRow, windowHeight); convolveHorizontalRowPlane(outpamP, circMap, convKernelP, plane, outputrow, sumCircMap); pnm_writepamrow(outpamP, outputrow); } } writeUnconvolvedBottom(outpamP, convKernelP, windowHeight, circMap); freeRowSum(convRowSum, outpamP->depth, windowHeight); freeRowbuf(rowbuf, windowHeight); } static void convolveVerticalRowPlane(struct pam * const pamP, tuple ** const circMap, const struct convKernel * const convKernelP, unsigned int const plane, tuple * const outputrow, sample * const convColumnSum) { unsigned int const crowso2 = convKernelP->rows / 2; unsigned int const ccolso2 = convKernelP->cols / 2; unsigned int const subrow = 0; /* Row just above convolution window -- what we subtract from running sum */ unsigned int const addrow = 1 + (convKernelP->rows - 1); /* Bottom row of convolution window: What we add to running sum */ unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; ++col) { if (col < ccolso2 || col >= pamP->width - ccolso2) outputrow[col][plane] = circMap[crowso2][col][plane]; else if (col == ccolso2) { unsigned int const leftcol = 0; /* Convolution window is againt left edge of image */ float matrixSum; unsigned int ccol; /* Slide window down in the first kernel's worth of columns */ for (ccol = 0; ccol < convKernelP->cols; ++ccol) { convColumnSum[leftcol + ccol] += circMap[addrow][leftcol + ccol][plane]; convColumnSum[leftcol + ccol] -= circMap[subrow][leftcol + ccol][plane]; } for (ccol = 0, matrixSum = 0.0; ccol < convKernelP->cols; ++ccol) { matrixSum += convColumnSum[leftcol + ccol] * convKernelP->weight[plane][0][ccol]; } outputrow[col][plane] = MIN(pamP->maxval, MAX(0, matrixSum + 0.5)); } else { unsigned int const leftcol = col - ccolso2; unsigned int const addcol = col + ccolso2; float matrixSum; unsigned int ccol; /* Slide window down in the column that just entered the window */ convColumnSum[addcol] += circMap[addrow][addcol][plane]; convColumnSum[addcol] -= circMap[subrow][addcol][plane]; for (ccol = 0, matrixSum = 0.0; ccol < convKernelP->cols; ++ccol) { matrixSum += convColumnSum[leftcol + ccol] * convKernelP->weight[plane][0][ccol]; } outputrow[col][plane] = MIN(pamP->maxval, MAX(0, matrixSum + 0.5)); } } } static convolver convolveVertical; static void convolveVertical(struct pam * const inpamP, struct pam * const outpamP, const struct convKernel * const convKernelP) { /* Uses column sums as in mean convolution, above */ unsigned int const windowHeight = convKernelP->rows + 1; /* Same as in convolveMean */ unsigned int const crowso2 = convKernelP->rows / 2; /* Same as in convolveMean */ tuple ** rowbuf; /* Same as in convolveGeneral */ tuple ** circMap; /* Same as in convolveGeneral */ tuple * outputrow; /* Same as in convolveGeneral */ unsigned int row; /* Row number of next row to read in from the file */ sample ** convColumnSum; /* Malloc'd */ /* Same as in convolveMean() */ rowbuf = allocRowbuf(inpamP, windowHeight); MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(circMap, windowHeight); outputrow = pnm_allocpamrow(outpamP); convColumnSum = allocSum(outpamP->depth, outpamP->width); pnm_writepaminit(outpamP); readAndScaleRows(inpamP, convKernelP->rows, rowbuf, outpamP->maxval, outpamP->depth); writeUnconvolvedTop(outpamP, convKernelP, rowbuf); setupCircMap(circMap, rowbuf, windowHeight, 0); /* Convolve the first window the long way */ computeInitialColumnSums(inpamP, circMap, convKernelP, convColumnSum); convolveRowWithColumnSumsVertical(convKernelP, outpamP, circMap, outputrow, convColumnSum); pnm_writepamrow(outpamP, outputrow); for (row = crowso2 + 1; row < inpamP->height - crowso2; ++row) { unsigned int const windowBotRow = row + crowso2; /* Same as in convolveMean */ unsigned int const windowTopRow = row - crowso2 - 1; /* Same as in convolveMean */ unsigned int plane; readAndScaleRow(inpamP, rowbuf[windowBotRow % windowHeight], outpamP->maxval, outpamP->depth); /* Remember the window is one row higher than the convolution kernel. The top row in the window is not part of this convolution. */ setupCircMap(circMap, rowbuf, windowHeight, windowTopRow % windowHeight); for (plane = 0; plane < outpamP->depth; ++plane) convolveVerticalRowPlane(outpamP, circMap, convKernelP, plane, outputrow, convColumnSum[plane]); pnm_writepamrow(outpamP, outputrow); } writeUnconvolvedBottom(outpamP, convKernelP, windowHeight, circMap); freeSum(convColumnSum, outpamP->depth); freeRowbuf(rowbuf, windowHeight); } struct convolveType { convolver * convolve; }; static bool convolutionIncludesHorizontal(const struct convKernel * const convKernelP) { bool horizontal; unsigned int row; for (row = 0, horizontal = TRUE; row < convKernelP->rows && horizontal; ++row) { unsigned int col; for (col = 1, horizontal = TRUE; col < convKernelP->cols && horizontal; ++col) { unsigned int plane; for (plane = 0; plane < convKernelP->planes; ++plane) { if (convKernelP->weight[plane][row][col] != convKernelP->weight[plane][row][0]) horizontal = FALSE; } } } return horizontal; } static bool convolutionIncludesVertical(const struct convKernel * const convKernelP) { bool vertical; unsigned int col; for (col = 0, vertical = TRUE; col < convKernelP->cols && vertical; ++col) { unsigned int row; for (row = 1, vertical = TRUE; row < convKernelP->rows && vertical; ++row) { unsigned int plane; for (plane = 0; plane < convKernelP->planes; ++plane) { if (convKernelP->weight[plane][row][col] != convKernelP->weight[plane][0][col]) vertical = FALSE; } } } return vertical; } static void determineConvolveType(const struct convKernel * const convKernelP, struct convolveType * const typeP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Determine which form of convolution is best to convolve the kernel *convKernelP over tuples[][]. The general form always works, but with some special case convolution matrices, faster forms of convolution are possible. We don't check for the case that the planes can have differing types. We handle only cases where all planes are of the same special case. