/* pamperspective -- a reverse scanline renderer Copyright (C) 2004 by Mark Weyer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #define _BSD_SOURCE /* Make sure strdup is int string.h */ #include #include #include "pam.h" #include "shhopt.h" #include "mallocvar.h" typedef double number; /* There was no reason for exactly this value of eps. For compatibility it should only be decreased in future versions. */ #define eps 0.0001 /* Multiple choice types for the command line */ typedef enum {image, pixel_u} unit; const char *const unit_token[3] = {"image", "pixel", NULL}; typedef enum {lattice, pixel_s} coord_system; const char *const system_token[3] = {"lattice", "pixel", NULL}; typedef enum {nearest, linear} interpolation; const char *const interpolation_token[3] = {"nearest", "linear", NULL}; typedef enum {free_, fixed} proportion; const char *const proportion_token[3] = {"free", "fixed", NULL}; const char *const bool_token[7] = {"yes", "true", "on", "no", "false", "off", NULL}; #define first_false_bool_token 3 /* All command line options that have float (actually number) values. We use our own parsing technique for these, to handle width/height ratios like 4/3 */ #define num_float_options 15 const char *const float_option_name[num_float_options][3] = { {"upper left x", "upper_left_x", "ulx"}, {"upper left y", "upper_left_y", "uly"}, {"upper right x", "upper_right_x", "urx"}, {"upper right y", "upper_right_y", "ury"}, {"lower left x", "lower_left_x", "llx"}, {"lower left y", "lower_left_y", "lly"}, {"lower right x", "lower_right_x", "lrx"}, {"lower right y", "lower_right_y", "lry"}, {NULL, "detail", NULL}, {NULL, "ratio", NULL}, {NULL, "margin", NULL}, {NULL, "top_margin", "tmargin"}, {NULL, "bottom_margin", "bmargin"}, {NULL, "left_margin", "lmargin"}, {NULL, "right_margin", "rmargin"} }; /* All command line options that have multiple choice values (except bools). */ #define num_enum_options 5 const char *const enum_option_name[num_enum_options] = { "input_system", "output_system", "input_unit", "interpolation", "proportion" }; const char *const *const enum_option_type[num_enum_options] = { system_token, system_token, unit_token, interpolation_token, proportion_token }; /* All command line options that have bool values */ #define num_bool_options 1 const char *const bool_option_name[num_bool_options] = { "frame_include" }; /* A linked list node for --include points */ typedef struct include_point_tag { /* How the point is given on the command line (for error messages) */ const char* specification; /* coordinates */ number xi,yi; /* link */ struct include_point_tag* next; } include_point; /* The collection of command line options */ typedef struct { /* float options */ number floats[num_float_options]; /* enum options */ int enums[num_enum_options]; /* bool options */ bool bools[num_bool_options]; /* flags */ unsigned int width_spec, height_spec, top_margin_spec, left_margin_spec, right_margin_spec, bottom_margin_spec; /* Other stuff */ int width, height; const char* infilename; include_point* include_points; } option; /* The collection of properties that correspond to the four specified vertices */ typedef struct { /* 2d (image) coordinates of the 4 vertices */ number xi_ul, yi_ul, xi_ur, yi_ur, xi_ll, yi_ll, xi_lr, yi_lr; /* 3d (world) coordinates of the 4 vertices */ number xw_ul, yw_ul, zw_ul, xw_ur, yw_ur, zw_ur, xw_ll, yw_ll, zw_ll, xw_lr, yw_lr, zw_lr; /* Originally I planned to include the possibility to move the centre of projection, that is the pixel the camera "looks at". It turned out, maybe surprisingly, that this does not have any effect. So now this centre is moved to (0,0). Another original plan was to correct the output parameters depending on the lengths of the paralellograms sides or its angles. This is, however, not possible without knowing something like the camera angle or focal length (in pixels). */ /* The coefficients for the map from output to world coordinates. The actual mapping is u,v -> (ax+bx*u+cx*v, ay+by*u+cy*v, az+bz*u+cz*v) */ number ax,bx,cx, ay,by,cy, az,bz,cz; } world_data; /* Internal infile buffer This is a cyclic in random access out buffer, just large enough to store all input lines that are still in use. */ typedef struct { int num_rows, last_physical, last_logical; tuple** rows; const struct pam* inpam; } buffer; /* The following are like MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL and MALLOCVAR_NOFAIL, but issue an error message instead of aborting. */ #define MALLOCARRAY_SAFE(handle,length) \ { \ MALLOCARRAY(handle,length); \ if (handle==NULL) \ pm_error ("Out of memory."); \ } #define MALLOCVAR_SAFE(handle) \ { \ MALLOCVAR(handle); \ if (handle==NULL) \ pm_error ("Out of memory."); \ } static void set_command_line_defaults (option *const options) { options->infilename = "-"; options->include_points = NULL; options->floats[8] = 1.0; /* --detail */ options->floats[9] = 1.0; /* --ratio */ options->floats[10] = 0.0; /* --margin */ options->floats[11] = 0.0; /* --top_margin */ options->floats[12] = 0.0; /* --bottom_margin */ options->floats[13] = 0.0; /* --left_margin */ options->floats[14] = 0.0; /* --right_margin */ options->enums[0] = lattice; /* --input_system */ options->enums[1] = lattice; /* --output_system */ options->enums[2] = pixel_u; /* --input_unit */ options->enums[3] = nearest; /* --interpolation */ options->enums[4] = free_; /* --proportion */ options->bools[0] = TRUE; /* --frame_include */ } static int parse_enum (const char *const text, const char *const *const tokens, const char *const name) /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parse an argument given to a multiple choice command line option -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { bool found; const char *const * cur_token; char* tokenlist; int tokenlistlen; int value; int num_spaces; int i; /* We find out, whether ^text occurs in ^tokens */ found = FALSE; value = 0; while (tokens[value] && !found) { if (strcmp (text, tokens[value])) value++; else found = TRUE; }; /* otherwise issue an error */ if (!found) { /* For the error message we want to list the allowed tokens. First we have to determine, how much memory we need for that. */ num_spaces = 2; tokenlistlen = 0; cur_token = tokens; while (*cur_token) { tokenlistlen += (strlen(*cur_token) + num_spaces); cur_token++; }; /* Then we create that list */ MALLOCARRAY_SAFE(tokenlist, tokenlistlen); *tokenlist = 0; cur_token = tokens; while (*cur_token) { for (i=0; ispecification = specification; new_point->next = *include_pointsP; *include_pointsP = new_point; /* Now we parse the specification */ for (comma_seek = specification; (*comma_seek != ',') && (*comma_seek != 0); comma_seek++); if (*comma_seek == 0) pm_error ("Invalid format for --include point: '%s'", specification); *comma_seek = 0; /* separate the two parts for parsing purposes */ new_point->xi = (number) parse_float(specification); new_point->yi = (number) parse_float(comma_seek+1); *comma_seek = ','; } static void parse_include_points(const char * const include_opt, include_point ** const include_pointsP) /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process the --include option value include_opt by making a linked list of the points it describes (in reverse order). Return a pointer to the first element of that linked list as *include_pointsP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { char * cursor; char * optWork; /* Same as include_opt, except we replace delimiters with nulls as we work. */ optWork = strdup(include_opt); if (optWork == NULL) pm_error("out of memory"); cursor = &optWork[0]; while (*cursor != '\0') { bool hit_end; char * sem_seek; for (sem_seek = cursor; (*sem_seek != ';') && (*sem_seek != 0); sem_seek++); hit_end = (*sem_seek == '\0'); *sem_seek = '\0'; parse_include_point(cursor, include_pointsP); if (hit_end) cursor = sem_seek; else cursor = sem_seek+1; } free(optWork); } static void parse_command_line (int argc, char* argv[], option *const options) { char* float_text[num_float_options]; unsigned int float_spec[num_float_options]; char* enum_text[num_enum_options]; unsigned int enum_spec[num_enum_options]; char* bool_text[num_bool_options]; unsigned int bool_spec[num_bool_options]; char * include_opt; unsigned int include_spec; int i,j; optStruct3 opt; unsigned int option_def_index; optEntry* option_def; /* Let shhopt try its best */ option_def_index = 0; MALLOCARRAY_SAFE(option_def, (2*num_float_options + num_enum_options + num_bool_options + 3)); for (i=0; iwidth), &(options->width_spec), 0); OPTENT3(0, "height", OPT_INT, &(options->height), &(options->height_spec), 0); OPTENT3(0, "include", OPT_STRING, &include_opt, &include_spec, 0); opt.opt_table = option_def; opt.short_allowed = FALSE; opt.allowNegNum = TRUE; optParseOptions3 (&argc, argv, opt, sizeof(opt), 0); /* The non-option arguments are optionally all eight coordinates and optionally the input filename */ switch (argc-1) { case 1: options->infilename = argv[1]; case 0: for (i=0; i<8; i++) if (!float_spec[i]) pm_error ("The %s-coordinate was not specified", float_option_name[i][0]); break; case 9: options->infilename = argv[9]; case 8: for (i=0; i<8; i++) { float_text[i] = argv[i+1]; float_spec[i] = 1; }; break; default: pm_error ("Wrong (number of) command line arguments"); }; if (include_spec) parse_include_points(include_opt, &options->include_points); /* Parse float options -- shhopt retrieved them as strings */ for (i=0; ifloats[i] = parse_float (float_text[i]); /* Parse enum options -- shhopt retrieved them as strings */ for (i=0; ienums[i] = parse_enum (enum_text[i],enum_option_type[i], enum_option_name[i]); /* Parse bool options -- shhopt retrieved them as strings */ for (i=0; ibools[i] = (first_false_bool_token > parse_enum (bool_text[i], bool_token, bool_option_name[i])); /* Propagate values where neccessary */ if (float_spec[10]) /* --margin */ for (i=11; i<15; i++) /* --top_margin through --right_margin */ if (!(float_spec[i])) { options->floats[i] = options->floats[10]; float_spec[i]=1; }; options->top_margin_spec = float_spec[11]; options->bottom_margin_spec = float_spec[12]; options->left_margin_spec = float_spec[13]; options->right_margin_spec = float_spec[14]; /* Clean up */ free(option_def); } static void free_option (option *const options) { include_point* current; include_point* dispose; current = options->include_points; while (current != NULL) { dispose = current; current = current->next; free(dispose); }; } static void init_world (option *const options, const struct pam *const inpam, world_data *const world) { /* constructs xi_ul,...,yi_lr Internally we use a pixel coordinate system with pixel units This also translates the --include points' coordinates into the internal system */ number mult_x, mult_y, add_after; int add_before; include_point* current_include; switch (options->enums[0]) { /* --input_system */ case lattice: add_after = -0.5; add_before = 0; break; case pixel_s: add_after = 0.0; add_before = -1; break; }; switch (options->enums[2]) { /* --input_unit */ case image: mult_x = (number)((inpam->width) + add_before); mult_y = (number)((inpam->height) + add_before); break; case pixel_u: mult_x = 1.0; mult_y = 1.0; break; }; world->xi_ul = ((number) options->floats[0]) * mult_x + add_after; world->yi_ul = ((number) options->floats[1]) * mult_y + add_after; world->xi_ur = ((number) options->floats[2]) * mult_x + add_after; world->yi_ur = ((number) options->floats[3]) * mult_y + add_after; world->xi_ll = ((number) options->floats[4]) * mult_x + add_after; world->yi_ll = ((number) options->floats[5]) * mult_y + add_after; world->xi_lr = ((number) options->floats[6]) * mult_x + add_after; world->yi_lr = ((number) options->floats[7]) * mult_y + add_after; for (current_include = options->include_points; current_include != NULL; current_include = current_include->next) { current_include->xi = current_include->xi * mult_x + add_after; current_include->yi = current_include->yi * mult_y + add_after; }; } static bool solve_3_linear_equations (number* x1, number* x2, number* x3, number const a11, number const a12, number const a13, number const b1, number const a21, number const a22, number const a23, number const b2, number const a31, number const a32, number const a33, number const b3) /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The three equations are a11*x1 + a12*x2 + a13*x3 = b1 a21*x1 + a22*x2 + a23*x3 = b2 a31*x1 + a32*x2 + a33*x3 = b3 The return value is wether the system is solvable ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { number c11,c12,d1,c21,c22,d2,e,f; int pivot; /* We do Gaussian elimination. Whenever we find the system to be unsolvable, we just return FALSE. In this specific case it makes the code clearer. */ if (fabs(a11)fabs(c21)) { if (fabs(c11)xi_lr - world->xi_ul; /* d1 is the image diagonal ul -> lr */ dy1 = world->yi_lr - world->yi_ul; dx2 = world->xi_ur - world->xi_ll; /* d2 is the image diagonal ll -> ur */ dy2 = world->yi_ur - world->yi_ll; dx3 = world->xi_ur - world->xi_ul; /* d3 is the image side ul -> ur */ dy3 = world->yi_ur - world->yi_ul; dx4 = world->xi_ul - world->xi_ll; /* d4 is the image side ll -> ul */ dy4 = world->yi_ul - world->yi_ll; dx5 = world->xi_ur - world->xi_lr; /* d5 is the image side lr -> ur */ dy5 = world->yi_ur - world->yi_lr; det = dx2*dy1 - dx1*dy2; /* A determinant of 0 is really bad: It means that that diagonals in the image are parallel (or of zero length) */ if ((-epsxi_ul * zw_ul; yw_ul = world->yi_ul * zw_ul; xw_ur = world->xi_ur * zw_ur; yw_ur = world->yi_ur * zw_ur; xw_ll = world->xi_ll * zw_ll; yw_ll = world->yi_ll * zw_ll; xw_lr = world->xi_lr * zw_lr; yw_lr = world->yi_lr * zw_lr; /* Now we introduce the margin. There are several ways the margin can be defined. margin_spec keeps track of wether one of them has yet been used. As long as margin_spec==FALSE, the variables top_margin to bottom_margin are not initialized! */ if (options->bools[0]) { /* --frame_include */ top_margin = 0.0; left_margin = 0.0; right_margin = 0.0; bottom_margin = 0.0; margin_spec = TRUE; } else margin_spec = FALSE; for (current_include = options->include_points; current_include != NULL; current_include = current_include->next) { solvable = solve_3_linear_equations(&include_xo, &include_yo, &include_zw, xw_ul-xw_ur, xw_ul-xw_ll, current_include->xi, xw_ul, yw_ul-yw_ur, yw_ul-yw_ll, current_include->yi, yw_ul, zw_ul-zw_ur, zw_ul-zw_ll, 1.0, zw_ul); if (!solvable) pm_error ("The --include point %s lies on the horizon.", current_include->specification); if (include_zw<0.0) pm_error ("The --include point %s lies beyond the horizon.", current_include->specification); if (margin_spec) { top_margin = MAX(top_margin, -include_yo); left_margin = MAX(left_margin, -include_xo); right_margin = MAX(right_margin, include_xo-1.0); bottom_margin = MAX(bottom_margin, include_yo-1.0); } else { top_margin = -include_yo; left_margin = -include_xo; right_margin = include_xo-1.0; bottom_margin = include_yo-1.0; margin_spec = TRUE; }; } if (margin_spec) { /* the margin is there. --top_margin and such can still enlarge it */ if (options->top_margin_spec) top_margin = MAX(top_margin, options->floats[11]); if (options->left_margin_spec) left_margin = MAX(left_margin, options->floats[13]); if (options->right_margin_spec) right_margin = MAX(right_margin, options->floats[14]); if (options->bottom_margin_spec) bottom_margin = MAX(bottom_margin, options->floats[12]); } else /* the margin is not yet there. --top_margin and such can remedy this only if all of them are given */ if ((options->top_margin_spec) && (options->left_margin_spec) && (options->right_margin_spec) && (options->bottom_margin_spec)) { top_margin = options->floats[11]; left_margin = options->floats[13]; right_margin = options->floats[14]; bottom_margin = options->floats[12]; } else /* the margin finally is not there */ pm_error ("No frame specified. " "Use --frame_include=yes or --include or --margin."); world->xw_ul = xw_ul - top_margin * (xw_ll-xw_ul) - left_margin * (xw_ur-xw_ul); world->yw_ul = yw_ul - top_margin * (yw_ll-yw_ul) - left_margin * (yw_ur-yw_ul); world->zw_ul = zw_ul - top_margin * (zw_ll-zw_ul) - left_margin * (zw_ur-zw_ul); world->xw_ur = xw_ur - top_margin * (xw_lr-xw_ur) - right_margin * (xw_ul-xw_ur); world->yw_ur = yw_ur - top_margin * (yw_lr-yw_ur) - right_margin * (yw_ul-yw_ur); world->zw_ur = zw_ur - top_margin * (zw_lr-zw_ur) - right_margin * (zw_ul-zw_ur); world->xw_ll = xw_ll - bottom_margin * (xw_ul-xw_ll) - left_margin * (xw_lr-xw_ll); world->yw_ll = yw_ll - bottom_margin * (yw_ul-yw_ll) - left_margin * (yw_lr-yw_ll); world->zw_ll = zw_ll - bottom_margin * (zw_ul-zw_ll) - left_margin * (zw_lr-zw_ll); world->xw_lr = xw_lr - bottom_margin * (xw_ur-xw_lr) - right_margin * (xw_ll-xw_lr); world->yw_lr = yw_lr - bottom_margin * (yw_ur-yw_lr) - right_margin * (yw_ll-yw_lr); world->zw_lr = zw_lr - bottom_margin * (zw_ur-zw_lr) - right_margin * (zw_ll-zw_lr); /* Again we have to forbid nonpositive z */ if ((world->zw_ulzw_urzw_llzw_lrxw_ul, world->yw_ul, world->zw_ul, world->xw_ur, world->yw_ur, world->zw_ur), norm_side(world->xw_ll, world->yw_ll, world->zw_ll, world->xw_lr, world->yw_lr, world->zw_lr)); dv = MAX (norm_side(world->xw_ul, world->yw_ul, world->zw_ul, world->xw_ll, world->yw_ll, world->zw_ll), norm_side(world->xw_ur, world->yw_ur, world->zw_ur, world->xw_lr, world->yw_lr, world->zw_lr)); xsteps = ceil(du*options->floats[8]); /* option->floats[8] is --detail */ ysteps = ceil(dv*options->floats[8]); /* Turn the numbers of steps into width and height */ switch (options->enums[1]) { /* --output_system */ case lattice: width = xsteps; height = ysteps; break; case pixel_s: width = xsteps+1; height = ysteps+1; break; }; /* Correct the proportion of width and height by increasing one of them */ switch (options->enums[4]) { /* --proportion */ case free_: /* no correction at all */ break; case fixed: /* correction now */ /* options->floats[9] is --ratio */ width = MAX (floor(0.5 + ((number)height) * options->floats[9]), width); height = MAX (floor(0.5 + ((number)width) / options->floats[9]), height); break; }; /* Override anything we have by the specified width and height */ if (!(options->width_spec)) options->width=width; if (!(options->height_spec)) options->height=height; } static void determine_coefficients_lattice (world_data *const world, const option *const options) /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Constructs ax,...,cz from xw_ul,...,zw_lr The calculations assume lattice coordinates, that is the point ul corresponds to the upper left corner of the pixel (0,0) and the point lr corresponds to the lower left corner of the pixel (width-1,height-1) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { number width,height; width = (number) options->width; height = (number) options->height; world->bx = (world->xw_ur - world->xw_ul)/width; world->cx = (world->xw_ll - world->xw_ul)/height; world->by = (world->yw_ur - world->yw_ul)/width; world->cy = (world->yw_ll - world->yw_ul)/height; world->bz = (world->zw_ur - world->zw_ul)/width; world->cz = (world->zw_ll - world->zw_ul)/height; world->ax = world->xw_ul + world->bx/2.0 + world->cx/2.0; world->ay = world->yw_ul + world->by/2.0 + world->cy/2.0; world->az = world->zw_ul + world->bz/2.0 + world->cz/2.0; } static void determine_coefficients_pixel (world_data *const world, const option *const options) /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Constructs ax,...,cz from xw_ul,...,zw_lr The calculations assume pixel coordinates, that is the point ul corresponds to the centre of the pixel (0,0) and the point lr corresponds to the centre of the pixel (width-1,height-1) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { number width,height; if (options->width == 1) pm_error ("You specified 'pixel' as output coordinate model " "and a width of 1. These things don't mix."); if (options->height == 1) pm_error ("You specified 'pixel' as output coordinate model " "and a height of 1. These things don't mix."); width = (number) (options->width-1); height = (number) (options->height-1); world->bx = (world->xw_ur - world->xw_ul)/width; world->cx = (world->xw_ll - world->xw_ul)/height; world->by = (world->yw_ur - world->yw_ul)/width; world->cy = (world->yw_ll - world->yw_ul)/height; world->bz = (world->zw_ur - world->zw_ul)/width; world->cz = (world->zw_ll - world->zw_ul)/height; world->ax = world->xw_ul; world->ay = world->yw_ul; world->az = world->zw_ul; } static void outpixel_to_inpixel (int const xo, int const yo, number* const xi, number* const yi, const world_data *const world) { number xof,yof,xw,yw,zw; xof = (number) xo; yof = (number) yo; xw = world->ax + world->bx*xof + world->cx*yof; yw = world->ay + world->by*xof + world->cy*yof; zw = world->az + world->bz*xof + world->cz*yof; *xi = xw/zw; *yi = yw/zw; } static int outpixel_to_iny (int xo, int yo, const world_data *const world) { number xi,yi; outpixel_to_inpixel (xo,yo,&xi,&yi,world); return (int) yi; } static int clean_y (int const y, const struct pam *const outpam) { return MIN(MAX(0, y), outpam->height-1); } static void init_buffer (buffer *const b, const world_data *const world, const option *const options, const struct pam *const inpam, const struct pam *const outpam) { int yul, yur, yll, ylr, y_min; int i, num_rows; yul = outpixel_to_iny (0,0,world); yur = outpixel_to_iny (outpam->width-1,0,world); yll = outpixel_to_iny (0,outpam->height-1,world); ylr = outpixel_to_iny (outpam->width-1,outpam->height-1,world); y_min = MIN (MIN (yul,yur), MIN (yll,ylr)); num_rows = MAX (MAX (diff (yul, yur), diff (yll, ylr)), MAX (diff (clean_y(yul,outpam), clean_y(y_min,outpam)), diff (clean_y(yur,outpam), clean_y(y_min,outpam)))) + 2; switch (options->enums[3]) { /* --interpolation */ case nearest: break; case linear: num_rows += 1; break; }; if (num_rows > inpam->height) num_rows = inpam->height; b->num_rows = num_rows; MALLOCARRAY_SAFE (b->rows, num_rows); for (i=0; irows[i] = pnm_allocpamrow (inpam); pnm_readpamrow (inpam, b->rows[i]); }; b->last_physical = num_rows-1; b->last_logical = num_rows-1; b->inpam = inpam; } static tuple* read_buffer (buffer *const b, int const logical_y) { int y; while (logical_y > b->last_logical) { b->last_physical++; if (b->last_physical == b->num_rows) b->last_physical = 0; pnm_readpamrow (b->inpam, b->rows[b->last_physical]); b->last_logical++; } y = logical_y - b->last_logical + b->last_physical; if (y<0) y += b->num_rows; return b->rows[y]; } static void free_buffer (buffer *const b) { int i; for (i=0; inum_rows; i++) pnm_freepamrow (b->rows[i]); free (b->rows); } /* The following variables are global for speed reasons. In this way they do not have to be passed to each call of the interpolation functions Think of this as Schönfinkeling (aka Currying). */ static tuple background; static buffer* indata; static int width,height,depth; static void init_interpolation_global_vars (buffer* const inbuffer, const struct pam *const inpam, const struct pam *const outpam) { pnm_createBlackTuple (outpam, &background); indata = inbuffer; width = inpam->width; height = inpam->height; depth = outpam->depth; } static void clean_interpolation_global_vars (void) { free (background); } /* These functions perform the interpolation */ static tuple attempt_read (int const x, int const y) { if ((x<0) || (x>=width) || (y<0) || (y>=height)) return background; else return read_buffer(indata, y)[x]; } static void take_nearest (tuple const dest, number const x, number const y) { int xx,yy,entry; tuple p; xx = (int)floor(x+0.5); yy = (int)floor(y+0.5); p = attempt_read (xx, yy); for (entry=0; entry