/****************************************************************************** pamfunc ******************************************************************************* Apply one of various functions to each sample in a PAM image By Bryan Henderson, San Jose CA 2002.06.16. Contributed to the public domain ENHANCEMENT IDEAS: 1) speed up by doing integer arithmetic instead of floating point for multiply/divide where possible. Especially when multiplying by an integer. 2) speed up by not transforming the raster in the idempotent cases (e.g. multiply by one). ******************************************************************************/ #include "pm_c_util.h" #include "mallocvar.h" #include "shhopt.h" #include "pam.h" enum Function { FN_MULTIPLY, FN_DIVIDE, FN_ADD, FN_SUBTRACT, FN_MIN, FN_MAX, FN_AND, FN_OR, FN_XOR, FN_NOT, FN_SHIFTLEFT, FN_SHIFTRIGHT }; /* Note that when the user specifies a minimum, that means he's requesting a "max" function. */ struct CmdlineInfo { /* All the information the user supplied in the command line, in a form easy for the program to use. */ const char * inputFileName; enum Function function; union { float multiplier; float divisor; int adder; int subtractor; unsigned int max; unsigned int min; unsigned int mask; unsigned int shiftCount; } u; unsigned int changemaxval; unsigned int verbose; }; static unsigned int parseHex(const char * const hexString) { unsigned int retval; char * tail; retval = strtol(hexString, &tail, 16); if (*tail != '\0') pm_error("Invalid hex string '%s'. Junk: '%s'", hexString, tail); return retval; } static void parseCommandLine(int argc, const char ** const argv, struct CmdlineInfo * const cmdlineP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note that the file spec array we return is stored in the storage that was passed to us as the argv array. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ optEntry * option_def; /* Instructions to OptParseOptions3 on how to parse our options. */ optStruct3 opt; unsigned int option_def_index; unsigned int multiplierSpec, divisorSpec, adderSpec, subtractorSpec; unsigned int maxSpec, minSpec; unsigned int andmaskSpec, ormaskSpec, xormaskSpec, notSpec; unsigned int shiftleftSpec, shiftrightSpec; const char * mask; MALLOCARRAY(option_def, 100); option_def_index = 0; /* incremented by OPTENT3 */ OPTENT3(0, "multiplier", OPT_FLOAT, &cmdlineP->u.multiplier, &multiplierSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "divisor", OPT_FLOAT, &cmdlineP->u.divisor, &divisorSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "adder", OPT_INT, &cmdlineP->u.adder, &adderSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "subtractor", OPT_INT, &cmdlineP->u.subtractor, &subtractorSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "min", OPT_UINT, &cmdlineP->u.min, &minSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "max", OPT_UINT, &cmdlineP->u.max, &maxSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "andmask", OPT_STRING, &mask, &andmaskSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "ormask", OPT_STRING, &mask, &ormaskSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "xormask", OPT_STRING, &mask, &xormaskSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "not", OPT_FLAG, NULL, ¬Spec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "shiftleft", OPT_UINT, &cmdlineP->u.shiftCount, &shiftleftSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "shiftright", OPT_UINT, &cmdlineP->u.shiftCount, &shiftrightSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "verbose", OPT_FLAG, NULL, &cmdlineP->verbose, 0); OPTENT3(0, "changemaxval", OPT_FLAG, NULL, &cmdlineP->changemaxval, 0); opt.opt_table = option_def; opt.short_allowed = FALSE; /* We have no short (old-fashioned) options */ opt.allowNegNum = FALSE; /* We have no parms that are negative numbers */ pm_optParseOptions3(&argc, (char **)argv, opt, sizeof(opt), 0); /* Uses and sets argc, argv, and some of *cmdlineP and others. */ if (multiplierSpec + divisorSpec + adderSpec + subtractorSpec + minSpec + maxSpec + andmaskSpec + ormaskSpec + xormaskSpec + notSpec + shiftleftSpec + shiftrightSpec > 1) pm_error("You may specify at most one of -multiplier, -divisor," "-adder, -subtractor, -min, -max, " "-andmask, -ormask, -xormask, -not, " "-shiftleft, and -shiftright"); if (multiplierSpec) { cmdlineP->function = FN_MULTIPLY; if (cmdlineP->u.multiplier < 0) pm_error("Multiplier must be nonnegative. You specified %f", cmdlineP->u.multiplier); } else if (divisorSpec) { cmdlineP->function = FN_DIVIDE; if (cmdlineP->u.divisor < 0) pm_error("Divisor must be nonnegative. You specified %f", cmdlineP->u.divisor); } else if (adderSpec) { cmdlineP->function = FN_ADD; } else if (subtractorSpec) { cmdlineP->function = FN_SUBTRACT; } else if (minSpec) { cmdlineP->function = FN_MAX; } else if (maxSpec) { cmdlineP->function = FN_MIN; } else if (andmaskSpec) { cmdlineP->function = FN_AND; cmdlineP->u.mask = parseHex(mask); } else if (ormaskSpec) { cmdlineP->function = FN_OR; cmdlineP->u.mask = parseHex(mask); } else if (xormaskSpec) { cmdlineP->function = FN_XOR; cmdlineP->u.mask = parseHex(mask); } else if (notSpec) { cmdlineP->function = FN_NOT; } else if (shiftleftSpec) { cmdlineP->function = FN_SHIFTLEFT; } else if (shiftrightSpec) { cmdlineP->function = FN_SHIFTRIGHT; } else pm_error("You must specify one of -multiplier, -divisor, " "-adder, -subtractor, -min, -max, " "-and, -or, -xor, -not, -shiftleft, or -shiftright"); if (argc-1 > 1) pm_error("Too many arguments (%d). File spec is the only argument.", argc-1); if (argc-1 < 1) cmdlineP->inputFileName = "-"; else cmdlineP->inputFileName = argv[1]; free(option_def); } static bool isDyadicMaskFunction(enum Function const fn) { return (fn == FN_AND || fn == FN_OR || fn == FN_XOR); } static bool isMaskFunction(enum Function const fn) { return (isDyadicMaskFunction(fn) || fn == FN_NOT); } static bool isShiftFunction(enum Function const fn) { return (fn == FN_SHIFTLEFT || fn == FN_SHIFTRIGHT); } static bool isBitstringFunction(enum Function const fn) { return isMaskFunction(fn) || isShiftFunction(fn); } static void validateFunction(struct CmdlineInfo const cmdline, const struct pam * const pamP) { if (isBitstringFunction(cmdline.function)) { if (pm_bitstomaxval(pm_maxvaltobits(pamP->maxval)) != pamP->maxval) pm_error("For a bit string function, the maxval must be a full " "binary count, i.e. a power of two minus one such as " "0xff or 0x1. You have 0x%x", (unsigned)pamP->maxval); if (isDyadicMaskFunction(cmdline.function)) { if ((cmdline.u.mask & pamP->maxval) != cmdline.u.mask) pm_error("Your bit string mask 0x%x is wider than the samples " "of the image (%u bits, according to the maxval %lu", cmdline.u.mask, pm_maxvaltobits(pamP->maxval), pamP->maxval); } if (isShiftFunction(cmdline.function)) { if (cmdline.u.shiftCount > pm_maxvaltobits(pamP->maxval)) pm_error("Your shift count (%u) is greater than the width " "of the samples of the image (%u bits, according " "to the maxval %lu)", cmdline.u.shiftCount, pm_maxvaltobits(pamP->maxval), pamP->maxval); } } } static void planTransform(struct CmdlineInfo const cmdline, sample const inputMaxval, sample * const outputMaxvalP, bool * const mustChangeRasterP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plan the transform described by 'cmdline', given the maxval of the input image is 'inputMaxval. The plan just consists of whether to change the maxval or the raster. Some multiplications and divisions can be achieved just by changing the maxval and leaving the samples in the raster alone. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (cmdline.changemaxval) { /* User allows us to change the maxval, if that makes it easier */ if (cmdline.function == FN_MULTIPLY || cmdline.function == FN_DIVIDE) { float const multiplier = cmdline.function == FN_MULTIPLY ? cmdline.u.multiplier : (1/cmdline.u.divisor); float const neededMaxval = inputMaxval / multiplier; if (neededMaxval + 0.5 < inputMaxval) { /* Lowering the maxval might make some of the sample values higher than the maxval, so we'd have to modify the raster to clip them. */ *outputMaxvalP = inputMaxval; *mustChangeRasterP = true; } else if (neededMaxval > PAM_OVERALL_MAXVAL) { *outputMaxvalP = inputMaxval; *mustChangeRasterP = true; } else { *outputMaxvalP = ROUNDU(neededMaxval); *mustChangeRasterP = false; } } else { *outputMaxvalP = inputMaxval; *mustChangeRasterP = true; } } else { *outputMaxvalP = inputMaxval; *mustChangeRasterP = true; } if (*outputMaxvalP != inputMaxval) pm_message("Changing maxval to %u because of -changemaxval", (unsigned)*outputMaxvalP); } static void applyFunction(struct CmdlineInfo const cmdline, struct pam const inpam, struct pam const outpam, tuple * const inputRow, tuple * const outputRow) { float const oneOverDivisor = 1/cmdline.u.divisor; /* In my experiments, the compiler couldn't figure out that 1/cmdline.u.divisor is a constant and instead recomputed it for each and every pixel. division is slower than multiplication, so we want to multiply by 1/cmdline.u.divisor instead of divide by cmdline.u.divisor, so we compute that here. Note that if the function isn't divide, both cmdline.u.divisor and oneOverDivisor are meaningless. */ unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < inpam.width; ++col) { unsigned int plane; for (plane = 0; plane < inpam.depth; ++plane) { sample const inSample = inputRow[col][plane]; sample outSample; /* Could be > maxval */ switch (cmdline.function) { case FN_MULTIPLY: outSample = ROUNDU(inSample * cmdline.u.multiplier); break; case FN_DIVIDE: outSample = ROUNDU(inSample * oneOverDivisor); break; case FN_ADD: outSample = MAX(0, (long)inSample + cmdline.u.adder); break; case FN_SUBTRACT: outSample = MAX(0, (long)inSample - cmdline.u.subtractor); break; case FN_MAX: outSample = MAX(inSample, cmdline.u.min); break; case FN_MIN: outSample = MIN(inSample, cmdline.u.max); break; case FN_AND: outSample = inSample & cmdline.u.mask; break; case FN_OR: outSample = inSample | cmdline.u.mask; break; case FN_XOR: outSample = inSample ^ cmdline.u.mask; break; case FN_NOT: outSample = ~inSample; break; case FN_SHIFTLEFT: outSample = (inSample << cmdline.u.shiftCount) & outpam.maxval; break; case FN_SHIFTRIGHT: outSample = inSample >> cmdline.u.shiftCount; break; } outputRow[col][plane] = MIN(outpam.maxval, outSample); } } } int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { FILE * ifP; tuple * inputRow; /* Row from input image */ tuple * outputRow; /* Row of output image */ unsigned int row; struct CmdlineInfo cmdline; struct pam inpam; /* Input PAM image */ struct pam outpam; /* Output PAM image */ bool mustChangeRaster; pm_proginit(&argc, argv); parseCommandLine(argc, argv, &cmdline); ifP = pm_openr(cmdline.inputFileName); pnm_readpaminit(ifP, &inpam, PAM_STRUCT_SIZE(tuple_type)); validateFunction(cmdline, &inpam); inputRow = pnm_allocpamrow(&inpam); outpam = inpam; /* Initial value -- most fields should be same */ outpam.file = stdout; planTransform(cmdline, inpam.maxval, &outpam.maxval, &mustChangeRaster); pnm_writepaminit(&outpam); outputRow = pnm_allocpamrow(&outpam); for (row = 0; row < inpam.height; ++row) { pnm_readpamrow(&inpam, inputRow); if (mustChangeRaster) { applyFunction(cmdline, inpam, outpam, inputRow, outputRow); pnm_writepamrow(&outpam, outputRow); } else pnm_writepamrow(&outpam, inputRow); } pnm_freepamrow(outputRow); pnm_freepamrow(inputRow); pm_close(inpam.file); pm_close(outpam.file); return 0; }