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool const horizontal = convolutionIncludesHorizontal(convKernelP); bool const vertical = convolutionIncludesVertical(convKernelP); if (horizontal && vertical) { pm_message("Convolution is a simple mean horizontally and vertically"); typeP->convolve = convolveMean; } else if (horizontal) { pm_message("Convolution is a simple mean horizontally"); typeP->convolve = convolveHorizontal; } else if (vertical) { pm_message("Convolution is a simple mean vertically"); typeP->convolve = convolveVertical; } else { typeP->convolve = convolveGeneral; } } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { struct cmdlineInfo cmdline; FILE * ifP; struct convolveType convolveType; struct convKernel * convKernelP; struct pam inpam; struct pam outpam; pnm_init(&argc, argv); parseCommandLine(argc, argv, &cmdline); ifP = pm_openr(cmdline.inputFileName); pnm_readpaminit(ifP, &inpam, PAM_STRUCT_SIZE(allocation_depth)); getKernel(cmdline, inpam.depth, &convKernelP); outpam = inpam; /* initial value */ outpam.file = stdout; if ((PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(inpam.format) == PBM_TYPE || PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(inpam.format) == PGM_TYPE) && convKernelP->planes == 3) { pm_message("promoting to PPM"); outpam.format = PPM_FORMAT; } outpam.depth = MAX(inpam.depth, convKernelP->planes); pnm_setminallocationdepth(&inpam, MAX(inpam.depth, outpam.depth)); validateEnoughImageToConvolve(&inpam, convKernelP); /* Handle certain special cases when runtime can be improved. */ determineConvolveType(convKernelP, &convolveType); convolveType.convolve(&inpam, &outpam, convKernelP); convKernelDestroy(convKernelP); pm_close(stdout); pm_close(ifP); return 0; } /****************************************************************************** SOME CHANGE HISTORY ******************************************************************************* Version 2.0.1 Changes --------------------- Fixed four lines that were improperly allocated as sizeof( float ) when they should have been sizeof( long ). Version 2.0 Changes ------------------- Version 2.0 was written by Mike Burns (derived from Jef Poskanzer's original) in January 1995. Reduce run time by general optimizations and handling special cases of convolution matrices. Program automatically determines if convolution matrix is one of the types it can make use of so no extra command line arguments are necessary. Examples of convolution matrices for the special cases are Mean Horizontal Vertical x x x x x x x y z x x x y y y x y z x x x z z z x y z I don't know if the horizontal and vertical ones are of much use, but after working on the mean convolution, it gave me ideas for the other two. Some other compiler dependent optimizations ------------------------------------------- Created separate functions as code was getting too large to put keep both PGM and PPM cases in same function and also because SWITCH statement in inner loop can take progressively more time the larger the size of the convolution matrix. GCC is affected this way. Removed use of MOD (%) operator from innermost loop by modifying manner in which the current xelbuf[] is chosen. This is from the file pnmconvol.README, dated August 1995, extracted in April 2000, which was in the March 1994 Netpbm release: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a faster version of the pnmconvol.c program that comes with netpbm. There are no changes to the command line arguments, so this program can be dropped in without affecting the way you currently run it. An updated man page is also included. My original intention was to improve the running time of applying a neighborhood averaging convolution matrix to an image by using a different algorithm, but I also improved the run time of performing the general convolution by optimizing that code. The general convolution runs in 1/4 to 1/2 of the original time and neighborhood averaging runs in near constant time for the convolution masks I tested (3x3, 5x5, 7x7, 9x9). Sample times for two computers are below. Times are in seconds as reported by /bin/time for a 512x512 pgm image. Matrix IBM RS6000 SUN IPC Size & Type 220 3x3 original pnmconvol 6.3 18.4 new general case 3.1 6.0 new average case 1.8 2.6 5x5 original pnmconvol 11.9 44.4 new general case 5.6 11.9 new average case 1.8 2.6 7x7 original pnmconvol 20.3 82.9 new general case 9.4 20.7 new average case 1.8 2.6 9x9 original pnmconvol 30.9 132.4 new general case 14.4 31.8 new average case 1.8 2.6 Send all questions/comments/bugs to me at burns@chem.psu.edu. - Mike ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike Burns System Administrator burns@chem.psu.edu Department of Chemistry (814) 863-2123 The Pennsylvania State University ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */